All The Pretty Girls Ch. 05


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Mitch believed he had covered his tracks perfectly. His last posting in the Army had been in the Personnel Division at Fort Bragg. He had altered his Official Military Personnel File and his medical records, removing and replacing his fingerprints with another officer's. They would never find him! He could do it all again somewhere else! But first maybe take one more here in Balwyn.

He smiled to himself. Yes... just one more. Then he'd stop hunting in Balwyn. He'd still get to watch the girls at Ride em' Cowgirl and when they escalated his lustful fantasies to the point that he would have to do something about it but he would do it elsewhere, in one of the bigger cities.

The abandoned warehouse north of Balwyn was perfect. It was located on the edge of a forest and had been used to store rough-cut raw timber prior to distribution to smaller retail lumber yards. It was almost isolated, located one mile down a gravel road off the highway. In the office at the back of the warehouse Mitch had found a metal-framed bed. The windows in the office were boarded up and he had locked it with a length of chain and a padlock identical to the ones he'd used at the Texaco gas station, purchased on the same day at the same Home Depot.

Mitch had stolen a nondescript Honda Civic and parked it in the warehouse and brought in a new mattress and bedding and the other accoutrements he'd need to make himself comfortable whilst he entertained himself. He'd even placed a pair of the L'eggs Everyday Regular pantyhose under the pillow so they would be handy. There were now four pairs remaining in the package. He would use them all eventually but not in Balwyn.

Now all he needed now was for someone to join him at the warehouse. One last hurrah.

His cock was hard thinking about it and he took a stocking from the package he kept in drawer and searched his favourites on Google Chrome until he found something suitable to fuel his fantasies while he relieved himself.


Steve Edwards and Penelope Bishop continued to beaver away. They interviewed the girls working Bridge Street and they followed up on leads that came in on the tip-line. Alice Leasingham worked the forensics. She had insurmountable proof that the same man had killed April Summers, Leroy 'Loretta' Dubbin and Pauline Sanders. The DNA and the fingerprints found at all three crime scenes were a perfect match. The same brand of L'eggs Everyday Regular pantyhose had been used to murder all three victims and the MO and signatures were almost identical. The single irregularity being that Pauline Sanders was a cis woman but she was still a sex worker.

The probability that hers was case of mistaken identity was a close-kept secret.

Jaylene Forster had settled into a routine. She was happy living at Penelope's house and didn't really miss her freedom. She was too busy submitting her course notes and working on her fashion designs. Panti Down was a regular visitor who worked alongside Jaylene putting together the costume designs for the next big production at Ride em' Cowgirl. Jaylene submitted the same designs for her final exam for her Bachelor's degree.

Jaylene needed to construct three different costumes changes to be worn by the four queens during the new big budget production. She had finished the prototypes and constructed and tailored them using Panti Down as her model. Penelope agreed to accompany Jaylene to Ride em' Cowgirl so she could put a final fitting on Panti who would get into full drag and model the costumes on the main stage. The other three queens performing in the production would be present to see the costumes under stage lighting.

Final approval would come from Felicity Benson who was nearing the end of her tour. Felicity had approved the initial designs and had been liaising with Panti via email and Skype.

Mitch Freeman had been too busy catfishing a young trans prostitute who had been advertised her wares online and keeping up with his day job to pay too much attention to what was happening on the theatrical side of the house. He'd approved the purchases and made the appropriate payments for the forthcoming production because that was all part of his job but the everyday minutiae of the production lay in the hands of William Russell and her alter ego Panti Down.

He was totally unaware that Jaylene Foster was coming to the club with Penelope Bishop for a costume fitting and catwalk with Panti and the other queens. He was working in his office with the door locked arranging to meet the unsuspecting trans prostitute blissfully ignorant that the only person who could identify him as the Honey-Trap Killer was only yards away from where he was sitting.

Penelope had work to do and as much as she would have loved to stick around to see the final fitting and stage modelling she had to leave Jaylene at the club knowing she would be safe in the company of Panti Down and the other queens. She was walking back to her car while inside the club Jaylene had asked for and been given directions to the ladies room.

At the same time Mitch had made his final arrangements with his online paramour and she had agreed to meet him outside a Starbucks in Balwyn. Mitch would have his go-bag ready in the Honda Civic so that he could take the unsuspecting young woman to the abandoned warehouse where he would do to her the things he needed to do to satisfy his needs.

He was excited at the prospect and used the wanking stocking he kept in his desk drawer to relieve himself. After which he needed to take a leak and wash his hands.

Jaylene was coming out of the ladies room just as Mitch was about to enter adjacent men's convenience.

They both looked at each other in shock and awe.

Mitch might have had a dad-body but he was still proficient in self-defence and he was lightning fast. He punched Jaylene Foster in the face so hard that she saw stars and was unable to cry out. He hit her again and she fell to the floor unconscious.

Mitch dragged Jaylene into the men's toilet and put her in one of the stalls. Beside the lighting tech he was the only one presenting as male in the club so it was unlikely she'd be found any time soon.

He briefly considered dragging Jaylene back to his office and making her pay for ruining his life but that would be suicide; he just didn't have enough time. He'd always knew the day would come when he would either get caught or have to run for it; he just didn't expect it would come so soon. It was time to activate his escape plan. He'd drive to the warehouse and swap his car for the Honda Civic and then drive to Austin to the storage locker and begin a new life far away from Balwyn Texas.

Mitch ran back to his office and grabbed the.44 Ruger Blackhawk he kept in a lockbox in his office safe. He took the rear entrance out of the club into the car park and was surprised to see Penelope Bishop leaning against her car talking on the phone. She was parked in the space next to his.

How convenient. One of the bitches who was responsible for fucking up his life and she just happened to be a transgender woman. She was a little older than he liked them but she would do.

Penelope had met Mitch Freeman before and she knew that he worked at the club. She put away her phone and smiled at him as he approached.

"Detective Bishop," Mitch returned the smile and continued to walk towards her purposefully.

"What can I do for you Mitch?" Penelope asked.

Penelope and Mitch were between the two cars so when Mitch drew the Ruger and pointed it at Penelope's belly no one could see. Not that there was anyone in the deserted car park to see anything.

Penelope made to reach for the pancake holster on her waist but Mitch cocked his weapon and pressed it into her belly.

"Don't do that Penny," Mitch said levelly.

Penelope put her hands up.

"Don't do that either Penny; I'm not stupid. What's a passer-by going to think when he sees a woman with her hands up like that? Put your hands behind your back," Mitch took a step back to keep a safe distance between them.

"Turn around and lean against your car," Mitch said when she complied.

"I take it you have handcuffs on that little Batman belt?" Steve said sarcastically.

Penelope nodded.

"Then you know what to do," he said.

Penelope fumbled her hand inside her jacket until she found the handcuffs attached to the belt looped through her skirt. Penelope took the handcuffs from their case and with a little difficulty Penelope was able to cuff her wrists behind her back. Mitch leaned against her and locked them tight. She could feel his erect penis pressing against her ass.

"Now we're going to take a little drive and I'm going to have a little fun with you. You behave yourself and play nice and you might just get out of this alive," Mitch stepped back from her and opened the front passenger door of his car.

Penelope knew two things right then. Mitch freeman was the Honey-Trap Killer and he was lying. He was never going to let her live.


Steve Edwards' phone began to chirp incessantly and would not be silenced. He pulled over immediately to look at the screen. It was as he suspected; the dispatcher had issued an 'officer needs assistance' alert. The location given was the address of Ride em' Cowgirl.

Steve hit the lights and siren and called Gary Rasmussen on the hands free.

"Chief? What the fuck? Is it Penelope?" Steve barked when the Chief answered.

"She butt-dialled me. I don't know if she did it on purpose or by accident but she's been abducted. I only heard a few muffled words before the connection was lost. Her last 10-20 was your club; she'd just dropped off Jaylene Foster," Gary explained.

Steve didn't waste time correcting the Chief that it wasn't his club.

"Alice Leasingham is attempting to trace and track Penelope's phone," Gary sounded worried.

"So what exactly did you hear?" Steve asked cutting off traffic as he made a left into the Ride em' Cowgirl's parking lot.

"It was muffled but it sounded like 'play nice and I'll let you live' or something like that," Gary replied, his voice full of concern.

"I can see her car. She's not in it. Wait!" Steve said excitedly as the back door to club suddenly burst open and Panti Down waved frantically at him.

"I gotta go Chief. If Alice gets a trace get her to let me know immediately," Steve said excitedly.

"There are more units inbound to your location. Call me on my cell if you get anything useful. I'll be in the incident room," Gary broke the connection.

A frantic Panti Down beat her hands on the hood of Steve's car as he skidded to a stop.

"It's Jaylene! Somebody assaulted her and she says it's the killer but she's not making sense. It can't be Mitch Freeman can it? Well, because, well we'd know wouldn't we and he's not here but it couldn't be him..." Panti was almost incoherent.

Steve got out of his car and raced inside followed by Panti Down who was having difficulty hobbling on her ridiculous high heels. Steve didn't bother to stop and tell her to just take them off; she was obviously in shock.

Steve found Jaylene Foster lying on the couch in Felicity's office. Jill Graham had her head in her lap and putting a cold compress on the contusions on Jaylene's face.

"About time you showed up!" Jill huffed as Steve burst into the room.

Jaylene looked up at him, her eyes filled with fear and panic. She scrambled to sit up and Jill eventually let her.

"Tell me everything and tell me quick," Steve was necessarily abrupt.

"I came out of the ladies and there right in front of me was the Honey-Trap Killer. I'm certain it was him. He hit me and I blacked out. That's it," Jaylene said, her breathing ragged.

"It was fucking Mitch Freeman! Can you fucking believe that? I always knew that guy was a creep!" Jill wailed.

Steve was hit by a jumble of emotions. The killer had been right under their noses! He and Mitch had worked together handing management of the club to each other. Mitch had been Felicity's right hand man. She had trusted him! They had all trusted him!

"Did he say anything? Did anybody else see Mitch?" Steve asked both Jaylene and Jill.

Both women shook their heads.

"Jaylene... we think he's got Penelope. We think he abducted her," Steve said gravely.

"Noooo!" Jaylene sobbed and Jill held her tight.

"I'll get her back! I'm going to get her back! You can count on it," Steve left the room pulling out his phone.

He called Gary as he made his way to Mitch Freeman's office.

When Gary answered he put Steve on speaker and Steve updated him, telling him that their witness had identified Mitch Freeman as the serial killer and that he was very likely the man who had abducted Penelope. He gave a description of Mitch and passed on the details of Mitch's car as best he could remember. He promised to send a picture of Mitch Freeman asap.

"I'll get the tags from DMV and put out a BOLO. I'll send a crime scene unit out to the club and to his residence. You got anything else Steve?" Gary barked into the phone.

Steve could hear dispatchers in the background responding to Gary's instructions.

"I don't think this was planned; in fact I'm certain it wasn't. I think Mitch panicked when he saw Jaylene. He knocked her out and made a run for it. I think running into Penelope was happenstance; if he wanted another victim why not take Jaylene?" Steve said as he entered Mitch's office.

Gary just grunted into the phone.

"Mitch is smart and he's been hiding right under our noses. He must have an escape plan. One thing's for certain; he has a hostage and he's not going to keep her much longer or she will become liability," Steve began searching through Mitch's desk looking for anything that might help.

"This isn't Penny's first rodeo Steve. That woman has been abducted twice before and came out of it alive and well," Gary said by way of consolation.

"Yeah well the last time she came out of it alive. I wouldn't say she came out well. No one except her and her psychiatrist knows what the Sleeping Beauty Killer did to her when he had her paralysed in his basement," Steve had no need to extrapolate.

They both knew what Mitch Freeman was capable of.

"Any word on that trace?" Steve asked, turning out the drawers on Mitch Freeman's desk.

"Nothing. Her phone has stopped pinging," Gary said with some finality.

Steve heard approaching sirens and hung up the phone.

A uniformed Sergeant entered the room and Steve briefed him and told him to set up a crime scene and to get a female officer to tend to Jaylene Foster and stay with her until further notice.

He could hear the commotion in the club as other officers arrived and began rounding up everyone so they could be interviewed. They were being loud and unnecessarily aggressive but one of their own had been taken and they were acting out.

Steve went out into the club with the Sergeant and settled things down. He herded all the police officers together.

"Ok I get it. One of our own officers had been abducted and we all want to do everything in our power to get her back but you treat these people with respect. No one here is guilty of a crime. They are all good people. Do your duty and do it well but remember you are here to serve and protect," Steve growled at the assembled men and women in blue.

"Sergeant; take charge please," Steve handed over to the Sergeant and went back to Mitch's office.

The assembled drag queens and other club employees were once again impressed with Steve Edwards. He might be a cop but he was their cop.

Steve tried logging into Mitch's computer but it was password protected. He wished that Alice was here to help; she was the tech guru. He started going back through the paperwork again looking for clues and feeling helpless.


"That was very naughty," Mitch Freeman tossed Penelope's mobile phone out of the window.

Penelope had hit the dial button on her phone when she had reached for her handcuffs.

It was painful sitting in the bucket seat with her hands behind her back. Mitch had fastened the seatbelt around her and she had to lean forward slightly to keep the pressure off her hands. He had patted her down and taken her service weapon and found the phone. Her skirt had ridden up high on her legs and Mitch had softly caressed her thighs before pulling down her skirt to cover them.

"I don't want to be distracted while I'm driving," Mitch had patted her leg like he was patting a dog or a small child.

Penelope felt nauseated.

She had been in this position before and she knew that being antagonistic towards her captor would only make things worse. He was going to do what he was going to do, the best thing she could do was to be cooperative and wait for an opportunity to strike.

"I know what you're thinking: I'll be nice to the man until I can find a weakness or he lets his guard down. But I have no weaknesses and I'm not letting my guard down with you Penny. You're a little older than I like them but you are pretty. I'm going to have so much fun with you before I let you go," Mitch sniggered.

He was never letting her go and Penelope knew it.

They drove in silence until they arrived at the warehouse. Mitch had to get out of the car to open the big metal gates to the lumber yard and again to unlock the chain and open the sliding door on the warehouse. Both times he had waved his Ruger at Penelope and locked the doors to the car. The first time she had tried to get her hands to the door lock on the armrest but she couldn't reach.

She took in the interior of the old warehouse. It smelled of sawdust and wood sap. The ceiling was high and dust motes floated in the air. She saw the older model Honda Civic parked in the corner. She figured rightly that it was Mitch's getaway car and then she saw the office. She could see through the office door and when Mitch frogmarched her towards it she could see the bed. She knew what was coming.


Alice had driven as fast as she could from Police Plaza to Ride em' Cowgirl. She found Steve frantically going through files and stacks of paperwork looking for some clue as to where Mitch might have taken Penelope.

"Steve. Let me," Alice said in a commanding voice.

Steve stood and let Alice sit in the office chair. She opened her briefcase and took out a USB and slammed it into the port on Mitch's computer and tapped some keys on the keyboard.

"I'm in," she stared fixedly at the screen.

"That was quick," Steve was always marvelled by Alice's abilities.

She just glanced at him quickly and then went back the screen and worked the keyboard.

"Most of this is just club financials and administration but he has a hidden folder. Why do idiots really think that hidden folders are actually hidden?" she hissed.

Steve knew that the question was rhetorical and remained silent.

"Here!" Alice pointed excitedly at the screen.

Steve leaned in so he could see.

A series of snapshots appeared on the screen. There were exteriors and interiors of the Park Services hut and the abandoned Texaco service station. There was another series of snapshots of what looked like an old warehouse surrounded by forest.

"What's that?" Steve poked his finger at the screen.

"Let me do my thing," Alice pushed his finger out the way and worked on the geo-tags and metadata attached to the photographs.

She punched the coordinates into Google Maps and then brought up the satellite picture overlay.

"Here!" she pointed at the screen excitedly.

Steve's brain was working hard; he was thinking and predicting various scenarios and outcomes. He knew Mitch Freeman or as much as anyone could know him. He knew Mitch's temperament and personality. He mentally compared what he knew about Mitch with the criminal profile that the FBI had provided to the Task Force.

He knew that Mitch was a numbers man. He worked on calculations. He worked the odds and percentages.