Allie Nears Graduation


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"No, not right now," she replied. "It was just a 'thank you' for earlier. I haven't cum so hard for a while now." Her other hand slid down to cup my other ass cheek. "Besides, I want you rested for tonight." We exchanged a few more kisses, keeping them light. Despite the physical fatigue I was feeling, my body did start to respond once again, and I think hers did to, and we stopped things there before we got carried away and I finished showering.

I was already dressed by the time Robyn finished cleaning herself up. Figuring I should go to at least one class that day, I grabbed my backpack and headed to the door. I gave Robyn a quick kiss on the lips and a smack on the ass as we passed each other, with a murmur of, "For Brian," as explanation, and headed out.


It took some time, but I finally figured out a plan for Brian's birthday. It would fulfill a fantasy he had confided to me and combine two things I already knew he liked: picnics and sex.

A couple of years ago I had found a way to get onto the roof of one of the school buildings and I would occasionally go there when I just wanted to be by myself. While the front was only one story, the ground level dropped significantly as you moved to the back. At one corner of the building, you could get a good view of the track and the tennis courts a few stories down, but if you sat down the only people who could possibly see you were a long ways off in the upper floors of another building as trees blocked the view from all the others that were high enough. Even then there were various bits of equipment for the building's HVAC system that could block that view.

No, I didn't come up here to masturbate. I just liked to have some alone time now and then.

On June 5th I packed up a picnic lunch in my backpack and arranged to meet up with Brian. Luckily, it fell on a weekend, as he would probably have been working otherwise and asking him to take the day off would have tipped him off that I knew about his birthday. The day was sunny and warm, bordering on hot, though some clouds loomed on the horizon. Knowing that I would need to do some climbing, I wore some athletic shorts under a green sundress and what Robyn has termed my "fuck-me-boots," which are actually just a pair of brown, knee-high boots that I find very comfortable.

I was sitting on a bench outside the Student Union when someone sat next to me and said, "Hello, beautiful!" Smiling, I turned to see Brian, dressed in a blue polo shirt and grey shorts grinning at me. Now that I think about it, have I ever really described Brian? I may be a bit biased, but I think it's safe to say he's incredibly handsome. He's a little taller than I am, so right around 6', with what I believe is usually considered a "swimmers build", all lean muscle. With all the sun we'd had lately he had tanned a bit and it had also bleached his blond hair a bit lighter and made his blue eyes seem a bit darker than they usually appeared.

And his package was pretty damn good as well. At least, I've never been disappointed with it.

I leaned over and kissed him, sucking his lower lip playfully between my teeth. He returned the kiss with a little more heat than I would have expected. Then again, I purposefully had not met up with him for the past couple of days. The whole, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder," you know? It also makes things hornier.

The kiss ended, but our fingers laced together, and we just looked at each other for a moment with what were probably really goofy looking smiles. I'm sure there were a couple of passers-by looking at us with a knowing grin, and probably a couple of jealous glares as well.

"So, why didn't we just meet at your place," Brian asked, squeezing my hand and letting his eyes roam down to my boots and back up. "I can think of a number of things we could be doing there right now."

"On a nice, sunny day like this?" I waved my free arm around to indicate the clear skies. "Surely we should be out enjoying it!"

His eyes went to the ground at my feet. "What's in your bag?"

I gave him what I hoped was a mysterious look. "Follow me and find out." I stood up and shouldered my pack, using my other hand to pull him to his feet. We had been together long enough that silences were not uncomfortable, so we just walked hand in hand for a bit until I stopped near the entrance of our destination. "Here we are," I declared.

Brian looked around, confused. Most of the buildings were locked on the weekends, and this was one of them. I waggled my eyebrows at him and released his hand, sliding my arm through the other strap of my backpack to better secure it. Looking around to make sure no one was paying attention, I then jumped as high as I could and grabbed the edge of the overhang above the doors. To this day I don't understand why the overhang had a railing along its edge, but it did and I used it to pull myself up and over until I was standing atop it.

I looked around again, but either no one had seen what I did or they just didn't care if they had. I motioned for Brian to join me. Giving a slight shrug of his shoulders, he leaped and was soon standing beside me. Taking his hand again, I started walking to the back corner of the building. I had scouted it out the previous day and found a relatively large spot that was completely concealed if we were sitting down. Because of the way the building was constructed, it was almost always in the shade, keeping that area of the roof cool. You could faintly hear people walking by the front of the building if they were loud about it, hear anyone shouting over at the track and easily overhear anyone down on the tennis courts, but otherwise it was private and no one should be able to hear us talking.

Whether they could hear sounds...I tried not to think about.

"So, what are we doing up here," Brian asked.

I slung my bag from my shoulders and opened it. First I pulled out a fleece blanket and laid it out over the section of roof I had chosen, then a few bottles of Brian's favorite beer and lastly a bag with chips and sandwiches. "Lunch," I declared. "And, I no longer need these." I pulled off the athletic shorts and sat on the blanket. "There, nice and comfortable."

Brian looked a little dumbfounded for a moment, but then smiled slightly and sat next to me. He then gave me a bit of a penetrating stare that I rarely saw from him. "What's the occasion," he asked, somewhat sternly.

"I...just wanted to do something nice with you today. Something a little different. And where we can enjoy the weather. I mean look around!" I turned my eyes to the side, where there was nothing in sight but trees and sky. Sure, to the other side was a big metal box for the HVAC system, but beyond that past the rest of the roof were more trees and some buildings some ways away. It really was a lovely spot, which is why I liked coming up here on my own.

I looked back at him to find him still staring at me. "Okay," he said after a moment, and I let out a mental sigh of relief. I didn't know what was so secretive about his birthday, but it seems he really didn't want me to know it or celebrate it. "So, what have we got to eat?"

I pulled out the bag of barbecue chips and popped it open. Then I opened the Ziploc baggies with the ham sandwiches and passed one over. He took a bite and made a face as if he was thinking really hard as he chewed. Setting the sandwich down on his leg, he grabbed one of the beers and twisted off the top, taking a swig before picking up the sandwich again. "I deem this: passable," he stated, holding his head high as if making some great proclamation.

"Passable," I spat, taking a bite of my own sandwich and chewing. "These are some of the best sandwiches you'll ever get from me, buster!"

"Well, passable for a birthday lunch, I suppose."

I stopped chewing for a moment. "Um, it's your birthday? Wow, happy birthday, Brian!"

"You are the worst fucking liar, Allie," he laughed, taking another swig of beer. "How'd you find out?"

"I, uh...peeked in your wallet while you were in the shower." I hung my head down ashamedly, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. He didn't seem to be mad, but I wanted to hedge my bets, just in case. "Sorry."

In response, he reached out and put a hand on my leg. "You little sneak," he said. Then he started tickling my thigh, making me let out a squeal and flail about trying to stop him. "Stop fighting your just punishment," he laughed, bringing his other hand to my ribs and tickling me more. It only lasted a few seconds, but I was near tears from it when Brian stopped, both of us breathing a little heavily, our faces really close.

Leaning forward, I touched my lips to his, letting my tongue slide forward into his mouth and my eyes close. I could taste the beer a little, and maybe a hint of mustard from the sandwich, but mostly I just tasted him. Together we lay back on the blankets, facing each other, our hands roaming, our tongues dancing. I moaned when a hand slipped under my skirt and he pulled away and looked at me a bit wide-eyed when he realized I wasn't wearing anything under my dress. I just smiled a bit sheepishly. Smiling himself, he locked his lips with mine again and his fingers dug into my ass, squeezing tightly. I rocked my hips forward, grinding myself against the growing bulge in his shorts.

I pushed against his shoulder, and he rolled onto his back. I followed him, not breaking our kiss so that I was leaning over him. I let my hand wander down his chest to the aforementioned bulge and gave it a squeeze, making Brian emit a moan of his own. With practiced ease, I unfastened his shorts and shoved down his underwear, pulling out his hard cock and stroking it slowly and gently.

"I know this was supposed to be a birthday lunch," I said, "but I hope you don't mind if I just skip straight to the dessert." I moved down to kneel between his spread legs and bent down to take him into my mouth. A louder moan escaped his lips as I engulfed him, slowly bobbing my head, fitting as much of him in my mouth as I could and then sliding up until only the tip remained inside and repeating.

Brian laid with his head back, just looking up at the sky and enjoying the sensations I was providing him. I took my cues from him, going faster when he began to thrust up at me, playing with his balls with a free hand, stroking him with the other in time with my mouth. One of his hands went to my head, fingers entangling in my hair, the other behind his head, allowing him to watch me pleasure him more easily, though his eyes closed periodically, accompanied with moans and sighs.

It was only another minute or two before I felt his fingers tighten in my hair. "I'm about to come, Allie," he moaned. It is rather rare that I fully suck Brian off, as usually it is just part of foreplay for us, but it was his birthday after all. I kept bobbing my head, sliding his cock between my lips and he let out one more loud moan before I felt him orgasm. His semen, hot and sticky, shot into my mouth. I pushed my head forward, taking as much of him into my mouth as I could and swallowed as he came.

He seemed to cum a lot, and I didn't know if that's because I don't normally suck him off fully and just wasn't used to it, or if because we hadn't had sex in a few days he'd just built up more than usual. In any case, it seemed to take a long time for him to finish and I felt like I swallowed a lot of cum. Giving one last, hard suck to get anything remaining, I sat up. Looking Brian in the eye, I planted a delicate kiss on the tip of his penis. Then I grabbed the open beer and took a few swallows to wash down the cum. I wasn't kidding about the stickiness and it felt like it had lodged in my throat a little, but I felt better after the beer.

Brian pulled at my arm, and I laid down beside him. Rolling onto his side, he leaned over to kiss me, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I had the random thought of how my previous boyfriend wouldn't kiss me after I went down on him before I lost myself fully in Brian's kiss. I felt his hand cup my breast, gently squeezing it before trailing down my stomach and down to my thigh. Stroking upwards from there, his hand slipped under my skirt and between my legs, making me gasp a little when his finger began lightly running up and down my very wet slit.

I opened my legs, encouraging him to do more with his hand, and breathing heavily in arousal. When he only continued to lightly stroke me, I arched my back and bucked my hips a bit, trying to force contact with my clit, but he avoided it. "What are you doing," I moaned, breaking our kiss.

A playful smile crossed his face. "Not going too fast," he replied. "You came up here with no panties, Allie. I know you have more planned for me than just a blow job." He gave me a quick kiss. "Though it was a very good blow job." Another kiss. "So, I'm going to tease you mercilessly until I'm ready to go again. Consider it more punishment for your snooping."

"How much punishment am I going to get for this," I asked.

A light flick to my clit made me jump. "It probably won't be very much," he said. "Watching you squirm around like that really is a turn on." Our lips met again, our tongues dancing together. His fingers continued their lazy circles between my legs, every now and then giving me a jolt of clitoral pleasure. It felt good, but nothing that could bring me to orgasm, though I know let out more than one moan of satisfaction as we continued.

We both started at a loud "boom" and looked to the sky. In our intimacy, we had not noticed that clouds had fully rolled in, dark and threatening. We turned our eyes to each other, questioningly. I reached down and took his cock in my hand, noting that while Brian was still a bit firm he wasn't at his usual peak hardness. I was so horny though. I began to stroke him a little and his hand continued between my legs, a single finger gently pushing inside me and making me gasp again. "A little rain never hurt anybody, right," I breathed. He nodded and kissed me again.

Minutes went by, our moans, groans and sighs the only sounds we heard and I had felt him swelling in my hand as the time passed, as his finger continued to move between my folds, thumb occasionally brushing against my clit. I released him and reached for by backpack, digging a condom out of the front pocket. Seeing it, Brian sat up, but I stopped him and encouraged him to lay down again. I pulled off his socks and shoes, and then his shorts and underwear, leaving him naked from the waist down, his cock hard again and pointing towards the sky.

I took him in my mouth again, looking him in the eye as I moved up and down, my hands tearing open the condom wrapper. I gave him one last hard suck, then slid him from between my lips and rolled the condom down his shaft. Holding him firmly, I straddled him, guiding him inside me and letting out a moan of pleasure when I came to rest on his hips, fully engulfing his manhood. I let out a moan of his own when I clenched my muscles, squeezing him tightly inside me.

Slowly, I began to rock atop him, grinding my clit into him to get the stimulation I had been wanting, needing. His hands moved up my body to cup by breasts, slowly but firmly kneading them through my sundress. Our eyes locked as we began to move together, and I wondered if my eyes were as full of lust as his were.

I jumped a little when the first drop of rain hit my shoulder. I could hear the intermittent pitter-patter of the drops striking the rooftop around us, growing more frequent with every second. The drops falling on me were cool, but not cold, and were rather refreshing considering the heat of the day. As they fell onto Brian's face, he sat up, bringing a hand to my face and pulling me into a kiss.

The rain came down harder, a constant background drone to our heavy breathing, broken only by the occasional thunder and the sounds of surprised screams and running for cover of those below. My sundress was quickly becoming soaked and I broke off our kiss to pull it up and off, tossing it aside. The rain came down upon my naked body, giving me an odd thrill, similar to the one time I had gone skinny dipping back in high school, having Brian inside me along with the feeling of vibration on my skin from the pounding rain amplified the feeling by magnitudes. I tugged off Brian's shirt, wanting him to share the experience.

I threw my head back to the sky as he began to suck on a now bared nipple, holding his head to my breast as I rocked my hips frantically on him. I wanted to cum. I NEEDED to cum. I needed HIM to cum. My orgasm was fast approaching and I was panting and moaning and not caring if anyone could hear it over the rain and thunder.

My hair was plastered to my scalp, the torrent of water running in rivulets down my back, arms, and breasts, a cool contrast to the fire between my legs and the heat of Brian's hands on my body and mouth on my nipple. I pushed onto him hard and it was enough to put me over the edge. I screamed his name as an orgasm tore through me, making me tingle from head to toe. I impaled myself on his cock again and again, prolonging the waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

With a final cry, it ended. Panting, I wanted nothing more than to curl up in a little ball of ecstasy, but Brian had not cum yet. I kept moving, forcing my now wobbly muscles to act, sliding myself up and down his shaft as fast as I could, managing to enjoy the sensations I felt through my exhaustion. As my legs tired, I had to lean backward and brace my hands on the ground to push myself onto him. The rain fell directly upon my breasts and stomach, rolling down between my legs as if trying to quench the fire there.

I could feel Brian thrusting up to meet me and we found a good rhythm in this new position. A few moments more and I heard him grunt and felt the odd warmth of him cumming into the condom. I kept moving until he was finished, then fell forward and laid atop him, panting. His cock still twitched inside me, pleasant to feel in the afterglow of sex, but nothing more. He wrapped me up in his arms and held me tightly, breathing rather heavily himself.

"That was amazing," I heard him breathe over the falling rain, a peal of thunder following closely behind.

"Happy birthday," I said, kissing him.

In the nature of freak storms, the rainfall lightened until it was much more normal for the area rather than the drenching torrent of before. Brian slid out of me, the lack of him feeling strange after our love making. I rolled off him and laid down, tensing for a moment as the skin of my back adapted to the cold feeling of the wet blanket and just enjoyed the sensation of the rain falling on me.

It was only now that I realized I was still wearing my boots and I just laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. Here I was, completely naked other than a pair of boots lying on the roof of a school building next to my naked boyfriend, both of us completely soaked in the rain. Looking over I saw our half eaten sandwiches completely drenched with water, though there would be some in my pack that were okay in their plastic baggies, and even the beers were likely waterlogged at this point.

Brian reached over me and took one of the empty sandwich bags and put his condom in it. Then he climbed onto me and out of reflex I parted my legs for him. I felt his cock against my pussy and by the feeling I could tell he still had a condom on. "Wha'," was all I could manage.

"It's only fair that since I came twice that you do as well," he said. Reaching down to guide himself, he pushed into me and despite the rain washing away some of my natural wetness, he slid in easily. He was still hard, though a bit softer than he had been before. He began to thrust into me and dammit if it didn't feel good.