Alpha Ch. 08


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"You're not leaving." His eyes flashed and Eala let out a small laugh.

"What the fuck makes you think you can tell me what to do?"

Drago tightened his grip on her wrist and crowded her back against the wall. Eala could feel her pale skin bruising under his fingers and pushed hard against his chest with her free hand. He didn't even register her struggles which only poked her anger higher.

"Get your fucking hands off me." She stopped pushing against him, instead bringing her hand up to slap him hard across the cheek. Again he didn't seem to feel it.

Ealasaid felt tears burning in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. The closeness of his body and the familiarity of his scent accosted her. Her body instantly reacted and she wondered if there would ever be a time he didn't affect her like this.

Drago took both of her wrists in one hand and the other gently touched her cheek. His fingertips trailed lightly over her skin, down her neck to her collarbone. She was wearing a loose fitting t-shirt and he could see the swell of her breasts where the collar dropped down on her chest. Goosebumps erupted over her skin as he touched her and she took a shuddering breath.

"I didn't want to leave you there. I hate being away from you but I don't know what I might do to you." His hand continued down her body until he cupped one small breast in his palm.

Ealasaid couldn't find the words. She hated how easily he could make her forget her anger but at the moment she didn't care. She just wanted him close to her.

"I hurt you and that makes me sick. I can't sleep knowing that I put my hands on you and hurt you." His hand left her breast and moved to her tiny waist. His hands could easily fit around her with his new size and he felt a twinge of fear. "You're so fucking tiny."

"Don't move." He spoke gruffly leaving her in no doubt that she was to do as she was told.

He released his grip on her wrists and curled his hands around her thighs to lift her into his arms. Pressing her back into the wall he held her weight on his strong legs and his hands trailed up her thighs towards her pussy. She already ached for him and all she wanted was for him to tear her clothes away and pound into her.

"I don't want to hurt you but I can't control myself. I want to possess every part of you, I want to drag you upstairs tie you to the bed and never let you out of my sight again. I want you so bad I can hardly think but I don't want to hurt you. I have enough of myself left to know that but it's disappearing fast."

"Drago." Ealasaid could hear the soft tremor of fear in her voice. The man in front of her was almost unrecognisable but she searched desperately for some sign of the old Drago.

Drago leant down and his lips trailed over the skin behind her ear. She felt his lips curve into a smile and shuddered as his fingers dug into her thighs.

"Someone has touched you. You smell different."

Ealasaid shivered but forced her voice to remain level. "Baal was here."

"Baal, the Demon?" Drago asked in amusement and his hands moved higher up her thighs.

"He wanted to check on me after you disappeared. He's been helping us." Ealasaid suddenly felt angry again and pushed at his chest.

"You should have been there to help. We needed you, Lucius needed you and you were gone." Her voice was shaking and he looked at her with a slight confusion.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to keep you safe. Whatever this feeling is, it's driving me crazy. I crave you, I don't know what I want to do to you more and it scares me. It's taking everything I have not to hurt you and I don't understand why I want to." Drago spoke slowly as he tried to work through his feelings.

"You think it isn't hard for me? I'm a Fae, I was made to destroy life and I fight it everyday I'm with you but I do because I love you. Why can't you do the same?" Ealasaid sounded tired.

"Because I'm not strong enough yet."

Drago dropped his head in shame. His eyes were downcast and his grip loosened on her thighs. Ealasaid sighed and gently held the back of his neck in her hands. Stroking the soft hairs there she forced him to look at her again.

"You have to be. We need you. Daddy has taken Oana, we know where he is and we have to go and get her. Lucius needs you. I need you to help me free his other children. Please Drago."

"You're going to Daddy?" He asked. His voice was low and dangerous making Ealasaid shiver.

"I have to. I have to help his children; I can't leave them with him."

"You're fucking crazy if you think I'm letting you give yourself willingly to that pyscho." Drago's demeanour had changed. His eyes flashed and he gently curled his fingers around her throat. He could feel her pulse thudding under his palm and again the strange longing for her gripped him.

"I never let you tell me what to do before, why do you think now is any different?" She kept her tone light but Drago could sense the fury radiating from her body.

"Because now you're scared of me." Drago tightened his grip on her and leant to speak softly against her ear. Her resulting tremble sent lust through him and he was instantly hard. His cock pressed hard against the fly of his suit trousers and a growled rolled through his chest.

"I'm not scared of you." She said defiantly and Drago laughed.

"Maybe not Little One but you should be. I had to work everyday not to hurt you and I did it because I loved you."

"And now?" Ealasaid heard the tremor in her voice at his statement.

"Now it's harder to fight. I might not be able to control myself. Who knows if you'll even be able to help Miss Van Helsing once I'm finished with you?"

"You want to hurt me?" For the first time since Ealasaid had met him she was truly afraid of Drago. He was unrecognisable, his eyes held no trace of the heat he had always looked at her with and his hands held her painfully.

"I do, but I also want to fuck you. I haven't decided which one I want more yet." Drago kissed her neck and she closed her eyes at the scratchy feeling of his beard on her skin.

"Then fucking decide." She spoke through gritted teeth and Drago laughed.

Pulling back, he kissed her roughly. Her soft moan was muffled against his lips and she held his shirt desperately. Her legs wrapped tighter around his waist and she rolled her hips against him, feeling his thick cock pressing against her through their layers of clothing. Half of her wanted to keep his mind busy, make him want her too much so he forgot about the part of him that wanted to cause her harm. The other half, the half that had missed the heat of his touch, screamed at her to pull him closer and never let him go again.

Without warning she dug her fingers into his hair and yanked his head back to look into his bright eyes. He watched her with an interested expression and a smirk dancing on his lips.

"You promised me forever. You promised that you would always protect me and never hurt me. You promised that no one would ever hurt me again! I need you to remember that." Ealasaid didn't care how she sounded. Her mind thrust out any words she could think of as she tried to shake loose a piece of Drago that she recognised.

The interested light didn't leave his eyes but his smirk disappeared. Inside him a war raged but on the outside he looked calm and stoic. Bending his head, he kissed her again but this time he was gentle as though learning her lips all over again. His tongue dipped into her mouth and stroked against hers dragging another soft moan from her. His hands loosened their grip on her and she felt him stroke her soft skin.

Taking advantage of his seeming new found interest in her she reached between them and began to unbutton his shirt. He laughed as he felt her fingers against his stomach and looked down at her hands.

"What are you doing Little One?"

She ignored his question and pushed his shirt from his shoulders. Leaning forwards, she captured his lips again and quickly unbuckled his belt. Slipping the button of his trousers free and sliding down the zip she reached inside his boxers and wrapped her fingers around his hard cock.

This time no words left him and instead he groaned deeply in his throat. Slowly his hips began to thrust against her, moving her hand on his dick and his blazing eyes watched her carefully. Ealasaid pulled his head back to her, kissing him again as she worked her hand on his cock. All she could think of was the feeling of him, filling the emptiness he had left when he disappeared.

"Eala." Her name was a low warning and he bit her lower lip. She ignored him and taking hold of his wrist she moved his hand from her throat to her breast. He groaned again and she spoke desperately into his ear.

"Feel me Drago. Remember what it was like. Remember how I feel, how I taste."

"Fuck." Drago snarled and his hand kneaded her breast compulsively. Ealasaid gasped, half in pain and half in lust. Drago grew impatient and grabbing hold of the fabric of her t-shirt he ripped it away from her.

Her breasts were still hidden from his view by her red lace bra and a terrifying noise escaped him. Ealasaid shivered and he smiled at the feeling.

"This is what you wanted right? You always said you wanted to see me lose control, how does it feel to see it?"

Ealasaid was silent for a moment. He was right, she had always wanted to see the beast that lay beneath his carefully kept exterior. She didn't know what else to do, instead of answering she simply stared into his eyes and spoke intensely at him.

"Aren't you tired of this stupid power game? Trying to be the worst monster in the room?" She asked and Drago paused in interest.

"We're both monsters so why don't you just shut up, stop trying to scare me and fuck me?" Ealasaid knew she was playing fire speaking to him this way but she didn't care. A part of her knew that her old Drago was still there and she wanted to bring him out anyway she could.

Drago was still for a moment and Ealasaid was nervous she had gone the wrong direction with him. Then he smiled and reached between them to tear her jeans from her. Slipping his hand into her thong he felt how wet she was and groaned.

"Fuck Little One." He kissed her. He couldn't help it.

Ealasaid wasted no time in pushing his trousers and underwear down and rolling her hips against him. Pulling her thong to the side she guided him into her tight pussy and he dropped his head to her shoulder.

"God Eala." He pushed out through gritted teeth as he thrust deeper inside her. Her wet heat surrounded him and he felt a prickling up his spine to the back of his neck. His skin felt tight and his eyes squeezed closed as he began to fuck her slowly. His hands roamed urgently over her skin, clutching desperately and leaving marks over her back.

Ealasaid wrapped her arms tightly around his broad shoulders, her nails dug into his back and he growled quietly. He thrust harder pushing deep into her and delighted in the sounds of her husky moans.

"God dammit." Drago stepped away from the wall and strode through to the living room.

Dropping her onto the sofa he sank to his knees and tore her lacy thong from her. Hooking one leg over his shoulder he buried his face in her wet pussy and feasted. A strangled cry fell from her and she grabbed at the pillows beneath her. Her nails tore small holes in the fabric and she pushed her hips against his face seeking her orgasm. She didn't care how pathetic she seemed. She just needed him to take away the aching loneliness he left when he was gone.

Drago looked up her body and felt the familiar jerk in his gut. She was so beautiful and the same spike of fear lanced him. The fear that one day she would wake up and realise she was too good for him. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

"Drago please make me cum." Her pleas came through the quiet room and he focussed all his energy on the girl in front of him.

Slowly, he worked a finger into her and curled upwards to brush against he g-spot. Her eyes closed and her body trembled as she came hard around his finger. He pulled his hand away and when her bright eyes opened again he licked her juices from his finger. She shuddered and reached out for him. Grabbing hold of his hair she pulled him up her body and thrust her hips up against him.

"Fuck me." Her words were part command part plea and she stared at him intently as she spoke.

Drago smirked but pushed back inside her slowly feeling her tight pussy stretch around his thick cock. Pushing her legs up to her chest he watched as he impaled her feeling his own need grow inside him. Her hands grabbed his wrists, her nails digging into his flesh and her head rolled back as he fucked her.

Drago kept up his slow, torturous rhythm. With a sick satisfaction he watched the heat in Ealasaid's eyes grew more intense, he knew what she wanted but he held back until she blurted out into the quiet room.

"More Drago, please. I need more." She let go of his wrists and held him around the back of the neck. Pulling him down until their foreheads touched she met his amused gaze with her fiery one and growled softly as he laughed.

"Always so impatient Little One." He chuckled and Ealasaid felt a jolt as a small part of the old Drago showed through in his playful teasing.

"I haven't seen you in days, I think I've earned the right to be impatient." Eala kissed him and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist.

Drago finally gave in. Twisting them so she lay flat on the sofa he lay between her legs and thrust back into her tight heat. Holding her hands in his he kept them restrained above her head and pounded into her.

"Oh fuck." Ealasaid's eyes closed and she pushed against him, meeting each thrust and driving him deeper.

Drago finally let go. His movements were frantic, her husky cries only drove his need higher and he buried his face in her neck. His lips played over her skin as he breathed in the sweet, familiar scent of her and he lost his mind. He didn't think as he fucked her. There was no softness, no romance, just a primal need between the two of them.

"Goddam." Drago groaned against her neck and he pushed deep inside her. His cock pulsed as he came, filling her and forcing her up to another orgasm. Drago collapsed on top of her and she welcomed his weight. Stroking his back she could feel his erratic breathing and waited for him to speak.

"How do you do this to me Ma Petite?"

Ealasaid jumped as his words cut through the quiet room. He pushed himself onto his elbows, taking his weight off of her and looking down into her bright eyes. Her freckled cheeks were flushed and her chest rose and fell quickly with her breathing.

Drago lightly stroked his fingers over the swell of her breast, tracing the line of the lace on her bra and watched goosebumps erupt over her skin.

"Do what?" She asked innocently and Drago dragged his eyes from her breasts.

"Push me to the edge so easily and still be able to speak afterwards. Most who see that side of me don't live long after."

Ealasaid felt another twinge of fear in her stomach but refuse to let it show on her face. "You saying that you want to kill me?"

"A part of me does. This thing inside me wants to tear you apart every time it sees you but the other part," Drago paused and Ealasaid waited nervously to see what he would say next.

"The other part loves you even more now than I did before. I didn't think it was possible but it's like I can't breathe without you near me. It's so hard." Drago shook his head as he tried to work through his emotions.

"It's not hard. You just need to listen to the loudest part. Which part is louder?"

"What part do you think?" Drago asked.

"I don't know if I want to answer that." Ealasaid tried to make light of the situation but Drago could hear the trembling in her voice.

"I want to know Little One. What do you think I want to do?"

Ealasaid took a deep breath. "I think if you wanted to kill me you would tell me. I don't know much about the Entari but I know they love power. I think you would enjoy seeing me scared knowing that you were going to kill me. if you wanted to kill me I don't think you would be holding me like this."

Drago looked down between their bodies with an amused smirk. "You know me very well Ma Petite. Better than I know myself."

"You're my Mate. I'm meant to know you this way."

Ealasaid turned her head and watched as the sun began to rise. The light crept through the high glass walls and across the floor towards them. With a sigh she looked back to him.

"I have to get ready."

"Eala please, don't do this." Drago was surprised at the worry in his voice.

"I have to. I'm an Alpha, you made me Alpha of your Pack when you claimed me as your Mate. Lucius needs us, I have to help."

Drago snarled and took a moment to think. "Fine, but the second anything happens I'm dragging you out of there."

"I wouldn't expect anything different." Ealasaid kissed briefly and rolled out from beneath him. Holding out her hand she forced her voice to remain confident.

"I need to shower. Care to join me?"

Drago looked up at her with a predatory light in his eyes. "You're damn lucky I adore you."

Standing he swung her into his arms and climbed the stairs. Less than an hour later they heading back down the stairs hand in hand. When they reached the front door Drago turned to her and gently stroked her cheek.

"You should change."

Ealasaid looked at him in confusion. "Change?" She looked down at he clothes and he shook his head with a laugh.

"No I mean change. I couldn't control you when you were Fae, I have to assume it's the same with him."

"Oh." Ealasaid nodded and stepped back. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and let the Fae take over her body. She felt a warmth run through her body and her wings burst through her skin. Shaking them she felt the soft breeze through the feathers before they folded at her back.

"I don't think I will ever get tired of watching that." Drago allowed his eyes to roam over her. Every time he looked at her he saw something new. A new freckle, a new scar, a new quirk. As he watched her nose twitched delicately and he laughed.

"Why do you do that?"

Ealasaid frowned at his question. "Do what?"

"Twitch your nose like that. You've always done but it's happening way more now."

"Tavish did it, a nervous thing I guess. I picked it up. I guess things have been getting weird lately so I do it more." Ealasaid held her hand in front of her face. "I don't notice it anymore."

"I noticed. Don't hide it." Drago pulled her hand away from her face and kissed her fingertips.

Ealasaid stepped back towards him but before she could do anything her phone rang. Rolling her eyes, she dug it out of the back pocket of her jeans and answered quickly.

"Jaylon, what's going on." She listened for a second before holding her hand up. "Whoa big guy a little slower. What's happened?"

As she listened her face went even paler and she met Drago's eyes. "We're on our way. Stay there and don't do anything stupid."

She hung up and started towards the balcony.

"What's happened?" Drago asked as he followed her.

"It's Lucius. He's gone. He's probably gone after Daddy himself." She pulled open the large glass doors and stepped out onto the balcony. The sun was covered by a cloud as her fear grew inside her but she barely noticed.

"That sounds like Lucius. Never one to wait to around."

"We have to go." She climbed up onto the stone wall that ran around the balcony and turned back to him. "You ready?"

Drago joined her and took her hand in his. "I'll follow you anywhere."

She nodded and turned back to the city skyline. Together they leapt into the air and into the unknown.

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Ryanwood405Ryanwood405over 5 years ago

Cant wait for the next chapter amazing

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Please finish the story!! Oh man this was such a great read! I want to see how this ends!! Great job!

RheamistressRheamistressalmost 6 years ago

I had to reread the entire story to make sure I didn't miss anything.... Great chapter... and worth the wait....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
just amazing talent

wow , what an amazing gify you have.. you certsinly gave us it short story, disappointinly gave us fully fleshed out chatacters, with a fabulous story line... thanks for the long exciting trip..loved your style loved it all. would be a great trest if you took the further...thsnk you for sharing this with us!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Glad to wait but excited to read MORE!!!!!!!

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