Alpha Ch. 12


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"Promise me that this is real and you're still going to be here tomorrow." She said.

"I promise. I'm never going to leave you again."

Outside the apartment Ealasaid and Anton were arranging ten members of the Pack that had stayed in the building after Elyas' death.

"Someone has to be guarding this door at all times. No one goes in, no one goes out unless it's a member of the Council or myself. You bring them anything they need and if anyone tries to get in you call for Anton or myself immediately. Understand?" She looked around at their faces as she finished giving her orders.

They nodded and dispersed leaving three stood outside the door while the others disappeared back down the stairs. Anton took Ealasaid's hand in his own, linking his fingers with hers and pulling her away.

With his free hand he tucked an auburn curl behind her ear and stroked her soft cheek with his thumb.

"What happened?"

She feigned ignorance. "I told you. We brought Jaylon back. Baal sent me here and he stayed."

"No. Something else happened. You're still shaking." He trailed his fingers down her throat to her chest. He could feel her heart thumping against his fingertips as she trembled.

"He looked different. He looked at me differently, when I left."


She dropped her gaze and shook her head. "After Drago turned he didn't look at me the same. He looked at me like he wanted me, Baal looked at me the same when I left."

"I don't think it's any secret that he wants you Little One." Anton smirked.

"You know what I mean. It's like he wasn't seeing me anymore, just the Fae."

"That's not him. That's the Devil, they're not the same person."

Ealasaid still looked troubled.

"What else did you see there?" Anton pushed.

She pressed her lips together as memories of her brother flooded her. her hold on his hand tightened and he waited patiently for her to speak.

"I saw Tavish." A single tear ran down her cheek and she wiped it away angrily. She had had enough of crying. "I always thought he was in a good place, that he was happy, but he's not. He's there."

Anton was quiet.

"He didn't even recognise me. He would barely look at me. It hurts so much," her voice shook, "it feels like my heart it being ripped out. What if I blame Baal for this? I don't want to hate him."

"Do you blame him?" Anton asked. He was desperate to know more of what she had seen but thought if he pushed her she might break.


"Do you hate him?"

She let the tears fall. "No."

"Then we'll find a way to fix this." He said.

"How?" She asked.

"Come on kid, it's us. We can do anything."

Anton pulled her to his chest and hugged her tightly. Kissing the top of her head he felt her arms around his waist.

"Are you coming back?" He asked.

"No, not yet. I want to check on Dexter. I should have done it months ago. I need to, need to start acting like an adult again."

"Responsible Ealasaid, she's no fun." Anton teased placing his hands on her shoulders and pushing her back.

"Go and have a drink. I'll be back soon." She said and Anton nodded. "But wait, don't tell anyone yet, about Jaylon. Let them have some time first."

Anton nodded again. "Of course." He kissed her quickly before spinning her around and sending her towards the lift with a swift tap on her ass.

She didn't look back as she entered the lift and pushed the button for the lobby. When the doors opened she was looking out at a space she didn't recognise. It was open, clean, nothing like the dark and gloomy space it had been when she lived there.

She approached the door across the room with the large golden number 1 on it. Lifting her fist, she knocked on the door. She wasn't sure she would get an answer; she didn't know how long had passed while she had been in Purgatory but the sky outside the large windows was pitch black and scattered with stars.

She watched with interest as people passed by the glass. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she had been one of them. Men, women, couples and families all walked by with no idea that the building they were inches from was filled with creatures that could tear them apart with nothing but their teeth and nails.

The door opened. "Saidy!"

She turned back to Dexter's beaming face. He held his arms out and she stepped into them happily. He felt thinner than she remembered and there was a strange smell that she didn't recognise but beneath that he felt exactly the same as she remembered. Warm and safe.

"Where you been girl?" He asked fondly.

She shrugged. "You know me Dexter, here and there."

"You got time to come in for a drink?"

"I always have time for you." She said as he took her hand and lead her inside the apartment.

When she had lived in the building she had spent countless evenings here with Dexter. Now, it was almost unrecognisable. The walls, that had once been covered in stained, peeling wallpaper were now painted a brilliant white. The furniture had been replaced giving the room a modern feel and the carpet had been replaced with grey wooden flooring.

"This looks amazing." She said.

"You like it?" He asked proudly as he moved through to the kitchen. "Me and Mrs LaBelle picked it all out." Dexter continued as he came back into the room and placed two heavy glasses on the coffee table. "She's a real wild one."

Ealasaid's mind went to Nix. "Yeah she is."

Dexter was still fussing with the glasses and coasters.

"You're moving better. Where's your stick?" She asked.

"Don't need it anymore. Been feeling real spry as of late. Amazing what seeing a dream come true will do to you."

Ealasaid smiled as she watched him potter around the room, filling the glasses with ice and then pouring healthy measures of vodka into each of them. They sat on the comfortable black sofa and touched their glasses together.

"Cheers to dreams coming true." She said and they drank.

"This place looks amazing!" She sounded thrilled.

"You should see the other two. Three buildings, all full. It's wonderful what you can do when you can afford to pay people to keep up maintenance."

"You hung your tool belt up then?"

"It comes out for the special ladies." He winked. He paused and then, "you look different Saidy." He said suddenly.

"I feel different."

"So, what are you?"

Ealasaid snapped her head around to look at him. "What do you mean?"

"Come on girl. You disappeared for months then came back with Weres, Shifters and god only knows what else. Don't get me wrong, they've been a joy to have, made the building feel alive again. There's only one place you could have found that many strays. Why didn't you tell me you were taken by the Order?"

Ealasaid was stunned. His face was calm and he was smiling as he spoke. There was no sign that he was lying and she laughed quietly.

"So you know about us?" She asked and Dexter nodded. "Wow. Fucking kept that quiet didn't you?"

"I've been around a long time girl." He saw what she was about to ask and shook his head. "I'm human before you ask but I knew a girl. She was a Protector."

"What happened to her?"

"She was killed by the Order, fraternising with a human. They liked to keep the bloodlines pure."

"Yeah that was always a sticking point with them." Ealasaid said keeping her voice light. "What was she?"

"Vampyre. Fiery little redhead, awful temper. I see her every time I look at you, if I could have given her a daughter I always thought she would have been like you. Guess that's why I've always been so fond of you. You look just like her." Dexter's eyes were shining.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to meet her." Ealasaid said.

"Me too. She would have liked you." Dexter leant back. "You never told me what you are."

"A Fae."

"Well I'll be damned, I knew it."

Dexter poured himself another drink.

"There were always rumours, that a Pure had been born but no one believed it. Then I met you, outside the building. I'm human, no doubt about that, but I can see things. Humans, they're muted but people like you are bright, colourful, blues and greens and oranges. When I saw you it was like an explosion. You were every colour at once."

"So you've known this whole time?" She asked.

"Course. I'm not some senile old man. I've seen more shit than you can dream of."

Ealasaid threw back her head and let out a warm laugh. Dexter watched her happily, the effect of her was not lost on him even though he was human. She radiated a light unlike anyone else. She sighed and her smile dimmed.

"You smell different."

"New cologne." He replied.

"And you're thinner, way thinner."

"Trying to find myself a nice young wife, someone to keep me company."

"Dexter don't." She said and fixed him with a sad stare. "Don't lie to me. Is something happening?"

Dexter rubbed his hand down his face. He struggled to think of how to tell her. "I'm sick Saidy."

"What?" She asked half laughing.

"I'm old and I'm sick. Doctors say I've got a couple months left."

Ealasaid's blood turned to ice. "No." It was all she said. Dexter reached out and placed a hand on her knee but she knocked it away and leapt to her feet. "Why would you say something like that? You don't lie about that sort of thing Dexter, it's not fair!"

"I'm not lying. It happens, you get older you start falling apart. I'm 99 years old Saidy, I'm lucky to have made it this far."

"I can fix you." She said, placing her glass on the table and taking his hand in both of hers. "I can make you better. I can make you one of us, you wouldn't ever have to die."

Dexter patted the top of her hand. "Saidy, I lived my life. I had someone I loved more than anything and I had twenty-five years with her. I've had wonderful friends that I've known my whole life and now I'm the only one left. I got to see this place become what I always wanted it to be because of you. And you, I got to know you. I never had kids and before I met you I thought it wouldn't have anyone to remember me when I was gone, no one to leave everything I have to but then I found you. You were the daughter that Penelope and I never got to have. You were my light in my last years and I'll never be able to thank you enough for that."

"But," Saidy sank to her knees and looked into his kind old face, "I don't want to lose you. I can save you, let me fix you."

"No. I have had a long enough life; I don't need to prolong it."

Ealasaid searched his face desperately. "This is like a bad dream. I get one person back and then lose another one."

"People come and go that's the way life works."

Ealasaid crawled onto the sofa and lay her head in Dexter's lap. He stroked her hair soothingly and felt her tears running from her cheeks and wetting his trousers.

"Well life can suck my dick." She said petulantly.

"Oh it will, just never when you want it to."


The next morning dawned bright and warm. The sunlight coming in through the high windows woke Lucius from his dream and he cursed loudly. He had been dreaming about Oana and he thumped his fist down on the covers beside him.

He turned his head looking at her empty side of the bed. With a sigh he threw back the covers and swung his legs out and onto the floor. He walked through to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Stripping off his pyjama trousers he stepped under the water and turned his face up into the spray.

Running his fingers through his hair he worked the knots from his dark curls. He thought he heard a door close in the other room but the rushing water drowned out the sound. Putting it from his mind he washed himself quickly then turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.

He felt her before he even got back into the room. She was standing in the middle of the room; her eyes, still a deep red, stared at him nervously and her hands twitched in front of her. He dropped his gaze, unable to look at her.


The scar on his neck prickled as her new wild scent filled his head. His jaw clenched hard enough to send pain shooting through him and he could feel his hands shaking.

Oana stepped further into the room. Her stomach rolled and she could hear her breathing was ragged.

"Vanator?" she was met with a ferocious snarl.

"Will you look at me?" She asked but Lucius didn't raise his head. "Please?" She said, her voice breaking.

Finally, he raised his eyes and locked her to the spot with an intense stare. His eyes shone a bright yellow and she found herself rooted to the spot. Her eyes drifted down over his half naked body, she could still see drops of water on his tanned skin and she swallowed. Looking up she caught sight of the scar on his neck, a lump settled in her throat, threatening to choke her and she wrapped her arms tightly around her waist.

"I," she started but her voice hitched. She swallowed again and motioned quickly to the mark. "Are you OK?"

Lucius huffed out a laugh. "I'm fine."

"Does it hurt?" She asked before she could stop herself.

"Not anymore." He said. His responses were curt, sharp and pierced right through her.

"I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you." This time her voice cracked and she felt a hot tear roll down her cheek.

Lucius watched as the red tear left a trail of blood on her pale skin. He didn't know what to say. He pushed his hair out of his face and turned away unable to look at her sadness any longer.

Oana stared at his back for a moment before dropping her head and turning to leave. Before she could, his arm shot passed her and he slammed the door closed. She whipped around, craning her neck to stare into his face as he stepped closer, crowding her against the door.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" He asked. There was a trace of amusement in his voice and the heat from his skin burned her.

"I shouldn't be here. I just wanted to check," she trailed off.

"That you hadn't killed me?" Lucius asked and the corner of his mouth curved upwards.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." Oana's lip quivered and the tears fell faster from her eyes.

Lucius wiped a tear with his thumb, leaving a smear of blood on her porcelain skin. He bent his head and tried to kiss her but she turned her face from him.


"No?" He repeated. "Why did you come here then?"

"I missed you." She said simply.

Lucius' smile widened and he threaded his fingers through her hair. He turned her face back to him and his tongue flicked out to wet his lips. His huge hands cradled her head and his strong fingers worked the tense muscles in her neck. He bent his head again but she struggled in his grip.

"No." She tried to move away from him but she was trapped between the door and his hard body.

Lucius ignored her and pressed his lips to hers. She pushed at his chest but couldn't move him. Her strength, at its peak after her turn, had settled and he was stronger once again.

"Lucius stop." She said against his lips and, twisting her body, she managed to slip out from between him and the door.

She kept her eyes on his broad back as she retreated across the room. She could see his shoulders shaking and heard his deep laughter rumble through his chest.

He pushed himself away from the door and turned with an amused expression on his face. He rubbed his stubbled chin with his hand and fixed her with an intense stare.

"Where do you think you're going darlin'?" His accent was stronger and it sent a shiver running through her. The last time she had heard him like this, she had been held captive in the depths of LaBelle's house and Lucius had been peeling her skin away with a sick delight.

"I don't want to hurt you again." She blurted out. Already she could feel her teeth growing into pointed fangs as the rushing sound of his blood passing through his veins assaulted her ears.

Lucius advanced again. She couldn't stop herself from backing away and when she bumped into the opposite wall she cursed under her breath.

"Stay there." She said, trying to sound authoritative.

Lucius simply laughed. Placing his hand on the wall behind her, he trapped her with his body again and held her throat gently. He could feel her swallow beneath his fingers and stroked his thumb over the spot where her pulse should be.

"Lucius please stop." She tried begging once more but he still ignored her. He bent his head, brushing his lips against hers and she darted out from between him and the wall.

Lucius, without even turning, shot his hand out and grabbed her wrist. She looked down at his tanned hand on her pale skin and listened to his ragged breathing.

"Stop fucking running from me." His voice had lost all traces of its playful tone. It was dark, closer to a growl than words.

He yanked her back to him, lifted her into his arms and slammed her against the wall in one fluid motion. Oana gasped as the familiar lust from having him close consumed her and without thinking she held the back of his neck. Her legs wrapped around his waist even as her brain screamed at her to run.

"You don't get to run from me Fiara, not after everything."

Again, he brought his lips to her and with the last shred of restraint she shook her head.

"No." She forced the word out but her mouth felt like cotton.

"Stop fucking saying that." Lucius snarled.

Moving away from the wall he turned and dropped her onto the bed. Crawling over her, he spread her legs forcefully with his knee and settled himself between them. One huge hand held her hip, pressing her down into the mattress painfully and she could feel his hard cock against the juncture of her thighs. She was only wearing a large t-shirt and his towel was the only barrier between them. Her eyes burned with frustrated tears and she hit his chest frantically.

"Get off me!" Her voice rose to a shout.

Lucius held her wrists in one hand and restrained them above her head. Confusion warred with the hurt in his eyes and she turned her head unable to look at him.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked angrily.

"Let me go!" She ignored his question and struggled harder.

"What are you trying to prove?!" Lucius snapped and finally she looked at him.

"That I can say no!"

Lucius stopped, his eyes widening in surprise. He loosened his grip on her wrists but she didn't try and move away this time.

Oana took a steadying breath and began speaking again. "Tanner tells me to do something and I do it. Daddy told me to do something and I did it. You tell me to do something and I do it! If I can't say no to you then how the hell am I supposed to say no to myself?"

Still Lucius was quiet, he knew there was something more she needed to say and waited patiently for her to continue.

"I'm so hungry, all the time. It's all I think about and when it's quiet, I can hear it. I can hear your blood, I can smell it and I know I won't be able to stop myself from hurting you again. I'm not strong enough to say no yet and you won't let me keep you safe. I nearly killed you. Do you have any idea what that felt like?!"

"Oana." Lucius said gently.

She shook her head and pulling her hands free, she pushed his chest.

"Just stop." She said turning her head from him.

"Oana it's OK."

"No!" She shouted. "It's not! I hurt you and all I can think about is doing it again. You tasted so good, what if next time there's no one there to stop me? You're not invincible Lucius, you could have died."

"But I didn't. Ealasaid saved me."

"And what if she isn't there next time?! Then what? I've already lost my family once, don't make me do it again."

"So what? I can't touch you, can't be in the same room as you, be alone with you? I have to watch you but can't be near you? I'd rather be dead."

Oana shook her head. "Don't say that."

"Why shouldn't i? It's the truth. If you're trying to tell me that I can't be near you but have to feel you around me every day; that I can't touch you but see you every time I close my eyes, then I can't do that. I would do anything for you Fiara but that, I'm not strong enough to do that."
