Alpha Wife Amy

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Amy discovers the lifestyle she never knew she always wanted.
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Amy would always remember the second her relationship changed forever.

They were supposed to be hosting a dinner party in their apartment that evening. The guests were all Amy's coworkers, but that was all the more reason John should have made their place spotless and had dinner started when she got home. These weren't just friends coming over, this was her career.

But when Amy opened the front door she saw an apartment just as disorganized as she left it that morning. Only worse as John had apparently made himself a sandwich for lunch without bothering to clean up after himself.

As she stepped past the kitchen into the hallway she could hear John's voice from his office. "Stop camping in that bunker Steve. That's such a pussy thing to do."

He wasn't even working! He was playing that damn video game with his friends again! Amy was livid. But instead of bursting in and making a scene, a rare calm came over her.

Yelling at John to pull his weight around the house and take his career more seriously obviously wasn't working. New tactics were in order. Something a bit more subtle perhaps. But first, Amy needed to salvage the night.

She quickly cleaned the kitchen as best she could, punted on the detailed menu she had planned, and ordered a slew of family items for her favorite Italian restaurant. Then she moved to her closet to pick out some clothes for the evening before hopping in the shower.

She wanted to wear something that would get John's attention. Something sexy yet also respectable for her colleagues. She had nothing that fit the bill. Tons of pantsuits and conservative length skirts. There were also some cute summer dresses and more formal gowns, but nothing that was both professional and guaranteed to attract male attention. That would have to change.

Amy ended up choosing her shortest skirt, which extended over her knees, and her tightest blouse, which did not expose any cleavage, but at least drew the mounds of her C cup breasts up where their outline would draw the male gaze.

As Amy enjoyed her hot shower, she reflected on her relationship. If there was one word Amy associated with John it was "safe." They had started dating back in college of their senior year after she learned that her previous boyfriend, a star linebacker for the football team, had been cheating on her with multiple other women.

Amy was at least a nine, maybe even a ten. No man had any business cheating on her, especially with sixes and sevens from far lesser sororities. After the linebacker, John was a nice, cute, safe guy. A solid seven, maybe even an eight if he worked out and wore the right clothes.

Amy always knew John was interested in her. Every heterosexual man was. The problem had been getting John to act on it. Through hours of flirting while hanging out in groups, John never once asked her out. Finally, she had to ask him to walk her home one night, and of course he jumped at the chance. She then had to ask him if he wanted to come up stairs and watch a movie, which of course he did. But once alone in her room, she was the one who had to start kissing him. At no point in their relationship had John ever initiated a new level of intimacy.

Not that Amy doubted for a second that John adored her. At the beginning he was the most dutiful boyfriend to the point it was almost an embarrassment. Flowers, texts, even cards with poems in them. John was head over heels. And the physical attraction was also clearly there too. John wasn't the largest man in the world, but Amy could always see that her mere presence, let alone touch, was enough to make his member stand straight at attention.

Amy enjoyed John's doting and although they never talked about the future of their relationship, when she landed an entry level job in a prestigious consulting firm in a big city, John soon announced he had found a computer programming gig there as well. Amy thought about living by herself for a while, maybe she needed to sow some wild oats. But when she fell in love with an apartment in a fashionable neighborhood, she knew she needed John's income to afford living there. So she asked him to move in and he accepted immediately.

It's not that John was a bad partner. He made a respectable amount of money, he was smart, he could be sweet in a cute way, and when motivated he attempted to meet her needs in bed. But he was also a bit passive and lacked ambition. If anything he was a little too smart for his own good. He never had to apply much effort to get his computer science degree and his job was relatively easy too, hence all the gaming.

He had become lazy and content. Not with just his job but with Amy too. She let him have sex whenever he wanted, which was about three times a week, but Amy couldn't remember the last time she had a real orgasm. John had decent oral skills, but his manhood never lasted longer than a few minutes inside of her.

The cuddling was nice, but the attentiveness was gone. When was the last time John had bought her flowers or cooked her dinner? She had gotten comfortable and lazy too. She had let John take her for granted.

No more.

Amy didn't give John the silent treatment that night but when they did talk she was cold and short. John responded immediately to this treatment, sensing she was mad, making an extra effort to help her clean up after everyone left. The ability for John to be a good partner was still there, it was just the will for proper execution that was lacking.

Amy knew that John would be pressing her for sex that night, alcohol always eased his inhibitions, but she was more than ready to rebuff him, claiming that she was tired after having to clean the apartment all by herself before dinner. The next morning she got up early and hit the gym before he could make a second pass.

After working out, Amy burned a hole in her credit card, splurging on a new wardrobe, including a tight satin nightgown with straps that hung over her shoulders and hugged her body in a way that accentuated her hourglass figure. John's jaw dropped to the floor when she casually came into the living room with a book under her arm after dinner, and he desperately tried to initiate sex later that night.

But Amy had other plans, truthfully confessing that she was still mad about his failure to help with party preparations the night before and therefore wasn't in the mood to be intimate. Amy said John could make it up to her this week by cleaning the apartment and doing the laundry, and if he did a good job, he would be rewarded next Friday.

John could be meticulous when he wanted to be, and to keep him motivated Amy wore a new sexy pajama every night. By Friday the apartment was spotless and John even confessed he enjoyed doing her laundry since there were so many new sexy outfits he could imagine her in as he folded.

Amy treated him to a home cooked chicken marsala with a citrusy sauvignon blanc. While John did the dishes, Amy slipped into the bedroom to change into a low cut babydoll that barely covered her ass. She also turned off the lights and lit some candles before listening for John to shut the water off.

When she could tell he was done with the dishes she extended just her arm out the door and beckoned to him with her finger. John nearly sprinted to the bedroom, throwing the door open to reveal his prize.

God she was gorgeous. Thick blond hair running down past her shoulders and into her firm chest. A perfectly feminine waist connected to long lithe legs. She coyly smiled and twisted her butt to the right so he could just barely peek at the cleavage between her exposed ass cheeks.

"You've been a good boy this week John, and now is time for your reward," Amy purred, before turning her back to him and walking to the bed. "Do you like what you see?" she teased. "Then why don't you get undressed and come join me?" And with that she laid on her side, with one arm propping her head up while she patted the empty space next to her with her other hand.

John wasted no time ripping his clothes off, laying on his side next to her with his member pointing right at her. Amy then pushed him onto his back before moving down to his waist. But instead of putting her mouth around his dick like John was hoping, she merely kissed it before throwing her leg over him so she was straddling him. She then moved her pussy up till it was at the base of his penis which was now forced flat against his belly, the tip of his member pointing straight at his face. She then started rocking her hips so that the length of her pussy lips were moving up and down John's cock, but not so that the head penetrated her.

"Does this feel good John?" she asked in a sultry voice.

"Uh huh," John moaned. He was already in heaven.

"I didn't hear you," she replied somewhat sternly. "Please answer so I can hear you," she commanded.

"Yes, very much. You feel amazing," John responded.

"And what about my new nighty, do you like that too?" she asked.

"Uh, huh," John moaned.

"Again speak up John, it is very important that we communicate clearly tonight," she instructed.

"Yes. I love it. You look like a goddess," he managed, almost delirious with pleasure.

"Ooooo... I like that. Goddess. Can you call me goddess from now on John?" she questioned sweetly.

"Yes goddess. I'll do whatever you want just as long as you keep doing what you are doing," he declared.

"Good boy John. Now I know this week was tough for you. No sex and you had to do all the cleaning and the laundry. But now that we're here in this moment, was it worth it?" she interrogated.

"Yes goddess," John said softly but clearly, as if he were in a trance.

"Good boy John. I did too. Now I am going to ask you to do a little more for me. Do you think you can handle that?" she asked.

"Yes goddess," he responded.

"Good boy John. Now lie still," she said while pausing her rocking motion and taking his dick in her hand. She then moved her hips up in the air so they were over his penis which she pointed at her now sopping wet pussy. Then she slowly lowered herself onto him until his entire length was inside her and the weight of her body was now on his. Her warm, tight, wetness was almost more than John could handle, but he managed to avoid cuming... for now.

"John, look at me, look into my eyes. I want to make sure you hear me. I want you to do what I tell you, OK? Are you going to listen to me?" It was framed as a question but her tone wasn't inquisitive.

"Yes of course I will, goddess," John meekly offered. "Whatever you want."

Amy then started rocking her hips again, this time clinching the walls of her pussy around John's cock as she pulled up away from his torso, and then unclinching as she pushed her hips back down, engulfing the full length of his member in her heavenly wetness. John felt like she was jacking him off with the walls of her pussy. He moaned in pure delight.

"John, I want you to get rid of your game system tomorrow. Sell it, give it to a friend, throw it away. I don't care. But I don't ever want to see it ever again. It's holding you back professionally and it distracts you from loving me. Trust me, you'll be happier without it," Amy instructed.

"Yes, first thing tomorrow it's gone," John immediately complied. He would have said anything to keep her pussy jacking his shaft.

"Good boy John. You won't regret it. I promise," she said as she slowly began to pick up her pace. "And I need you to keep cleaning the apartment and doing the laundry too, can you do that for me John?"

"Yes, absolutely. Anything for you, goddess," John said.

John absolutely shared Amy's high assessment of her beauty, only more so. She was a complete ten in his mind, no questions. Natural blonde hair, turquoise eyes like a pristine mediterranean beach, petit feminine nose, luscious thick lips, an athletic but still soft and rounded frame, and the most perfect tits he had ever seen, full, tear-dropped shaped, that supplely bounced as she moved up and down on his manhood. She was a goddess. And John would do anything to make her happy.

As he often did when they were in cowgirl, John reached up with both hands to caress her breasts, first cupping each one to enjoy just the weight of them, before gently pressing them together. Then he began running his thumbs over each nipple, just gently brushing over them at first before gently massaging them in circles.

Amy moaned. She was proud of her tits and loved it when they were played with. She leaned her torso forward so that her nipple fell against John's mouth and that was all the hint he needed. He took her nipple between his lips, squeezing it before running his tongue around the areola. He then teased the nipple, just flicking it with the tip of his tongue, before engulfing it in his mouth again, sucking on it vigorously as if he just tried hard enough, milk would come out.

It was Amy's turn to be in heaven, but the nipple that was not in John's mouth burned with jealousy. She pulled her one breast away from John's suckling and eagerly fed him the other. As much as Amy was enjoying the extra sensation, John was enjoying it even more. Between Amy's obvious pleasure and the joy of feeling her tits in his mouth, John couldn't handle the truth. His body tensed and he began to cum.

"Oh baby yes, cum for me John. You've been such a good boy, cum inside me," Amy directed. Amy did not normally talk like this during sex and it drove John to even higher levels of bliss. His body bucked as he released into her, his screams of lust only muffled by Amy's breast planted firmly in his mouth. His ecstasy was only mitigated by the fact that he knew Amy hadn't cum yet and he could already feel his now drained manhood shrinking.

Not wanting to disappoint her, he braced his arms against the headboard and pushed his body down the length of the bed till his head was under Amy's hips, her soft warm toned legs now on either side of his ears. Amy was startled at first, squeezing her legs around John's head while also pulling her pussy away from his face.

It's not that she didn't like it when John went down on her, but she had always been self conscious about how her pussy smelled, and she generally would only let John go down on her immediately after she had showered so she knew she was clean. This was the exact opposite of that. Not only was her pussy wet with her own juices and drenched in sweat, but it was filled with John's own cum! Nothing could be dirtier than that.

"What are you doing?" she asked with startled annoyance. But when he looked up at her with big puppy dog eyes full of devotion and said, "I just want to please you," she slowly melted, untensing and lowering herself onto his mouth.

John eagerly lapped up the salty mix of fluids that poured out of Amy's pussy as she relaxed her labia. John had cum so much and Amy was so wet, he had to swallow a number of times. As the flow slowed to a trickle, John began pleasuring her pussy in earnest, gently licking the length of her slit from bottom to top before flicking her clit with his tongue.

Amy enjoyed John's attention to her outer vagina but her inner vagina was in desperate need of stimulation as well. She didn't want to discourage John, what he was doing felt great, but she needed more. "Fuck me with your toungue Johnny. Lick me as deep as you can," she commanded.

John eagerly complied, his desperate desire to give her pleasure giving his movements a vigor and confidence he rarely had in bad. As Amy felt John tongue penetrate her vagina and apply much needed pressure to the top of her vaginal canal, Amy's hips started to buck into his face. She pressed her clit as hard as she could into John's face, generating friction as she moved her hips back and forth. She was close and getting closer.

"Oh fuck yeah, keep licking me Johnny. Your tongue feels so good in my pussy. Don't stop. Don't stop. I'm gonna cum all over your face," she said. And with that John redoubled his efforts, pushing his tongue as deep as it could go and licking the roof of her pussy as hard as he could.

"Oh fuck I'm cuming," Amy said, as she pressed her clit down into John's face as hard as she could, her vice like thighs tightening around his ears. Amy was in heaven. And so was John. He could feel Amy's pussy convulsing around his tongue. He had done it. She was orgasming with intense pleasure and it lasted far longer than any other orgasm that he could remember.

But eventually Amy's thighs loosened their grip and she fell in a heap into the bed next to him.

John was up the next morning before dawn throwing away his gaming system. Playing video games for hours with his buddies was fun, but it simply could not compare to the satisfaction pleasing Amy gave him. It was the easiest decision he ever made.

He started making breakfast and by the time the coffee and bacon and eggs were all done, Amy sleepily emerged from the bedroom still wearing the same babydoll from the night before. Even though he had cum hard last night, John was a healthy young heterosexual man and the sight of Amy's curves accentuated by the babydoll was driving him crazy.

He didn't rush her, but when Amy was done eating he whisked her plate away, took her hand in his and led her back to the bedroom. But when he went to kiss her, his erection rubbing against her belly, she sternly pushed him away.

"You greedy boy. See this exactly why things need to change around here. You pull your weight around here for one week and you think you can have sex whenever you want it. Absolutely not," Amy said.

"You need to learn some patience. Some discipline. And you need to learn to channel your desire for me into doing things to make me happy," she continued. "Wasn't last night great? Wasn't that the best sex we've had in ages?" she asked.

"Absolutely," he grinned, like a love struck teenager.

"And it was great because you earned it," Amy continued. "And you'll continue earning it. This week was not a one off. From now on I expect you to do all the cleaning and all the laundry all the time. I've even developed a schedule so you won't have to think about it. Just do what is on the list I give you each day and eventually at the end of the week you will be rewarded. Deal?" she asked, but it wasn't really a question.

John was no fan of cleaning toilets or vacuuming floors or doing the dishes. But as much as he found those chores annoying, he desired sex with Amy way more. "Deal," he said.

"Good boy. Now I noticed you already got rid of your gaming system. That is good behavior that should be encouraged," she said, moving over to the bed. "Come lay down and I will take care of your little problem there," Amy said, pointing at the tent in his boxers.

John did as he was told, sliding his boxers off and exposing his rock hard manhood before he laid down. Amy lay next to him, kissed him on the cheek, and then began running a finger down his neck, across both nipples, down past his stomach, and then around his balls and finally to his cock. Her touch was somehow both soft and soothing but also electric. The touch of just one of her fingers was enough to drive him wild.

His manhood was already oozing pre-cum. "This will be easy," she thought, rubbing her palm on the head of his member to lubricate her hand. She then began to slowly stroke his cock with her hand before leaning in to him so her lips were right next to his ear and whispering in a low husky voice.

"Don't you worry about when we are going to have sex," she purred. "You will only drive yourself crazy. We are going to have sex when I want to have sex and that's it," she said.

"When you feel yourself overcome with desire for me, take that energy and devote it to making us happier. Do a hundred pushups. Start a new project at work. Buy me flowers. Just redirect that passion towards our love," she cooed, slowly picking up the pace with her hand.