Alternate Earth Pt. 05d


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Albert was already downstairs and, to the delight of the trio, was making pancakes. The scents in the kitchen made Amanda's stomach rumble again and she looked around hoping neither of the twins heard. They had, of course, and turned matching dimpled grins on the brunette, sending them all into another fit of giggles.

"Good morning," Albert said as he flipped one of the pancakes in the skillet. "You girls seem to be in a great mood."

"Morning, daddy," the twins chimed, grinning as they flaunted their mirth.

"Did you enjoy your evening?"

"We did!" The exclamation made Amanda a bit nervous that Albert would suspect something but either he was oblivious or he didn't care.

"Great," Albert said smiling. "How about you, Amanda? Did you enjoy the party and your sleepover?"

"Um... yea," she said a little shyly. "I had fun."

"I'm glad," Albert replied sincerely, smiling. "So I expect we'll be seeing a lot of each other until you girls leave for college. Just make yourself at home."

"Oh... Thanks!"

"I hope so," Valerie said as Amanda finished speaking.

"She's our girlfriend."

Amanda hadn't expected for the twins to so openly blurt out their new relationship to their father. She felt her stomach lurch and the floor seemed to disappear as she heard Niccole's statement. Her surprised, apprehensive gaze went first to Niccole and then to Valerie, both smiling giddily obviously with no reservations about sharing anything with their father. She looked at Albert's calm, pleasant smile and realized that he wasn't surprised or concerned at all. In fact, he seemed genuinely happy for his adopted daughters.

"That's wonderful," he said, smiling. "Congratulations!"

Amanda managed a nervous smile, slowly becoming more comfortable with the idea that he obviously had no misgivings about the relationship. She even got the idea that he knew about the relationship between the twins, though they all seemed to pretend it didn't exist whenever he was around. The thoughts calmed the brunette's anxiety even more as she realized that he just wanted his daughters to be happy. The idea that he was so tolerant and accepting warmed her heart and her tentative smile turned into a full, elated grin.

The group chatted amiably over breakfast, discussing the party for the twins' birthday later that afternoon. It wasn't planned as a wild event like the party the previous night and the pair only expected about 20 or so of their friends to show. Albert mentioned the Karaoke machine amidst a pair of giggles and Amanda, wanting in on the joke, asked why it was so funny. They gave her a look and then laughed hysterically, telling her through their mirth that she would find out.

After breakfast, Albert excused himself to do the dishes as the twins walked their new girlfriend to the door so that she could run home and change. As soon as their father left the room, the twins put their arms around each other, drawing the other woman into their embrace, Niccole kissing her playfully. Valerie followed suit, more softly and with a bit more yearning but no less spirit.

Amanda left the house and quickly drove home, running in to quickly change. She greeted her parents with a smile and a rapid explanation of the twins' birthday party, stating that she was going to help them set up. Her dad hugged her and told her to have fun before she left the house in a rush to get back to her new girlfriends. The idea making her stomach flip as she giggled at the thought.

The party consisted of about thirty-five people, sixteen of which were colleagues from the institute that the twins and Albert thought of as family. The other fifteen people were classmates from high school, most of whom Amanda knew only through reputation. Garret was there and Amanda easily spent as much time with him as she did with the twins.

She was a little disappointed when the pair showed no outward change in their relationship with her. Amanda was sure she shared their apprehension about telling people they were dating, especially since she wasn't sure how to admit she was dating both of them to anyone. She also wasn't sure how to reconcile the idea of dating both of them and not being able to display any public affection.

Amanda hid her inner turmoil well but Garret picked up on it as the party started to wane. He didn't get the chance to say anything before he and Amanda found themselves chatting with the twins and Steve. For the most part, she seemed the same as ever, but her demeanor changed around the birthday girls. Not one to mince words, he just blurted it out.

"Honey, what's got your panties all twisted?"

"What," Amanda asked, surprised.

The twins and Steve stopped and turned to look at the now nervous brunette. The twins realized that Amanda was probably feeling neglected and wanted to do something but had no idea what to do. Steve was taken off guard, not knowing Amanda well enough to pick up on her mood.

"Something has you all twisted up and inquiring minds want to know."

"Um..." Amanda looked to both Valerie and Niccole before continuing. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Garret looked over to the twins, seeing their uncertain, awkward expressions. The look was so strange on their normally confident, smiling faces that he immediately knew something was going on.

"Okay. What don't I know."

There was silence in the group for a moment before the three girls all spoke at once.

"Garret, it's nothing," Amanda tried to say.

"Um..." The twins said.

Garret, looking around at the three awkward, uncomfortable girls, stared hard at each of them before his jaw dropped open.

"Oh. My. God."

"Garret," Amanda said quickly.

"Oh. My. GOD," Garret whispered harshly, cutting her off. He looked pointedly at Valerie and Niccole. "OH. MY. GOD! I want details!"

"Well," Valerie began hesitantly. "We kinda..."

"...asked Amanda out," Niccole finished slowly.

The pair looked sheepishly at Amanda, hoping she wasn't mad for their admission, nervous and a bit relieved that they were able to tell someone. They weren't exactly worried about Steve. He could keep a secret and had an idea about their relationship but they weren't sure of Garret's discretion.

Steve was surprised and immediately tried hard not to think about the trio of women romping through his fantasies. He might not be interested in what the twins had to offer but Amanda was gorgeous, stacked, and just his type. Frankly, he was a little jealous of the twins.

"OHMYGOD! You're DATING?! Wait... You're dating BOTH OF THEM?!"

Garret's exclamation in hushed whispers made the twin's glance around nervously but no one seemed to be paying their group any real attention. They looked back to see Amanda doing the same.

"Shh!" Niccole whispered harshly to Garret. She indicated that the group should follow her upstairs and then headed to her room. In just a few moments, they were shut away from the party and telling Garret and Steve an edited, PG-13 version of their story.

As the twins and Amanda told their stories, Amanda began to realize that she was being unfair to the twins, feeling neglected at the party. Granted, she wanted to be able to openly date them, but hearing the story from their side really helped her come to terms with their worries about people finding out about their own relationship and anatomical secrets. When they didn't mention the other secret, Amanda realized that Garret and Steve probably didn't know about the twins' extra parts.

While she was right about Garret, Steve wasn't really surprised at the revelation, more their choice to both date Amanda. He was sure, especially after the winter formal, that they were more interested in men.

"This is everything," Garret exclaimed after they finished telling their tale. "This gives me life!"

"You don't think it's weird," Amanda asked, a little uncomfortably as she glanced between her girlfriends.

"It's insane and you three are crazy. It's also the most amazing thing I've heard, ever! I mean, I knew you two did everything together but... wow! Wait... NO... NO way. Are you two... YOU ARE!"

The twins blushed as Garret put together their relationship and gazed at them with his mouth hanging open. In a rare moment, the flamboyant man was completely speechless as he stared at the trio. Steve, who already had a good idea about their relationship and the reason for it, just stood quietly while Garret digested it. After a moment, the twins sighed.

"Well," Niccole said as she gave him a resigned look. "You might as well know everything."

Valerie and Niccole took turns telling him their biggest secret and he sat heavily down on the floor, staring off into nothing for a moment before turning his shocked gaze onto the two sisters. Again, Amanda got a bit of insight as she heard the story again and, when Garret looked to her for confirmation, she just nodded solemnly.

"You're fucking with me."

"No, it's true," Steve said, surprising both Garret and Amanda. Garret looked up at him incredulously. "Remember when Nikki and I dated briefly a couple of years ago?"

"You didn't!"

"No," Steve said, chuckling. "But she told me, which is why we broke up but stayed friends."

"Oh. My. God. You devious little bitches!"

Garret stood up and glared at all of them. The twins were pretty sure he was just putting on a show but Amanda was genuinely worried that he was angry with them. They all looked solemn as he began to berate them.

"You were going to hide this... from me! You twin tranny tramps! I should never speak to you again! You're just lucky I still love you."

The twins smiled at his last statement, realizing that his rant was just part of his overly-dramatic personality. He leaned in and hugged them, kissing all three of them on the cheeks before standing back up to smile at them. He was obviously happy for them, now that he knew everything, and a similar sentiment was obvious on Steve's face as well.

"I'm glad we told you," Valerie said, smiling earnestly.

"You better be! And you'd better not be holding out on me again Valerie Roberts. I have known you and your sister since first grade and I'm still pissed you waited this long to tell me. Niccole, I came out to you two before anyone else. I can't believe I was the third to know. Ohmygod... Am I the third to know?"

"Outside of the institute," Niccole qualified, realizing how hurt their friend was. "Yeah, you're the third. I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner."

"We wanted to," Valerie chimed in. "But we were scared."

"I only told Steve because," Niccole trailed off, thinking. "Because I knew losing his friendship would hurt, but I could still live with it."

The hurt fled from Garret as quickly as it came. He'd forgiven them half way through their story and the admission made him smile kindly at the twins. Steve understood, having heard it before and just stood quietly, like he usually did.

"Oh I get it," Garret smiled. "And I get why you want to keep your threesome with Amanda quiet too. Oh come on. I'm not stupid. The school would lose its mind if you three came out together. I mean, it's 2016, but twins in a lesbian relationship with another woman? Even without the thing between the pair of you it's freaky. No offense."

"Sure," Amanda said with a sigh.

"But screw those narrow minded jerks," Garret exclaimed. "You three do what makes you happy. I think you should go to prom as a trio. Steve and I can set expectations and get everyone comfortable with the idea."

"Yea," Steve said at the incredulous but hopeful expressions on the three faces looking at him. "Show a little affection to Amanda and, when people say anything, we'll get their heads straight."

"Are you sure," Amanda asked hopefully.

"Absolutely," Garret exclaimed. "But you should let Jenny in on it."

When the twins gave each other and then Garret uncertain looks, he threw his hands up and sighed dramatically.

"That girl has known you two sluts for longer than I have. How do you think she'll feel if she hears it from anyone else? Besides, if she accepts it, everyone will."

"Yeah," the twins chorused with a resigned sigh.

At their request, Steve went down to get Jennifer and brought her up to their room. When she walked in, she started to worry and her concern turned into shock when the group explained the situation. Garret was certain that keeping their relationship a secret would ruin it. He also explained that no secret that big would stay a secret for long. They didn't tell Jennifer about the twins' big secret but everything else was an open book for the tall, incredibly beautiful blonde.

Jennifer stared at the pair, at a loss for words. Her reaction was similar to Garret's, though less colorful. She needed a bit more time to get comfortable with the idea that the pair had carried on a secret relationship for a long time and was a little disturbed by it. The twins looked helplessly at Garret and he shrugged, trying to indicated that maybe they should tell their oldest and closest friend everything. With a look to each other and scared expressions, they explained how their relationship with each other developed and why, sharing their last big secret.

Jennifer freaked out a little, but it passed as she asked a bunch of uncomfortable questions that the pair answered honestly. The blonde bombshell was coming to terms with their revelations when there was a knock at the door.

"Girls," Albert called from the hallway. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Well, you've been away from the party for a while."

"We'll be down in a minute," Niccole replied, giving a pleading look to Jennifer.


"Let's go back downstairs," Jennifer said, looking at her two oldest friends. When she saw the looks on their faces, she pulled them into a tight hug as they stood up. "You could always tell me anything. You're still my besties."

The pair hugged her back fiercely, tears in their eyes. After the hug, the tension was completely gone and everyone chuckled with relief as they quickly freshened up and headed downstairs. The party had wound down and Albert had set up the Karaoke machine. Garret got excited and was quickly allowed to jump to the front of the line with another of the theater crowd, where they promptly belted out "A Whole New World," from the Aladdin soundtrack. Watching everyone in the room sing along and add funny, suggestive, or just off-the-wall lyrics to the well-known song, Amanda couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

By the end of the party, most of their friends knew and were pretty comfortable with the budding relationship. Knowing the way gossip traveled, everyone involved was confident that when people found out, the idea of acceptance and understanding would easily transfer to most of the school. Robby congratulated the group quietly and they were certain that, when the rest of the football team found out, there would be more than a few jealous groans followed by serious fantasizing.

Courtney, Michelle, and Sarah were a bit less comfortable with the idea but came around quickly when Jennifer seemed enthusiastically happy for the trio. The twins and Amanda were sure that there would be some bumps along the road but, smiling at each other, they were happy to deal with those when they get to them.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
too bad this is the end

i really like this series

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
May they all disappear into the mud

And never re-appear. This was just silly. Not really a story as a collection of odd happenings and occurrences. UGH!

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