Alternate Reality Ch. 01


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"The truth is, I had no choice," I continued, certain I now had her attention. "I thought it was worth a shot because it didn't seem likely I would be able to pull you out. Luckily, it appears there is a time lag between Earth and this dimension. So while you were raped while you were on Earth, you hadn't yet when we got here. That means you haven't really been raped."

"I... how can... hey, that means... you knew! You knew what was happening to me!" her eyes flashed furiously. The girl was smart as she was lovely, and anger only made her more comely. "You bastard! You could see! You saw!"

I spent the next few minutes explaining what had happened and why she should forget about trying to preserve modesty when in fact, I had already become closely acquainted with her private parts.

"I still think it's a lousy thing to do," she pouted while she pondered on what I'd told her. I could always tell when she was thinking because of the way she looked. "You forced me onto the damned thing without knowing what the consequences were. You could've hurt me, Mike! That thing was huge! I was really stretched inside!"

"I know, but there was nothing else I could do," I replied, keeping the same even tone I used during tutorials and when dealing with angry young women. "Pulling you out was not an option. What else could I have done?"

"I don't know," she replied. "You just shouldn't... you don't know... it was... horrible. I've never... never..." Her voice trailed off.

"You've never been fucked before? Are you trying to say you're still a virgin?"

She nodded, looking embarrassed. "It... umm... can we change the subject?"

"OK, sorry about that," I replied, noting that her hands had fallen to her sides after I'd explained what I'd seen. She has nice breasts, round and perky, not saggy in the least. I think they would be at least a C-cup size. Her nipples are a delicious shade of pink too, not too long or large... they are the kind that makes you want to suck on them just to see them pucker and become hard. Her waist flares out to nicely rounded hips and her pussy... although I'd had as close-up a look at her vulva as a gynecologist would, it was different looking at the virtually hairless cleft while she was standing in front of me. I can't say it helped my own condition much, but I was pleased that my earlier supposition (when I'd first seen her panties lying on the ground) was correct -- her lower lips were thick around a deep slit. It looked like a juicy peach.

I think my cock must have reacted while I looked because she blushed again, and her hands fluttered at her sides. The thought of covering up must have occurred to her again, but like I said, Venus is a smart girl. She knew there was no way she would be able to adequately cover herself while we were in this predicament, so she had to get used to me looking at her nude body.

Just like I had to get used to walking around with a huge hard-on. Trust me, it's not as easy as it sounds. When it gets that hard, it's kind of heavy, and my balls ache. It took a lot of effort to tear my eyes from her naked body, but I managed it eventually. I think I saw a little light of gratitude shine in Venus' eyes as I looked into them, then turned to scan our surroundings.

Although I described it as a cavern, it really wasn't one, not in the sense of the word that we are familiar with here on Earth. It was an enclosed area, complete with walls that seemed to be gently undulating, and strangely, there was enough light in there for us to see, even though we could not see any light source.

That pretty much summed up our problem, you see. If you're stuck in a cave, all you need to do is to find out where the light is coming from, make your way there, and soon you'll be out in the open. The light in the other dimension is even, with no graduation in intensity in any direction. Simply put, there was no way we could tell which direction we should head for. Given the relatively bare state of the walls and floor, we would also be unable to tell if we were walking in circles, to be honest.

The floor isn't completely even and flat, and when we took our first looks around, we didn't see any rocks, stones or pebbles. The only living things we could see at that point were the creatures, or plants, or whatever they were. I call them plants not because they were green or had leaves -- I can't accurately describe their colour and as to their physiology, I can only say they had tendrils or tentacles -- but because they did seem to be fixed in place... a fact for which and we were mighty glad, because it meant there was no likelihood of attacks by roving aliens. Or so we thought.

That was why Venus thought nothing of taking a pee after we had been walking for some time. We had set off without any clear idea of what to do... we figured that we were more likely to get ideas if we got a better overview of the place we had found ourselves in, so we just started walking. We made sure we steered clear of the alien creatures dotting the landscape, of course, and occasionally came across bare patches of ground.

As we reached another rather large empty area, she suddenly turned to me and said: "Mike, why don't you go ahead a bit? And don't look back."

"Why?" I was caught by surprise by her request.

"I... because I need to pee, ok? And I don't want you looking, you pervert!" her eyes flashed and I thought that just maybe, she was kidding. But there was a determined look in her eyes that I thought I should not ignore. I had no way of knowing whether she was still pissed about me having seen her genitals being unceremoniously probed by the alien back there, and I didn't want to take a chance on keeping her angry while we were in this situation. Like it or not, we were in it together.

"OK, OK! Off I go," I replied, turning and walking away. I don't have any fetish about watching women peeing anyway, so it was no big deal to me. I heard her moving to one side and felt her eyes on my back as I walked.

You know, you really can't get any impression of the passage of time when you're in a place where you have virtually no points of reference? You can't tell just how long you've been walking when everything around you looks the same. I have to say I didn't have a clue how long I'd been walking on my own when it occurred to me that Venus was taking way too long to pee, considering she had no clothes to shuck off or put back on. I tried to ignore the nagging worry in my mind and took a few more steps forward, sure that she would suddenly appear at my side, but when she didn't, I decided to take a chance and turned to look for her.

She was still there, squatting near one of the walls, her eyes staring. I was embarrassed at having been caught, but then I realized that I no longer heard the hissing of her pee... and that her eyes were a little larger than usual. It seemed like she was no longer looking at me, she was just... staring into the distance.

"Shit! Venus!" I called out to her as I hurried back to where she was squatting. I was just in time too. I couldn't see the thing in her ass until I got nearer, but I did see something round and dark reaching up towards her cleft. It looked like a discoloured tennis ball had risen up from the ground to press up against her helpless pussy.

When I reached her, it was insinuating itself into her labial folds, seeking a way in. Her mouth was slightly open, her breathing ragged. She appeared to be dazed or drugged or something, and did not respond even when I saw her plump pussy lips yawn widely as the ball-like alien found her hole and pressed upwards.

"Venus! Hey!" I yelled at her and pulled her up from her squat. I heard a tearing sound, followed by a soft squeal that seemed to be coming from her ass, and saw a ragged tendril sinking quickly back into the ground. The alien ball, thwarted from its purpose, shook and quickly disappeared too, but not before I noted how wet its surface was. Apparently, it had played with Venus' pussy long enough to make her very wet.

That squeal, and her continued catatonia concerned me more, though. It must have attacked her while she squatted to pee, and shoved an anchor into her ass to keep her in place so it could rape her properly. I pulled her towards a more central part of the space, turned her around, and dropped to my knees to examine her ass.

OK, I'll admit it. The combined smells of fresh pussy juice and funky ass were arousing as hell, but I kept my focus. I had to remove the thing inside her backside. The thing was, I could not see it at all. When I parted the globes of her ass, all I saw was a sweet and demurely pursed anus. Not a trace of alien tendril hanging out anywhere.

I didn't know how if the alien thing in her butt was still alive, and if it was, how it would react, but I had to do something. She would be a burden if she remained unresponsive, and I needed her to be an active participant if we were to get out of here alive. Cursing our bad luck, I used the fingers of my left hand to stretch and open her anus while sliding my right index finger into her rectum.

Venus' back passage was smooth and tight -- I could feel the walls clutching at my finger while I rooted about in there -- and it took me a while to find the tail of the damned thing inside her. When I found it, I sank a second finger into her asshole, grateful for her unresponsiveness. She probably couldn't feel a thing, I thought as I gripped the tail and pulled out the thin, tapering prong that had been swallowed by her ass.

I found out pretty quickly that she had been very aware of what had been going on. Just a few moments after I removed the alien object (and my fingers) from her ass, Venus came round and gave me a slap on the face.

"That's for sticking your fingers in my ass!" she cried. Then she broke down and cried. I said nothing. There was nothing to say, and I knew that she needed to vent. It's not like she was used to having aliens probe her ass and threaten to rape her everyday... and she had already had the experience twice today.

She stopped crying after a short while. "I'm sorry Pr... Mike," she said, wiping her tears. "I... It's not everyday that I get... fucked in the ass, never mind having some... plant alien thing try to... to rape me. I just needed to..." I wanted to wipe her tears and hug her, but reminded myself that I was still her professor. There was still decorum to be maintained, even while we were in such a strange situation.

"It's ok, Venus," I said gently. "I understand. This is not a common situation we're in."

"Yeah," she sniffed. "It's just so... weird, being here and... and... naked, with you. And no one else..."

"Would you prefer to have been stuck here with someone else then?" I teased her and smiled.

"NO! No... of course not... I didn't mean that... I mean..." she stammered. "You're a bastard, you know. You know I didn't mean it that way."

I laughed. "Of course I do. Like I said, this is as weird for me as it is for you."

"You don't know the half of it," she responded. "You're not the one who's had to put up with... with having things shoved into your backside willy-nilly while some... some alien tries to rape you..."

"Granted, I can't say I've had that experience," I said. "I don't know that I'd want to find out what it feels like to have things shoved willy-nilly into my asshole, if that's what you mean."

"You..." her voice trailed off and she burst into laughter. The mood had broken, and Venus... strong, independent Venus... was back to her old self. "You really are a bastard you know."

"Well, I do happen to know who my father was," was my smiling response, and she laughed again.

I was relieved she was back to her old self. "Tell me what happened," I said, and she shot me a look. "Why, so you can get off on it?" she smiled back at me. "No, so we can make sure it doesn't happen again," was my calm reply.

"Well, after you started walking away, I went towards the wall for some privacy. I guess didn't really check the ground for any of those alien things," she said. "I think I was too focused on making sure you weren't trying to look at me."

"Why would you think that?" I summoned my best wounded look. "Do you honestly think I'd get off on watching you pee?"

"I don't know," she responded. "I think... I think it's so weird being naked here and I'm... I'm not used to it, I guess."

"Anyway, I kept looking at your back as I squatted down to pee. I thought you were a real gentleman about keeping your word and not looking back." She reached forward and gave me a peck on the cheek. My cock bounced in response. The girl was really making it very difficult for me.

"I don't really know what was happening down below," she continued, her eyes dancing. It was clear she was enjoying the discomfort she was causing me. "Then I felt something slip into my asshole and thought, 'not again!'

"I tried to get up but found that I couldn't. I thought it was that thing in my backside that held me down, but when I tried to call out to you and couldn't, I realized it had some sort of drug in it that paralysed me."

She stopped, her eyes semi-closing at the memory. "You know what's the worst feeling in the world, Pro... Mike? It's the feeling that you're helpless and unable to do anything. All you can do is wait and feel what's going to happen to you next.

"I couldn't even move my eyes, so I couldn't look down," she looked at me again, her eyes full of... Sorrow? Pain? Gratitude? It was hard to say. "All I could see was what was coming towards me up to a few feet away. And your back, moving further and further away from me."

Venus wiped a tear from her eye. She was still a little affected by what had happened. "I know," I offered, trying to break her mood. "When I realized you were taking a little longer than you should, I looked back and saw you staring in the distance."

"Yeah, I couldn't do anything," she continued. "It... it was horrible. There were these rope... tentacle-like things coming towards me. I could feel them playing with my... with my clit... it was... arousing and scary because... because I knew what was coming next.

"Then I saw that... that thing coming towards me... it was HUGE... I didn't think... I could take it... it's even bigger than your... than your..."

"My cock? Yeah, it looked like a tennis ball," I said. "I saw it as I approached. I wondered if your pussy could take something that size into you."

"I was sure I couldn't," she said, her eyes dropping to the floor again. She was still a little embarrassed by the entire situation, I think. "I... it was pressing up against... against my... my pussy. I think it... it must have been some sort of drug on it, because I... I felt my pussy... relax and... and open."

"Well, I was kind of surprised when I saw it pushing in," I admitted. "At first, I thought it was just on the outside, but when half of it disappeared..."

"Yeah, umm... it kind of... got in part way before you... you pulled me off it. What kind of place is this anyway? Why is everything here so intent on plugging my ass and shoving things into my pussy?"

"Maybe it's because you're a virgin," I volunteered. "We're in alien land, only virgin is accepted here."

She laughed. "You're really an asshole, Mike. OK, let's get back to our mission: How do we get out of here?"

"I still haven't come up with the answer to that one yet," I replied. "But you know, something's just occurred to me... we can't be the only ones who are here because the rumours have it that a number of people have gone missing since these dimensional shifts started. Of course, it is possible that we could have ended up in completely different dimensions, but it's also equally likely that there were others who were caught in the same dimensional shift at the same time... which means that logically, there would be others here who were on campus when the shift happened."

"That's right!" she said excitedly. "We should go look for them. The more people we can get together, the better our chances!"

Almost as if in response, we heard a high pitched scream in the distance.

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VictorDoUrdenVictorDoUrdenover 13 years ago
Not bad...

Story is just ok so far. The on the way to school I encountered a portal/rift/tear in dimension/etc. is a tad over done. Also at least give a reason for why the plants want to rape her anyway other then for the lulz.

3 out of 5

Could be much better. On a side note, I did enjoy the banter of the characters a good bit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
More please!

Dude, this is awesome! The dialog feels kind of weird or forced but I DO like the way you've got Venus stammering and blushing her way through explaining her fucked up plant rapings. And she's warming up to the good professor.

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