Always Quiet 03


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Eve skipped out of work at little before 5, something she had rarely done before. She worked to not grin like an idiot all the way home. Once there she brushed her hair to make it like silk and bring out its shine. She helped her mother choose a dress and told her father he did not need a tie.

Carl pulled up at twenty five past six and made his way to the Trayson's front door. He was surprised that he was actually a little nervous. He felt he needed to make a good impression on Eve's parents.

Eve was giddy when she answered the door and brought Carl into the hallway. She introduced her parents and tried not to laugh when she saw that her father and Carl were basically wearing the same color pants and button down shirt with a navy blazer. As Carl drove to the restaurant Eve's mom and Carl carried most of the conversation.

Through dinner Eve could tell her mother was totally captivated by Carl. Her father was reserved, but then what father wouldn't be cautious in appraising the man who had suddenly appeared in his only daughter's life?

"So, Carl," Mr. Trayson began in a stentorian tone, "how is it that you and Eve have so suddenly become so close?"

"That's on me, sir. Foolishly I didn't recognize Eve and all her wonders before. Fortunately, a recent event at work brought us together and I realized that she is what I've been missing in my life."

Her father maintained his stand offish attitude but inwardly Carl was beginning to grow on him. The man was polite and respectful without being insincere. He was clearly intelligent, witty and smitten with his daughter. Eve was clearly head over heels for him.

"All kind of sudden, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes, Mr. Trayson, it is very sudden," Carl concurred. He reached out over the table and took Eve's hand in his. "Neither of us is immature and at my age I realize that when you see something you value, that will greatly enhance your life you don't wait. You make sure you act swiftly."

Her father watched Eve glow while looking at Carl as he spoke. He couldn't deny that she wasn't a child and that she did have a good head on her shoulders. Outwardly he did not adjust his posture but he knew there was nothing he could do that would alter where these two were headed, Frankly, he admitted to himself that Carl was a pretty nice guy.

After walking the Traysons to their hallway and declining the offer of an after dinner drink Carl lingered with Eve for a moment. Conveniently, her mom went upstairs and her dad disappeared into the den. Eve flung herself at Carl and kissed him feverishly.

"My mother loves you," she said, her eyes alight and sparkling. "And my father is just playing gruff. He likes you."

Carl squeezed Eve in a bear hug. "I hope you're right. I would really like your parents to like me, because I'm not going anywhere, Eve Trayson."

They kissed for a few minutes before Carl started to leave. "Don't forget to take out your princess plug before you go to bed tonight. Have it back in when I pick you up at 10 tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Sir," she whispered. "Goodnight, Sir."

Later that night, after having removed the plug and climbed into bed Eve's phone vibrated.

++Carl: Pack an overnight bag and clothes for Sunday. You're staying with me tomorrow night++

Eve responded with multiple kissing emojis. She was so excited she was afraid she would never fall asleep. Eventually, after much tossing and turning she drifted off.

In the morning she was off the wall with excitement and anticipation. She bounced around from breakfast to her room as she tried to pack. Without any idea as to Carl's plans for the weekend she didn't know what clothes to include.

++Sir, I'm sorry but I don't know what to pack for the weekend. Will you help me, please?++

++Carl: We will be very casual. Jeans are fine++

She laid out two pairs of jeans and several tops to go with them, she selected two pairs of casual shoes, one with a 3" heel. She then picked out an assortment of sexy lingerie she thought would please Carl. Some G strings, a push up bra that exposed her nipples and two camisoles.

As she was about to get dressed she paused a moment. Carl had not given her any instructions regarding her plug. She decided it would be wiser to have it in so she lubed up and inserted it. She took note that it slipped in fairly easily, without any pain and felt quite comfortable.

After she was packed and ready she went downstairs to wait. She told her mother that she would not be home that night, that she would be staying with Carl. Her mother kissed her and patted her arm, clearly encouraging her daughter. "Will you tell dad?" she asked.

Even at 33 she still felt like she was daddy's little girl and didn't want to face telling him she would be with Carl overnight. Her mother assured her she would take care of it. Moments later Carl pulled up out front and Eve raced out to his car.

She smothered him with kisses as soon as she was in her seat. "I am so excited to be spending the night with you!" she bubbled.

"Me, too, my little slut, me, too."

They seemed to be headed back into the city and Eve wanted to know where they were headed but didn't ask. As they approached the city limits they diverted from a route that would lead to the city center and headed in the direction of the river. They drove through an industrial area and then came to a road that paralleled the river. They pulled into a parking lot next a old, brick warehouse building that had been converted to condominiums.

"Sir?!" Eve exclaimed, unable to hide her childlike animation and the giant smile it produced as she hoped her guess as to where they were was correct.

"Yes, slut, this is where I live."

As hard as it was to contain her emotion Eve became more circumspect in her demeanor, simply reaching out to hold Carl's hand as they walked to the front door together. They rode the elevator to the third, the top floor and got out. Carl unlocked his door and welcomed Eve in with a sweep of his arm.

Eve took it all in. The large windows with their view of the river that let in so much light. The wooden floor, ceiling and thick structural beams, the brick walls, the black iron rings and other fittings that remained.

"This was an old woolen mill at one time. Built in the 1800's it went out of use in the 1930's. I've had this unit since it was redeveloped 10 years ago." Leading her through an open door he said, "The bedroom's this way."

The bedroom was very masculine with dark wooden furniture, dark blue bed linens and a maroon rug. Still it felt warm and cozy. The perfect 'den' for her alpha wolf.

"I love it, Carl. I really do."

If he were being honest Carl would admit he had some trepidation about bringing Eve to his condo. He wanted very much for her to like it and to feel comfortable here. He was relieved to see the genuine enthusiasm she showed.

While any place that she could be with Carl would be fine with her, she truly liked his condo. It was a space she could see herself in. The significance of him bringing her here was not lost on Eve. She remembered him saying that she 'hadn't earned the right" to come to his home during one of their early trysts in the hotel.

Feeling playful she launched herself onto the bed, bouncing on the mattress on her butt. Looking up at him through her lashes she coyly said, "Soooooo, this is your bed."

'The little minx,' he thought. 'Thinking she has everything figured out.' "Get up and stand here, slut," he said pointing to a spot at the foot of the bed. "Then strip."

Nothing could wipe the grin off her face as she complied. Soon she was totally naked.

"Bend over and put your hands on the dresser." When she was in position he spread her cheeks and saw that she had her butt plug in place. "This is your new princess plug," he announced, placing it on the dresser before her.

Eve's eyes widened in shock. Though it was pink with a clear 'jewel' just like the plug she had in her now, it was larger. Carl picked up the plug and pushed it into her mouth.

"Get that nice and and wet with your saliva, pet. I won't be putting lube on it before I stick it in you!"

Eve tried to accumulate as much saliva as she could in her mouth and bathed the object with her tongue. She felt Carl remove the plug from her ass. Then she felt the cool of the gel lubricant being rubbed around her rear opening. He took the bulbous probe from her mouth.

"Hope you got it wet enough. I usually coat it with lube before I put it in."

She felt her sphincter being stretched wider than ever. A burning sensation graduated to pain as the device insistently demanded entry. The discomfort peaked and then the plug popped past her resistance and lodged in place. Eve took a couple of short, deep breaths to ride through the pain which then began to gradually ease.

"Stand up straight. How does that feel?"

"Uh, it, uh, I feel quite full, Sir."

"Mmmm," Carl nodded as if he were satisfied. "Unless I specifically tell you otherwise, you will remain naked in here today. You know that I enjoy looking at your body and I know you want to please me."

"Yes, Sir."

She followed Carl out of the bedroom and over to the living room windows. "As you can see, no one can see in to my unit. You are on display for no one else but me."

Eve rose up on her toes, feeling the plug's presence as she did so, and kissed Carl. "I'm very happy here, Sir."

Carl kissed her and ran his hands over her back to her tight ass. He clamped her buns in his paws feeling the solidity of her. Running a hand over her hip to her mons he drifted south through the trimmed patch of hair. As his fingers delved between her lips he felt her moisture and heard her moan at his touch. She became aroused so easily, he thought. Just what he wanted.

"Stay right here, I have a surprise for you." He walked to the closet and returned with a rectangular box that was much longer than it was wide and wider than it was deep. He placed it on the coffee table and removed the cover. Peeling away the tissue paper he removed one gleaming, black leather boot.

"The Christian Louboutins!" Eve squealed in delight.

"Yes, they were delivered yesterday. Sit," he said, pointing to the couch. He knelt, unzipped the boot and slipped it on her.

She could smell the leather and the sound of the zipper was very erotic as he slowly pulled it up. The boots encased her foot and leg with cool leather and she could not have anticipated how good the clutching leather would feel against her skin. As Carl repeated the process on the other foot she marveled at the richness and subtle shine of the black leather.

The boots had a 1" platform and a six inch heel. Carl offered his hand to help her stand up. She had never felt so tall in her life. While she still was shorter than Carl it was interesting to look at him from this new angle. She felt sexy, confident and a little bit powerful in her new boots.

"Walk around, let me see," he told her.

They both enjoyed the clack of the heel followed by the sole on the hard wood floor when she stepped off the rug. Eve walked from the window across the living room to the hallway and into the kitchen. When she came out she performed the runway model strut and her hips rolled and her boobs jounced with each step.

Carl was hard looking at his sexy woman display herself to please him. It took great control on his part to not throw her on her back on the floor or bend her over the back of the couch and fuck her hard until he came.

"Now, my little slut, this pair of boots will never be worn outside. They are only for inside, primarily in the bedroom." He grasped her wrist the way he did that day at the mall and lead her back into the bedroom. He sat on the bed and pulled her into his lap.

Looking straight into her eyes he asked, "Do you trust me, Eve?"

"Yes, Sir, I do. I get afraid sometimes of what you might have in store for me but I know you'll only push me as far as I can go. I know you won't truly hurt me. I understand there is a difference between pain, especially erotic pain, and hurting someone. I trust you."

"Good. Now I want you to lie on your back on the bed in the X position." She did as she was told and watched as he withdrew four black leather cuffs from the nightstand. Her heart started to beat faster as he fastened a cuff to each wrist and then one to each ankle. From each corner of the bed he retrieved a length of blue rope and tied it to the cuffs. When he finished each of her limbs was held in place.

"Comfy," he asked a teasing tone. "Now, we're going to have some real fun."

Reaching again into the nightstand he produced a purple object shaped somewhat like a C. Holding it up in front of her he explained, "This is a We-Vibe. It is a remote control vibrator that stimulates both your clit and your G Spot. It can be controlled with an app, it has multiple vibration patterns and you can vary the intensity of the vibrations. You can even program patterns into the app."

Eve looked at the devilish smile on his face and knew she was in for something amazing. Carl lay the toy on her belly and and walked into the bathroom. He returned with a folded bath towel which he slipped under her bum and thighs. "Just in case this makes you extra juicy, slut," he teased.

Leaning over her pelvis he took the vibrator and teased it around her opening. He slipped it in and made an adjustment to the bend. They smooth silicone now made contact with both her G spot and her clit. She watched him pull his phone out of his pocket and tap it several times. The toy vibrated very softly against both sensitive places. "Oooo," she reacted.

"This is the lowest setting. This is halfway." He tapped phone and the device instantly began to vibrate much harder.

"Hhuuhhh," she breathed as the sensations sent a shockwave through her.

"I can change the pattern." He tapped again and the vibrations began to pulse. "Now, here comes the really fun part. The battery will last for up to three hours. I've programmed in a random set of intensities and patterns. You might come once or multiple times. Or you might not ever cum at all."

He pulled out a black leather blindfold from the nightstand and slipped it on her, cutting off her sight. His lips were almost touching her ear. "Not having your sense of sight will allow you to focus even more on the feeling of the vibe. Just know that I will be right here in the room with you. I will not leave you alone. I'm going to enjoy watching you far too much to leave."

Eve's heart rate was rising. The loss of her sight did make the sensations from the toy more acute. And then it started. The toy shifted into a new pattern of rising and falling strength of vibration. Each increase in power brought Eve closer to orgasm. Focused on the pattern she thought that after several more crescendos she could cum. Suddenly the pattern changed!

Now it was a prolonged ramp up in magnitude of vibration and then it stopped, only to begin it's tortuously slow increase again. On and on the the variations came, one after another. Each time she thought she was close something would change, either the pattern or the intensity. This was a high tech version of edging.

Eve was a whimpering, moaning mess of nerve endings. She begged to cum and cried out in frustration when the toy altered, robbing her of an orgasm. Through the miasma of her stimulation she felt Carl's hand caressing her tummy, his soothing voice in her ears.

"You're doing so well, my little slut. You look so beautiful as you writhe and tense in your bonds. It's all I can do not to squeeze your distended nipples."

"Please make it stop and let me cum," she whimpered. "Please, Sir. You said I've been a good girl. Please let your good girl cum," she begged.

And then it stopped. The device between her thighs went silent. In the aftermath she could feel the ropes being untied from her cuffs. Then Carl slid the blindfold off. She scrambled to him and held him as tight as she could. He wrapped her in his arms and cradled her to his body. Slowly her breathing and her heart rate dropped to normal.

Carl reached to the nightstand and produced a cup of water. "Drink this," he said as he held it to her lips. She took long draughts of the cool liquid. When she had enough he replaced the cup and held her tightly again.

"Was that the whole three hours?" she queried.

"No, baby," he chuckled in reply, "that was about fifteen minutes."

"You're kidding me. I lost all track of time."

"You feeling okay, now my slut?" he stroked her cheek as he spoke.

"Yes, though I'd still really like to cum."

Carl unfastened the four cuffs and dropped them to the floor. He peeled back the covers and lay Eve on her back. Then he stood and undressed.

Eve's eyes were fixed on her man as he disrobed. His big, hard cock seemed to pulse with need as it jutted out from between his powerful thighs. 'That will make me come,' she thought.

Kneeling between her thighs Carl swirled his large mushroom head around her pussy. "I want you cum on my cock as soon as you're able, slut." Then he pushed half his length into her.

He withdrew and pushed almost all the way into her. On his third stroke he was balls deep.

Eve's orgasm came charging at her. The combination of being edged repeatedly, the feeling of being so filled by Carl's cock, and of having her her man, her lover, her Carl between her thighs served to push her to the precipice. She slung her booted legs over his hips and urged him to fuck her harder.

Carl began to thrust hard and deep into Eve's sublime vagina. As he bottomed out his pubic bone crashed into Eve's clit. Seeing how close she was he reached down and pinched her nipples, which set her off.

Eve squinted her eyes, her mouth opened wide but no sound came out. Her muscles tensed from her core outward. Then everything released at once, her eyes flew open, she cried out in ecstasy, and her muscles spasmed as her orgasm broke over her like a tidal surge on the rocks.

Eve's orgasm, combined with the feeling of the butt plug on the underside of his shaft as he stroked in and out, and the wonderful high of having Eve here, now in his bed released the flood gates of his ejaculation. He pumped until he was dry, emptying all he had into his little slut.

Breathing heavily they held each other close in post orgasmic bliss.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I hope there's still more to come.

This chapter doesn't feel like an ending.

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