Always Second Best

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Young man will always comes up short to his rival.
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WARNING - If you do not approve of stories that have a sharing and cuckold themes please use your time to read the many other quality stories found on this site.

All descriptive sex scenes are between people 18 and older.

This is a work of fiction. Any names and persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to actual people living or dead is purely coincidental.


My name is Mark. I am a 38 year old married father of two. This is the story of my journey that has led me to where I am today, a journey with many ups and downs, a journey of disappointment and accomplishment. A journey that has led to a place where I am in a loving relationship, doing a job I love to do and very happy and content with my life.

My story starts out when I was 16 years of age and starting my sophomore year of high school in a mid western city historically known for being the home of a large power 5 University. I was penciled in to be the starting quarterback for a highly ranked high school team. I had the size, as I was already 6' 1" and around 180#. I won the job over the summer at our 2 a day practices. I was dating the only sophomore to make the varsity cheer squad who also happened to be the prettiest girl in school. Daisy, also 16, was a flyer on the squad as she was tiny at 5' and 95# pounds. We had been boyfriend girlfriend since we were 10. She was just starting to blossom into the beautiful woman she would become. My life was perfect, or so I thought. I envisioned I would become all state quarterback sign with State the local university lead them to a national championship and then have a long successful career in the NFL. During all these accomplishments Daisy would be by my side as we would marry after college, have our 2.3 children and live happily ever after.

All those dreams came to a crashing halt on the first day of school when Jacob Anderson walked into my homeroom. You see Jacob or Jake as he was called was a legacy at this school. His father attended this school and State where he was an All-American quarterback. He went on to a great career in the NFL. He retired last year and was travelling around the country when he and his wife were tragically killed in a private plane accident. It turns out Jake was coming to live with his Grandmother who still lived in town.

Jake was a beast of a young man standing 6'5" and weighed in at around 220#. His long blond hair, piercing blue eyes and ruggedly handsome good looks reminded me and probably everyone else in the room of the Norse God Thor. He was 16 and a sophomore like Daisy and I but looked like a man among boys. I knew immediately I was in trouble as soon as I heard he would be trying out for the Quarterback spot.

Jake was friendly enough and said he was looking forward to competing with me on the field. I also caught him checking out Daisy which really pissed me off but what was I to do. What upset me even more was seeing Daisy, along with every other girl in class checking him out.

Our first game of the season was the following weekend and Jake didn't have time to learn the offense so I was still the starter for the game. We were favored by a lot but the offense sputtered under my direction and we barely walked away with a win. People immediately started wondering when Jake would take over. It didn't take long for me to find out as I was called into the coach's office the following week and was informed I would be the backup QB and moved to starting receiver for the time being.

Under Jake's leadership we went undefeated and won the state title for 5th time in the last 7 years. Jake was already being touted as the best QB in the country and was only going to be a junior next year.

I had some major decisions to make. I knew if I stayed there I would never be able to play quarterback and would always be in Jake's shadow. I contacted the local Catholic High School about playing QB for them as there starter just graduated and they had no quality replacements. I discussed with my parents and being fairly well off I decided to change schools. The school had a quality football program and was the state champions in the division below my old school. The biggest drawback to changing schools was Daisy's family couldn't afford for her to change so we would be apart during school. We felt our relationship was strong enough to handle it.

During our junior year Daisy told me Jake was always hitting on her, asking her out and making innuendos to her about how he was better for her than me. At times she talked about him in a way that was unsettling to me. It wasn't so much about what she said it was more about how she said it. I could tell the pressure was starting to get to her.

She also told me that Jake had scored with a couple of the cheerleaders and all they could talk about was what a good lover he was and the fact he had a big dick. I knew that to be a fact as back in those days we used communal showers after practice. Jake made even the black guys blush he was so big. At least 8" long while soft and as around as a cucumber. He liked to enter the shower swinging it back and forth just to show off and make the rest of us look small.

Daisy was a virgin as we agreed we would wait until married or at least until we were 18 to consummate our relationship. It was really tough on us but at least we did almost everything else. Daisy would never let me go down on her as she thought it was nasty but she would give me oral from time to time.

There were times I didn't think we could hold off but we did. The fact is I did. Daisy was always the aggressor when it came to sex and I was the one who would stop us from going any further. She would get a look in her eye when she was turned on that was almost animalistic. Sometimes when I would stop her she would be mad at me until she calmed down and realize I was right in stopping us from going any further. If we were to go all the way I thought she would regret it and be upset. How wrong I was.

My junior year at the Catholic High School was a good one for me as I made 2nd team all state behind guess who, Jake. I was being recruited by a number of power 5 schools including the local one. For every school looking at me there were at least 3 looking at Jake. It broke my heart when Jake declared to play where his father played at State. I knew I would have to go elsewhere to get a chance to play.

I decided to attend college at a rival school the next state over as they had a great program and if I won the starting job I would have a great chance to making my dream of playing in the NFL a reality. My decision to go out of state put a lot of pressure on Daisy and our relationship. As I mentioned earlier her family didn't have the money for out of state tuition for her.

At the start of our senior year things were starting to get a little shaky in our relationship. She was mad about me going out of state and due to practice, preparing for the placement exams etc. we weren't seeing each other as often as in the past.

I was hearing rumors from old friends at the school that Daisy and Jake were seen a lot together around campus talking, laughing, and just hanging out. When I asked her about this she looked guilty but answered they were just friends nothing more. Needless to say her answer didn't help calm my worries.

Daisy and I both turned 18 as did Jake the summer between our senior's years so the additional pressures of adulthood added to our troubles. Daisy and I talked about going all the way but she decided she didn't want to right now and in fact she seemed to have lost some of her desire to make out and wasn't near as aggressive when we did get together.

Daisy came to see me after school one day excited about Homecoming weekend that was happening in two weeks. She said she was selected for the homecoming court and might even become homecoming Queen. She started talking about plans for us but when I checked out the calendar I noticed her homecoming was the same night as we were on our only out of town trip for a game against the best Catholic school in the next state.

Her face turned white when I said I wouldn't be there and then it turned red with a fury I had never seen in her. She was pissed, really pissed. She then said something to me that made me mad as hell and also hurt me to my soul, "If you can't go with me maybe I will go with Jake, he asks me almost every day to go out with him." She then turned and left me slamming the door behind her.

I didn't see or speak with her all week. I called and even stopped by but her mother said she was out with friends. Her mother felt sorry for me and just said, "She is upset but she will get over it, you guys will be back together before you know it." I was hoping that was true but I had my doubts, doubts that were soon realized.

The grapevine from my old school was working overtime. I heard from numerous friends that Jake was going to be elected King of the homecoming court and Daisy was a shoo-in for Queen. Also people said they were going to attend the dance together. I finally was able to confront Daisy on this and she looked right at me and said, "We are going together as friends, just friends."

Again I stuck my foot in my mouth when I replied, "Friends that is not what I am hearing."

Daisy then said, "What are you hearing, are you spying on me?"

"No, not spying but people talk and they are saying you two are together all the time and seem to be really chummy."

"I like him, he is nice, good looking, and the best quarterback in the state, I am not going to the dance alone if you can't be there then I am going with Jake."

I just looked at her not knowing what to say. The best quarterback in the state was meant to hurt me and it did. I just said, "I can't be there so have fun with the best quarterback in the state." I then turned and left with tears in my eyes. She called after me but I just went to my car a drove away. We didn't speak until after homecoming but I missed her terribly. On the bus ride back from our away game I made up my mind to go to her and get her back. Again I was very wrong.

The team arrived back in town Saturday afternoon and I went directly to a florist bought some roses and went to Daisy's home. Her mother answered the door and said Daisy was still sleeping. It was 1:00 in the afternoon. I asked if she was ill and her mother just said she didn't get home until very late last night. Her mother said she would have her call me when she woke up. I left the roses and went home.

At home I received a call from a good friend who played for the high school and he told me Daisy and Jake was all over each other at the dance. I asked when they left and he said around 11:00 but he saw Jake's van up at the Lake when he went up there with his girlfriend to park. He said the van was still there when they left around 1:00 AM. He just said, "Sorry man, I can only imagine what was going on in there." There was not much else to say so I just said goodbye.

Needless to say my mind was racing with all the possibilities of what was going on in the van. I was emotionally and physically exhausted between the trip and Daisy and fell asleep.

About 5:00 in the afternoon I received a call from Daisy. I didn't really know what to say or how to start the conversation so I just said, "Hi Babe."

She just said, "Hi, thank you for the roses." She was then silent.

I asked like a fool, "How was homecoming?"

She replied, "It was great, I had a wonderful time. Jake and I were Homecoming King and Queen."

I then asked, "I would like to come over and talk."

She shocked me when she replied, "Not a good idea, Jake is picking me up in a little while and we are going out."

I quickly responded, "Like on a date."

"Yes a date, I think based on you leaving for a school out of state and after last night it would be better if we dated other people moving forward."

I was pissed and said, "What happened last night?"

"After being out with Jake I realized that I liked him a lot and I want to see where it goes so I think it would be best if we don't see each other anymore." I couldn't believe what I was hearing and didn't respond. Finally she just said, "I have to get ready for my date we can maybe talk later." Then she hung up the phone.

I was devastated; I had lost everything to Jake, my starting position at quarterback, my scholarship to State and now my girl. I wanted to kick his ass but I knew I would lose that fight too.

That night I had dinner with my folks and they asked if I would be going out with Daisy and I had to tell them we were taking a break from each other for a while. They were shocked and consoling but it did little good. I made an excuse saying I was going over to some friend's house and left.

I drove around and saw Jake's van at the movie theater. I parked down the block and just waited for them to come out. About a half hour later they came out with his arm around her. They looked funny together him being 6'6" and her being just over 5'. They got in the van and drove off. I knew they were headed to the lake as this was the spot where all the kids went to make out. I waited a while then headed that way.

As I drove into the area and I saw the van backed into an area surrounded by trees and bushes. I couldn't see anyone in the front so assumed they were in the back making out. I got out of my car and worked my way through the trees so I was hidden from sight. As I got close to the van I could see the van was rocking a slight bit. I remembered once seeing a sticker that read, "If this van is a rocking don't come a knocking."

There was only one thing that would cause the van to be rocking. I started to just leave but my curiosity got the better of me so a got closer and I soon heard Daisy moaning and grunting. I then heard Jake say, "You like that big dick, don't you, don't you?"

Then the crushing blow to me when I heard Daisy, "Yes, yes fucks me, fuck me!!!" We had waited so long to do the deed and here he was fucking her on the second date and most likely took her virginity the night before. I couldn't help myself as I peeked into the back window to see Daisy's back to me totally naked riding Jake's big fat dick. I couldn't believe she could take that big thing in her little body but see was. She was fucking him as I watched her naked ass piston up and down on his big cock. I couldn't see their faces but I could see she was leaning forward with her hands on his big chest. Jake was on his back with his hands behind his head. I could only envision he was smiling as he watched her get off fucking his big cock. It was about then Daisy moaned, "I cumming, I am cumming again, oh God, I'm cumming."

As I watched her convulse on Jake she finally collapsed on his chest. Jake just said, "Are you ready for number three?" He then rolled her over on her back picked up her legs by her thin ankles and proceeded to pummel her pussy with his giant cock. Daisy was making sounds I had never heard from her with her arms and legs flailing all over. Daisy's backed arched and she let out a guttural moan and her whole body went into spasm. She then suddenly collapsed on the van bed. I think she passed out. Jake reached out and lightly slapped her face and said, "Wake up baby I'm not done yet." He then started his assault anew. Her body was limp as he fucked her. He soon let out a loud roar and jab into her hard with a couple of short strokes depositing his load into her. I couldn't take anymore and snuck away.

I sat in my car and just watched the van thinking of all that I had lost and knowing I couldn't compete with him in football or with Daisy. I was getting ready to leave when I noticed the van was rocking again. I could only visualize what was going on in there, I drove off knowing that my life had made a big detour from the plans I once had and I was going to have to move forward somehow without Daisy. It would be my hardest challenge I would ever face.

I drove home in a daze after what I had seen and heard. I soon realized I was sporting a hard on that was actually painful and no matter what I was thinking it would not go down. I made it home and immediately went to my room dropped my pants and stroked my cock visualizing Daisy being fucked by Jake. I was soon spewing my lode into a sock. I fell back onto the bed and curled up in the fetal position and fell asleep.

I woke up two more times in the night and had to repeat my masturbation session to go back to sleep. When my mom woke me for church I had to roll over to hide my morning wood. A trip to the shower took care of that one. I was in a fog all day but finally decided I had lost and I never spoke with Daisy for the rest of the school year.

The last regular game of the season was always against my old school. As usual Jake won out and watching Daisy jump into his arms wrapping her slender legs around him brought back memories and all I could think about was her in the back of his van.

I would hear from old friends that Daisy was following Jake around like a puppy. I also heard he was still seeing others but it didn't seem to bother Daisy. Daisy was completely under his spell. She was telling everyone she was following him to State. She was planning everything around him. I think everyone but Daisy knew this was not going to end well for her.

That is enough about Daisy for now. It took a while but I finally got my shit together and started moving forward without Daisy in my life. I started dating which was a totally new experience for me. I even lost my virginity to a cheerleader from my school. She had a reputation for being an easy lay. We were together for awhile but really wasn't that into her. I went on to score with two more girls before graduating. I wish I knew Catholic girls were so promiscuous earlier.

I enrolled early to college to get a start on practice and left town soon after graduation. About the same time my father who was Regional Sales Manager for a fortune 500 firm was promoted to National Sales Manager and transferred to the home office in Arizona. With my parents gone and Daisy with Jake there really wasn't a reason for me to return. Over the next four years I only returned to my old home town twice both times to play and lose to State.

Daisy was still part of me and it hurt when I saw her. Luckily I only saw Daisy, but never spoke to her, once a year when we played State as she made the Cheerleading squad. We would glance at each other but that was it. It hurt even more when she would run up to Jake smile and hug him after they defeated us.

Old friends kept me up to date on Daisy and Jake. It seems she was with him all through college but he was with any and all comers. There were even rumors he was fucking the coaches wife. The story was the coach wanted to kick him off but the alumni and the administration said you will go before he does. Jake stayed on and led the team to a national championship his senior year.

I had a good college career and started my last two years. Of course Jake started all four years and was a Heisman finalist his last two. My senior year I was second team all conference and of course Jake was first team. He went on to be drafted in the early first round. I was drafted in the Fifth round.

I had a pretty good love life in college and bedded many young ladies on the way but never found someone I wanted to stay with. I think, deep down, I was still in love with Daisy.

I spent 3 years in the NFL holding a clipboard. I never took a snap in a regular season game. The only action I saw was in preseason or being a practice dummy for the first team defense. The perks were good though and I thought college was good for getting ladies, the NFL was great. I even had my first threesome (FFM) while on the road. Some of the stars had a girl in every town and then come home and talk about being a family man.