Alycia, Alcohol, and Abandonment


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"Wh-what -" she panted, incredulous. She had been so close, had just started to really enjoy it - to forget that she was in a dirty bar bathroom being fondled and kissed by strangers. Strangers - what the fuck am I doing, I have to get out of here -

Alycia abruptly realized they were no longer holding onto her and tried to push away from the column at her back, angling towards the door. Her cunt throbbed with need, but the lack of direct stimulation made the danger she was in more apparent. She only took two steps when Kyle's hand shot out and closed around her throat, cutting off her air. He pushed her back against the column with his other hand against her stomach, pinning her in place easily.

Then he smiled. "I was really hoping you'd try something like that, so I'd get to do this."

She choked, gurgling, her eyes watering as she gazed up at him imploringly. Down below, Dustin came closer again, stroking her thighs and ass, trailing little kisses along her skin, avoiding her dripping pussy, waiting.

Kyle released her throat and she gasped, struggling for air. He hadn't held her for that long - he knew it was more shock than anything else that stole her breath now. He stroked her cheek, gazing at her tenderly, enjoying her confusion.

"Please," she whined, "don't hurt me. Let me go...o-or keep touching m- just don't -"

Dustin laughed, cupping her naked ass. "They're all the same."

"It's almost too easy," Kyle agreed, his lip curling. He wrapped his hand around her throat again, holding her in place without squeezing. "I am touching you, girl. So is Dustin. Was there something else you wanted? You'll have to be more specific."

Alycia closed her eyes, shaking her head, her nose wrinkling and her legs closing automatically. Dustin placed his hands on her thighs and pushed them back apart, quickly bringing his face back to her dripping, needy cunt. He gave her a few slow, long licks along her labia, then a soft, suckling kiss right on top of her clit. He slipped his fingers back inside of her, stroking her earnestly, sucking on her clit. She moaned loudly, then choked as Kyle once again squeezed her throat and cut off her air. She squirmed, sputtering, her hips bucking.

Kyle watched as her eyes fluttered, chuckling.

"You really love this, don't you?" he laughed, putting his face close to hers. "Which do you even want more right now? To breathe, or to come?"

He released her throat again and she gasped, sputtering for air. Then she groaned, panting, her chest heaving as Dustin continued fucking her cunt with his fingers, stroking her higher and higher, back up to the same precipice they had snatched her back from just moments before. It was twice as intense this time, her sensitive flesh becoming more and more inflamed and engorged as they stimulated her.

Alycia was getting closer now, so close she forgot again where she was, who she was with. She was overwhelmed by their utter control over her body, their synchronized assault on her sensitive flesh. She should have been shocked, terrified, that this pale stranger had his fist wrapped around her throat, that he was choking off her breath whenever he pleased. But somehow, the lack of breath and what fear she felt only served to heighten the sweet, gentle, relentless touch of his olive-skinned friend below. She had never felt so desperate, pushed to the edge so quickly, without warning.

"Oh - god -" she gasped a tiny voice, struggling to speak around the fist clutched once more around her throat. The pale man stared at her intently, his tongue between his front teeth, his eyes alight as he drank in her desperation. He slowly released her throat, letting her breathe, and took her face in his hands again. She was so close, her breath coming in quick gasps, her green eyes squeezing open and shut.

Dustin swept his tongue across her clit quickly, then slid a third finger inside of her. She cried out, biting her lip, as he thrust up roughly inside of her once, twice, three times - his tongue lapping against her with every stroke. Then, maddeningly, he pulled away again.

Alycia let out a cry of frustration, dizzy and overwhelmed, her hands braced against Kyle's shoulders. Her hips bucked forward, seeking contact with Dustin's skilled tongue again, but he held her in place with one hand pressed against her belly.

"He won't make you come until you beg me for it, princess," Kyle said, smirking at her. "Do you know how to beg nicely?"

"I don't - I can't -"

"Oh come on, don't act like you don't want this," Kyle scoffed.

"You're dripping all over me, beautiful," Dustin interjected. "Just tell him what you need. I'll make you come so hard you'll forget your own name." His words were smooth and soothing compared to Kyle's harsh, mocking tone. Something about their contradicting natures had Alycia utterly confused, torn between Dustin's gentle, intoxicating touch and the creeping thrill of fear she felt whenever she met Kyle's eyes.

"Please, please -" she begged, unsure of how to ask.

"Please what?"

"Please, I want - I need to..."

Dustin palmed her entire pussy in his hand, giving her a few slow, circling rubs, then let his fingers drift across her clit. He rubbed her intently for a few moments and she lost the ability to speak, her words cutting off with a loud moan. Then his tongue touched her clit again, and his fingers were back inside of her - and Kyle had her nipples between his fingers, pinching and tweaking them, that infuriating smirk playing across his lips as he and his friend turned up their assault simultaneously.

"Oh god oh god oh god," Alycia chanted, "I'm going to come -"

And they stopped.

"Damn it!" she cried, nearly sobbing now. She was crazy with her need for completion, her eyes wild, her head tossing back and forth. She nearly stomped her feet in frustration. "Please, I can't take this!"

"I still haven't heard her say what she wants, have you, Dustin?" Kyle said, feigning confusion. "Maybe she wants me to choke her again." He wrapped both hands around her throat and did so, cutting off her words as Alycia tried to speak again.

Dustin gave her another long, slow lick, chuckling against her wet flesh as she cried out and thrust her hips forward, trying to rub against his face. She was beyond all decorum now, wild with lust and need, so desperate to get off that she was bucking against him like a mindless slut. He really wanted to make her come, to taste her sweetness as she found her release all over his face. That was almost the best part.

The actual best part came right after. And if Kyle's cock was as hard as Dustin's was right now, he wasn't going to be able to tease and taunt this little firecracker for much longer. It was so fun to make a girl come, nearly against her will, then to share her with the one person he knew who loved fucking drunk, reluctant girls even more than he did. If Kyle made them beg for it, all the better. It tended to leave them confused - if they enjoyed it so much, was that consent? Could they still claim rape when they came so hard, so loudly? When they asked for it?

Above, Kyle released Alycia's throat again. "Wanna try that again? Beg me, princess."

"Please -" she gasped. Her eyes met his without fear, for the first time, full of fire. "Please make me come. Please. I need to."

Kyle laughed, then nodded. "Okay. Since you asked so sweetly."

His lips descended on hers again and she moaned into his mouth. Dustin began working her cunt and clit more optimistically, using every trick he knew to make her hotter, wetter, more desperate. He nudged against her clit with his nose, his fingers writhing wildly inside of her, his tongue laving her entire sopping pussy with firm, swift strokes. Kyle kissed her passionately, invading her mouth, his hands tangling in her hair. He kissed her as if they were longtime lovers, so openly and ardently that Alycia felt breathless. Something about being kissed on both sets of lips set her on fire - and, as Kyle palmed both of her breasts and pushed up against her, she felt herself finally reaching that peak.

She moaned into Kyle's mouth, grinding her hips against Dustin's face and hands. Kyle pulled away, pinching her nipples harshly, letting her moans ring loudly out in the tile room. She was gasping, her entire body shivering and convulsing, rising up on her toes as pleasure swept over her. She tossed her chestnut head back, braced between the column and the men's bodies, riding each delicious wave. Dustin continued to lick and kiss her as she came down, slowing his touch, enjoying the little jumps and moans she gave as he stroked her sensitive skin.

"Oh fuck," she gasped, "oh fuck that was so amazing - oh - oh god -"

"I knew you were a slut," Kyle growled, his hands finding her hair again. He gripped her harshly, pulling her head towards him, watching as she twitched and gloried in the aftershocks of her orgasm. "You fucking loved that, look at you. When was the last time you came like that?"

Alycia was panting, coming down from her climax, her body slick with sweat. The truth was never - but she couldn't admit that. She just shook her head, dazed.

Suddenly, there was a loud pounding on the door. Kyle and Dustin glanced at each other. Kyle turned and went to the door, reaching for the deadbolt, and Dustin climbed to his feet. He kept her pressed against the column, one leg between hers, his body holding her in check. He looked a little stiff from crouching on the floor for so long, but he seemed otherwise utterly pleased with himself. Alycia felt a mixture of revulsion and wonder when she noticed her own pussy juices coating his lips and chin. The revulsion took over when Dustin took advantage of her exhaustion to slip his fingers, also wet with evidence of her passion, inside her mouth. She tried to pull away, protesting, but he stroked her hair, shushing her.

"Just clean me off and keep quiet, baby. You were so wet, that was so hot. You're so fucking beautiful. Thank you for letting me do that to you."

She hadn't really, but that hardly seemed to matter now. She just took his fingers into her mouth and started slowly cleaning away her own juices. She was surprised to find the taste didn't bother her much, that even sharing this intimate moment with a stranger wasn't so uncomfortable for her. She convinced herself it was the alcohol. She tried not to think about what might be coming next. She knew that they wouldn't have trapped her in this bathroom just to make her come. They obviously wanted more.

Kyle opened the door. Alycia couldn't see who was there from this angle, but she thought she recognized the bartender's voice.

"Listen, I know we have a deal, but the entire bar just heard - and thoroughly enjoyed - that performance. It was a quiet song. I can't get a reputation, you know that."

Dustin looked Alycia in the eyes, smiling warmly at her. She flushed scarlet at the bartender's words. Her lower lip trembled, tears springing into her eyes. He leaned forward and kissed her tenderly on the forward, continuing to stroke her hair and shoulders, soothing her. He whispered in her ear. "They enjoyed it, we enjoyed it - you enjoyed it, too. What's the pout for, sugar?"

"I've never done anything like this before," she whispered, the words coming out in a rush. "This is my first time, d-doing this, w-with men. Being touched like this. Please don't tell him."

Dustin's eyes narrowed, and Alycia thought she saw a flicker of concern behind them. He nodded, licking his lips. "Your secret is safe with me. What's your name, anyway?"

"A-Alycia," she murmured.

"Ah-lee-see-ah," he said, stretching out the syllables, as if he could taste her name on his tongue. "That's a pretty name, for a pretty girl. I'm Dustin, in case you forgot. I'm the guy that just made you come."

She blushed again and he laughed.

As they spoke in hushed tones, the conversation at the door continued.

"We'll keep her quieter, man, sorry. You know how wild Dustin can drive a girl, and this one was being particularly stubborn. I'll drop the money in your office on the way out, okay?"

"Pay her tab, too," the bartender said, sounding cross. "Her little friend took off ages ago, I get the feeling neither of them actually had the cash to pay for tonight. Guess that means your little screamer in there is just working off her debt, eh?"

"We know how to pick 'em," Kyle said, grinning. "Sorry, man. Maybe kick the music up a notch?"

"No promises," the bartender said. Then he withdrew, returning to his less debauched clientele. Kyle closed the door, flipping the deadbolt back into place.

"All right, sweetheart," he said, turning back to Dustin and Alycia. "Now it's your turn to make us feel good."

"Listen, I-I didn't mean to - I really need to go now, my friend is waiting for me, she's going to take me home."

"She'll call, won't she?" Dustin asked. "Instead of coming in again. Bet her boyfriend wants her alone again quick." He looked around, then spotted Alycia's phone in the stall behind her. Releasing her, he went to retrieve it.

Suddenly emboldened, Alycia snatched her dress up from the ground and clutched it to her chest, racing for the door. She could hear a hard rock song playing beyond, at a wall-thumping volume. She collided with Kyle and swung out, trying to hit him wherever she could reach. She met nothing but solid, resistant muscle. She was still so drunk, so weak.

She took a deep breath and screamed, trying to kick him, her fingers arching into claws as she struck out against him. Kyle caught her wrists easily, an amused smirk twisting his lips. He pulled her against his chest, flipping her around so her back was against him, and covered her mouth, cutting off her scream. He pressed down hard, using his fingers and thumb to squeeze her nose shut. She struggled to breathe through the cracks between her face and his hand, but that just made him press down harder.

He bumped his hips against her ass, letting her feel how hard his cock was. "That's your fault, sweetheart. Now it's your problem, too. Are you really going to make this difficult? After how nice we were to you?" He met Dustin's eyes over her shoulder. "I knew we should've just held this little bitch down and raped her. Grab her legs."

He let go of her mouth and looped his arms under hers, pulling them back, causing her to drop her dress again. Alycia wiggled in his grasp, trying to free herself, but that only succeeded in rubbing her bare ass against his denim-covered erection. Dustin crossed the room and grabbed her ankles and the two men lifted her off her feet so that she was horizontal in the air. She bucked hard, her entire body convulsing as she tried vainly to break their grasp. Kyle laughed, nodding towards the counter. He and Dustin carried her, hardly seeming aware of her struggles, stopping when they reached the sink.

Dustin dropped her legs, but before she could get them underneath her, Kyle pushed her down over the counter. She was in the same position they had found her in, sans clothing, her face angled towards the basin, her ass high in the air. She could see Kyle in the mirror if she craned her neck. His teeth were bared in a cruel snarl, his eyes glued to the glistening cavern between her thighs, below her round cheeks. She watched, horrified, as he undid his belt buckle and unbuttoned his jeans. She jerked up, trying again to get away, but Dustin came around her side and held her in place by the back of her neck.

"Shh, shh," he murmured. "It'll be better for you if you don't struggle. Kyle likes it when girls struggle. Just breathe, it'll feel so good, just wait -"

Kyle rolled his eyes. "You're being so soft on her. You act like it's the first time this slut has taken a cock."

He pulled his hard dick out of his jeans as he spoke. It was thick, fully erect, and longer than any toy Alycia had ever had inside of her. She shivered, trying to lift her head, to push away, but both men held her firmly.

Dustin tightened his grip on her neck when Kyle spoke - a warning. She pressed her lips together, squeezed her eyes shut, and braced her hands against the edge of the sink. She felt him, hard and aching, pressing into her from behind. The tip of his cock touched her wet cunt and a sob escaped her. She clapped a hand over her mouth, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of her fear.

Kyle chuckled. "Good girl. Grit your teeth and take it."

He could hardly stand taking it so slow, but he didn't want her to start sobbing. It always made Dustin uncomfortable when they did that. So he took his time, lining his cock up against her waiting hole, his eyes rolling in his head when the tip touched the velvety, wet flesh between her thighs. He bit his lip, taking a deep breath, then ever-so-slowly began to push himself inside of her. She was hot - molten - and soaking wet. After the first two inches or so, he slipped into her easily, groaning as his cock sank home.

"She's so fucking tight," he grunted, "and wet, and soft. Fuck -" His hips twitched and he wrapped his fingers around her waist, longing to plunge himself in and out of her with no concern for her comfort or pleasure. It would be so satisfying to make her scream -

"Take it slow," Dustin warned, tone sharp. Kyle shot him a resentful look.

Alycia kept her eyes squeezed shut tight, trying hard to picture that she was somewhere - anywhere - else. But that was very difficult with an achingly hot, rock hard cock buried in her pussy. The sensation was exquisite, wonderfully full and complete, and she felt her cunt throb and contract around him, accommodating to his hardness, accepting his thick member as she suddenly thought it was always meant to. Not this cock, necessarily, just...cock in general... This was something entirely new, this was incredible, was this what she was made for? This was -

What was she even thinking? There was a stranger inside of her!

The thought was driven out of her mind as that "stranger" (because who had ever been closer to her now?) slowly pulled himself out, his face in the mirror twisted in concentration and will. His hands tightened around her waist, holding her in place, as he stopped with the very tip of his cock inside her. Then he thrust back in, a little faster, a little rougher...slowly dragging back out again. It was heavenly for them both, though only he showed any sign of that. Alycia kept her eyes squeezed shut, kept her hand clamped over her mouth, tried as hard as she could to ignore these new, incredible sensations. Her pussy sucked at him, a mind of its own, uncaring and unaware of her mind's internal struggle between wanting this man to fuck her as hard and fast as he could, and mourning the loss of her virginity to someone she hadn't even known existed less than four hours ago. While another stranger watched intently, no less. Dustin had freed his own cock. Turning her head, she watched him stroke himself, just six or so inches from her face. She craned her neck, struggling to meet his eyes. He smiled softly, touching her cheek with one hand as his other squeezed and pulled on his shaft. His left thumb lingered on her lower lip and he cocked an eyebrow, brown eyes glinting.

Finally, with a grunt of frustration, Kyle's lip curled and he dug his fingers into her skin, rocketing his hips forward to bump against her ass. He was completely inside her again, then out just as suddenly - the sensation made her cry out in wonder, amazed that this hot, searing invader in her pussy could feel so incredibly wonderful, could rake against her inner walls so exquisitely. Kyle hunched over and began thrusting in and out of her steadily, his mouth open around a gasp as he reveled in the tight, soaking suck of her cunt. Almost against her will, Alycia cried out into her own palm, her sweet voice moaning in wonder with every rough, jarring thrust.