Amanda and I Ch. 02


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"Mom, Dad, this is my friend Amanda."

"How nice to meet you!" my Mom said. "Yes, it is," said Dad, and they both shook Amanda's hand.

"Thank you so much for inviting me. I've been looking forward to meeting you."

My brother Ricky walked in from the kitchen and I introduced him to Amanda. "I've heard a lot about you," she said with that grin.

"Oh, great. Don't believe anything she tells you," he replied, with a shy grin. Then he headed out to the back yard.

We got drinks and snacks, headed outside and sat around in the shade as Dad cooked burgers. All in all, the evening went as smoothly as I could have hoped, with most of the conversation being about Amanda's move here, her parents' teaching jobs, and college plans. At one point my Mom mentioned that I'd be away at school in a couple of months. I had been thinking about that, about being away from Amanda, but I tried to sound enthusiastic. Amanda, as usual, smiled and was very supportive, saying that she was sure it would be a great experience.

After dinner, we hung out more, eating my chocolate chip cookeies, which Amanda claimed were the "best ever". I smiled, but I knew I was blushing at the same time. I hoped my Mom hadn't noticed. We finally helped to clean up - Amanda insisted - and I said I'd walk her home and be back in a little while. Hugs all around, and many thanks from Amanda for the invitation. It had clearly been a success, but I also wondered whether my mother caught any of the quick smiles between us.

We walked the long way, through the park, holding hands and talking, stopping every few minutes for a kiss and an embrace. How badly I wanted to be in bed with her, but I knew it wasn't happening this night. She had nice things to say about my family, and I assured her that they seemed to really like her. We parted at the end of her street with another kiss, this time long and passionate, our arms around each other, our breasts pressed together.

As I expected, my parents raved about how nice Amanda seemed to be, and how glad they were that I had met her. I told her that we had met Sara and Jess for pizza, and the three of them also got along great. That made my Mom feel even better, since she loved Sara and Jess as if they were her own daughters.

I went to sleep very happy, thinking about Amanda, how well things had gone, and how she always made me feel safe and content when we were together.

The next day I got some great news. My parents were taking my brother to a summer camp that weekend, and since it was a long drive they planned to stay overnight on Saturday. They asked if I wanted to come along, or would I rather stay at home. I'd be alone, but it was OK with them if I preferred that. I didn't hesitate to say I'd rather stay here and relax. Inside I was thrilled at the prospect.

"Maybe you can have one of your friends sleep over, just so you're not alone. Watch a movie?" Mom suggested. "But not a group, this isn't an invitation to host a party!"

"Sure, that sounds good. Let me see who can stay over," I said, not mentioning the obvious and trying to contain my excitement.

I met Amanda at the pool early that afternoon and told her about my parents being away. "Please, please can you stay with me?" I practically begged.

"Are you kidding? Of course! This is great. Just let me make sure my folks are OK with it, but since they've met you I'm sure they will be."

By that eveniing it was all set. Amanda's parents and mine were fine with the plan. I was beside myself just thinking about having her with me for almost the whole weekend. It was two days away and I was already counting the hours. And it turned out that Sara had to go someplace with her parents, and Jess had a date with this guy from school that she had gone out with a few times. Perfect. Just Amanda and I.

I had to work the next day and didn't get to see Amanda; we just talked on the phone when we were in bed, sadly not together. Saturday came and I gave my brother a hug, which he resisted of course, and kissed my parents goodbye. "I'll be fine," I said as they pulled away. Amanda had to do some things with her folks until dinner time. Then her Mom drove her over and dropped her off with her overnight bag. Amanda could have walked with it, but I think her Mom felt better just seeing where she was going to stay. After she left, we went inside and closed the door. It reminded me of the first day I had gone to her house, except this time I was the one who took her hands, pushed her back against the door and kissed her passionately.

"I can't believe you're here, " I whispered, and led her to my room. We both just flopped down on the bed, my head cradled in her arm, cherishing the sense of being together. We lay there for quite a while, kissing occasionally, talking, smiling. She liked to push my hair out of my face and kiss my neck. I loved every second of her touch. I felt that I was in heaven. I told her that I had bought some food and wanted to cook her dinner instead off going out.

"That sounds great," she said with a smile. "As long as I can help. Then we'll have the whole night together."

We spent the next couple of hours making dinner, and enjoying each other. At one point, I was cutting peppers for a salad and she slipped up behind me, reached around and took my breasts in her hands, kissing me on the neck. I had to put the knife down or I would have cut off my fingers.

"Oh, my god, that feels so wonderful. At this rate we may never have dinner."

She laughed and said, "Get back to work, girl."

That's kind of how it went, some dinner preparation, lots of fooling around, laughing, kissing, talking. We finally had everything ready, so we took it out to the patio, sat under the umbrella, and ate. Amanda went inside to get the pitcher of iced tea, came back and poured me some, then reached around my neck from behind and hugged me.

"I love you Nicole."

"I know," I said. "I still can't believe it, but I know it's true. I love you so much." She turned my head around and kissed me softly. It was all like a dream.

It was still light out when we'd finished eating and cleaning up, so we went for a walk around the neighborhood. I took her hand in mine as we walked and she looked at me as if to question what I'd just done.

"I know what you're thinking," I said. "But if someone sees us holding hands, so what. As long as you're Ok with it."

"You know I am," she smiled, and squeezed my hand. We wandered back to the house as it was getting dark. My phone rang.

"Hi Mom. Yeah, we're fine, just finished dinner. How are you guys doing?"

Everything was good, just a "check in on Nicky" call, which I had expected.

Back inside, door locked, lights out, we headed to my bedroom. I closed the curtains and turned on the lamp on my nightstand. We looked at each other for a second, then each started removing the other's clothes, laughing as we did, racing to get each other naked. I pulled back the covers and we practically dove into bed, kissing, fondling, in a hurry to carress each other's body. Amanda slid her lips down to my breasts, sucking on each one, then down further, finally just brushing over my pubic hair to reach my pussy. I pulled her legs toward me and lifted one over my shoulder. She did the same, and we now had our faces buried between each other's legs, licking and sucking furiously, as if we hadn't held each other in a year. We hadn't done this sixty-nine position before, and I was torn between licking her and feeling her licking me. It was so intense, both clits engorged and pulsating, our breathing accelerating, our tongues thrusting in and out of our cunts. We couldn't slow down, couldn't have stopped if a bomb dropped. I felt the first tremors of an orgasm building up and I could feel Amanda's muscles tensing, her hips thrusting forward more and more rapidly. The orgasm hit me like a truck, making me scream as I tried to keep licking Amanda's pussy, I heard her yell, "Fuck! Fuck! Yes!" as we tried to bury ourselves inside each other.

The waves slowed down, our muscles began to relax, and our breathing became slower. I fell back on the bed, and I felt Amanda slip out from under my leg and crawl up on top of me. We looked in each other's eyes and kissed passionaterly, mingling the taste of our pussies and juices. "My God, Nicole,my God..." She just shook her head and smiled.

She slid off to my side, slipped her arm under my neck, and held me tight against her.

"Amanda," I whispered.

"What is it?" she asked quietly, her breathing now almost bqack to normal.

I shook my head and smiled. "Nothing...I just wanted to say your name. There's nothing else. There's just you, just my Amanda. That's all there is. That's all I need." I turned and kissed her softly, letting my fingers trail over her breasts and down to her pussy, leaving my hand settled there I the warmth of her dampness.

"Now I understand what it's like to be in love," I said. "It's the most wonderful thing in the world."

"She propped herself up on one elbow, ran her hand over my breasts and up to my neck, looked me in the eye with her beautiful smile, and said, "You, Nicole, are the most wonderful thing in the world. I couldn't imagine being happier than I am right now." She kissed me again and we lay there, side by side, not talking, not even thinking, just being together.

After a while we got up, showered together, took turns drying each other off, put on t-shirts and went to the kitchen. I heated up some water and we sat at the table, holding hands and sipping tea. We talked about the rest of the summer, when Amanda said that she was already stating to imagine how she'd feel when I left for college.

"I know," I nodded. "I've thought about that. But let's not think about it tonight. Let's just be here."

"You're right," she smiled. "This is perfect, so we'll just keep it that way."

My phone rang again, a "goodnight" call from my Mom, but I think she really just wanted to be sure we were OK. While we were talking, Amanda reached under my shirt, gave me a huge smile, and played with my nipples; I almost lost it, but I managed to tell her we were fine, just watching a movie, and said goodnight. She couldn't have imagined just how OK we were at that moment.

We wandered back to my bedroom, turned off the lights, took off our t-shirts, and climbed into bed. We wrapped our arms around each other and whispered about our feelings, our love for each other, and our plans for the rest of the summer. We made love again, this time more slowly, but with every bit as much passion. Then we fell asleep, arms and legs intertwined.

We woke up a couple of times during the night and one of us would give the other another orgasm, using our mouths and fingers. Then we'd drift off again in each other's arms. I had never imagined such contentment.

"Hey sleepyhead." It was Amanda, rolling on top of me and kissing my neck. The sun was up, and I looked at her and smiled. I put my arms around her neck and pulled her close, holding her tightly as I whispered "Good morning". She kissed me and said, "That was the best night of my life." I hugged her so tight that I was afraid she'd break. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Nicole, sweetheart, are you OK? What is it?"

I shook my head and couldn't say anything. A few seconds later I caught my breath and told her just how overwhelming it was to be here with her, in her arms.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I just couldn't help it," I said softly. "It's almost too amazing to believe."

She patted the hair back from my face and kissed my cheeks. "I know exacly what you mean," she said softly. "That's how I feel everytime I see you, but especially when we can be like this."

We kissed and held each other, and quickly started to feel each other's bodies and to sense ourselves getting more excited. I was already wet, my nipples hard and rubbing against hers. She moved off me, spread my legs open, slid one leg under mine and pushed her pussy against mine. We held hands as we looked into each other's eyes and slowly rubbed our pussies together. Her nipples were hard, her breathing grew faster, as we ground our pussies together, slowly at first then harder and faster. I could barely breathe as I felt the intensity building, our clits touching, our hands grasped tightly together. The orgasm was taking hold of me. "Fuck me Amanda! Fuck me!" I cried, looking in her eyes as she moaned and cried out. Our juices flowed together as we were overcome by orgasms at the same time. We pressed together as hard as we could, pushing to be inside each other, tremors rolling over us both.

We lay there for a long time, unable to move, trying to recover, her hand still in mine, our bodies sweating, hair disheveled. We looked at each other and smiled. There was nothing to say; we each knew exactly what the other felt.

After ten minutes or so, we untangled our legs and lay side by side, brushing each other's hair back, kissing each other on the cheek, whispering "I love you".

Finally, we managed to get out of bed, shower, and get dressed. We wanted the house to look good for my parents, so we went into the guest bedroom and moved stuff around a little, as if Amanda had stayed there. We made my bed. She thought we should change the sheets but I said no, that I wanted her aroma near me when I went to bed that night.

My parents got home early in the afternoon, and we stayed and talked to them for a while. They were glad to hear that we had a good night - no clue how good of course - and they enjoyed talking with Amanda. it was clear that they liked her, and she seemed very comfortable with them. I walked Amanda home, visited with her parents for a while, and said I'd call her again later. She gave my hand a quick squeeze as I was leaving.

I thought a lot that day about Amanda and our relationship, and decided to do something a little bit crazy. I called Amanda and discussed it with her.

That night, I was sitting out on the deck with my Mom, my Dad inside watching a baseball game. I took a deep breath and said, "Mom, there's someting I have to tell you." I knew I sounded nervous and she looked worried.

"What is it Nicky? Are you OK?"

"Yeah, actually I'm a lot more than OK, but it's kind of hard to talk about. So here it is. You like Amanda, right?"

"Why, yes, of course! She seems like a great young lady. Why? Is there anything wrong? Is she OK?"

"No, nothing's wrong, she's fine, really. The thing is, Amanda and I are, well, dating...I guess. I mean, we really like each other. A lot."

"Oh, really?" she asked. "So like each other as in a romantic way? Is that what you're telling me?"

"Mom," I blurted out, "I love Amanda. I've never felt anything like this before in my life. I know it's not necessarily what you'd want to hear, but it's true. And she loves me. I know it."

There was a slight pause, when she reached over and took my hand. "Nicky, all your Dad and I want for you is happiness. If that's the way you feel, then it's fine with us. To tell you the truth, we talked about it after Amanda visited, and I told your Dad that the way you two acted together wasn't like you and Sara, or you and Jess. It was just a feeling I had, so I can't say that I'm surprised. The good news is that your Dad and I both think Amanda's great. And you know how much we love you."

"Oh, Mom, thank you so much. I don't know what I'd do if you didn't approve. But I wouldn't love her any less." I gave her a big hug and tried to stop the tears from welling up in my eyes.

"I want to call Amanda and tell her what you said, OK?" She nodded.

I called Amanda and told her about our conversation. She asked if I could meet her for a while, so I told Mom that I was going to meet Amanda and go for a walk.

We met halfway to the park. I grabbed her in a huge hug and pulled her close to me. She kissed me and said she had something to tell me.

"What is it? Is anything wrong?"

Amanda smiled that beautiful smile and said, "I told my parents about us. They're fine with it. They think you're wonderful! So do I, by the way! "

"Oh my God, Amanda, that's wonderful!"

I was in love and life was perfect.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A really heart warming story of young love.. Please don't leave us high and dry. We all are desperate for you to continue chapter 3.

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenover 7 years ago
Really fantastic story!

Please, please, please continue this story! It is just so good!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
More Please

Totally love this story. Hope to see more

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
thank you

You are writing what I wish I could have. I have the supporting family, just need the girl. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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