Amazing Grace Ch. 05-07


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After a few moments of kissing, he pulled away. "Thanks for indulging me earlier."

"Indulging you? What do you mean?"

"I shouldn't have spanked you like that without talking with you about it first. You put off all the right signals. I forget that all this is new to you."

Signals? "I'm not sure what you're talking about, but that wasn't my first time being spanked."

"Still. It was a conversation we should've had beforehand."

"Well, don't beat yourself up over it. I enjoyed it."

Ethan nodded. "Yes, I know. That doesn't excuse my behavior, though. It's important that you acknowledge that I have realized my mistake and intend to remedy it."

I nodded. "Okay. How are you going to remedy it?"

"We're going to spend some time talking through some things today. I want to understand you better."

"Sounds reasonable. Although, I'm pretty sure I told you everything about myself this past week."

"That's just the surface stuff. For starters, I want to know what's behind your aversion to cunnilingus."

I instinctively flinched when he said the word. Then I could feel my cheeks heating up. Ethan observed me with an amused expression on his face, complete with that annoying smirk of his. It was just too early in the day for that sort of talk.

"One of the things you're going to have to get used to, Grace, is that I'm direct. If we're going to be intimate, then we need to be able to talk candidly about things. There just isn't any other way. We can't afford to hide details that might hurt us later when we're playing."

I nodded. "I understand. I'm just not used to it, that's all."

"I realize it's been awhile since you've opened up to a man. I like that, actually."

"No, Ethan. It hasn't just been awhile. My husband and I never talked about things like that. I'm pretty sure he never said that word in my presence. Ever."

"Oh. Really? Okay."

"But I want to talk about things with you. It's important; I agree." I took a deep breath and continued. "That particular act has never done anything for me."



"Have past lovers tried to get you off and been unsuccessful?"

I scrunched up my face in thought. "Not exactly. I mean, the few times that it's come up, it wasn't to get me off as much as to just get me ready enough to do other things."

"Okay. I think I'm picturing the drill. Did the guy like it?"

I shrugged. "Not particularly, I don't think. But I wasn't expecting him to, either."

"Why not?"

"I don't know. Because..." I scrunched my nose and shook my head. "...It's just ..."

"Obviously you've never tried it if you're making that face."

I shook my head and frowned at him.

"I'm not suggesting we go out and get a girlfriend for you or anything. But, I think if you had some idea of what it tastes like, you'd change your mind. Do you like peaches?"


"How 'bout baked potatoes?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Just an idea I have. In the meantime, I want you to understand something. I love the way you taste. I would've stayed down there for hours last night had you not been so uncomfortable with it. There are days when I literally crave it, Grace. So, you don't have to feel the tiniest bit uneasy that I might be doing that out of obligation. In fact, one of the real benefits for the bottom in these situations is that the top does what they want, not what the bottom wants."

"You stopped last night because that was what I wanted."

"No. I did not. I changed my course because I didn't feel like working through it with you at the time. We will be revisiting this today and throughout the rest of the weekend. I'm not dropping it, Grace."

The forcefulness in his voice sent a chill down my spine. A good chill, apparently, because I could feel my nipples hardening. I swallowed hard and nodded.

"You hungry?"

I nodded again and smiled.

"You have your choice of Pop Tarts or cereal."

I chuckled and covered my mouth quickly.

Ethan grinned at me and shrugged. "I'm a bachelor. What do you expect?"

"It's fine."

"I know it's fine. I can't believe you just laughed at me."

"Are you going to take me over your knee again?"

"Again? This morning wasn't punishment. I did that for my own enjoyment. Anyway, to answer your question ... no, of course not. We haven't agreed to certain behaviors that will lead to punishment. And if we did, that would certainly not make the list. How boring would it be if you couldn't even laugh at me or if you just agreed with me all the time?"

"I'll remember you said that."

Ethan seemed to ignore my challenge, setting a couple boxes of cereal on the counter and the box of Pop Tarts. Then he pulled the milk from the refrigerator.

"I'm curious about your experiences with spanking."

It's like he's talking about the weather. "I, uh, tried it with a guy in college."

"Oh, yeah, the same guy you tried bondage with?"

"Yep, that's the one."

"Was that when your likeness of spanking started, or was it before that?"

"I'd read about it. It made me sort of hot, so I wanted to try it. But I didn't really get into it when we did it in college."

"That's surprising."


"You were into it this morning."

I covered my face with my hands.

"Don't do that, Grace."

I pulled my hands away. "What?"

"Don't be embarrassed about it around me. If you want to be that way around other people, that's fine. Whatever. But not around me."

"I'm not embarrassed, exactly. I just got so ..."

"Horny. Needy. Yeah, I know. I loved it."

My brain was trying to make sense of the fact that he liked me that way. It wasn't how I was raised to act.

"Why is that so hard for you to believe? I'd like to think that you want me as badly as I want you."

"I do." I shocked myself at how quickly I said that.

Ethan smirked. "What's the harm in letting me know?"

"I don't know. I guess there is none, if you're not going to think of me, you know, badly."

"You mean, like a slut?"


"Well, I might. But, not in a bad way. More like my slut. Eager for me." Ethan pulled me toward him. "I like the sound of that, actually. Do you?"

I was amazed by how much I liked the sound of it. Not of being called a slut, particularly, but of being called his. I nodded.

"I'll never call you that name in public, Grace. Nor will I ever think of it in derogatory terms. Okay?"

"I appreciate that."

"But I might call you one next time you arch your back like a cat in heat." Ethan grinned and pulled me to him for a playful kiss.

I forgot to blush.

While we were finishing breakfast, Ethan began to talk about plans. "Is there anything you want to do today?"

I shook my head and frowned.


"I thought you said you liked to decide what we do as a couple."

"I do. I will decide. But not without your input. I need to stop by the grocery store today to pick up a couple of things and then we can decide on dinner, too. And today they're having some mega sale at that book store that's going out of business. I thought you might like that."

"Oh, yeah."

"Yeah, there might be a few geek manuals I can pick up for cheap. Other than that, the rest of the day is open. What would you be doing if you weren't with me?"

"Oh, gosh, I don't know. Probably laundry and housecleaning. Painting my toenails, maybe."

"Let's pick up some polish while we're out. I'd like to watch."

I held my wrists out in front of Ethan. "Do you want me to..."

"No. You're only wearing them now because I get a kick out of seeing them on you. But that's private."

"If I wasn't here, what would you be doing today and tonight? Would you go to the dungeon?"

"No. I don't go alone. And if you weren't here, I'd just be fiddling around on my computer. Probably playing games until all hours."

"Ethan, should I have a safeword?"


"Then why haven't you asked me for it?"

"We haven't needed one, have we?"

"No, I guess not."

"Okay. So, when the time comes, I'll ask. And if I don't, just bring it up. If you feel uncomfortable with anything, just tell me and I'll stop. You don't need a safeword for that. Just communication. But if we ever play a non-consent scene, then it's definitely required. And when I whip you, I'd like to work out a progression of signals."

"You seem awfully confident that I'm going to agree to that."

"That's because I am. Come here."

I took the two steps over to where he was standing. He removed the cuffs and my wrists felt light and bare. I rubbed where the cuffs had been.

"Is your skin raw?"

"No. It just feels funny without them now."

Ethan smiled and rolled his eyes. "I can already see that I'm setting some kind of precedence. Come on, let's go."


We shopped and talked as we strolled down sidewalks and across parking lots. We did all the usual things that couples do. We bantered over silly things and laughed at each other's jokes. We held hands and stole kisses at all the appropriate moments. I thought we garnered sidelong glances from a few people, probably wondering what the heck we had in common.

I still didn't know if we had enough to base an entire relationship on, but we had enough for that point in our friendship, anyway. Only time would tell.

Almost from the moment we reached his place, things shifted. It was so subtle, I wouldn't have even noticed except I was watching for it. I was missing the more commanding Ethan.

He reattached the cuffs on my wrists and claimed my mouth in a demanding kiss as if he'd been denying himself that privilege for hours. The effect was intoxicating. I held onto his arms to keep myself upright.

Lord, how he turns me on.

"I'm going to bind your wrists behind your back."

I nodded, still breathless from his kiss.

"Take your shirt and bra off for me, baby."

The way that simple command and endearment rolled off his tongue ... That level of sheer sexiness should be illegal. I didn't think twice about doing it. In fact, you would've thought my shirt was on fire, I removed it so fast.

Ethan clipped the cuffs together behind my back and grinned at me. "Are you feeling adventurous?"

I bit my lip and whined. "I'm not sure."

"Oh, I have to do it now. Don't move."

He left me standing in the doorway to the living room. I could hear him rifling through a drawer and then walking back to me. He held out his palm to show me what he had.

"Just for a few minutes this first time."

I blanched and took a step backward. The door stopped me, making a loud noise as I drove it into the stop with my bound arms.

"Oh, please. Come back here and stand in front of me."

My feet moved before my brain could stop them.

"Now, hold still. These clamps have adjustable screws."

I hissed as he started to attach the evil little nipple clamps. It wasn't out of pain as much as anticipation of pain. When he finally had them attached, they felt interesting. Heavy. A little like he was playing with my nipples.

"There. How's that?"

"It's okay. Good, actually."

"They look amazing." Ethan leaned over and swiped his tongue around the perimeter of the clamped area.

It sent an electric pulse straight down to my sex. "Oh!"


"You can leave them on for awhile if you want."

Ethan laughed more heartily than I'd heard him the entire time I'd known him. "Oh, that's funny. Do they make you feel all tingly down below?"

I scowled at his playful suggestion. He knew exactly how they made me feel.

"I need to fix something in the kitchen. Come with me."

As I followed him, Ethan turned around to walk backward for a few strides, grinning wickedly. I couldn't resist the opening. "You're pretty proud of yourself, aren't you?"

Ethan chuckled and tilted his head. "And you're pretty cocky for someone who's bound and clamped. Better watch it or I'll attach a chain to those clamps and lead you around by it."

His threat was empty and I knew it. Not that I doubted he might do that at some point. I could feel he had an agenda that he wasn't going to let me derail him from. If I'd known what it was at the time, I might've tried harder to distract him.

He popped two potatoes in the microwave and then began slicing a peach on the counter. He'd bought a small frozen lasagna at the store but it remained in the freezer.

"What are you making?"

"An appetizer. Sort of."

About the same time the peach was sliced and on the counter, the microwave sounded its alarm. Ethan speared the spuds with a fork and dropped them on the counter. Then he sliced them open like you would if you were fixing a baked potato. He buttered both of them fairly heavily and then walked around the counter to where I was sitting.

His lips were on mine in a heartbeat. His hands cupped the undersides of my breasts and with every caress I could feel the pull of the clamps on my nipples. Every move was a fresh shockwave to my sex causing me to moan in his mouth.

He moved one hand to my shorts and began to unfasten them. Then he slipped his hand into my panties to cup my sex and curl his finger inside me. He moved the thumb of his other hand over my clamped nipple. The direct stimulation was shocking.

He removed his hand from my shorts and broke our kiss so that he could suck on his wet finger. The tangy aroma met my senses but I must've been too distracted to care. Or I simply accepted it because he was so into it. I'm not sure which one it was.

"The taste is so unique, it's hard to describe. The closest I can do is try to recreate it for you. Stand up."

I slid off the barstool and Ethan led me to the edge of the carpet. He tugged at my shorts and then pulled both my shorts and panties to the floor. He helped me balance as I stepped out of them.

"I want you on your knees. I'll help you."

I tried to appear as graceful as possible, which was difficult given that I was anything but. He was infinitely patient about it though, guiding me slowly to my knees.

I felt naked on the floor. It felt wrong.

"Just be patient a few more minutes, baby." Ethan caressed my cheek and it settled my nerves a bit. Then he walked to the kitchen to retrieve the food. I could hear him doing some last minute preparation before he returned, but I couldn't see what it was.

Ethan set a bowl on the floor in front of me. It appeared to be one of the baked potatoes he'd prepared a few minutes earlier.

"Sit back on your haunches and spread your knees. In a few moments I'm going to remove these clamps. But I promise you'll wear them again. I like how they distract you."

Ethan's eyes feasted on me for several seconds and it warmed me from head to toe. His expression was a mixture of hunger and bliss and I knew that I could become addicted to seeing it. I was sure of two things in that moment. One, that no one had ever looked at me like that before. And two, that I would do anything he asked me to do.

He dropped to his knees next to me and began caressing my skin. My stomach, my arms, my breasts. He worked his way up my thighs and lightly caressed my spread labia with his fingertips.

I whispered, "Ethan..."

"Shhh. I know what you want, baby. But I want something, too. More than anything right now."

His fingers were tracing the lines of my flesh as he spoke. It was positively maddening.

"Lean forward and eat. Let your face fall into it. Don't worry about the mess. We'll have fun cleaning it up afterward."

"I don't think I'm hungry."

"You don't have to actually swallow any of it. Just taste it."

He removed his hand from my pussy and allowed me to fold forward. My sensitive nipples swayed against the carpet as I got settled and I seriously thought it might make me climax. I had no idea how close I already was to doing so until that moment.

The first taste surprised me. It wasn't exactly a buttered baked potato as I had thought. It had a slightly tangy flavor to it. Peach? It didn't taste like peach, but I knew he'd sliced one and that would explain the tanginess.

It didn't taste bad. It was warm and soft on my tongue. Fleshy and buttery and tangy all at once.

Ethan stroked my arms and hair as I worked on the food before me, becoming more aware by the second of the point he was making with the whole exercise.

"That's what you taste like to me, Grace. As close as I can get to it, anyway. Is that bad?"

I shook my head.

"It's good enough to eat, isn't it?"

I swallowed a mouthful and nodded. Then I felt his fingers beneath my breasts. He released both clamps at once and a heated rush of throbbing pain attacked my nipples. I screamed through gritted teeth. A few moments later, after the initial rush of pain, the throbbing in my pussy intensified. Suddenly I needed to come. Badly.

"Sit up, Grace."

He was between my open thighs before I could get my bearings. His tongue mercilessly assaulting my hard, sensitive clit. All I could think about was how badly I needed to come. He held me in place and continued a relentless rhythm across the same spot. Over and over and over. I was floating at the heavenly sensation.

And then just like before, everything started to unravel at once. Thousands of shards of glass exploding outward. I screamed. I cussed. I called his name, or I didn't, I'm not even sure. My mind was total mush. And once the final convulsions left my body, my muscles were mush, too.

Ethan scrambled to wrap his arms around me and keep me from teetering. "Easy, baby."

He unclasped my wrists and pulled me forward so I could straighten my legs and lay on the floor. He never stopped holding me, though. And once I was on my back on the carpet, he was on top of me, kissing my face, my lips.

A few seconds later, it felt like, he was inside me. His gorgeous hips were between my splayed thighs in the most vanilla position of them all. With a few twists, maybe.

Ethan yanked my wrists over my head and pinned them as he thrust inside. I lifted my knees and met his pounding. A heavy line creased his forehead. His eyes were dark and he was growling with every buck.

"Come for me, Grace."

I groaned and tried to focus harder. I wanted to please him, but I didn't know if I could. That sort of thing had never really been in my control.

And then a thought occurred to me. It's not your choice. He has control.

Ethan's fingers moved to my sensitive nipple and pinched. It was the final tip I needed. The reminder that he was in charge. I yelled out my climax and this time Ethan joined me, growling and grunting as he slammed his pelvis into me for two finishing thrusts.


Turning Point

I should be ashamed of myself.

That's what I kept thinking, anyway. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I'd eaten out of a bowl on the floor. Naked. And then allowed Ethan to go down on me. Why did I agree to all that?

The birds-eye mental images I had, like photographs taken from the attic, were torturing me. Lewd. Unladylike. Shameful. Whore.

I'd brushed aside the guilt for too long and now it was choking me. Feeling the rough carpet fibers against my back, I couldn't help but feel like the cheap slut my husband had been fucking. I could still clearly remember the email I'd uncovered describing such an interlude. All hurried sex on the living room floor. Our living room floor, no less.

He cheated on me for this exact thing. It didn't matter to him what promises he broke. Maybe if I'd learned how to be a slut sooner, he wouldn't have had to cheat on me. He could've fucked me just like this.

I couldn't breathe. I pushed and squirmed to get up.

"Grace, are you alright?"

Ethan quickly rolled to the side and watched in horror as I scrambled away from him. Don't look at me. I'm hideous. Air. Breathe. I fought to suck air into my lungs.