Amazing Grace Ch. 08-10


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My trembling hand offered him the glass of ice water. He accepted it and took a few casual drinks as he continued to rake over me with those deadly green eyes of his.

"Are you uncomfortable right now?"

I swallowed and nodded. "In a different way."

"Tell me, Grace."

"The way you're looking at me right now makes me..." horny. There was more to it than that, but how was I going to explain that I'd never felt as wanted as he made me feel? I'd never felt beautiful before. "...It makes me feel good about myself."

Ethan's expression softened. He reached up with his free hand and cupped my face, stroking my cheek with his thumb. In a voice barely louder than a whisper, he spoke. "Thank you for being honest."

I nodded.

"I want you to go lay down on your bed, face up. Spread your legs as wide as you can get them and interlock your fingers behind your neck."

His command had been delivered with an eerily even tone. The calmness of it was more menacing than if he'd shouted it to me. Gooseflesh flooded my entire body at once and I felt the muscles between my thighs start to contract. I knew it would be only a matter of seconds before the wetness would seep through my folds.

I nodded and bit my lip, and then attempted to summon the muscles in my legs to obey his commands. I had to focus very hard to walk the four or five steps on the rattling bamboo sticks that were once my legs.

Once in place, relief washed over me. I was safely in position and ready to accept what he doled out. The fact that everything he'd done to me, even delivering pain, had always led to my pleasure, made me trust him. I was beginning to understand that he meant me no harm.

It seems like a simple thing. It was something I took for granted with Robert. I trusted that he would never consciously do anything to harm me. But he did. And not just once. Many times. He violated my trust in him. And he was so underhanded about it.

I didn't know if I could ever trust any man fully again. And I couldn't say for certain that Ethan would never hurt me. But the ways in which he talked about hurting me were so much more tolerable than Robert's way. At least Ethan was honest about it. And that was something Robert never was.

Ethan studied my face for a moment and I knew that he was wondering what I was thinking. I need to remember to tell him. Some other time. Not now. I didn't want to ruin the buzz of arousal that had swept over me. It wasn't the time to take a timeout and talk. I smiled and widened my stance to clear my mind and wipe that perplexed look off his face. It worked.

Ethan's gaze moved down my body. His fingertips lightly grazed my inner thigh, just above my knee as he drank in the sight of me.

"You're fucking gorgeous, Grace."

I fought the urge to turn my face away from him. I knew he wouldn't like it. He wanted me to accept what he was saying.

"When I see you like this, pushing yourself to please me, it fucking drives me wild."

I gasped and my elbows waved as my hands struggled to stay in place. I wanted to pull him down on top of me so badly.

"Keep your hands in place. I know you want to touch me, but that's not what I want right now. I'm going to lick your pussy, Grace. I've been craving it since I woke up this morning."

His fingers moved up my inner thigh and began gently stroking my outer labia. There was no attempt to penetrate me or seek out my clitoris. He was merely petting that area as if it were a cherished pet.

There was no pressure. He didn't tell me that he expected me to come, or even that I had to enjoy it. He made no indication of removing his pants to release his straining erection. This wasn't to prepare me for intercourse. It was merely something he wanted to do. Something he 'craved', by his own admission. And somehow that made me accept it.

I don't know if it was knowing that he wasn't doing it for me, but rather for himself. Or because he liked it so much. Or maybe his little lesson the day before really had helped and I was no longer worried about how I tasted. Whatever the reason, I didn't have an ounce of hesitancy or doubt over it. I simply relaxed and waited.

Ethan crawled onto the bed and hovered over me on all fours. He kissed my cheek and then my mouth. He pulled away and swiped his tongue along my lips and into my mouth in a teasing manner. I tried to meet his lips with mine, but he'd pull away every time my head lifted from the pillow. I finally just relaxed my head and let him play, only extending my tongue when he gave me ample opportunity and was taunting me to do so.

I suppose it was his way of training me. It was really pathetic how well it worked, even after realizing that I was being manipulated. And utterly ridiculous how much it was turning me on. There was something about that kinky, controlling little bastard that I was finding hard to resist. He was just so playful at times.

He finally moved to my neck, sucking and biting me there until I was squirming beneath him, then down to my breasts. He spent quite some time drawing my nipples into peaks and then torturing them with the flick of his hardened tongue.

"How would you feel about having your nipples pierced?"

I gasped. "I don't...know." It had crossed my mind when I was in my early twenties, but I hadn't revisited the idea since.

"I love them, and hoops would look fantastic on you."

Ethan's eyes locked on mine as his tongue trailed down my stomach to my navel. And then lower.

The first touch of his tongue to my slit was soft and gentle. Like his fingers, he gently caressed the outer area first with a laziness that suggested he intended to do it all day. First one side, then the other. Laving every inch with a flattened and soft tongue.

"You're very aroused. So damned enticing. And you taste so perfect. I could live on this."

A heated gush of wetness flowed through my folds. His gruff voice acted like some sort of aphrodisiac for me. He noticed the wetness and smiled before lapping it up.

Gradually he increased the pressure until his tongue was slithering between my labia and exploring deeper. He urged me to open wider for him, lifting and bending my knees until I was obscenely displayed before him like a Sunday buffet.

His eyes would roll back in his head as his tongue delved farther into my depths. He held nothing back, making the most lascivious noises; slurping and sucking, groaning and growling. I understood for the first time why they called it 'eating pussy'. The way Ethan went about it, it was more like eating. Or devouring. He used his entire mouth on me, sinking his face so that he seemed to half disappear inside me.

It was utterly heavenly. From the lewd sounds, to the sight of his head rolling back and forth, to the unmistakable musky scent from my arousal. All of it. He was making me start to love it as much as he did.

His efforts moved up to the highest point of my slit where he circled the hooded area that protected my most sensitive spot. The tip of his tongue felt so hard and small as it snaked all around the area, brushing over my clit occasionally as if the contact was purely accidental. Then his lips clamped around my entire clitoral hood, sucking that sensitive nub inside and locking me in place.

I tensed as he seemed to hit just a perfect rhythm for me. All of my mental focus was on that sensation. He must've read my signals because he stayed in that spot, stroking and sucking with a relentless rhythm. And then he gradually increased the pressure. My pelvis began rocking against his face. I could feel the climax building. I wanted it so desperately now.

The start of it was so subtle at first. My hips stilled and all my muscles tensed. An exquisite tingling sensation that started from, I don't know where, was now approaching Ethan's mouth. Any reasoning I may have still possessed left me in those moments. I cared about nothing except the raw carnal need to finish.

My body twitched when the first of that lovely sensation reached the tip of my clit. Ethan gripped me tighter and a moment later a flood of intense stimulation burst through that tiny bundle of nerves. The gratification for me was instantaneous and consuming.

Ethan stilled his mouth but kept it in place for a few more moments. Then he shifted and I could only feel the slight movement of his tongue lapping the less sensitive area and then sliding inside me in these long, lovely strokes that felt amazing.

He replaced his tongue with his fingers and very slowly fucked me with them. It seemed to draw my climax out even more. I could feel subtle contractions deep inside, hardly perceptible, like butterflies. I felt certain that if he fucked me just then, I'd come again.

The butterflies stilled their wings after a few moments, though. Ethan let his fingers slide slowly out of me. I peered down at him and watched as he sucked his own fingers of my juices before crawling up my body to take my mouth.

The tangy flavor penetrated my tongue. My own musky scent assaulted my senses. It was the most delicious lewd cocktail, and him sharing it with me like that felt like the most intimate thing we'd done.

He pulled away from our kiss and settled on top of me, his jean-clad hips nestled between my open thighs. His cock felt huge.

"Thank you."

My eyes opened wide. "I think I should be the one thanking you."

Ethan shook his head. "I did that for me."

I wasn't sure how to process what he was saying. I'd always thought that gratification and ejaculation were one in the same for men. Ethan hadn't come. In fact, he was evidently still very aroused. How could he be thanking me?

"I'm hungry. We still have that frozen lasagna in my freezer. Are you just about finished packing?"

I nodded and frowned. "What about you? Don't you...?" I shrugged hoping he knew that I was referring to his hard-on and our obvious unfinished business.

"I'm fine. I don't need to come every time I get hard in order to be satisfied. Hell, around you that would be the end of me since I'm hard almost every second I'm with you. Anyway, the sooner you understand that I can resist that temptation, the better."

Ethan pushed himself up and off the bed. He leaned over and gripped my wrists to release my clasped hands.

"You were perfect, by the way. You held position like a champ."

He pulled me onto my feet and into his arms for a deep kiss. His hand trailed down my back to cup my buttocks and pull my pelvis into his. I lifted my leg and wrapped it around the back of his thigh as I ground my hips into him.

Ethan smiled and broke our kiss. "I think I'm creating a slut. My perfect slut that is going to get her ass reddened if she doesn't get moving. I'm hungry."

He slapped my ass and pinched it hard enough to make me yelp as my leg dropped to the floor. A silly grin crept across my lips as I turned to get my things and get dressed. It didn't even faze me that he called me a slut.


The Meeting

Sitting at my desk on Monday morning I realized that my outlook on just about everything had changed. I never would have guessed that getting laid would improve my attitude at work. What was even worse was that every one of my peers seemed to notice the change.

By lunchtime, my friend Robin, who no doubt went to the Gestapo school of interrogation, had managed to get more details out of me than I was comfortable with. She knew his name and generally where he lived, and somehow wangled out of me that I'd spent the weekend with him. She had the audacity to act as if she'd won the lottery after that.

Fortunately, I had enough sense to leave out the details. But not enough sense not to mention that he was picking me up for lunch. The lineup of faces along the windows was embarrassing. Made worse by Ethan's bold reaction.

After waving and smiling to the crowd he pulled me into him for one of those deadly kisses of his just before he handed me into the car and shut my door. I couldn't even look up at the windows as we drove off. Ethan thought it was hilarious.

The general consensus of the office gaggle was that he was a keeper. Any man who could carry themselves like that had enough confidence for ten men. Then there were all the usual comments about his looks. I thought I found him attractive because of his personality. Apparently, his attractiveness is evident through plate glass as well. His tight ass got quite a few comments. I was surprised, however, that no one mentioned the tattoos that were visible on his arms. I thought they would immediately point out how mismatched we looked.

I did feel somewhat giddy after having told someone about him. It made him real. The fact that they all thought he was the hunk of the year didn't hurt, either. That afternoon I allowed my mind to ponder a topic I scarcely let myself imagine up until that point. A future with Ethan.


We had hardly gotten through discussing what had happened during the day when Ethan pulled up to the restaurant for the meeting. We'd been talking non-stop. I would have been perfectly content to sit in the car and continue talking. That wasn't going to happen.

Ethan opened the door for me and right away I saw some familiar faces. John was the first to greet us, shaking Ethan's hand and welcoming me to their meeting. A few others waved in our direction as we made our way to a pair of open seats. It just so happened that we were sitting next to the couple I'd noticed after my second reading. Ethan gave me a grin as he introduced me to them.

Their names were Roger and Dhani. They lived together. Roger worked for a local gas company while Dhani juggled an assortment of jobs from the house. At the moment, her most exciting prospect involved buying and selling knockoff designer handbags on eBay. She wore a collar, which clearly indicated some type of agreement, but I didn't ask.

Ethan moved his hand around the nape of my neck and rested it there. It was obviously possessive, and I loved it. I'd worried that he would ignore me after we got there, but all of that was instantly washed away. He was attentive and happy. I almost allowed myself to believe that he was proud to be seen with me.

While one of the members was reporting on an event they'd held the month before, Ethan leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"I think I'm the most envied person in the room right now."

My cheeks grew hot. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him.

"You think there's anything hotter than a brilliant woman with a rockin' body who can write erotica?"

I tried to shrug off his comments. I pretended to be interested in what was being announced. The truth of the matter was, I hadn't heard a word they'd said. Even if Ethan hadn't been whispering his ridiculous compliments in my ear, my mind was still buzzing from the whole event. I couldn't get over the fact that I was seated at a munch with this guy I was seeing who rocked my world. And he was a Dom. And he obviously wanted the entire community to know I was his. His. My feet might never touch the ground again.

That is, until the next thing he whispered.

"See that guy with the leather Harley vest and the blonde girl sitting next to him?"

I nodded.

"That's Holly."

A chill ran right up my spine and prickled my scalp. I'd noticed her when she walked in. I'm sure everyone did; She was almost impossible to ignore.

Her platinum blonde hair was the first thing you noticed. Long, straight, with a full set of blunt-cut bangs that almost reached her eyelids. She had these huge brown eyes that she made look even bigger with thick black eyeliner and purple eye shadow.

Her clothing choice was bold, with shorts that left a portion of her butt cheeks showing on both sides, and a leather vest with nothing on beneath it. She'd carried a helmet into the room with her, suggesting that she had come there with the man sitting next to her. Other than the thick leather collar she wore, there was no evidence they were together. He hardly looked in her direction, much less spoke to her. And when she did say something to him, he seemed to wince.

I tried to picture her with Ethan and my stomach lurched. I couldn't wrap my mind around how someone could be with her for a year and then want me. We couldn't be any more opposite if we worked at it. I was nothing like her. And that's where my mind started to short circuit.

He stayed with her for a year. A YEAR. He had to have some kind of feelings for her to be with her for that long. But if that's what he likes ... I can never be like that. Never.

I felt the grip on my neck tighten and I glanced at Ethan. He looked concerned. I knew that I'd once again broadcasted my emotions on my face. I took a cleansing breath and relaxed my shoulders and I felt the grip ease up a bit. Then I willed myself to not look in her direction again for the remainder of the meeting.

Ethan and I shared an appetizer platter but I only picked, having lost my appetite to the only thing that could have possibly ruined my perfect day.

We settled into the car in the parking lot and right in front of us Holly and her boyfriend/Dom/old-enough-to-be-her-Daddy-lover were getting ready to climb onto his Harley. Rather than make a quick departure, Ethan held the keys and looked over at me.

"What are you thinking?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Lots of things I guess. It's hard to picture you with her."

Ethan snorted, "That's because she didn't look, act, or dress anything like that when she was with me. She looks like a cheap hooker."

I busted out in laughter and then stifled it quickly. It seemed disrespectful to even think bad things about his ex, even if he said them first.

"Listen Grace, that whole thing is ancient history. And the only regret I have is that you have to see her from time to time. That's all."

I nodded as I watched her swing her leg over the seat of the bike and wiggle her little butt into position. "She's just so different than I am."

"Thank God for that."

I shot him a look to see if he was being sarcastic. Ethan leaned over the center console and pulled my face to his for a kiss. I heard the signature glub-glub from the tail pipes as the Harley pulled out of the parking lot. Ethan kept my lips occupied until the sound was barely audible. When he sat back in his seat, John was standing at his window.

Ethan smiled as he shoved the keys in the ignition and lowered the window.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt." John paused to snicker before continuing. "I'm having some people over to my uncle's place to practice tomorrow night. Seven. You're both welcome to come." John leaned down to make sure I understood that I was invited. I had no clue what sort of practice he was referring to but I nodded to at least confirm that I understood.

"Thanks, John. I'll let you know."

"Alright. Good seeing you again, Kimber. Drive safe."

"I will. See ya, John."

I waved as Ethan pulled out of our parking space. "What kind of practice was he talking about?"

"Whip practice."

"Yikes. No, thanks."

Ethan chuckled. "We don't practice on human targets. We go to his uncle's place up near Denton. He owns like 50 acres up there. Plenty of room and no neighbors to complain about the noise. You want to go?"

I scrunched my nose and shook my head, "Not particularly."

"Would it bother you if I went without you?"

"No. Is there some reason why it should?"

"Not at all. It's usually just a couple of us guys refining our skills with a single tail. What are you going to do?"

"Laundry. Vacuuming. All the things I didn't do this weekend because I was with you."

"I see. Regrets?"

I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes in a teasing manner.

"I can drop you off at home now if you want to get started on those chores."

I frowned and made a pouty face. It wasn't fair how he turned it all around on me so fast.