Amelia & Andrew: The Diamond Legacy Ch. 02


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The guards stepped back clearing a path for the woman as she looked at the corpse on the floor. "Candace," she chuckled, "that look suits you and you have been warned about starting trouble at my place. You should thank the parvulus; he saved you from a lot of pain."

She then turned her attention to Andrew and Amelia taking notice of how Andrew was protecting Amelia.

"You have little to fear from me." she said with a chuckle, "but I will be adding five-thousand to your bill for the clean-up and you owe Ms. Vegas for her ruined outfit."

"My clothes being ruined was a very small price to pay for the show I just saw." Gloria replied laughing, "Not only is he nice eye candy....."

"While I agree with the eye-candy part," Susan said interrupting Gloria, "I would hate to have to find a new receptionist. His mate is still looking a bit anxious so I think that you should wait to finish that sentence. Mr. Martin, Ms. Hensley, if you would follow me? There was one person ahead of you but she seems to have changed her mind."

Andrew was shocked. He had expected to die. This woman wasn't in the least bit concerned about the woman that he had just killed. He hadn't intended to kill her but the sound of Amelia's arm breaking made him lose control. He looked down at Amelia to check on her.

"Sweetheart, are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine." Amelia replied her voice strong as she cradled her arm. Her eyes were pain filled but she showed no fear as she followed Susan to wherever she was taking them.

Susan heard the pain in Amelia's voice, stopped and looked her over. She could clearly see where the arm was broken. "We'll need to set that so that it will heal correctly." she said, "I could do that for you if you like."

"Thank you Ms. Dorchester," Amelia replied shocked by the amount of compassion that she heard in the woman's voice. "I'm sorry for all of the trouble that I caused."

"It's no trouble." Susan replied with a chuckle, "there were no humans present but the next time please have your sexy mate take it outside." She added.

"I'll try." Amelia replied with a laugh, "but you know how hard -headed men can be."

Susan laughed as she led them to a locker room, "there's a shower in there and there's a couple of pairs of overalls in the closet but let's set your arm before it heals and we have to re-break it. Trust me, the second time is much more painful." she said.

She had Amelia sit on a bench and spoke to Andrew, "I need you to hold her in place while I do this."

Andrew sat next to Amelia and wrapped his arms tightly around her leaving the broken arm free. Susan grabbed the first aid kit and a broom breaking the broom into eighteen-inch pieces. She took Amelia's arm and set the bone with practiced ease. Amelia screamed in pain as Andrew whispered in her ear how much he loved her and that they would always be together. Amelia's fangs extended and she bit him.

The arm now splinted, Amelia released her bite and retracted her fangs. Andrew with his arms still around Amelia was dazed and trying to regain control of himself, her bite had acted as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Amelia now back in control thanked Susan and checked on Andrew.

"Andrew? Are you alright?"

"It's no problem." Susan replied, "I'll add it to your bill and please, call me Susan."

"Thank you Susan." Andrew replied, "and please call me Andrew and this is Amelia and we'll be more than happy to pay for any damages." to Amelia he replied, "I'm fine."

"Good." Susan said. "I'm going to my office so you two can get cleaned up. I'll send someone for you in fifteen minutes and Amelia, be careful with that arm. It should be healed enough to remove the splint in about two to three hours."


Susan went to her office to change clothes. After she was changed she placed a call, the phone rang twice before it was answered.

"Hello, Charles? It's Susan... Yes, they are here now, there was a slight altercation. No, they suffered no major injuries but Candace Carmichael is dead. She flirted with Andrew and Amelia responded... No, Andrew killed her when Candace broke Amelia's arm... dear, he's almost as fast as you are. Yes, I agree, they will be perfect. How would you like me to proceed? All right, I can help them get set up but what about the woman they turned? You're sure that it won't interfere with your plans? I see. You're hoping that she will be an asset to them and if she isn't? I agree. She will have to die... Yes and I will see you next month, I am looking forward to the fun.... Bye lover toy!"

After she hung up, Susan pushed the button for the intercom.

"Gloria my love it you would, please cancel all of my appointments for today and close up the office until the repairs are completed. Also, call Ronald and tell him that we have to reschedule because of equipment issues and make sure that he has enough product to carry him until next week. What do you say about going to lunch for a private meeting? It's been far too long, what do you think?"

Susan smiled at Gloria's enthusiastic response, "Yes Ms. Dorchester! I agree that it has been far too long. I look forward to eating you.... Err with you."

Susan heard Gloria's chuckle as she released the button not fooled by her supposed slip of the tongue. In some ways, Susan envied Amelia for finding her mate so soon. Susan had been turned during the reign of Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus when she was a house slave to one of the Tribuni of the Praetorian Guard. She was freed when Charles found her in 26 A.D.

Since then, the two of them had traveled the world together and there was very little that they had not done together. They had remained very close and although they hadn't felt the need to mate with each other, there was very little that they wouldn't do for each other.

Gloria had been turned during the Civil war by none other than Susan. She was about to be executed for helping slaves escape via the 'Underground Railroad'. Unfortunately, during the raid on their farm, her parents had been killed. Susan who had been there at the time begged Gloria to lay low but Gloria, set on avenging her parents refused to listen and killed eight of the twenty men responsible for the deaths of her parents.

Susan watched over Gloria and even helped her. Gloria, fully aware of what Susan was even gave her a couple of the men still alive to serve as dinner.

One night, Gloria went up against the leader of the men who killed her parents and killed him. The trouble came when the three men that had been with him came to his aid. Gloria managed to kill all three of them but during the exchange of gunfire, she was mortally wounded. Susan gave her the option of being turned or dying. Gloria chose to be turned. The two of them had been friends and occasional lovers ever since.


Andrew couldn't believe how hard Amelia's bite made him. He led her to the shower and helped her undress before undressing himself. After adjusting the temperature of the water, he moved her under the stream careful to keep her injured arm out of the water. Using the liquid soap available, he began to wash her starting with her hair and working his way down to her generous, perfectly shaped breasts paying special attention to her nipples.

His slow, deliberate massage was beginning to drive Amelia up the wall as his hands massaged in slow, lazy circles on her stomach working their way to her nether lips. His fingers spread her open and began to rub her bud with gradually increasing pressure.

Amelia was trembling with anticipation as Andrew began kissing his way down toward her waiting center. He didn't even pause at her breasts opting to go through the valley between them. He paused at her belly button, swirled his tongue in and around it before continuing his southward journey.

When he reached the apex of her legs, he traced the outline of her nether lips with the tip of his tongue before slipping it in between them. He licked back to front and when he reached her nub, he would flick his tongue like a snake sending little electrical jolts through her body.

Amelia was panting with excitement and began to beg, "Baby please fucking suck my clit!" She tried to get him to latch on but Andrew ignored her efforts and her pleas and continued the torture of her clit. Unable to withstand any more, Amelia's eyes changed from brown to black, "If you don't fuck me now, you will be sorry!"

Andrew ignored her and if anything, lightened his touch. Amelia screamed in frustration and with all of her strength shoved Andrew onto his back pinning him down as she impaled herself on him. She began riding him like a woman possessed as she bent down, bit into Andrew's shoulder causing him to explode inside of her. As soon as he began too cum, it triggered her orgasm; she shuddered with pleasure as it ripped through her body.

Just as she was coming down from her orgasm, she released her bite. Andrew bit into her shoulder causing her to shatter yet again. Her whole body convulsed as she screamed her release. Afterwards, Andrew held her as she came down from her pleasure high.

"You bastard, you did that on purpose." she said.

Andrew chuckled before replying, "guilty as charged but I think we'd better hurry, our escort will be here any minute if our hostess is prompt."


Susan chuckled when she heard Amelia scream her release. She picked up the phone and said, "Our guests should be ready for their escort in about ten minutes."

The male voice on the other end of the line was doing his best to contain his laughter as he replied, "Yes ma'am but I think that the lady will need a little more than ten minutes to get her legs back under her."

"Ok, give them twenty minutes then." Susan replied, "And for god's sake make sure you knock before you enter." she added.

Andrew and Amelia quickly finished their shower, dressed in the coveralls in the closet and threw the clothes that they had been wearing into the trash. Andrew cleaned their shoes as best he could using the wet cloths from their shower. They had just finished dressing when there was a tap on the door.

"Are you ready to go?" A voice called in.

"We sure are." Andrew replied.

"If you will follow me." The security officer said as he stepped back from the door and waited.

They followed the security officer until they reached a double set of wooden doors. The officer knocked and waited for a response. Susan invited them in and led them to a conference table.

"Please, sit and make yourselves comfortable." she said with a smile, "wine?"

Gloria brought in a tray containing glasses of wine. When she was gone, Susan turned back to them.

"How many units of blood would you like to purchase?" she asked.

"Twenty units." Andrew replied.

"That's a lot of blood, are you going on an all blood diet?' Susan asked. She already knew the answer but wanted to assess their honesty.

"No." Andrew replied, "We're going to eat food too but we have another who is going to become one of us tonight and we want to be sure that we have enough."

"What do you mean?" Susan asked, "What did you do with the body?"

"The place where we are staying was owned by a couple of low-life drug-dealing brothers. My plan was to make the world a better place and stay there for a while. When we got there, they had an eighteen-year-old girl tied up in one of the bedrooms intending to rape her. We rescued her but when Amelia tried to erase her memories and failed and then the girl came on to me, Amelia judged her a threat and bit her.

We hid the girl's body in the attic while we came here to get blood. We have six units back at the house and according to the information that Mr. Black gave us, she'll need between twelve and fifteen units of blood to satisfy her."

Susan smiled inwardly as she held her poker face, "very well thought out." she commented. "I'm sure that Charles also told you to buy some plasma for emergencies, how many units do you want?"

"Just the blood for now." Andrew replied, "I assume that cash is the preferred method of payment?"

Suddenly Susan understood that they didn't have much money and probably no identification. Under normal circumstances, the vampire that sired them would have taken care of getting them set up for life in the human world. That preparation would have included teaching them how to use and control their powers but their sire was Diamond. Even if she were alive, she wouldn't have done anything to help them.

"Andrew, I have an associate that can help you. He can get identification for the three of you assuming that you are right about the girl. He can also transfer any assets like the hummer and any financial assets as well into your name. If you like, Gloria and I can come out to where you're staying and help you with the girl. As you know, a newborn vampire can go into a blood frenzy. We know how to control it and we might be able to prevent it. I'll check to see if Mr. Allen is able to come too."

The offer of help surprised Andrew but before he could answer, Amelia spoke up.

"Thank you so much! We'll need all of the help that we can get. How about we do steaks on the grill... is six alright?" she asked.

"Sounds good to me but let me call Mark, he's the friend that I was talking about. She came back a few minutes later. "He's coming but he wants you have any and all financial records ready besides records of the brother's holdings, that way he'll be able to tell what he can and can't switch over to you."

"We can do that." Andrew replied and then grimaced when he received the total for the blood and damages to the reception area. Forty-eight thousand dollars.

On the way back to the house, they stopped at the store and picked up six large New York strip steaks, a dozen large baking potatoes, mushrooms and fresh asparagus as well as a couple bottles of good wine.

When they got back to the house, they noticed a green Ford Focus with FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) tags on it parked in front of the house.

"It seems we have company." Andrew commented as he hit the button to open the garage door.

"I wonder why a car with FOP tags is here." Amelia said. "Let me go first and see what's going on."

"I'll be invisible and follow you." Andrew replied.

Amelia went into the house with Andrew following close behind. She could smell the scent of 'White Diamond' perfume and knew that the person wearing it was upstairs.

"John? Paul? Is that you? I just got back from the store!" Amelia called out.

Denise came out of the bedroom dressed in a sheer robe. "Who in the hell are you?" she demanded.

Andrew recognized her as Denise Samuels. She worked at central and now he understood how John was always ahead of the police, Denise was his contact. Andrew was beyond angry; he wanted to know why she had betrayed the force. Her betrayal had cost some good people their lives.

Amelia sensed Andrew's rage.

"Andrew! No!"

Denise looked at Amelia as if she had gone nuts, "Who are....."

Andrew threw himself at Denise grabbed the front of her robe and slammed her into the door knocking the wind out of her.

"How could you betray the badge like that?" he demanded as he shook her. "Your betrayal cost brother officers and civilian their lives! Why did you do it? Give me one good reason!" he demanded.

Denise was frightened out of her mind, Andrew, who was supposed to be dead had just appeared out of thin air and attacked her. His face had the look of death and he had fangs. When she looked into his cold uncaring eyes, she saw her death and knew that it wouldn't be a pleasant one. She couldn't remember ever being so afraid of anything in her life. She thought about her son and realized that she would never see him again.

"Andrew please!" she begged. "Think about my son Johnnie, I'm all that he has!"

Her begging had no effect on him, "What about Drew's twin daughters? They were just two weeks old when Paul killed him. Did you pass on the information that blew his cover?"

When Denise refused to meet his eyes and looked down, he had his answer. He was seriously considering ripping her throat out and feeding from her but he needed information. He wanted to find out if she knew of other corrupt cops. He looked at Amelia.

"Love, could you find out what she knows? Oh and get her to write it all down." he added.

Amelia looked into Denise's eyes and compelled her to tell everything that she knew.

While Amelia was dealing with Denise, Andrew unloaded the car, put the groceries, and blood away. After looking into the well-stocked refrigerator, he realized that all that they had really needed for dinner was the steaks. After the groceries and blood were put away, he went to the attic to get a still unconscious Catherine and took her to one of the guest bedrooms.

He rejoined Amelia who was just finishing her interrogation of Denise.

"It's so much easier this way, this skill would be handy at the bureau." she said when Andrew came in.

"What fun would it be if all we had to do was to compel the criminals to tell us the truth?" Andrew asked laughing.

Less than twenty minutes later, they had a full confession of not only everything that she had done but also the names of everyone she knew had been involved.

"There's a disc in the safe." she told them. "It contains the complete list of John and Paul's contacts here and overseas. Everything is on there, please don't kill me!" She begged. "Don't make my son an orphan, my mother is too ill to raise him, he'll wind up in foster care."

Amelia ignored her, led her into a bedroom and compelled her into a deep sleep. That done, Amelia and Andrew changed into more comfortable clothing and began to prepare for their dinner guests. As they prepared the meal, Amelia thought about Denise and her child. She wasn't sure about making the child an orphan and she felt Denise's concern for her child.

Andrew sensed Amelia's unease about killing Denise but in his mind, the boy would be better off without her. Even if she went to prison, what would that do to him? Andrew sighed, "She deserves to die for what she did." he said.

"What capital offense has she committed?" Amelia asked. "From what I heard, what she did was protect the father of her child. Does she deserve to go to prison? Yes. Does she deserve to die? No and I really don't want to turn a child into an orphan, do you? Please Andrew, I'll do anything but that, please don't make me be a part of that."

Andrew let out a harsh breath of frustration. What in the hell was he going to do? If he allowed Denise to live, she would end up in prison and the child in foster care. If he killed her, Amelia would be upset and angry with him and the child would be orphaned. But damn it! What the hell? A smile settled over his face as a plan began to form, if he couldn't kill her, he would use her to bring down all of the other corrupt bastards in the state.

He looked at the clock and realized that although he had been up for thirty hours, he felt fine. He took some time to look at the discs. One disc contained all of the financial information and the other two would be of interests to federal prosecutors. He was sure that in the right hands the discs would cripple the drug empires of several cartels for years to come. He figured this way Denise had a chance at survival and if she died, it wouldn't be at his hands.

Satisfied with his plan, he told Amelia about it.

"Thank you!" she said hugging him thankful that the child wouldn't become an orphan by their hands. While Amelia continued dinner preparations, Andrew continued going through the disc and then made a salad and mousse for dessert.

Dinner was just about ready by the time their guests arrived. Susan made the introductions and Andrew remembered meeting Mark Allen once before. Mark had represented a person that Andrew had busted on a minor possession charge. The perp was the son of a council member and Mark had gotten him into rehab instead of serving jail time.