Amelia and Learning to Flirt


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She slowly passed her palm back, the shy smile in her blue eyes giving Phil permission to resume. Then remembering Garry patiently watching on, she decided he shouldn't feel left out. Turning sparkling young eyes to his, she offered the other palm and closed her eyes when his finger started expertly trailing as well. She was stewing inside within a minute, her mind adrift and floating in absolute heaven.

Deciding she wanted to watch them both work, she opened her eyes. As if to subtly warn her, her wedding ring glinted in the sunshine. Phil noticed it too and she was pleased when it didn't deter him. She was secretly becoming very stirred inside now. Outwardly she went from an occasional self-conscious giggle to becoming a picture of serious concentration, trying to suppress faint sounds of pleasure that kept threatening to escape from her slightly open lips.

When they finished, she meekly complimented them both and blushed knowing that there was almost certainly an adoring look now in Garry's eyes. Self-consciously, she cleared her throat then suggested they'd all better get started on that massage now if they were ready.

Reaching back into her bag, she passed her only note, a fifty, over to Phil and propped a little more upright, awaiting instructions. Phil pocketed the note then asked in a mock posh accent if she desired to commence with Garry's massage de foot. She tittered nervously and offered a nervous okay.

Garry laconically walked around on his knees to the end of her outstretched legs. Facing her, he gently bent both knees slightly then lifted a foot. Professionally he cradled it lovingly in a hand on top of his thigh and began firmly kneading away at it with the other like a bread roll. The feeling felt glorious. Amelia closed her eyes again and a serene smile began. Her mind was clear and all she listened to was the beach sounds about. Enjoying his expert touch more than she would ever have wanted to admit, she was only aware Phil had quietly slid behind her when she suddenly found him kneeling there, his chest hair brushing between her shoulder blades.

"This will greatly enhance your sensations if you'd like to try it," she heard Phil's invitation. Somehow a black sleeping mask was dangling before her eyes from overhead. Apprehensive at first, she let him slip the elastic behind her head then tittered nervously when she was instantly plunged into darkness.

His soft suggestion of commencing with a shoulder rub only took a second to think about. She nodded silently, tingling as careful fingers seemed to take a long time just to move her hair aside. They then dug in at just the right pressure to soothe the sore spots where her collarbone met each side of her gracefully neck, making her bow her head and wince. But almost instantly, the pain went and all she felt was the soothing of gentle rubbing across her shoulders.

The magic sensations flowing back from her foot paused but only briefly as Garry changed over. She opened her mouth in joy as he carefully worked each new toe about then firmly ran his palm along her heel.

Shortly after, Phil's next quiet request made her briefly pause and wonder. Would Josh would be worried if she agreed to it? No, in this context she was sure he'd be okay with it. Besides, Phil would be unlikely to try anything underhand with Garry and the other beachgoers close by. Plus he had actually gone to the trouble of asking rather than just doing it and asked so politely at that. Without any further misgivings, she nodded and let him ease the costume straps off her shoulders where they hung loose.

It wasn't long before she was absolutely rapt, taking in the lovely sensation of four unseen sets of expert fingers working her cares away at opposite ends of her body. Getting used to the darkness, she tilted her head up to the warmth of the sky, opening her mouth slightly in a gesture of silent thanks.

"Mate, my bit's done. You can handle the rest," she heard Garry pipe up as her second foot was gently placed on the sand. "If Amelia doesn't mind, I'll head back down the beach for a dip." She heard him getting to his feet as he added "No potential new customers have arrived so if you decide to call it a day when you're done, we might go for a drive, eh?"

So the cute Phil would be staying on a while and giving her some more attention? Amelia gave a silent thank you to the footsteps squeaking away from where they remained kneeling, his front brushing her back.

"Now my aim is for you to get one unforgettable massage for that fifty," she heard Phil vow from behind. She was about to correct him and insist on change when she decided the money probably meant more to the two of them than it did to her. Deft fingers arrive over her shoulders and spread oil all over the small exposed area of her upper chest.

Soon she was sighing to express the sheer rhapsody as a lovely sense of pleasure and well-being began. Despite the mask the sensations seemed to become even more intense if she closed her eyes, so she did. It was only a short time though and the amazing fingers started making contact with the V neckline of her one-piece.

"Your swimsuit is in the way. May I adjust it a little?" came the soft, almost apologetic request from behind.

She thought about it for a second. "Oh. Um. Okay I guess," she murmured hesitantly.

"You're sure now?" Phil checked. She had tensed when his fingers had taken hold of the hanging costume straps by her arms. Patiently he waited for her confirmation.

What he had been doing to this point had been so fantastic. But she was started to wonder if she should feel a bit guilty about this erotic stimulation she was secretly enjoying, knowing it was likely to increase if she gave Phil's hands permission to go that little bit lower. She wondered what Josh would recommend if he was beside her now. She was sure he'd have been completely okay with the massage to date. So was this a logical extension of that? As a test, she asked if she would let any other masseur or masseuse do it if Phil wasn't here. The answer came back as a yes. Besides, only she could possibly know about the delicious dampness stewing between her thighs.

"Promise to be careful?" she stammered nervously. His carefully repeated "Extra careful!" sounded both professional and reassuring.

"Okay," was all she could hoarsely utter as she opted to put her trust in him.

With a nervous swallow in her darkness, she felt him taking great care as her straps were lowered down her arms. In the end, she let out a sigh of relief knowing her bra cups were still covering the peaks of both breasts when he eventually stopped.

Waiting nervously on her knees for him to start again, she was in two minds. She was glad in the end that she'd trusted him. But it must have looked a little risqué to those around with Phil doing it rather than her. Never mind, it was done and dusted now. She was glad though that Josh hadn't been nearby to witness it, harmless and all that it had turned out to be.

Under her mask, Amelia's private excitement soared again as the masculine fingers resumed where they left off. She felt both sides of her freshly exposed skin receive drops of oil and swooned knowing his fingers were obviously enjoying the extra freedom as they slid and caressed over the new flesh.

When he worked his thumbs into the gaps between her ribs, she audibly groaned and rolled her head back in sheer delight. Guiltily she froze when it found the junction of his shoulder and neck.

"That's better," he murmured. "Leave it there. It'll help us both to stay balanced."

As her head trustingly relaxed there she felt his cheek find hers as her top ribs were worked. Then the strong arms over her shoulders retracted and came from around the side. Eight fingers met in her shallow cleavage, and began a series of strokes outwards across the top swell of both breasts. Warm breath from him would occasionally waft into her ear or tickle her slender neck, creating goose bumps on the top of her slender parted thighs. Once more she felt his fingers meet the top of her one-piece and pause.

"Should I keep going down?"

She froze. Phil's brief casual suggestion was echoing as she was filled with dread. A salty heated tingling started in her mouth. His fingers again had hold of the straps. She knew the costume front was as low as it could get and exactly what he was proposing.

Instantly her knees started to shake. She tried to ask herself what Josh's advice might be right now. But each time, all she could visualise was Phil's handsome face out in the light, looking sideways at her, calmly waiting for a simple yes or no.

She swallowed. Despite the fact that she had trusted him so far and that he hadn't betrayed that, she knew she really couldn't let him proceed. Straightening up on her long thighs, her hands slowly rose to the front of the mask. There they paused as she felt his body shuffle, knowing he was about to say something.

"Don't feel uncomfortable with where we're heading," she heard his persuasive tone from the side. She could feel his breath on her cheek as he spoke. "It's still just a massage. But it's your body so there's no problem if you prefer to quietly drop forward instead. I'll continue on with a nice, safe back and leg rub. But if you're game to try going a little further ..."

Her mouth was slightly open, trying hard to say no.

"Just until you say 'enough'?" she heard the reassuring voice interrupt.

There could be no internal consultation with Josh now. Knowing this was wrong, she felt her head give an almost indiscernible nod as she held her breath. Her fearful hands let go of the mask but unconvinced, wavered twice on their way down to the side of each hip where they dangled, nervously clenching and unclenching.

An almost overwhelming thrill began gnawing at her insides as she felt the straps tense. Panicking mightily under the blindfold, she somehow resisted the urge to shout stop when the slow downward peeling began. The bra cups resisted at first then both young breasts almost seem to bounce upwards as the straining material quit them. Her costume front fell quickly to her navel. As though knowing it was much too late to cover her breasts, her thumbs hooked in between its material and her hips to stop it falling any further.

Amelia sensed his hands rising. Time stood still. Trying not to tremble too much in her darkness, she realised she had just allowed a complete stranger to do what she'd said she would never ever do and bare her young breasts for all the world to see. Tense and skittish, she stayed bolt upright on her knees, trying in vain to suppress the unpredictable bodily trembling from within her darkness, knowing his hands were poised just beyond both petrified peaks.

She gave a small unexpected cry as two thumbs ever so lightly brushed over both pink circles, bending the stiff jutting buds. "Hasn't she got the loveliest body?" she heard an older woman's voice clearly mutter.

It was only then that she realised how quiet it had become about them. But she didn't care now whose eyes were on her, excitement overflowing as a little oil rained on the warm surface of both proud breasts. His hands cupped and started a softly smoothing. In a disbelieving daze, she felt her hardened nipples tracing delicious oily circles in the centre of his palms.

With an outward motion between thumb and fingers, Phil began caressing both tapering cones underneath from base to sensitive tip. In the midst of her swirling thoughts she suddenly realised that her costume was being lowered again. She knew that most of what Josh called the best behind he had ever seen was already uncovered and that the light brown curls on her uncovered pubic mound were coming into view. What she didn't know was why her own hands had decided to roll her one-piece down even further?

A tell-tale breeze was starting to flow through the natural keyhole gap between her long thighs. She wondered if the awed gasp somewhere among those around was due to her sex being on display or her behind becoming more visible as Phil shuffled around right to her side. One palm firmly cupping her belly, she felt the other began a series of tender strokes right down the length of her long back, finishing by lovingly rubbing all over her bare behind. Sighing aloud as it did until the hands changed over, one steadied the small of her back this time as the other smoothed her quivering belly. That brought on moans of sheer pleasure.

Swallowing in her darkness she let him tilt her body back until she was laying on her towel. A knee arrived either side of her cheeks and she began shaking uncontrollably as she sensed his upper torso bending over her upturned face. Her slender arms snaked out full length, abandoning both puckered nipples to whatever kisses or mouthing he wanted to bestow on them. Even though he didn't, she had never felt so wonderful, so alive, so brave or so sexy as she did right at this moment.

For minute after pleasurable minute, his hands softly worked her sides and arms. Wanton stirrings in her lower belly went crazy he propped on one hand at a time and let the other fondle a highly sensitive young breast and move it about her chest. The urge to lift her head and kiss the crutch just above her face became constantly harder to keep in check. Both legs shook when the second breast was done and his fingers trailed down to her belly and started to circle it.

Her breath stuck in her throat. Each time the swirling got closer to her mound, she silently urged the fingers to go ahead and include it. They didn't, but her fantasising dwelt on one finger straying onto her youthful gash and following it over and down. Both long legs began trembling as she wondered how she would react if it did, then casually slipped inside.

In her darkness, she was openly shaking all over on the towel, having never imagined such glorious, sensual, uninhibited touching. Then from somewhere above a seagull cried. Somehow she managed to pluck the willpower and inner strength to seize the hand on her belly and sit up with a hoarse but firm "Enough. Please, no more."

"Okay," she heard him agree. Letting his hand go, she was still quivering as she sensed him rising to his feet and just stand there.

Both her hands lifted her mask and Amelia flinched at the light. When she had stopped grimacing, she looked around in awe. There seemed to be so many spellbound people on towels about, all looking at them. She looked back over her shoulder and got a disarming, engaging nod back from Phil that she felt she had earned for sheer bravery.

Finding each strap Amelia wriggled them up until back in her one-piece. Blushing, she slowly rose to face Phil, brushing her young shoulders. Ignoring the folk around, she leaned forward into his ear.

"Thank you. That was just amazing," she whispered, gratefully kissing his cheek. "You wouldn't know this but I've never even been close to topless on a beach before."

"I did guess. Glad you trusted me?" Her face nodded a yes against his. "I assume you liked the massage then?" she heard. Leaning back, she melted into his blue-eyed gaze. He was so close and it was all she could do to resist leaning forward and greedily kissing that sensual mouth as her answer.

"I've had a few nice ones before but that was just sensational, Phil," she shyly confessed instead, turning her eyes down and away.

Inside, she felt relieved his hand hadn't gone too much lower on her abdomen. If it had, she might well be still down there with an adoring public watching his finger slowly dip in and out of her.

"That's excellent," he offered back, his voice sounding professionally detached. "I guess I'll wander off now and find Garry."

"Sure. I'd better go home and have a lie down. I want to have a few wits about me in case I need to have dinner on the table for Josh tonight," she stammered.

Her fingers gave an affectionate but unanswered wave as she watched him turn and head off in the opposite direction. A last glimpse from halfway up the cliff track found him and Garry reuniting on the beach further up near the car park.

Mixed emotions hit her. She was unlikely to ever see them again recalling them saying they were heading off north tomorrow morning. The thought struck her that maybe that might be a good thing. If they had been locals, running into Phil especially with Josh beside her could have been embarrassing. Whoops! Her watch told her that husband of hers could be home in just over two hours if he hadn't made the cut.

The humming all the way back home told her she had really enjoyed her first attempt at flirting and wanted to enjoy another go at it soon. She had learned a lot and next time she was sure she would stay more in control. As a test, she asked herself what her rules for herself should be next time. Well, she would have a better idea how much verbal teasing to give and take, how and when to slow things down if she felt them getting out of hand. And she would of course say no to things like kissing that may potentially become too risky.

Sticking to Josh's advice would stop things getting out of hand. But if he was okay with her flirting, she would allow herself to be aroused a little with light touch, perhaps even help a man get that way with a teasing touch or two in return. That wouldn't endanger her marriage to Josh. But she definitely would stay within the limits better next time.

As she dreamily turned into to her driveway, she heard the loud distinctive toot just before seeing an orange VW van pulling over out the front. Inside it were the two guys. Her heart jumped for joy at this unexpected chance for a final goodbye.

Inside, she hesitated about asking them in for a cool drink, but felt it would be good manners. It's not as though she was going to offer alcohol. And having both guys inside together would be safe by Josh's reckoning, surely.

Amelia knew she'd done the right thing when Garry politely sat down with his Coke and asked if he could just get the cricket score. Smiling, she switched the TV on and passed him the remote, amazed how earnestly he got into watching it. Phil had opted for a tea. A silent beckoning finger so she wouldn't disturb Garry found her walking backwards towing Phil by the hands towards the kitchen, smiling warmly into those eyes.

Switching the old kettle on, she offered a quick tour of the house knowing it would take a while to boil. In the doorway to the master bedroom, her first test came when he was daring enough to ask for a friendly goodbye kiss before they left.

By the time he'd moved closer, she knew what to do. Hands behind her back, she let him take her shoulders but turned her face at the last minute to take it on the cheek. Congratulating herself on her success, she lowered and wriggled from his grasp. A half pace back, she winked then made teasing eyes at him.

"Is that the best I'll get?" she heard. "If so, how about one more in exchange for a five minute stomach massage here on the bed. For old times' sake."

"What exactly does a stomach massage entail first?" she said with a flirtatious tone in her voice, letting those mesmerising blue eyes engage hers.

"Nothing fancy," he shrugged. Secret juices were already flowing as he stepped forward. With a few gentle circles, he rubbed her belly through her one-piece. That seemed safe and felt so nice. Garry was only a few rooms away. Why not?

"Okay, but with a few conditions," she cheekily accepted. "The bedroom door must stay open at all times. No noises that Garry might misinterpret. No unfamiliar territory without my say so. And only the one kiss, before the massage, not during it. Think all that over while I make our teas," she put to him, backing out.

"So are my terms okay," she said immediately on return, putting two steaming mugs beside the bed. She swallowed when he walked to the door, fright turning into an overwhelming sense of relief when he hesitated then opened it even wider. Pointing to the teas, she added "They're too hot but in five minutes' time they should be just right. Kiss first, remember!"