Amelia's Night of Sensual Awakening


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"God, the three year drought may indeed be about to break for him." Amelia muttered to the girls. "If so, it's long overdue. But I'd better get back and protect him from himself before he ruins it by trying to play at being Dr Suave or worse, Mr Chauvinist."

She applauded herself for getting there just in time. He was drunkenly waving the camera about in one palm, his free hand holding out the neckline of her dress to take a shot down the front of her dress. Julia was taking it all in fun but seemed to have an air of relief in her smile as Amelia arrived.

"I'm sorry," Amelia breathlessly panted as she arrived, slapping his hand and making him release Julia's top. An intoxicated Kevin aimed his best crooked smile at her. She turned to Julia. "He's my brother. He's had a bit too much to drink, and maybe it's time I trotted him off to bed so he can sleep it off for the rest of tonight and not molest you or anybody else. Stand by for some loud yelling and general belligerence though. He won't go gracefully or straight away if his past performances are any guide."

"Give me one minute then," Julia offered back with a wink and an infectious smile. She took a half pace forward, leaned up into Kevin's swaying ear and for a good twenty seconds, whispered away while he tried to stay steady, putting on a smile and nodding in assent.

When she leaned back and nodded to Amelia, the young artist steeled herself for the ritual she hated most and fronted him.

"Livvie mate, it's time for you to get me off to bed," he slurred before she could even begin. "Give me a hand will you, there's a good sister?"

Surprised, she looked at Julia, slipped her shoulder under his wavering arm and started piloting him off to his room. She was back in five minutes, an eyebrow cocked at Julia.

"A record! He's off already. Thanks. What did you say to him?" she gratefully asked.

"That once you'd got him into his bed, I'd sneak along in a quarter of an hour and give him the shag of his life," Julia calmly commented with a simple shrug of her shoulders. Amelia burst out laughing.

She spent the rest of the night with the extraordinary Julia and the pair got on like a house on fire. With a little champagne, the conversation and questions even got quite racy and Amelia found herself confessing her fondness for her husband's cock to a bemused Julia. Her last private thought about Graham was that he was unlikely to show at this late stage. That pleased but also disappointed her.

Instead she decided to relax with Julia as company and enjoy a few drinks. When the last guests finally left, Julia stayed back with Clare and Anna to help tidy up. Over final champagne in the circle of chairs by the floodlit pool, Amelia agreed to come to what Julia described as one of her father's famous home-cooked dinners at her place tomorrow night. Clare and Anna decided the night was too warm not to have a swim. Within seconds, the two girlfriends had thrown off their clothes and were wading naked hand in hand into the warm pool. Knee high in the water, they began circling one another at arm's length aiming small splashes and giggling. Amelia knew she wanted to strip off and join the pair, but Julia was there.

"Want to join them?" she quietly offered to the young woman sitting opposite. There was a ready nod, but no movement. Amelia looked at the lovely face watching the girls frolic and decided the new girl might appreciate the option of a costume. She decided to go inside and get a spare one and put on her own string bikini too so the newcomer wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Anna and Clare wouldn't worry either way. But Julia was nowhere in sight when Amelia returned, so wading in, she left the costume for her at the pool edge.

Left alone, the two girls had become locked in an embrace, each chatting to Amelia as she waded in. They paused sometimes and looked adoringly into one another's eyes. Suddenly the pool lights went out. In the first moments of pitch black, Amelia heard bare footsteps on the concrete behind in the moonlit darkness and felt the wave on the back of her knees as she tried to make out her friends. Julia was obviously wading in behind her. Amelia realised her entry into the pool was too quick for her to have changed into the costume, and that she now may be the only one in with anything on.

As her eyes became more used to the dark, she sensed Julia arriving from behind. The tip of a bare breast brushing her back and a glance down and behind confirmed Julia was indeed nude. The thought prompted her to reach behind her back and start undoing the knot. Julia co-operated by tugging the bow at the back of her neck. Nonchalantly Amelia peeled off the cups and tossed the bra onto the concrete.

Ahead she could now make out the shape of Clare entwined with Anna, smiling at her the lovely face behind and welcoming the two long arms that slowly wrapped around her and hugged. The chin resting on her shoulder joined her in watching the lovers. She enjoyed the feeling of being close to Julia, especially the feeling of warm smooth skin spooning into her back.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" she heard Julia's hoarse murmur as they made out the two girls so oblivious to them enjoying a long passionate kiss. Amelia looked down in the dark as the daring stray fingertip found and circled one aureole. It was as beautiful as it was unexpected. She closed her eyes as Julia gently lifted her hair and softly bit into the back of her neck. The tipsy side of her decided the tingling building within felt so nice. She hadn't been touched like this in ages, and decided to enjoy this moment of intimacy in the privacy of the darkness. Quickly she felt herself becoming stirred. But much as she wanted a little more, she decided the shy Anna might prefer her own privacy soon rather than two witnesses, with Clare now kissing deeply into her surrendered neck.

"I'm going in to check on my brother," she said softly, leaning her head affectionately back against Julia's forehead. "Want to come along too?"

Racing out of the pool, the girls dried their calves. Then hugging the towel to her chest in case her brother was somehow awake, Amelia set off for his room, an uninhibited Julia padding right behind unashamedly naked.

Turning the dimmer switch down first, she eased on the light. There was an unconscious Kevin facing them on the very edge of the king-sized bed, precariously close to falling off onto his camera on the floor where Amelia had left it. "He'll be out to it until morning," a knowing Amelia turned and confirmed to Julia. She hesitated then mischievously stooped to the camera. "But I have an idea. I'm going to show him exactly what he looks like passed out and drunk."

Confident she could now let the towel drop, she tiptoed topless over to his side and took a shot of him sprawled out then, after crouching, a close-up of his face with its wide open mouth. Moving to the end of the bed, she stood where his shoes hung over and took a full length one.

"Those shots were a little tame though, don't you think?" she heard Julia whisper behind her. "He's got to really believe when he looks at these that he may have missed out on something big tonight. Something he may remember me promising, remember. Something that would have him cursing himself if he was unable to remember a single detail. Stay there and when I say go, take a shot of us together."

The beautiful nude figure knelt beside by his open mouth and half turned towards Amelia.

"On three," Amelia heard and gleefully raised the camera. "One two ... three."

The flash lit up the room. Amelia lifted the camera and inspected the shot in amused disbelief. There it would be on Kevin's camera for him also to find, the gorgeous and naked Julia looking down at his wide open mouth with an adoring look all over her face. This girl was really was beautiful, Julia thought, and so impetuous. What a hoot when Kevin tried to recall what Julia may have wanted to do with him if he'd been a little more sober.

"Take another," Amelia heard. Obediently, she snapped away and inspected the result. She marvelled at the cavalier attitude the girl had, this time feeding her breast tip with its raised light brown nipple just into his open mouth. "This will score nine out of ten as far on the prank meter in terms of making him wonder what happened tonight to him," Amelia mused out loud.

"Can you roll him on his back, and I'll take his shoes off?" Amelia quietly added, still shaking her head at the Julia's boldness in the last shot. "He's likely to fall out of bed and hurt himself lying like that much longer." As Kevin was rolled onto his back, she put the camera down behind her and grunted as she tugged in earnest at the closer shoe.

"Let me take one guaranteed to score nine point nine on that embarrassment scale," Amelia absent-mindedly heard in her efforts. She sensed Julia bending to pick up the camera. As she slipped her brother's last shoe off, the flash went off over her head.

It was only when she looked down Kevin's body that she realised that Kevin's fly had been undone and that the flaccid pink length was out, curled about on the dark material. And Julia was laying on the bed beside it, one cheek on a pillow she'd pulled down, inches away and intent on a close-up of his cock.

"Oh yuk, no! Gross! He's my brother. Please, put it away now. Please!" Amelia hissed. But an engrossed Julia ignored her and took a shot. Realising she wasn't being watched, Amelia's horrified eyes took in a sight she probably hadn't seen probably since she was six and they bathed together. Fascinated, she watched Julia's fingers arrange her brother's organ differently and focus again.

"He's out to it and it's a bit of fun. He won't come to any harm," she heard Julia's whisper. "Put it away yourself though if you like." Intent on doing exactly that for the sake of Kevin's dignity, Amelia lay down on the opposite side to Julia. But try as she may, she couldn't find the courage to reach out and touch it.

"Jeez, before you do though, let's have a close look at it," she heard Julia murmur as she hesitated. "It's a rather sleek schlong, isn't it? Nice length, good width."

Feigning disinterest, Amelia used Julia drawing the meaty length to her attention as an excuse to inspect it. She could only shrug.

"Is it like your husband's?" came Julia's rhetorical question straight after, looking at her as she put the camera on the bed behind her. Lifting the limp meaty length again, she leaned it towards her face and ogled it. Inside Amelia the spectacle unfolding started to trigger memories of mouthing Richard. And wanting to do the same to Graham.

Guilty at the feelings building inside, she directed her gaze up from the offending penis and into Julia's lovely eyes. Mentally she begged Julia to finish soon and put it away. She found herself now utterly captivated by the rapt expression on the young woman's face. God she looked so incredibly beautiful, even at this bizarre moment.

She knew she was sprung as Julia returned the look then leaned across. To her surprise, she leaned over the limp length and closing her eyes, welcomed the short warm kiss. The contact sent thrills soaring back into Amelia's body. When her eyes opened, Julia was lifting up the thick length. Fascinated, the heat rose in Amelia as she watched the small soft fist slowly pump the pink length. It was only after a few strokes when the cock began to stiffen that both girls realised that whatever else in Kevin had shut down, this part was the exception.

Amelia felt herself creaming between her legs as she watched Julia peering at the hole in the expanding tip. She thought for an instant that she was about to be a spectator to something she never dreamed a sister would see -- her brother's cock being taken into a girl's mouth. Instead, Julia put her hand over the rising penis to flatten it, then leaned over to share another delicious lingering kiss, the best one Amelia could ever recall receiving. When the girl's head slowly withdrew, she stayed there with her mouth still open, light headedly awaiting its imminent return.

When it seemed to be taking too long, her eyes flickered open to see Julia's lips going to and fro over the mushroom like tip. She closed her eyes again to imagine herself stimulating a cock like that.

The arrival of the soft hand to her cheek prompted her to seek out the lips she knew wanted to kiss her again. As she warmly returned it, her senses raced as she leaned back slightly to break the kiss with wide eyes, aware that she had just tasted the slightly salty taste of cock. Amelia watched her fingers free the erect length from Julia's. Standing on its own, it seemed to call to her.

"God, I'm the one that really needs something like that," she heard herself murmur staring at it. When Julia's hand reached behind Amelia's head, she closed her eyes for the oncoming kiss.

Julia's tongue pushed its way in and sparks flew in Amelia's mind as she realised it was being accompanied by the cock. The tongue eased out, and without hesitation, she ran a wary tongue over the bulbous tip left inside her mouth.

Then the sudden realisation of what she was doing hit her. Amelia opened her eyes not knowing what to expect. There was Julia staring adoringly at her, the erect length extending like live prey from her mouth. The young woman softly kissed Amelia's cheek then butterfly kissed her way back along the veiny shaft protruding before affectionately stroking Amelia's face with an understanding smile. Amelia dared to take more length in, closing her eyes and starting up a gentle suck. The dream last night came back and she knew she wasn't going to stop until a jet of warm fluid spurted past her tonsils.

But Kevin's erection started to visibly wilt. She sensed Julia moving as she upped her efforts in vain. As her naked companion eased off the bed, she gave up and opening her eyes, let the slackened penis slide from her mouth, falling on to the bed so unfulfilled and disappointed.

Consoling lips from above brushed hers then started kissing with carnal intent. Amelia instinctively knew what the girl above was thinking. In no time, Julia's face was between her parted thighs, full lips kissing through the crutch of her bikini bottom. The girl's hands untied the side bows then a grateful Amelia eased herself up on her elbows to watch the lovely head bury itself into her curly thatch and begin urgently mouthing away at her sensitive opening.

When the young woman locked on and kept increasing the carnal drumming of her tongue against her clit, the pretty young artist ignored her unconscious brother and cried out, engulfed in a wave of pure pleasure she had never felt before. As she did, she had collapsed, eyes closed, feeling Julia ease back and begin intimately kissing her the sides of her parted thighs while she waited for the chance for a second turn.

As she lay there, she heard the bedroom door open. Staying still, she knew it would be Clare coming to say goodbye. How would she explain this to her best friend?

"Julia!" she heard her best friend's shocked voice. Then she remembered her brother next to her with his cock still out.

"I couldn't help it," she heard Julia whisper back."They were both drunk and I've never fucked a brother and sister before, let alone both on the same night."

"You better go, Julia," Amelia heard Clare's uncharacteristically angry voice. "Anna's in the car waiting. I'll have to let her know I'll need five minutes to get Amelia off to her own bed. While I'm there, put that thing of his away, get dressed and go. Jesus, you're still the sexual menace you always used to be."

Amelia opened her eyes and sat up as Clare walked away. She hoped her lingering kiss said she was so grateful to Julia for shouldering the blame. The girl popped Kevin's penis back in, then handed Amelia the camera. There on the viewfinder was the last shot, a close-up of Kevin's erection protruding from a set of anonymous lips that only the two girls would know were Amelia's.

"I took it towards the end while you were busy," Julia admitted. "Please don't erase it. It's the perfect ten and he won't be able to tell it's you when he looks at it."

Amelia knew she would get a copy of it tomorrow morning to remind her of this unconventional night. She pressed save rather than delete, When Julia returned and began dressing at the door, she managed a quick goodbye to Amelia hearing Clare's distant footsteps returning, adding in a lowered voice -

"Don't forget you're coming to dinner tomorrow night. You'll have to put up with Dad and my young son too I'm afraid. Bring your pyjamas and toiletries and stay over. There's a bedroom running off Dad's that we can put you in. He goes off to Lodge when Samuel goes down, and we can fuck each other senseless in there for a couple of hours before I have to sneak back before he returns. If you're still awake, pop your head around the door and see if he's up for a chat."

She heard Julia's car start as she faked drunken helplessness and let Clare put her in bed.

"I hope you'll have forgotten Julia taking advantage of you and Kevin in the morning," she heard her best friend's soothing voice above as she lay still in bed, pretending to be asleep. "If I didn't know what she was like and if her dad wasn't my editor, I probably would have belted her."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I just loved this story, the plot and the characters kept my interest right through the entire tale. You appear to be a very talented author and a joy to read, as you have the ability to depict your characters clearly and in a very plausable loving manner with out having to use 'potty mouth' language. Look forward to perhaps reading another episode of this story. I live in hope.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
More please....

it would be nice to have a continuation of this story. I have enjoyed your other tales that have been published here and I would like to encourage you to write more..again and again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago


Stick to soap operas and leave erotica to those with the talent to write ANYTHING INTERESTING!

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