American Girl Ch. 03


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The man's name was Colonel William Spooner and it turned out that he had been caught in a honey trap. A search of Spooner's office safe at the Pentagon had produced an envelope containing pictures of Colonel Spooner caught flagrante delicto with a pretty young transwoman. Also inside the envelope was a matchbook from a nightclub located in DuPont Circle called the Pink Parrot.

Over coffee the two agents discussed how the Soviets were upping their game when it came to clandestine operations and counterintelligence. Liam was able to look at the pictures of Spooner and the girl. It was almost unthinkable that the Soviets would use a transgender woman as an operative but that would make her a perfect sleeper agent because nobody would ever suspect her. Something niggled him about the pictures of the girl and it wasn't just because he found himself attracted to her.

Then it came to him. Liam noted the similarity between the woman in the pictures found in Spooner's office and the fuzzy picture he had from the Park n' Go. It was impossible to match the two women but there were similarities. When he took his suspicions to his SAC he was told that there was no correlation between the two cases and that the pictures were inconclusive and his hypothesis was ridiculous and to drop his investigation and move on but Liam Dresser was not easily dissuaded.

The case intrigued him not only because he believed there could be a transwoman Soviet operative which was unheard of, but also because Liam was secretly fascinated with transvestites and transsexuals.

Liam had taken a considerable risk taking one of the photographs of the girl out of evidence and copying it. He enlarged it and cut around the girl's face, removing her lingerie-clad body and that of Colonel Spooner from the picture. It wasn't a brilliant picture but it was better than the fuzzy VHS still from the Park n' Go.

He wrote down the address from the matchbook and went to the Pink Parrot with the headshot of the pretty young woman and had shown it to the bar staff but they weren't prepared to talk to someone who looked like a straight stiff. For a fifty dollar bribe he was able to ply out of one of the bouncers that the older chubby drag queen sitting at the bar would know who the person in the photograph was.

Liam knew that showing the picture to the drag queen would shut her down so Liam had run his pickup line on Wendy Meakins and had taken her home and shagged her and gained as much information as he could without tipping his hand that he was an FBI agent.

Now he had a name: Crystal Greystone.

The FBI's computers at this time were not linked to all the State and Federal databases but using meticulous investigation techniques and cashing in some favours with associates from other state and federal government agencies Liam found Crystal Greystone. She had a Social Security number, a driver's licence and even a passport. The address on these documents proved to be false as did the address she had given at the Pink Parrot nightclub which Liam had broken into illegally on Monday morning. He found a post office box in her name where her mail was directed.

But Crystal Greystone had died at birth in Colorado in 1964. She had then somehow reincarnated and applied for a Social Security number in 1983 and then acquired other identity documents all using a false birth certificate. Crystal Greystone was a ghost.

Liam Dresser knew at this time he should take everything he had back to his SAC. He believed that he had enough evidence to support his hypothesis but he knew that he would have a hard time explaining how he had milked Wendy Meakins for information and when she was brought in for questioning she would likely disclose their sexual liaison which would end his career, as would the illegal break-in and search of the Pink Parrot's employment documentation.

There was also the fact the more he investigated Crystal Greystone, the more he became infatuated with her. At the Pink Parrot he had taken a handbill with a picture of Crystal dressed in a sequined evening gown singing into a microphone. The emotion on her beautiful face, her perfect figure and those long legs peeking out of the split in her gown beguiled him. He had become fascinated with her.

Liam knew it was irrational but he didn't want to share her.

Yes, she was most likely a Soviet sleeper agent and was directly responsible for at least one death and complicit in Colonel Spooner's suicide and had committed who knew how many illegal intelligence gathering offences but she was his spy! He would find her and he would bring her to justice. But he would do it his way.

When he exposed and arrested her he would become a legend in the Bureau and his unorthodox investigative methods would be forgiven and concealed for security purposes. The fallout would be a black eye and embarrassment for the KGB as well as a strategic and a propaganda disaster. The Soviets had a new General Secretary, they were embarrassed by the publicity regarding the shooting of the American officer in East Germany, they were losing the arms race and their economy was declining. Exposing a transgender Soviet operative would be another nail in their coffin.

Special Agent Dresser convinced himself of all this when he took short-notice annual leave and purchased a ticket to Las Vegas.

Liam Dresser had gone rogue.


Ambassador Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas Nevada, March 1985

Crystal Greystone attended the morning rehearsal and performed the matinée at the Envoy Cabaret and had a hard time blowing off Michelle Dupree who wanted them both to get a late lunch. She made her excuses and went up into her room and changed into a skirt, blouse, nylons and heels and tuned down her makeup. The 'message waiting' lamp on her phone was blinking and she lifted the handset and played the message.

It was from her rezidentura colleague who had been sent to Las Vegas to support her, he was keeping an eye on Brett Beaumont and his security tail and he advised Crystal that Brett was gambling on the Stardust casino floor and his security detail was sitting at a nickel slot keeping an eye on him.

Crystal took a car to the Stardust and entered the casino and saw Brett playing blackjack with a young woman standing beside him who looked the very caricature of a Las Vegas hooker: big hair, big tits, long legs and big ass all on display.

Crystal went into the hotel and took the elevator up to the VIP floor using the keycard she had copied the previous evening. Checking that the corridor was clear she strode down to Brett Beaumont's room and let herself in.

The room had been recently serviced and was clean, although a lingering smell of cigarette smoke and stale booze was undercurrent to the household deodorant that the housemaid had used.

Crystal went straight to the room-safe and put a device the size and shape of a cigarette packet against the digital dial and pressed the button on the side. The four-figure combination lit up on the dial and Crystal punched it in. The cheap hotel safe was no match for Soviet technology. Crystal found a plain manila folder marked Cottage. Inside the envelope were five pages of scientific dribble that meant nothing to Crystal but she photographed every page using her Minox miniature camera.

She returned the envelope, closed the safe and made her way back to the lobby and was about to exit the hotel when a voice called out her name.

'Fuck! He's seen me!' Crystal thought but she plastered a smile to her face and turned around.

It wasn't Brett Beaumont who had called her name, it was the concierge.

Crystal smiled at him and followed him into his little office.

"Did Professor Beaumont come and see your show with the tickets you comped him?" the ferret-faced little man asked.

"Sure he did," Crystal smiled but she was eager to be on her way.

"The tickets I arranged to have sent up to his room," the ferret smiled with crooked little teeth.

"Yes and I paid you fifty dollars to do so," Crystal countered.

"And you promised me a blowjob if he went to your show and I know he did and I know that you went up to his room afterwards so I'm guessing you did pretty well out of the deal," the ferret's grin widened.

Crystal had two options. She could blow him or kill him and it was far too difficult to dispose of the body.

She reached behind her and clicked over the tumbler on the doorlock and dropped to her knees.

She wondered how many other hookers, grifters, showgirls and cocktail waitresses had been forced to perform the same act in the concierge's shabby little office.

As it turned out the task was not that difficult or revolting, the concierge had quite a nice un-ferret-like penis which was clean and quite appealing. Crystal took him in her mouth and dutifully looked up into the ferret's face while she performed her task. She knew that men loved eye contact during fellatio and she sucked and slavered on the long thin cock, leaving traces of her lipstick on the shaft.

It didn't take the little concierge long to climax and he deposited a healthy load into Crystal's mouth which she had no difficulty swallowing. Having performed her service she got to her feet, picked up her handbag and left the office while the ferret-faced concierge zipped his flies. She also snatched up a plain envelope from a pile on the concierge's desk before she left.

It was easier to take the path of least resistance than to jeopardise the mission. Crystal knew that her virtue was a tradable commodity; it had been programmed into her from an early age.

Crystal went back to the Ambassador and to up her room where she brushed her teeth and gargled with mouthwash and then she removed the little film cassette from the Minox and put it in the envelope which she left at a pre-arranged dead-drop that afternoon. There was a message for her at the dead-drop and she took it back to the hotel and used a one-time pad to decode it.

Colonel William Spooner had committed suicide. She was directed to call Stephan Boriliski as soon as possible.

Crystal took a walk down the Strip and found a phone booth in an Arby's and called Steven speaking only English.

"Am I compromised?" she asked breathlessly.

"Don't panic, you are trained for this," Steven said coldly.

"We are assessing the damage. We know the FBI has pictures of you with Spooner. The photographs I used to blackmail him were found in the safe in his office but at this stage military intelligence and the FBI have no idea who you are. Our FBI informant advises that they think an operative hired you to compromise Spooner; they suspect you are a hooker not an operative," Steven explained.

"The rezidentura assess that your identity is safe for now and you are to continue your current mission. We need the data that Brett Beaumont will have with him after the Cottage test," Steven went on.

"There is to be no variation to the plan. Act like everything is normal," Steven said calmly.

"Yes, of course," Crystal said.

Her heart rate had increased but only slightly. She was a highly trained operative and she and Steven had practiced such scenarios and she trusted his judgement and that of the rezidentura.

"Michelle Dupree. The other transwoman in your revue. She may be of use to us. Continue to foster your relationship with her. Get her close. You know what I mean," Steven said levelly.

Crystal knew what he meant.

"The military are doing their best to keep a lid on Spooner's transgressions because if the media got wind of them it would be a scandal. The FBI are chasing their tails and haven't linked Spooner's death to Project Excalibur because the military are refusing to divulge which projects Spooner was currently working on. The American bureaucracy is doing what it always does, which only works in our favour," Steven explained, hoping that Crystal would remain calm.

"Ok Stephan, I will continue to do what I do and I will get close to Michelle Dupree," Crystal said with little emotion.

"Also, I'm coming to Las Vegas. Continue to work with your rezidentura assistant; I'm not coming to support the operation, I'm coming just in case we need to extract you at short notice. Kyle Gordon's identity is safe; we would never compromise that," Steven said and broke the connection.

Crystal sat in a booth at the Arby's and ordered coffee and thought things through.

Brett Beaumont was of no further to use to her until after the Cottage test but she needed to keep him hooked. She called him in his room at the Stardust and asked him to come see her after the late show at the Envoy Cabaret. It turned out Brett was busy with his new hooker girlfriend and couldn't make it but he promised to meet up with Crystal when he came back from the test site because he was looking forward to fucking her.

Brett was pragmatic. He knew Crystal wasn't going anywhere and he knew where to find her, and find her would, but for now his big-titted blonde floozy was slaking his thirst.

"Well, you know where to find me," Crystal said into the telephone and broke the connection.

Crystal kept up her routine of three shows a day, meet-and-greets, rehearsals and had not much else to do but to develop her friendship with Michelle Dupree and she invited Michelle out for a late dinner after the review.

Crystal dressed in her little black cocktail dress and Michelle was similarly dressed but in blue when they met in the Ambassador Grille for dinner. It was a convenient place to eat as they were both staying at the hotel and it operated twenty-four hours a day, no reservations needed. When they arrived it was nearly eleven and the restaurant was nowhere near full. They sat in a booth and ordered cocktails while they perused the menus.

"I'm gonna order a big steak with the trimmings and take tomorrow night off," Michelle sighed as she decided on her side dishes.

"What do you mean take tomorrow night off?" Crystal asked; a little alarmed.

She was sure Fred Winebrow would not be happy that one his showgirls would be missing a show.

"Not from the review silly. I mean from selling my ass on the side," Michelle giggled.

"I told you that I'm here to make as much money as possible so I can get my bottom surgery done," Michelle switched over to the wine menu.

"I didn't realise you were hooking on the side," Crystal lied.

The walls between the adjoining rooms were thin enough that she heard almost very sound Michelle made and was often kept awake by the sound of the headboard banging against the wall.

"I know that you went with that Beaumont fellow who rudely interrupted us at the opening night," Michelle sounded a little peeved.

"Yes but that wasn't for money. I just found him attractive and pleasant company," Crystal tried to deflect but Michelle plowed on.

"Anyway, I'm over being fed like a bird. I'm having oysters to start, a big steak and dessert if I can fit it in," Michelle grinned.

"That's a lot," Crystal commented.

"Well like I said, I aint fuckin' anyone tomorrow," Michelle picked out a red wine to go with dinner.

"When you poop outa the same hole you're fuckin in, it kinds limits your menu selections; another reason I can't wait to get my designer vagina!" Michelle blurted out and Crystal nearly choked on her drink.

"Jesus Michelle!" Crystal laughed.

"You know what I'm talking about girl," Michelle slipped her hand under the table and up Crystal's dress and squeezed her thigh.

"Now you're taking liberties," Crystal whispered.

The waitress approached and Michelle ordered her big meal and a bottle of good Shiraz. Michelle kept her hand under Crystal's dress and softly stroked her thigh and Crystal found herself becoming uncomfortably tumescent. As the meal progressed Michelle became bolder and started to stroke the front of Crystal's panties and Crystal had to slap Michelle's hand away before her tuck failed and she tented her dress.

The two women kissed each other passionately in the elevator on the way up to Michelle's room much to the amusement and titillation of two mid-west businessmen. Michelle opened the door to her room and guided Crystal to her bed.

"I haven't been with another transgender woman for so long that I can't remember that last time," Michelle sighed between kisses.

The two beautiful women were standing next to the bed in Michelle's room, neither of them in a hurry to undress.

"I'm not sure how transgender I am. I have no tits and I haven't even started hormones yet," Crystal confessed.

"You look more like a woman than most of the showgirls in this town and besides, most of it is in your head. You told me yourself that you intended to transition and live as a woman so as far as I'm concerned you are a woman," Michelle stroked Crystal's upper arm comfortingly.

"Yes that is true," Crystal sighed, her lips brushed Michelle's.

Michelle could taste Crystal's lipstick and she pulled Crystal in closer. Crystal was as tall as Michelle and the two women stood face to face. Although the two women were of similar age for some reason Crystal felt that she was the younger of the two and was taking on the submissive role.

"I've wanted to do this since we first met," Michelle whispered, putting her arms around Crystal.

"I've wanted it too but worried that we are too close professionally to have a personal relationship," Crystal lied easily and welcomed the embrace and kissed Michelle.

All evening Michelle had been fondling Crystal under the table and the lust simmering between the two women ignited and they kissed passionately, their mouths locked together and their tongues entwined. They fell on the bed and rubbed their bodies together, locking their arms and legs around each other and holding each other tight as they kissed.

They stripped each other of their cocktail dresses and Crystal dumped her breastforms. They were left dressed in their slips panties and nylons, their heels and dresses interlaced on the floor as they were interlaced on the bed.

They were both wearing sheer pantyhose which whispered as they rubbed their legs together. They intertwined their limbs and delicious slivers of delight ran up their legs.

Michelle's full ripe bosom pressed against Crystal's tiny breasts and their satin slips slinked against their bodies and their nipples hardened. Michelle clung to Crystal holding her close, kissing her, stroking her and igniting her lust.

Crystal allowed herself to be submissive as she had never been with another transgender woman and she relished the feel of being cuddled and cosseted by this beautiful transwoman. Both women had become untucked and their penises pressed against each other through layers of satin panties and slips.

Michelle reached down and squeezed Crystal's erect penis through the slinky layers of fabric causing Crystal to gasp. Crystal reciprocated and found Michelle's cock tenting her panties and she began to stroke it. They kissed passionately as they stroked each other's cocks through their panties, neither of them in a rush to extract their throbbing members.

Michelle climbed on top of Crystal, their slips hissing as the silky satin slid against their bodies, their cocks aligned, their lips crushed together and their tongues entwined. The sensuality of their bodies rubbing against each other, their cocks pressed together through layers of satin and nylon, their mouths joined, was overpowering. They held each other tight, pantyhosed legs scissoring as they humped and ground against each other.

"I'm going to come, I can't stop it," Crystal gasped.

"I'll come with you darling," Michelle gasped.

Simultaneously both women filled their panties with hot semen as they ground against each other, grinding, rubbing and chafing their bodies and limbs. Their cocks quivered and pressed together through their panties and satin slips as their semen co-mingled. They kissed and caressed and whispered sweet talk as their orgasms washed over them.