Amish No More Ch. 04


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Martha's head was tilted back, her eyes were closed, and I watched tip of her little tongue tease her lips and teeth, waiting for my cock to arrive.

I kissed the base of her throat, while caressing her breasts... teasing... and then I kissed her face and behind her ears, her perfume mingling with the rich musky woman's scent of her arousal.

"Put your hands behind your back, little cunt," and when she did I stroked her dripping vagina, caressing her wet swollen pussy and sending shivers through her body as I licked and sucked on her proud hard nipples, while continuing to stroke her musky fragrant flower.

"Do you want to come, Martha, do you want me to fuck you."

"Please, Michael, I....." I slapped her buttocks hard "Do as you're told, I said no talking. Learn to talk with your eyes and body."

I took Martha's soon to be cut long hair out of the ponytail before quickly removing my boots, jeans and boxers.

Her eyes were clenched tight, and her little tongue was darting in and out between her teeth and lips as he fingers caressed her womanhood.

Martha's was moaning, softly and wanting to scream, so shamelessly and selflessly was she intent on pleasing herself..."Put your arms around my neck."

I picked her up and pushed her into the door. I fucked her roughly holding her by her ass cheeks until she came in waves; her orgasm washing over me and I could feel her pussy contract. Martha's orgasm crested with a crescendo of screams and loud moans of pleasure; music to my ears.

Martha was squirming in shear orgasmic desperation, oblivious to everything except her throbbing clitoris which aroused me all the more.

I carried her to the bed and unceremoniously dumped her on it, flipping her over onto her stomach with her legs hanging down over the edge, entering her roughly from behind; fucking her hard and slapping her buttocks just hard enough to sting as I fucked her.

Make no mistake about it, I didn't make love to her, I deliberately dominated her, fucking Martha for my pleasure; making love would come later, and then we might talk.

Soon, another wave of orgasms wracked her body Martha buried her face in a pillow moaning loudly. Just before my orgasm burned through me like a gasoline stoked fire, I grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled her head back as I pounded her swollen and ravaged cunt, grunting as I pumped my seed into her.

When I let go of her hair and pulled my cock out, Martha was breathing heavily clutching the sheets.

I stood over her and watched as her breathing slowed down to normal. She pretty much went limp with a smile on her pretty face relaxing in the afterglow of her orgasms.

I helped Martha on her feet and walked her to the door by her hair. "Face the door" I said letting go of her hair...."good, put your hands behind your back and cross your wrists.....good, back straight...get closer, excellent."

I stepped close, my hand holding her crossed wrists and whispered, "Listen carefully, mi Niña. You will put on your panties and leather jacket. You won't zip it up though.

There is a large mailing envelope in the bottom of the left saddle bag. You will bring it to me, please."

After Martha dressed as mandated she opened the door and walked into the hallway, looking to see if anyone was there.

"Martha, walk slowly and shake your little ass for me, please; these are the keys to the saddle bags" I tossed them at her feet before shutting the door behind her.

Maud reserved a room on the ground floor close to an exit so that I could keep an eye on my Harley through the window. It was a pleasure to watch her shake her little ass. Martha looked over at me twice smiling nervously ......ah the joys of being a Master.

I was in bed when she returned, closing the door and locking it, "Very nice display Martha, very sexy" I praised meaning every word of it "I always knew you had it in you. I'm very pleased.

Keep this up and I might allow you to address me as Mickey again someday when we are alone together. Come here mi Niña," I said sitting up and patting the bed "I can use some of your sweet kisses."

Martha undressed and jumped into bed with me pushing me on my back and kissing my face and lips over and over. She sat up smiling; touching the base of her throat asking permission to speak; this was very intuitive of her.

"Yes, mi Niña what do you want to say?"

"My mother would be scandalized at what I just did and I don't care. Yes she's my mother but her opinions mean nothing to me now.....Michael?"

"Yes mi Niña."

There are scissors in the envelope; I felt them through it.

Are you going to cut my hair short? I know you don't like it blonde."

"Your natural beautiful raven black hair has always delighted me, mi Niña; God's gift to you; the dark shine of polished ebony to match your beautiful eyes of ebony. Your hair was waist length when we were married.

You always wore it parted in the middle and it was blunt cut without layers. I used to braid it for you at you remember?"

"Yes, but are you going to cut it really short?"

"Do you want it cut really short?"


"Bring me your hairbrush. I'll brush it for you and we'll see."

I have no intention of cutting it short. It would serve no useful purpose. While I was brushing, I estimated if I cut twenty inches from her ponytail it will just touch her shoulders and most of the layers will be gone.

Mandy would finish with a precise blunt bob of thick ebony black virgin hair. I planned on keeping Martha's hair in that style for at least a year; she must earn the privilege of growing it longer.

I finished brushing and pulled it back in a low ponytail at her nape, tying it with an elastic band. Those scissors were sharp and I cut off the bleached blonde ponytail effortlessly, dropping it into Martha's lap.

"Much better me mi Niña. Take the elastic band out and shake your head."

I watched Martha's hair bounce about her neck and face to just touch her shoulders. There was slightly less than an inch of blonde on the bottom and the bob.

"Mandy will finish what I started when we get home. Please turn off the lights. We need to get some sleep....."

I couldn't fall asleep; my mind was racing with thoughts of all that happened since I showed up in desperation at his doorstep. There was never a doubt that Mickey would protect me and save me from Frank. Arthur assured me that Frank was gone for good and I took this to mean that Frank was dead.

I cuddled close to Mickey watching him sleep; thinking and remembering how much I loved him once.

My mother planned for me to marry a man 10 years my senior. My arranged husband-to-be was a man of wealth. William Arrington, deceased, was a research doctor and a friend of the family. My mother arranged several dates with him.

I cooperated because as long as I was a good daughter, I received a generous allowance, fancy clothes and my own car, a convertible.

William was invited to all the family holidays and family functions. He proposed to me when I was twenty-two on bended knee in front of my whole family on Christmas Eve.

Not that William was a bad man; actually he was a very good man; a brilliant man, if not a bit shy around women; the only problem.......I didn't love him.

My relationship with my mother went downhill after that day. She took away my car and my allowance.

I rebelled and got a job as a waitress in a dinner. Money was tight so I moved out to live with a friend until I could afford a tiny studio apartment. For the first time in my life I was on my own and I liked the feeling of independence.

That is when I met Mickey. It was a steady wind driven rain that dreary wet and grey fall afternoon. It was my one day off for work that week. I was putting in extra hours to save money to buy a couch and end table.

I had my umbrella in one hand and a bag of groceries in the other. I wasn't paying attention as I should. I was minutes from my apartment and wanted to get warm and dry.

My head down as I crossed against the green light.

Mickey was going straight when I stepped in front of him. He swerved to avoid hitting me with his old rust bucket of a truck, jumping the curb and hitting a parking meter.

I was frightened and I was angry. In my fright I dropped my bag and my groceries spilled to the wet pavement to be run over and ruined by passing cars.

Angry, I crossed the street when it was safe and got right in his face.

I cursed at him in Portuguese, my second language. Mickey stood there with his arms crossed studying me and smiling....making fun of dare him!

After I vented and calmed down, Mickey asked "Are you hurt, Miss?"

"No, I'm fine; are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine too, although my truck is another matter."

"Tough! You should watch where you're going you jerk!" I replied angrily; annoyed that he was calm and collect and smiling at me.

"The Saints be praised! You do speak English. You should have cursed me out in English so I could get the full effect although I get the gist.

I'm glad you're not hurt. Don't you think you're over reacting? Stop acting like a little girl. Neither of us was hurt and that's the important thing; especially a pretty dainty little thing like you."

By then the police arrived and Mickey was issued a ticket for failure to have control of his vehicle and damaging city property.

I was watching him inside a drug store waiting to give him another piece of my mind in English when the police were done with him. Who was he to call me a dainty little girl; I was twenty-four and an independent woman thank you.

The police officer left and Mickey was still out in the rain getting soaked. Now that I was calm I noticed how handsome he is, despite his wet hair plastered to his head and in desperate need of a shave.

Mickey's truck was jacked up and he was changing a flat tire, the rim was bent from hitting the curb, "Listen jerk" I started to say when he interrupted, letting the car down and removing the jack.

"You are really something little girl" Mickey said before I had a chance to speak again, as he was tightening the nuts down snug "I repeat, really something."

Mickey stood and tossed the damaged tire in the truck bed along with the jack and tire iron.

It was then I noticed, "Your hand is bleeding."

I took my handkerchief from my purse and wrapped it around his hand "You should get it looked at."

"I've been cut worse. It's just a scratch. What do I owe you for your groceries, little girl?"

"Please stop calling me a little girl. I'm trying to apologize. The accident is my fault. Look it's starting to bleed through already; you might need stitches."

"Nah, a little duct tape and I'll be fine."

"Will you at least go into the drugstore with me so I can get you the proper bandages? I'll pay for your tickets; I insist" and I was thinking, 'Oh well, there goes the money for my new couch.'

"Only if you have coffee with this jerk after you're done being my nurse, little girl...."

In the end Mickey did need stitches and a tetanus shot. I drove with him to the hospital, applying pressure to the gauze on his hand; Mickey drove since I can't drive a stick.

After Mickey was treated in the emergency room we went for coffee and pie in the hospital cafeteria. He squeezed my hand and told me I had beautiful eyes.

This wasn't a pick up line with him; Mickey absolutely meant it. We then went to my apartment and sat across from each other at my tiny kitchen table and talked for hours over more coffee, and I made him bacon, eggs and toast, pretty much cleaning out my cupboards and refrigerator.

Before he left, Mickey told me that he had some loose ends to tie up with a business he was starting. He said he would call me.

I didn't hear from him in over a month and wrote him off. At that time I was on my own for over two years much to my mother's great annoyance. I knew my mother was sending people around to check up on me hoping I would fail and have to come crawling back to her.

Mickey showed up at my apartment minutes after I arrived home from work. He had on a suit and was wearing spit shined shoes.

This was quite a change from the rough looking young man in need of a shave dressed in a leather jacket, blue jeans worn at the knees and frayed everywhere with scuffed black engineer boots on his feet.

I planned on going out for a burger and a movie with Eric, a mechanic at the local Ford Dealership. Eric has his supper nights in my section so that I can serve him exclusively.

I had just gotten off work minutes before Mickey arrived. Eric was sitting at my kitchen table drinking a can of beer while I glanced at my mail....all bills.

Eric was a bad boy type and exciting, or so I thought from the way he talked. His arms and upper body were covered with tattoos. He drove a fast car, had a motorcycle and hung out with a rough crowd.

I heard through the grapevine that my mother was beside herself that I was dating what she called "a low life thug".

Mickey bowed at the waist with a flourish and requested that I go out to dinner with him post haste....right in front of Eric; as if Eric wasn't there.

Eric said he was my date and Mickey ignored him. Eric then tapped Mickey on the shoulder and demanded that Mickey go outside with him to settle things. Mickey ignored him and Eric gave Mickey a shove into the kitchen table.

Mickey smiled at Eric, an odd response, or so I thought at the time for as I said, Eric hung out with a rough crowd. He had a reputation for being a brawler.

He called Mickey a pussy ass faggot pretty boy, to which Mickey replied "You have more ink on your body than an imbecile in a pen factory."

I was looking out the window when they went into the alley behind my apartment. I heard Eric brag to Mickey he was going to kick Mickey's ass up between his shoulders blades and use him for a bicycle stand.

I heard Mickey shout out "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!"

Mickey returned minutes later with scuffed shoes and bruised knuckles....other than his hands there wasn't a scratch on him "Where is Eric?" I asked.

"Don't worry about Eric, Martha, he'll be fine. We have an understanding and there are no hard feelings."

Mickey was driving a new red Ford pickup truck when we went out to dinner at a three star French Restaurant.

I was still dressed in my waitress uniform when Mickey rushed me out the door to be on time for the dinner reservation he made for us.

Mickey arranged for a violinist to play at our table and while he was playing a florist delivered me three dozen red roses; talk about an impressive first date!

After dinner we went to the newly restored Community theatre, the Hippodrome, to see the Grand opening of "Kiss me Kate". It was a fabulous play and one would think that the staring actor and actress really were in love with one another.

Eric didn't show up at the restaurant for three days and he was limping with one eye still swollen half shut.

He was very quiet and subdued when he said to me, "Martha, I didn't know you're Shakespeare's woman; no hard feelings, OK. I can still come here for my dinner...right?"

Mickey and I were exclusive lovers soon after that and my mother absolutely hated him. The fact that Mickey knew she hated him and he didn't care angered her all the more; and especially since Mickey was always very polite to my mother and father.

She told everyone Mickey was a dreamer and a crackpot inventor; a fool of no substance reaching above his station in life.

I thought my mother was going to have a cow when Mickey drove his motorcycle up the steps of the Basilica and then inside on our wedding day.

My mother slowly poisoned my whole family against my husband after our son died and that poison eventually leached into me. A part of my soul died when I lost my baby and because of the complications, I will never be able to have children again.

That is not the worst of it because I let my was easier than facing the truth. I accept the truth now. I accept my responsibility for a portion of the breakup of our marriage.

It is God's will that I am lying next to Mickey with a second chance to be with him. I will never have Mickey all to myself; I must share him........

I awoke the next morning well rested and greatly refreshed looking forward to the ride ahead of us. Martha was pressed up against me sound asleep and the hotel clock said it was 6:34 AM.

I decided to let her sleep for another half hour as I got out of bed to go into the bathroom to shower.

I was just lathering up my face with the complimentary but ridiculously small bar of hotel soap when I felt Martha's small hands with a larger bar of soap washing my back.

"That feels good mi Niña. I didn't mean to wake you. Are you undressed?" I teased.

"What do you think?" Martha replied rubbing her breasts up against my back "Does this feel like I'm dressed? It might be awhile before I may shower with you again once we get home."

"It feels like your nipples are hard. One might think that you enjoy communal showering."

"No, just with you; you know, Michael, we should have done this when we were married."

Martha reached around to soap up my chest saying, "It will be easier if you'd turn around."

I turned around and put my hands on her waist to kiss her lips "I agree and good morning."

"Good morning" she agreed smiling as her small hands dropped to my crotch to gently wash my balls and cock getting me hard immediately "As soon as you're washed I'm going to suck on your cock."

"Ask for permission, first."

"I have to ask permission to lick and suck on your cock?" She asked washing them thoughtfully.

"Yes, consider it a polite formality."

"How shall I address you Michael?" Martha asked continuing to lather my cock and balls with the almond oatmeal soap" Maud calls you Master?"

"Sir will do nicely; it has a nice ring to it."

"May I call you, Master?"

"Sir will do for now, mi Niña."

"May I please suck on your cock, Sir?"

"You certainly may while I shampoo your hair........."

This time in the tub with Mickey was different from the first, when he pulled me into the tub clothes and all.

The first time I bathed and showered with Mickey was more clinical; impersonal as he washed and examined me; checking for scars and my overall condition.

If I were a mare, he would have opened my mouth to check my teeth, despite the fact that they are now perfect.

My shower with Mickey in the small motel bath/shower was erotic and intimate; my idea when I got into the shower with him.

Mickey has the same hard muscular body I remember; no doubt he continues to splits logs the hard way with a wedge and a maul for he still has calluses on his strong hands.

He was very gentle with me....but then, Mickey was always very gentle with me. He sheltered me from the world while we were married.

He never let near the rough crowd from his past, or took me for rides on his motorcycle....a pan something or other before he sold it.

I'm seeing a part of the old devil may care Mickey from his youth, when we first met; except now it is wrapped in a more mature and worldly exterior despite him riding again.....riding, his first and almost forgotten love and pastime.

He gave up riding for me and now I was rediscovering it again with him. He told this was his first long trip since long before we were married.

Mickey lathered me up, kissing my lips often; his strong callused hands felt so good on my body as he caressed it with my favorite soap; a nice soothing oatmeal almond soap.

He rinsed me well and then it was time to get on my knees to suck on his cock to please him....more than anything I want to please him.