Amy's Last Night of Freedom


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"I bought them off Ebay a couple of weeks back. I remembered how you used to have one and I thought it'd be fun to buy everyone one so we could wear them out clubbing tonight."

"This is a great idea Emma!" Megan took the short blonde wig and shoved it on her head and looked in the mirror. "Oh, very classy!" They all giggled. She looked like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

"That really suits you." Jane took the long brown wig and put it on her head. The curls cascaded around her breasts. She turned and looked at the others.

"I'm glad we've all got our own rooms tonight. You look hot! We are going to pick up for sure!" Emma placed the other brown wig on her head and picked up her handbag. "Are we ready to go?"

"Almost." Amy picked up her mobile phone. "I just have to send Natalie a text message to let her know we're on our way. She said she'd meet us out. You guys are going to love her. She's so much fun."

"Where did you meet her again?" Jane asked.

"Ummm, on the internet." Amy blushed. "Remember the girl I told you that I experimented with a few years ago?"

"Ah huh." They all nodded.

"Well, you're all going to meet her tonight. I haven't seen her for a while now, but when I told her we were coming down for the weekend she asked if she could join us and I said yes."

"You naughty minx you!" Emma slapped her on the arm. "That's why you suggested everyone get their own rooms? So you could hook up with her afterwards?"

"Yeah. That and I know you're out to pick up tonight and I didn't want to listen to you screaming your head off again!" They all laughed as they headed out the door into the night.


"Skull, skull, skull." They all chanted as Natalie downed her drink in one go.

"Yeah!" Emma grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Emma has a crush on your friend!" Megan took a sip of her drink as she watched the two of them dirty dancing together.

"Well, she is fucking gorgeous." Amy stared at her past lover as she pretended to dry hump Emma's leg. She ran her eyes over her long legs and up to her cleavage. Natalie had the best boobs she had ever seen. They were quite large but still fairly perky. She had long blonde hair with a fringe that hung over her eyes and made her look sultry when she stared at you through it. She had flawless skin, which she applied fake tan to regularly and her skin was so soft to the touch. Amy wondered how such a beautiful woman could still be single, but then she remembered that she was quite picky with her men. They had a deep and meaningful conversation about it the day they were experimenting with each other. Amy remembered the night they were together and wondered why she hadn't continued seeing Natalie after she came back from her trip overseas all those years ago. She realized that she had met her partner not long afterwards and hadn't even thought about Natalie until a couple of weeks back when she was organising her hens night.

"Look at them go!" Megan put her empty glass on the bar and walked over to the dance floor to join them. "Come on!" She motioned for both Amy and Jane to come over and before long they were all on the dance floor dirty dancing together.

"I love this look on you!" Natalie twirled Amy's red wig around her finger. "It's very sexy." Amy felt Natalie's hand on her arse as she bent her knees so that her face was level with her boobs. Natalie stuck her tongue out and licked the top of her cleavage all the way up her neck, over her chin and stopped when she reached the corner of her mouth.

"Don't stop." Amy whispered closing her eyes. Natalie took the back of her head into her hands and pulled her lips towards hers. They kissed each other slowly, running their tongues over each other's lips. Amy noticed how soft Natalie's lips were, compared to her partners. She felt her nipples harden as she became aroused by her touch. She opened her eyes and looked at the gorgeous face that was only inches away from hers.

"Let's go back to the apartment" Natalie suggested. "I want to lick you from head to toe." She took her hand and started pulling her off the dance floor.

"Wait." Amy turned around and hugged her other three friends. "I'm off. Enjoy your night." She turned back towards the blonde goddess and slipped her arm around her waist. They walked outside with almost every pair of eyes in the room following them.


When Darren got to the room he put his overnight bag on the table and looked around. Off to one side of the living room was a bedroom with a king-sized bed in it and to the left of that there was an ensuite with a spa in the corner. Amy didn't spare any expense on this room. He was glad that he thought to bring some supplies with him to make the night even more memorable. He picked up his bag and searched for the small plastic bag of tea-light candles he bought to fill the room with. He positioned all 50 of them around the three rooms and lit them all. It shouldn't be too long until the girls arrived and he wanted everything to be perfect when they opened the door. Next he pulled a CD out of his bag and looked for the stereo. He inserted it in the slot and pressed play. He then got the bottle of wine out of his bag and put it in the bar fridge in the kitchen, then he got out the strawberries and chocolate that he bought. He searched the cupboards for a small tray and a bowl and broke the chocolate into small pieces. He melted the chocolate in the microwave and dipped the strawberries into it and placed them on the tray one by one. He placed the tray in the fridge and headed towards the bathroom to fill the spa. As the water was running he went around and turned on a couple of the lamps in the living room and turned off the harsh overhead lights. The room glowed with soft lighting. He checked the bedroom and noticed the candlelight gently bouncing off the sheer white curtains. There was enough light to still see what you were doing, but still have the room nicely dimmed. He headed back towards the bathroom and poured some bubble bath in with the running water. He was going to do everything possible to make sure the girls remembered this night forever.


Natalie and Amy walked back to the hotel arm in arm and when the doors to the elevator closed behind them, they turned to face each other. Amy touched Natalie's face with the palm of her hand and stroked her cheek with her thumb.

"You're still as gorgeous as I remember you, Nat." she leaned over and kissed her on the lips again, moving her hands down onto her shoulders as she did so. The elevator stopped at the 17th floor and they both stepped out and looked for their room. "I hope Darren has checked in already. I didn't even think to get another key." They found their room number and Amy tried the door handle. It turned easily and she pushed the door open and stepped inside. She heard the classical music first and both girls stopped in their tracks and gasped.

"Oh my god!" Amy looked around the candle-lit room, taking in the scene before her. She looked at Natalie who had her mouth open in shock too. "Are you here Darren?" she called out.

"I'm in the bathroom." Came the reply. Both girls headed towards his voice and stood in the doorway. Darren was relaxing in the spa. His lower body was immersed in the bubbles and his broad shoulders glowed in the candlelight that bounced around the room. His hair was tied back and he had a glass of champagne in his hand. "Hey girls."

"You look comfortable."

"The water's beautiful. You should both join me. There's plenty of room." He indicated the other seats in the spa.

"We might just do that." Amy turned her back to Natalie. "Could you please unzip my dress?" Natalie obliged and then followed suit, taking off her skirt, top and underwear. Both girls hopped into the spa naked. Natalie sat next to Darren and Amy sat across from him. He handed them both a glass of champagne that he had gotten ready earlier.

"I love the wig."

"Oh, I forgot I had it on." Amy reached up to take off her wig and Darren held his hand up to stop her.

"Leave it on?" Her hand stopped in mid-air. "Please? I think it's sexy."

"Ok." Amy took a sip of the champagne and looked around the bathroom. "I love how you've gone all out with the candles."

"Well, since it's your last night of freedom, I thought I'd go to a bit of effort to make it a night to remember."

"How thoughtful of you." Amy grinned at him. She lifted her leg a little and slid her toes up Darren's leg, stopping when she reached his dick. It was already rock hard. She stroked it between her toes. She looked across at her friend and realized that she forgot to introduce them. "Darren, this is Natalie. Nat, Darren." He turned to face her.

"Nice to meet you." He raised his glass to her and she smiled in return.

"Amy told me you were good looking, but she didn't tell me you were a romantic as well." He smiled and she saw his perfect teeth. She leaned over and kissed him on the lips, accidentally brushing her left breast against his shoulder as she stroked his chest with her right hand. Amy watched them both kissing and felt a little jealous.

"Hey you guys! I thought tonight was supposed to be about me?" she joked. Natalie and Darren separated and both looked over at her across the bath.

"Are you feeling a bit left out?" Natalie asked. "Come a little closer so we can reach you too." Amy drained the rest of her champagne and put the glass down on the tiles. She got up and straddled Darren's hips, sitting on his thighs. The bubbles were covering her breasts as the top half of her body was now out of the water. She leaned over and put her arms around Natalie's neck. Both Darren and Natalie put their glasses down. Darren placed his hands on Amy's thighs and started stroking them up and down. Natalie stroked Amy's arms and pulled her closer so she could kiss her on the lips. As Amy was leaning over, Darren moved his left hand up to her pussy and started stroking her clit softly. He placed his right hand on Natalie's thigh and started stroking it up and down as he watched the two girls kissing in front of him.

"Mmmm, that feels good." Amy removed her hands from Natalie's neck and reached down into the water to circle Darren's dick with her right hand. With her left hand she guided Natalie's face over to Darren's so she could watch them kiss again. She was getting really turned on. She started stroking Darren's dick up and down as he played with her clit. It felt so good to be touching him in this way again. She decided to shuffle her body up a bit more so she could insert his dick inside her. She put the tip of it against her opening and he grabbed her arse and pulled her downward in one smooth movement. She closed her eyes and felt her pussy lips open wide as it slid inside her. "Oh, yeah." She clenched her pussy muscles around his dick. When she opened her eyes again she noticed Natalie watching her. Amy reached down between her legs and slid her finger between the lips of her pussy. She was so soft. It was like she was touching herself. She could feel the small mound of her clit at the top of her pussy and started stroking it gently. Natalie leaned back in the bath and closed her eyes. She parted her legs a little more to allow Amy better access. Darren watched Amy's arm moving up and down between Natalie's legs and tightened his grip on Amy's arse, lifting her up and down on his dick. He looked up at Amy and watched her face as she watched Natalie's. He heard Natalie moaning softly beside him and turned his head to watch her have her first orgasm. Damn this was sexy!

"Shall we move over to the bedroom?" Amy asked as she removed her hand from Natalie's pussy lips. Natalie nodded.

"I think we should." Darren agreed. They all got out of the bath and dried themselves off with the big white fluffy towels the hotel had provided them with. Darren picked up his glass of champagne and they all headed over to the bedroom to finish what they started. On the way to the bedroom, Darren stopped at the fridge and got out the plate of chocolate dipped strawberries and set it down on the bedside table.

"Ooohh, what's this?" Amy asked looking at the plate.

"Lay down on the bed. Both of you." They both did as they were told and Darren sat between their legs. He positioned himself above Amy's stomach and carefully tipped his glass up, pouring some of the champagne into her belly button. She squealed in delight. He did the same to Natalie then set his glass down on the table next to the fruit. He picked up one of the chocolate dipped strawberries and slowly dipped the tip of it into the pool of champagne in Natalie's belly button. He circled it around once and then ran it up and down Amy's pussy lips. Both girls were watching in anticipation. He brought it up to his mouth and slowly bit the end off it.

"Wow, that's hot." Natalie licked her lips. "I want some." Darren reached over and picked up another strawberry. He ran it over Amy's nipple, down her stomach, through the champagne pool in her belly button, over her thigh and down to her pussy where he inserted the tip of it inside her. As Amy watched, she felt herself getting wet between her legs. She watched as Darren reached up to put the strawberry in Natalie's mouth. "Mmmm, it tastes so good."

"My turn." Amy demanded. Darren ran his tongue along Amy's thigh and up to her stomach stopping at her belly button so he could suck the champagne out of it. Amy sat up and reached for one of the strawberries. She started circling Natalie's nipple with it and noticed that some of the chocolate had started to melt against her warm skin. She ran it down her stomach and around her belly button leaving a thin trail of chocolate. She pushed the strawberry chocolate side first into her pussy and left it there while she made her way back up to her nipple and started licking it. "Mmmm, yum." She followed the trail of chocolate down to her belly button and once all of the chocolate had been licked up, she then sucked the champagne out of her belly button. She made her way back down towards her pussy and grabbed the strawberry, running it up and down her pussy lips. The chocolate had melted all over her friend's lips and she looked over at Darren who was watching intently. She guided his head over to the chocolate covered pussy and he stuck out his tongue and started licking her clean. Amy put the strawberry into her mouth and bit the end off. It tasted sweet with a slight hint of Natalie's pussy juices. It was delicious!

"Oh god that feels good." Natalie cried out as Darren continued licking her pussy. She felt something small and hard flicking against her clit and when she looked down she noticed that Darren had his tongue pierced and he was rubbing his piercing against her. "Fuck me!" She cried out as she felt her pussy muscles contracting as she came again.

Amy watched as Darren brought Natalie over the edge with his tongue. She reached over and pulled his face close to hers. She kissed him gently. He tasted like Natalie. She pulled him over to her side of the bed and made him lay down. Once he was laying on the bed, she straddled his face with her legs and lowered herself down onto his tongue. Natalie sat up and positioned herself so she was in between his legs and took his dick inside her mouth. She sucked on him while he licked Amy's pussy. As Darren sucked on Amy, she could feel his piercing, as it knocked gently against her clit and she remembered old times, when she used to love feeling that hard little ball against her clit as he used it to make her come. Natalie licked Darren's dick from the base to the tip and then took it in her mouth, sucking on the end of it. She cupped his balls with her hands as she slid the shaft up and down in her mouth. She took each of his balls into her mouth one by one and gently sucked on them and then returned to the head of his dick, running her lips over the top of it.

"I want to fuck you doggie style while you lick Natalie." Darren looked up at Amy.

"Ok." They all switched positions and Darren inserted his dick inside Amy again. Standing behind Amy, at the side of the bed, he had a good view of Natalie's face and watched her expression change, as Amy's head bobbed up and down as she licked and sucked on her pussy. He spread her arse cheeks wide open as he slid himself in and out of her pussy. He pushed his dick deep inside her and she moaned causing Natalie to smile as she felt the vibrations from her voice.

"Mmmm, do that again." Natalie begged. Darren pushed his dick deep inside Amy so that he could feel the tip of it against the back of her pussy.

"Mmmmmm...." Amy moaned again while she had Natalie's clit inside her mouth.

"Oh god!" Natalie cried out with pleasure. Darren reached around and started playing with Amy's clit with the tip of his finger. He could feel the hard little bud sticking out and rubbed it faster. He was going to come soon and he wanted Amy to come with him. Amy felt Darren playing with her clit and inserted one of her own fingers inside Natalie as she continued to suck on her clit. She pushed it deep inside Natalie and sucked hard. She was going to come soon so she was trying to give Natalie another orgasm before she had to remove her mouth from her pussy. She inserted another finger and pushed and pulled them both in and out quickly as she started flicking her clit with her tongue.

Natalie came first. Then both Amy and Darren came at the same time. Darren withdrew his dick from Amy's pussy and came all over her arse cheek while he continued to rub her clit from behind.

"Oh yes, yes, yes!" Amy screamed. Thrusting her hips towards Darren. She felt her pussy muscles contracting as he cupped his hand over her whole mound prolonging the sensation. He loved making Amy scream with pleasure. She had always been noisy during sex and he was glad that nothing had changed.

"It looks like you might have to go back into the spa again Amy." Natalie looked at Darren's come on her arse cheek.

"Trust me, that will not be a problem." Amy stood up and walked towards the bathroom. She grabbed a handful of toilet paper and wiped the come off her arse and threw the dirty paper in the bin. "Anyone care to join me?" she asked. "Oh -- and you might want to bring the rest of those strawberries in here too." She added cheekily. She climbed into the spa again and pressed the button to activate the bubbles. She poured herself another glass of champagne, took a sip and layed back and relaxed. The others joined her in the water that was still warm and they all sat and watched the bubbles as they popped around their faces.

"Did you girls enjoy that?" Darren asked taking a sip of his champagne that he had brought back into the bathroom with him.

"Very much so." Natalie nodded, popping a strawberry into her mouth.

"Let us know when you're ready to go again." Amy winked at him. She was glad she ran into Darren at the pub when she did. She had always wanted to experience a threesome and she came to the conclusion that these two people in the spa with her, were the best people to do it with. She felt she knew them both well enough to feel comfortable with both of them and she was happy with her choice. She took another sip of her champagne and decided that she was ready for round two. She put her hand on Darren's thigh and slowly made her way up to his crotch. To her surprise, he was already hard again. She was going to enjoy the rest of this night. She felt sure of it.

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Scotsman69Scotsman69over 12 years ago

Thank you

hiddenurgehiddenurgeover 12 years ago
Is there any justice at Literotica?

I am absolutely stunned that this story has picked up only three comments since 2009. More than 18,000 views, and only three people took the time to jot down a couple lines of appreciation? Unbelievable! I wonder how many of those 18,000+ views were people reading this submission for the fifth, sixth and seventh time. They should be ashamed of themselves. This story rocks from beginning to end.

rod43rod43almost 14 years ago

very erotic and horny....hoping for more

Turbulence1973Turbulence1973almost 15 years ago

If the night isn't over I hope we get to read more about it. Excellent read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
You Don't Suppose

That Amy is the kind of girl to not douche and take home the remnants of her exploits to her intended do you? Or even worse, take her future husband a surprise bastard for him to believe is his and to raise? No, Amy doesn't seem like that kind of girl. lol

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