An Aberration of Trust Ch. 01

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Pretty young wife lured into infidelity and then blackmailed/
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/14/2022
Created 03/23/2010
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All characters in the story are 18 years of age or older.


Katherine nervously paced the green carpet in front of the window. He knew she didn't like him picking her up at the apartment. She'd pleaded with him to meet her in the parking lot at the supermarket but he'd just ignored her suggestion. Now she waited, hoping some neighbor wouldn't be looking out the window when she got into his car. That's all she needed, to have tongues wagging.

The click click of her high heels rattled across the terrazzo floor as she crossed the lobby and headed toward his car. He was slouched behind the wheel with that smug smile she hated. Ian was an arrogant man with a superior attitude that put most people off. But he was her boss and that complicated everything.

At first, she had been flattered. He obviously liked her. That is, he liked her looks. She was used to guys checking her out, but Ian couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Even in the job interview it had been obvious. But she wanted the job. It was more money and closer to home. Ian had made the decision easy by offering to start her at the top rate in light of her 'experience'.

For the first couple of months she worked very hard learning the office routine. The other ladies were older, career civil servants, who looked at Katherine's youthful beauty with suspicion. It was not lost on them that Ian favored her with plum assignments and extra attention. Their resentment of her grew as Ian's infatuation became more obvious. More long, closed-door conversations followed to fuel the rumors and, as it turned out, to feed Ian's swelling ego.

He was quite aware of the talk in the office. His own cronies kidded him about her and he enjoyed their speculation. Encouraged it even.They all had stories of how her tits bounced when she walked in high heels or of some glimpse of thigh they had when she rolled her chair back from her desk. But, Ian's stories were the best. He embellished them to maintain the impression of having the inside track with her.

Their private conversations were a forum for him to complain about his marriage, his wife's coldness and his abject unhappiness. He lauded her as a confidante and shared more and more of his deepest secrets with her. She was touched by his outpouring, and she responded with the kind of warm compassion he hoped for.

They began to meet for coffee in the evenings after Michael had gone back to work on the 4-12 shift. She'd walk a few blocks to the supermarket and he'd wait for her there in the parking lot. After nearly running into a fellow worker in what they thought was an out-of-the-way cafe, they began to go for long drives instead of risking the chance of being seen. The disclosures he made were even more intimate in the privacy of his car and he found a secluded place to park behind a school where they couldn't be seen from the road. He discussed his wife's lack of responsiveness and encouraged Katherine to reveal more of her sex life by way of comparison. She, not wanting to appear as asexual as Ian's wife, nonetheless answered his questions, her face flaming.

'It is so important for me to have you to talk to,' he avowed fervently. His voice cracked with emotion as he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. It was an emotional moment and she squeezed his hand with reassurance. 'Thank you.' he whispered and kissed her lightly on the mouth.

Katherine's thoughts flooded with guilt but she didn't move away. Drawn to his vulnerability, she let his suffering excuse the minor dent to her marriage vows. His mouth closed on hers once more and this time his tongue urged her lips apart. She tried to pull back but his hand found the nape of her neck and he held her in place. A deep moan marked her guilt-ridden response to the intrusion. Her arms reached up to ease him away but the pressure of his mouth pinned her back against the seat. Bewildered by his aggressiveness and overwhelmed by his insistence she timidly accepted his tongue. He hovered over her using his weight to immobilize her against the backrest. His hand found her breast and she whined struggling to free to free her arms and stop the progress of his hands. He tugged roughly at her blouse and the buttons didn't hold and his hand easily slipped under her bra cupping and squeezing the nubile flesh.

She heard herself faintly say 'nooo' but there was no stopping him. Frustrated by the buttons, he tugged the blouse over her head. 'Take this off! he ordered and afraid that he would tear her bra, she reached behind and undid the hooks herself.

'Oh. Those tits,' he moaned, burying his face in their resilience. 'Those gorgeous tits.'

She stroked the nape of his neck as he sucked and licked her nipples. Half lying, half sitting on the seat she slid sideways until her back wedged against the passenger door. Her skirt rode up when she adjusted her position and her hand went automatically to tug it back down. But Ian's hand was there first pushing it higher, finding the bare skin above the welt of her nylons. His fingers hooked in the crotch of her panties and as she struggled to sit up the material began to tear.

'No! You're ripping them,' she whimpered.

But Ian wouldn't relent.

'You're going to tear them,' she complained again.

'Then take them off,' was his reply.

She tried to sit up but his weight and the angle made her fall back. His free hand crept underneath her until he found the waistband and pulled the back down over her bottom. The cool leather seat felt obscene against her skin as her skirt bunched around her waist. Only her garters and stockings remained in place and they seemed to accentuate her near nakedness.

'Ian!' She whined. 'Ian! We can't do this!'

'C'mon Katherine! You know that I need it... Please. You're such a cockteaser!. Open your legs and let me have a few moments of pleasure. No one will ever know.'

A smothering guilt tormented Katherine's thoughts, muting her logic and reason. Anguish over the word cockteaser blurred the right or the wrong of the moment and she clung to Ian. His hands continued her panties onto her thighs and she knew that any protest now would be futile and artificial.

He told her to pull her legs up and slip them the rest of the way off. With a sob she whisked them down and off her ankles. Her face felt hot and her heart pounded furiously when she felt him move up on the seat.

'Open your legs and show me what you've got.' He barked it like an order and Katherine felt bewildered by his harshness. She was slow responding and he pressed her knees apart with his palms. A cynical, triumphant smile, devoid of warmth, delighted his face while he examined her.

'I told them you'd have a lot of cunt hair,' he snickered.

'Told who?' she wailed, embarrassed and horrified by his comment.

Incredulous, he sneered at her naivite. 'You're not surprised that guys talk are you? You're not that much of a Pollyanna are you?'

'About that?' she squeaked in disbelief. 'You talked about that!?'

'About everything,' he continued.

Devastated by his admission, she turned her head and closed her eyes trying to block the image of him looming over her. He was wedged between her thighs and she could do little but await the inevitable.

His fingers traced her sex before easily slipping into the wetness. 'Oh baby. You're ready,' he chuckled. "You got a nice wet cunt.' His middle finger probed deeply mimicking the in and out of intercourse and urging her to 'Fuck baby. Fuck my hand.'

She heard him wruck his trousers down and felt his hot penis brush her belly. In a scornful tone, he insisted she open her eyes . . . 'and see what you're going to get.' Then, leaning back on his haunches he stroked his uncircumcised cock pulling the foreskin back to reveal the almost purple head.

'Touch it,' he insisted. 'Feel my cock.' He guided her hand into contact and wrapped her fingers around the shaft, moving them up and down 'Use your other hand and play with my balls.'

A gridlock of emotions fused lust and fear with guilt and utter disbelief at what was happening. He brushed her hands away and pressed his cock against her. She felt his fingers encircle her bottom and pull her hips toward him before her traitorous opening welcomed his rampant flesh.

The car rocked with the frenzy of his thrusts. Katherine's breath came in little grunts squeezed from her on every stroke. When he was close, she pleaded with him not to cum inside her. But that seemed to inflame his passion more. 'Oh fuck!... Ohh fuck!!! he groaned, pushing himself as far in as he could. He shook with the throes of pleasure, expelling his seed deep in her belly while Katherine wailed in protest.

The car was silent then,but for their labored breathing. Ian's weight pinned her to the seat. His legs felt damp and clammy between hers and she wanted to get up. She was upset that he would risk getting her pregnant and mortified that he had discussed her with the other guys.

'Let me up' she whispered, pushing lightly on his chest.

He stirred raising himself on his arms and looking at where their bodies became one. 'You're a good piece of ass,' he smirked. 'I knew you would be.'

'Please. Don't tell anyone about this,' she begged.

He snickered at the deep concern in her voice. 'Yeah. They'd all want some if I did.'

'Promise me . . . Please! Don't tell anyone!'

He didn't answer, but slouched back against the driver's door and stretched his legs out along the seat. She sat up and he pulled her over on top of him.

'Get up on your knees,' he directed, and she awkwardly maneuvered her legs under her.

His hand on the back of her head made it clear what was next. She resisted and he raised the stakes with 'You want this to be our little secret don't you?'

Tears welled in her eyes and splashed their salty drops onto his belly as she gave in to what he wanted. He was only semi hard and the taste of their sex was all over him. 'Lick it clean now baby,' he chortled. '. . . lot's of tongue. That's what I like.'

Katherine's pretty mouth worked all around his cock. She was glad he had already come. No one had ever ejaculated in her mouth and the thought revolted her. He took her by the shoulders and shook her gently while she sucked him.

'I love the way your tits jiggle,' he laughed. 'Big tits, big cunt, and a big beautiful mouth.' he teased. 'Your husband is a lucky guy.'

The mention of Michael brought more tears. Katherine moved her mouth more quickly, anxious to finish and go home. Ian's cynical bearing wounded her, deepening the sense of betrayal she felt from him . . . and for herself.

'Kiss it,' he ordered. 'Kiss it and say thank you.'

She pecked it lightly and whispered 'thank you' hoping it signaled an end to the tawdry aberration.

'No. Kiss it nicely' her admonished, holding her head down against his flesh. 'Kiss my nuts and say thank you for fucking me so well.'

The tears ran freely down her cheeks. Too distraught to do otherwise, she cradled his balls and whispered the degrading words.

He let her rearrange her disheveled clothes and put her bra and blouse back on. But when she reached for her panties he stayed her hand and took them from her. 'I'll keep these,' he grinned, holding them out of her reach. 'They're all wet from your pussy' he teased. 'I wouldn't want you to catch a cold.' Her panicky protest brought only his patronizing sneer before he stuffed them in his pocket and started the car.

The drive back was silent, each thinking their own thoughts. Ian,smug and triumphant. Katherine, distraught at having let things get so out of hand. Parked on the street near the apartment, she begged him one more time for her panties.

'Really? You want them back?' He teased. 'Pull up your skirt then and show me you don't have any on.'

She whined her frustration at his juvenile ploy but when he refused to budge she raised the hem when it was apparent there was no choice.

'Right up. Open your legs and show me my new plaything,' he snickered.

It was too much for her to bear and she bolted from his car and hurried along across the street to the apartment.


The next few days at work were very difficult. Katherine had made up her mind not to see Ian anymore, but when she told him it was over he laughed.

'Before I say it's over... it's not over.'

Katherine shrugged and slid the envelope with her resignation across the desk and informed him that she was quitting.

'Not until I say you are,' he mocked, imitating her mannerisms.

'I can't work here . . . for you . . . anymore,' she murmured emotionally.

'You can't work anywhere else,' he countered. 'I can see to that.'

She sat with her eyes lowered, twisting her lace handkerchief through her fingers.

'It was a mistake', she pleaded. 'We never should have . . .'

'Did you tell Michael what you did?' he shot back cruelly.

'Nooooo!' she whined, deeply distressed with his lack of understanding of her situation.

'Why didn't you tell him?'

'He can't find out!' She wept miserably while he sat smugly behind his desk and watched until she was able to bring herself under control.

'You're going to be a busy lady,' he chided, 'Keeping everybody happy.'

'Ian! I can't do this anymore!' she declared emphatically.

'What color are your panties today?' he asked, sloughing off her objection. He reached into the desk and dropped the ones from the night before onto his blotter. She watched in mortification as he spread them out.

'Would Michael recognize these?' he tormented. He pressed them to his nose and inhaled deeply. 'Would he recognize your smell?' He leaned back in his chair sneering at her discomfort and reveling in her fear of discovery. 'Take your panties off Katherine and put them here on my desk. I want to see what color a woman chooses the day after she cheats on her husband,'

'Please! Ian!!', she searched his face for some shred of decency.

'Get them off,' he grinned maliciously. It amused him then to watch her discreetly reach under her skirt one side at a time and shimmy the garment down being careful to hide her private parts and maintain as much modesty as she could.

'Now pull your dress up and show me,' he persisted. He got up then and locked the door. Fear that they would be detected or even suspected raised her to near panic. The other clerks were at their desks only feet away. She wanted to scream at him, shout her refusal, and storm from the office but the price was certain discovery and abject humiliation.

'Please don't make me,' she implored as he approached.

'Don't make you what?' He snorted.

'Pull up my dress.'

'You're not just going to pull it up,' he grinned. 'You missed your chance at that. Now you're going to take it right off.'

She covered her face with her hands and he tugged her to her feet.

'You want to keep this private?... Get the fucking thing off! Now!' he demanded.

Katherine's legs felt weak standing before him in only her bra. Her face flamed with the shame she felt when he motioned for her to take that off too. Obediently, she reached behind and released the bra's hooks. Free from their binding support her breasts rolled from the cups and bobbed against her chest. Her nipples sprang to life under his cold stare . He seemed to enjoy her discomfort and taunted her with bawdy remarks. Embarrassed beyond words and trying to end the humiliation quickly she gave him what he wanted, parading up and down in front of his desk on command. She self-consciously she shimmied her breasts and showed her behind when he demanded that. Like a chattel for auction, she stood while he felt between her legs and quaked with shame when he made fun of her wetness.

'Put your dress back on and get back out there and work,' he snapped. 'I'll pick you up at your place, Thursday, . . . after your trusting little husband goes back to work.'

She bit her lip to hold back the tears when he again made her leave her underwear behind in the drawer of his credenza. It felt like everyone would know that she didn't have any on.

She walked carefully back to her desk trying not to let her breasts jiggle and keeping her hands in front of her in a posture she hoped made her look busy.

'No... thank's nothing really,' Katherin blurted, anxious to be left alone.

But Marg wasn't about to let it go at that and she ran her fingers lightly between Katherine's shoulder blades in a gesture of concerned familiarity.

Katherine jumped and then quickly pressed back in her chair hoping that Marg had not noticed she was bra-less under her blouse.

Once again Marg leaned in close and hissed gleefully into Katherine's ear 'You have a button undone dear.'

Chagrined, Katherine whispered 'Thank you...,' and refastened the middle button forgotten in her haste to get out of Ian's office. She looked at Marg, her eyes pleading with the older woman to just let her be. But the smug, knowing smile beaming back told her that was unlikely. Had Katherine not been quite so guileless she might have thought that the woman was aware of what their boss had been putting her through. Marg was Ian's spy in the office and did seem to know a lot more about what was going on than someone in her position should.

Ian spent the next two days including Thursday at a seminar with Don from Purchasing and Armand from Human Resources. It was a relief that he was out of the office. A relief, that is, until Katherine's thoughts lodged back on his comment from the car. 'You're not surprised that guys talk are you?'

The words kept ricocheting in her mind until they became a near obsession. She fretted constantly about Ian and the other two away together with all that time to talk. In her paranoia, she imagined Ian telling them every detail of what she had done.

A fresh flutter went through her stomach when she remembered he'd admitted they'd even speculated about her pubic hair, something she was extremely sensiive about.

Despair welled in her throat when she realised that Ian might be sharing her intimate secrets with his buddies at that very moment. A month ago the thought would never have crossed her mind. But now, she no longer trusted him.

The idea that he could be talking about her was deeply embarrassing and she couldn't rid herself of the thought. Yet, the realisation that there was nothing at all that she could do about it, somehow had ripples of sensation quaking in Katherine's belly.

To be continued...

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DrSemblanceDrSemblanceover 7 years ago

Cheating cunt has the gall to say THIS:

A month ago the thought would never have crossed her mind. But now, she no longer trusted him.

She doesn't trust him? Fucking joke.

She has utter disrespect and dishonor for her husband, is a cheating lowlife cunt, and complains SHE can't trust someone!


urban_legend555urban_legend555over 9 years agoAuthor
It is nice of you to comment

Unfortunately I accidentally erased your email address. I appreciate that you had taken the time to write and your comments were very kind. You are right of course. I did change the names in a revision as they were too close to the originals. It is a true story and the candor with which it was told to me came with an understanding that the actual identities would not be too easily discernible.

CindykayCindykayover 10 years ago
brings back memories

Something like this is what my husband has held over me for years....

krnrobeykrnrobeyover 10 years ago
Loved character's situation...

I can't explain why I love stories like this, I just do...

alisonffalisonffalmost 11 years ago
So hot and believable

Thanks for contacting me re another comment I left.......great story, short, but kept my fingers busy lol x

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