An Adventure in Vegas Ch. 02


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Breathless, feeling like her mind was being over taken by a thick fog, her hunger for sex being fueled more and more by the way Stephen's finger was making her pussy itch for even greater attention, she still worked to stay strong despite this when she responded to him, "I don't know! I don't know if I should listen to you!" Being completely honest but conflicted, she added further, "I'm not sure how I'd feel about myself if I did anything more then what I've already done! Even if I did, I'm not sure how far I could let things go!"

"That's part of the excitement, sweetie! Not knowing what's going to happen next is one of the biggest rushes of all! Look at Eric! See how hard he is? That's how turned on he is for you! But I'd bet you anything that it's not only how delicious you look right now, it's not knowing what you'll do with him that's turning him on the most! And not knowing is not only arousing for him, I can feel how much it is turning you on, too!" After thinking for a moment, he then added, "Also, don't ever forget sweetheart, whatever it is you decide to do, all it would be is sex! Not lovemaking, just sex! You and I, we've never made love to each other, we've just fucked each other! We just enjoyed each other's bodies! You make love your husband! But with me, and possibly anyone else, all it would be is fun, physical, pleasurable sex! You've said that yourself!" Pausing, aware how much his own words were driving him mad with lust, knowing by the look on Joan's face that he was extremely close in pushing her over the edge, he finally said, "So, how far should you go? Again, that's part of the excitement! Go as far as you want too! Maybe just let Eric explore your body with his hands for a while, and that's it? Maybe let him kiss you? Maybe let him taste you? Or, because your pussy is so incredibly wet right now, maybe you should seriously think about letting him put himself inside you? Think about letting him fuck you?"

Sighing loudly from Stephen's final words, Joan was feeling so electrified she felt like she was going to burst into flame. Breathless, trembling even harder now then she had been only a short time earlier, failing in her attempt to stop, as the seconds passed she was feeling more and more helpless that she couldn't find any words to say anything in response.

Desperate, now burning with desire to see what Joan was going to choose to do, Stephen leaned even closer to her, pushing her once more when he whispered into her ear, "Go for it, sweetie! Let him please you! Let Eric enjoy your body! Give him a chance to see how many times he can make you explode!"

Hearing this, combined with the way Stephen was starting to tease her ear with his tongue, not to mention the way he was once again directly stimulating her clitoris with his finger, Joan could feel another orgasm was brewing inside her. Fighting to keep what she knew would be another blissful release at bay however, not knowing why, she continued to struggle with the fact that she could not say anything in response, even though she desperately wanted too. Still shaking, all shecoulddo was stare at Eric, her eyes dancing between his face and his hand's steady work on his intimating erection.

For Eric, even though he was just as aroused as Stephen was, he wasn't blind to how Joan might respond to his friend's bold statement. Hesitant to do anything, he continued to touch himself, not moving as he once again completely focused on Joan's beautiful face. His heart began to flutter in a short period of time however when he saw her eyes focus more and more on his manhood; the expression on her face making her look like she was completely drunk with lust as she did so.

Emboldened by this, he felt an intense thrill seeing how much the aroused look on her face increased when he adjusted his body slightly so he could reach forward and place his hands on her body for the first time, slowly gliding his hands across the soft skin of her stomach before anxiously sliding them higher so he could relish the firmness of her beautiful breasts. In time though, mesmerized by her warmth and the way she trembled as he explored her body even further---touching her face, her neck, her shoulders, her hips and her thighs---his heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest when he found himself moving her, not stopping his bold, aggressive adjustment of her petite frame until she was laying flat on her back; finding he had tunnel vision when he moved her left leg so he could place himself directly between her widening thighs; at that moment, salivating when he fully absorbed the fact she hadn't resisted the audacity of his action in the slightest, almost drooling when his eyes danced up and down her body before focusing on her feminine essence, the petals of her labia reflecting the soft light showing him bluntly how wet she was. A few moments later, knowing he was going to have to fight to keep himself from cumming when he leaned forward and started to boldly rub the length of his cock directly against Joan's beckoning pussy.

When Joan felt Eric's hands touching her body, she felt like she was in a dream as she allowed him to explore her without ever hearing him ask for her consent; cooing the entire time she felt his hands pleasing caress. Still though, as her hormones raged, knowing full well what was happening, she could hear a part of her mind screaming at her to tell him to stop when he started moving her. The moment she felt the warmth and hardness of Eric's penis brushing against her sex however, she knew right then that no matter what her conscious was attempting to say to her, there was no way she was going to be able to stop Eric from going further even if she wanted to; her body simply wasn't going to let that happen. So much so, the fear she had had wondering whether or not she could live with herself if she had sex with another man again was no longer present. What she feared now was what Eric's incredibly thick cock was going to give her more.... pleasure or pain?

She would soon find out.

Excited, Eric watched wide-eyed as he manipulated the head of his penis between Joan's labia, feeling a chill each time she winced when he vibrated the tip of his tool directly against her clitoris; feeling his mouth water seeing how red and swollen it was. Dying to place himself inside her though, as he continued to slide the full length of his shaft up and down the vertical slit of her sex, doing so to tease them both, he said to her, "You have no idea how bad I want to put myself inside you! Can I do it now, or do you want me to put on a condom first?"

Hearing Eric's question, Stephen whispered to Joan, "One of the rules that's required for all of the exclusive members here in this part of the club, member's like Eric and I, is we have to be tested for STD's every month. So, if you want to feel Eric inside you with nothing on, feel him naturally, you don't have to worry about catching anything!"

Joan knew well that despite this testing, there were still risks she could be exposed to something. Completely intoxicated with mind-numbing desire however, not caring about the risks and only wanting what was about to happen to be a pleasurable as possible, as her voice shook, she replied, "No! Just put it in me!"

Playing with her, Eric asked with a grin, "Are you sure? You want to feel me with nothing on?"

"Yes! Just do it!" A second later, hearing herself gasping out loud when she felt Eric tapping his tool firmly against her sex; his action producing a wet slapping noise that could be heard by every person in the room; the sound making some of them wince with envy.

Drawing in a deep, anticipative breath, Eric slid a few inches closer. Feeling lightheaded, he placed his left hand on Joan's hip, bracing himself as he pressed the tip of his penis against the opening of her inviting, pink hole. A second later, grunting as he watched the head of his cock disappear completely inside her; the incredible tightness and heat that enveloped him as he pushed his manhood a few inches further into her depths making him feel almost faint. When he finally pressed his tool as deep into her as he could, he wasn't able to stop himself from crying out, "Oh my God! You feel fucking incredible!"

Feeling Eric's penis penetrating her body, Joan gasped loudly, the severe physical and mental stimulation that yet another man, another stranger was actually pressing his manhood into her depths made her shudder even harder then she had done moments before. Bracing herself for the onset of pain due to the girth of Eric's penis, as she felt him sliding his way even deeper into her sex, she thoroughly savored the odd yet pleasurable sensation of pressure she could feel deep within the walls of her pussy. And as Eric began to slowly thrust his way in and out of her precious box, she couldn't help but compare the feeling to that of a deep tissue massage; the more he slid his cock in and out of her pink hole, the greater the pleasure became as her body adjusted to his intrusion; soon, the physical pleasure becoming so great, the only thing she thought about was letting this man fuck her as passionately and lustfully as he could.

Making her feel even better, as Joan began to moan from the pleasure of sex, she felt her breasts being cupped firmly in Stephen's large hands. Sighing when he began to expertly tease her nipples, hearing him say to her, "You look amazing, Joan! Does it feel good having Eric's big cock inside you?"

Between moans, she could only reply, "Yes!"

"Good!" Pausing, he then added, "Would you like him to make you cum?"

Sighing, Joan felt another adrenaline rush; this time, one that she knew was going to help push her to the simmering orgasm that was laying in wait. Feeling energy flowing through her entire body, feeling like she was floating, she whimpered, "Yes! I want to cum again!"

Smiling, between the hunger in Joan's voice and the tension he could feel in her body, Stephen worked to stimulate her mind even more, "Would you like everyone in here see you explode again, too? This time, see you cum while you're being fucked?"

Joan barely heard what he said and she never gave a response. She was lost in nirvana as Eric continued to slide his manhood in and out of her sex.

With Joan's head resting in his lap, Stephen eyes began to wander up and down her body, feeling his own mouth water due to the exquisite visual before him. Eventually concentrating his line of sight to where Joan and Eric's bodies were locked together, he felt both envy and joy knowing the pleasure each of them was feeling; finding himself thrilled even more that Joan was truly expanding her sexual horizons to the fullest now, exponentially so, and mostly because of his doing.

A few moments later, after observing Joan pulling her knees back slightly, knowing she was doing this so she could spread her thighs further apart so Eric could press his way just a little bit deeper into her pussy, he looked down at her face again. Seeing nothing but lust, seeing how much her eyes were glazed over, he swallowed to control his excitement when he said to her, "Cum for me baby! Cum on Eric's cock! I want to see you explode!"

Grunting, Joan responded by sliding her hands behind Eric's lower back, her simple act making the need for words completely unnecessary when she began to pull down on his body, doing so in a way it told him easily that she wanted him to start fucking her harder and faster. And as she did so, even though it was already obvious that she was telling him silently what she was craving, to emphasize what she needed she said to him, "Fuck me! Fuck me like you mean it!"

Emboldened, Eric grunted sharply. Looking down at his groin, admiring how his pubic hair was meshed with Joan's, he held her tightly as he started to move his hips back and forth with increasing speed. Within seconds, finding the increased pleasure so intense, he needed to close his eyes so he could concentrate on holding back his agonizing desire to erupt deep inside her. Only when he knew he would be successful in keeping his own orgasm at bay, that was the moment he began to pound his cock into her vagina as hard as he could; soon ramming his way into her body like piston.

For Joan, feeling Eric's penis slamming into her sex, the waves of pleasure that flowed throughout her entire body built so rapidly and with such intensity, she couldn't stop the increasing volume of her primal cries even if she had too; completely unaware as she moaned out loud in ecstasy that the sounds escaping her was making her the room's complete center of attention. Soon, closing her eyes when Eric's inward thrusts felt like they were hitting her even harder and faster with each passing second, making her body feel like it was being stimulated to the core.

Still mindful though that her body's rocking motion was being limited by Stephen's presence at her head, she loved how he continued to slide his hands over her sensitive breasts. A minute or two later, opening her eyes again when she felt one of Stephen's hands working its way down across her belly; a moment later, gasping when she felt his middle finger make contact with her hypersensitive clitoris; wincing when he began to massage it with perfection. A few seconds later, knowing she was right at the brink of no return when she heard Eric announce to Stephen, "Yeah buddy! Keep rubbing her clit like that for me! Help me make her cum!" The physical stimulation Eric and Stephen were inflicting on her, magnified by the frank awareness she was actually having sex with two men at the same time, her act of sex being consummated in front of a group of complete strangers no less, all of this quickly made her draw in an extremely deep breath, feeling every muscle in her body contract just before she cried out in a state of rapture, grunting like an animal when the orgasm she was craving blissfully surged through every single cell in her body.

Both feeling and witnessing Joan's earth shattering orgasm becoming unleashed, Eric buried his cock as deep into her body as he could. Grinding his pelvis against her's in a circular motion, he hoped the sensation of his manhood filling her would keep her orgasm going on as long and as hard as it possibly could; within seconds finding himself looking down at the base of his tool, staring mesmerized when Joan's vaginal fluids began to squirt out of her sex, loving how her juices soaked his pubic hair before her nectar ran down and dripped off his balls; her pussy becoming so wet and slippery it mercifully helped in his persistent effort not to cum himself when he started to pound his cock into her again. A few moments later, when he sensed Joan was past the peak of her sexual release, he made sure that he wouldn't cum as well when he decided to pull his erection out of her sex, doing so because he desperately wanted to play with her even more.

Seeing his friend withdrawing from Joan's body so he could sit back and catch his breath, Stephen took advantage of the moment and adjusted how he sat. Placing his feet on the floor and bending over, he leaned into Joan and proceeded to kiss her, pressing his tongue past her inviting lips after saying to her, "You looked so incredibly beautiful just now, sweetheart! I can't wait until I get the chance to fuck you like Eric just did!"

Sighing, her body still trembling hard from her orgasm, Joan loved feeling Stephen's tongue penetrating her mouth, hunger making her press one of her hands against the back of his head so she could kiss him just as passionately as he was her. So lost in her kiss, the only thing that was able to snap her attention back to the moment at hand was when Eric began to suck her left nipple deep into his mouth; the stimulation making her kiss Stephen even harder. Soon, grunting when she felt Eric sliding two of his fingers into her vagina, masterfully stimulating her from within as he took turns moving from one of her sensitive nipples to the next.

As Stephen continued to kiss Joan, he started to tease his erection through his pants. In time though, he broke their kiss so he could sit back and watch Eric's work on her breasts, savoring the visual of her nipples now angrily erect again, both of them glistening because of Eric's saliva. Boiling with lust, as his eyes moved down to observe Eric's fingers steadily working on Joan's pink hole, loving how Joan held her knees up high and close to her torso so she could fully enjoy Eric's work, he suddenly became more keenly aware that Joan's feminine scent was filling the air. Triggering something primal within, acting on instinct, he started taking of his clothes, not stopping until he was completely naked. Then, as his mouth watered, he forced himself to sit back for another minute or two, simply stroking his manhood as he continued to watch Eric play with Joan's succulent body.

Eventually though, not able to sit at Joan's side any longer, he leaned toward her ear and whispered, "Is Eric still making you feel good?"

Closing her eyes a few moments earlier so she could more readily concentrate on the divine stimulation Eric was providing her, when she heard Stephen speaking to her, she gasped when she opened them again, both thrilled and surprised to see Stephen naked at her side, sighing loudly a second later when she absorbed more fully that he was masturbating. Soon, biting down on her lower lip when she heard him say to her, "Do you wantmeto fuck you now sweetie?"


Grinning, Stephen was thrilled that he was about to have sex with her again; a second later though, he suddenly had a change of thought. Acting on this, he said, "Oh! I'm going too! But...right now...I want to watch you have sex with Eric some more! And this time, I want to watch you makehimcum!"

Despite the fact that Eric had just been inside her, Joan again couldn't say anything in response. Feeling yet another sharp chill running up and down her spine when she heard Eric jump in and announce, "Man, that's not going take much work! Another minute inside this beautiful woman's tight pussy and I'm going to pop!"

Chuckling, Stephen looked into Joan's eyes and asked, "Would that be okay with you? Would you like to help Eric cum?"

Shaking with desire, feeling her body screaming at her for more, Joan could barely be heard when she whispered in response, "Yes!"

Smiling, after winking at her, Stephen spoke directly to Eric, "How would you like her to help you?"

Saying nothing, Eric stood. Leaning down, he wrapped his right arm around Joan's legs, both pulling and turning her until her upper back was resting against the lowest portion of the couch's backrest, her position leaving her buttocks hanging free off the seat. As he looked into Joan's eyes, loving how she breathed through her mouth with lustful anticipation, he threw her lower legs up and to the side, his act making Joan gasp when her legs flung apart, his aggressiveness giving her a rush. Smiling in deep admiration from the visual of her waiting vulnerably for him---everyone watching feeling the same---he started to stroke his tool to make it harder, slowly moving closer to her body as he did so. Stopping when his penis was just a few inches away from her vagina, he then said to her, "Are you ready to feel me inside you again?"

Joan was so aroused by what was transpiring, her passion intensified because she could see clearly that every person in the room was watching her, it took a few moments for her to say simply, "Yeah!"

Savoring a rush himself, Eric tapped his cock firmly against Joan's sex a few times, he and everyone around them once again loving the splashing sound produced when he did so. Excited, he then said to her, "Grab it! Put my cock inside you! Show me you want it!"

Doing as he asked, Joan reached forward and took hold of Eric's manhood.God! It's so heavy, coming to the forefront of her mind when she did so, her vaginal muscles contracting when she decided to slide her hand up and down the length of his tool for a brief moment. Only after satisfying her desire to explore his masculinity one last time, even if it was only for a couple of seconds, she started to pull his penis closer to her body, thinking to herself,I can't believe I'm doing this!when she felt the head of his tool pressing firmly against her pussy again. A second later, gasping out loud when she felt Eric thrusting his hips into her with force, impaling his cock deep inside her body.
