An Affair of Another Color


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I didn't respond but I didn't protest as he started to undress me either. I didn't feel that sexy, I didn't have my lingerie on and worse I had the feeling that he didn't care either way. Piece by piece I was undressed, down to my navy cotton panties that were the last causality. He wanted me to suck his dick, and I would have, but I really felt like I might have gagged so I backed out. Undisturbed he got on top of me and started to do his thing.

Soon the bed was squeaking from the activity and I was doing my best to keep up. I was moaning and making the usual noises when something came over me and I decided to let some dirty talk slip out. I don't remember all the things I said but they were pretty typical dirty talk stuff. Like, fuck me, fuck me harder, I'm a slut. Once I started that it didn't take long for the squeaking to came to a stop and my husband was taking off his condom and seemed thoroughly satisfied with what just happened. He asked me what had gotten into me in elated shock as dirty talking isn't really part of our love making. I didn't really share his enthusiasm as the night didn't really go as I was hoping and I still wasn't quite feeling satisfied. Worse I looked at the clock and it was 9:13pm, I was horrified that the entire house could have probably heard my obscenities.

In the morning all I could do is wake up and shake the cobwebs and make breakfast for the kids like nothing had happened. That is exactly what I did. I think you could have heard a pin drop that morning but even my kids had better sense than to complain about what they undoubtedly heard. As for me it really did feel like nothing happened and this was just another week, another week in the same routine.

The routine did continue. I went to work and worked with my air samples, I came home, cooked dinner, took my son to his games and if I was lucky I got half an hour to read a book or watch something on TV in the rare event that it was free. The week went more or less just like that, except for Thursday which is my soccer night. The routine blended into the weekend like most other weeks.

Saturday came and I collected Lisa and went on our way to the gymnasium. Her lesson started and I took my seat on the wooden benches and began playing a word game that I have on my phone. My concentration was all on the little screen as I was trying to break my previous high score when......

"Hi Mrs.______, how's it going?" were the words that broke my concentration and I looked up to see Mark's smiling face looking at me.

"You know, things are ok." was all I could really muster in response.

"See you at the gym tomorrow?" he asked.

I hadn't really planned on going but for some reason I was starting to reconsider on the spot and said, "yep, I should be there around the same time."

What was I thinking? Why was I telling this young man my plans? And a better question was, why was I changing my plans.

"Maybe I'll see you then." Mark said in an enthusiastic way and went off to find his kids.

By the time I looked back at my phone my time and ticked to zero and the mole had eaten all my vegetables. There wasn't going to be a high score that game or any game that morning as I was having trouble concentrating. I kept brushing it off as silly and that he couldn't really be hitting on me. He looked like he could have had his pick of girls at the university he was just being nice. I still couldn't help but feeling that something was up and I debated this in my head right through my son's hockey practice and right until I went to sleep that night. The final verdict was that I was crazy, I just had to be. I mean he still called me Mrs. and having two kids in tow couldn't have looked like the best catch for a man his age. Whatever his age may have been, I really couldn't tell he could have been anywhere from 22 to 25.

The next day I decided to get ready for the gym around the same time that I had the previous Sunday. I picked my clothes a bit carefully and even had a naughty flash shoot through my stomach and I stepped into my little black panties that I hadn't had the chance to wear yet. Having these one would give me a little thrill for my "date" of sorts. "Date", now I was being really silly I said to myself almost laughing at the absurdity.

I did most of the same things that I did the previous week but I think I did them at a faster pace. I showered at the gym and when I got to the entrance he wasn't around and I actually started to stand around for a bit and look. I was trying to look out of the corners of my eyes so it didn't look like I was looking for anyone. I waited for about 10 minutes before...

"Hey Mrs._____ great to bump into you." he said

Sure bump into me, I played it cool and went along with the idea that we hadn't planned to meet or anything.

"Oh, you can call me Michelle, Mrs. sounds so formal."

"Ok Michelle, shall we go for some coffee?" he proposed without skipping a beat.

We sat in the coffee shop which was close to campus so it was mostly filled with students. I felt a little out of place but I didn't let that bother me. Mark had a personal magnetism that made me feel comfortable around him even though we didn't know each other well at all. He didn't let the conversation fall to a point where I could wonder just what the heck I was doing there. I was also getting a bit of a kick out of the panties I was wearing as if it was my own private little secret.

This time we spoke about my kids as that seemed like the topic I was most apt to talking about. I hated being one of those people who just talk about their kids but they were my life so what else was I going to talk about. I didn't get too personal and only mentioned good things. For his part he started to talk to me about his "girl problems" well at least what he considered problems. It seemed almost juvenile to talk about but it also made me feel included.

He would ask me what so and so would think if she said this or that. I would try to answer the best I could but I made it clear that I didn't hold all the answers to these mysteries. It also started to become clear to me why he sought my friendship; he wanted a mature woman's perspective on his perspective girlfriends. He seemed to have a lot of perspective girlfriends but for a guy who looked like him I guess that is to be expected.

These meeting started to become part of my Sunday routine but that doesn't mean I disliked them. I started looking forward to them. It was a time to talk about things, laugh about things and have someone who was actually engaged in the conversations. We would sometimes go to different places but the theme of coffee was always the same. Over the course of a couple months we were on pretty friendly terms and I even had his number on my phone and would receive text messages from him from time to time.

Now I was pretty sure that he wasn't looking for anything more than friendship but I still didn't tell my husband about my new friend. I wasn't sure how he would like the news that I made a new friend who was young, athletic and well black. I have never been a racist in my life and try not to be but I still saw that as a reason not to tell him. The more I met with him the more the secret became a bigger one to the point where I felt like there was no way I could tell him. What was the difference anyways I thought it wasn't like we were going to have him over for dinner. He was just a coffee buddy.

The other thing that made these meetings sort of stick out was the fact that I would always wear sexy panties, usually the little black ones that I never got a chance to use at home. We would meet most weeks and if he didn't show up one week for some reason I would actually get upset. I even found myself spending a bit of extra time in the locker room trying to make my hair look nice before coffee. We would always meet in the same place and then go to the coffee place of choice, this week I was waiting when he came and proposed something different.

"I live right around the corner from here, why don't we go to my place for tea?" he suggested.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." I protested.

"Why not, it's really close by and you said that you liked tea, this stuff is imported I want you to try it, what do you have to lose?" he persuaded.

Once he put it that way I reassessed the situation and decided that really I didn't have anything to lose by going with him. It was the middle of the afternoon with someone I felt I knew pretty well I would be being silly if I said no.

"Ok, but I can't stay that long, I have to be home in a bit." I reminded him.

It was a bit of a lie, I didn't really have to be home as my husband was used to me taking a while at the gym each Sunday. I just felt like I had to say that and I wasn't even sure why. That's what I thought about as he led the way as I drove. His place was close and I didn't have to drive but I didn't want to leave my car in the gym parking lot either.

We arrived at his place and I parked down a narrow alleyway the led to a parking lot around the back of the house. The house appeared to be split into different apartments and he lived up the stairs on the second level. As I climbed the stairs I started to think that maybe I made a bad decision but I brushed it off and me being silly. The stairway was narrow on the old house and it gave me the impression that I was inside before we got to the door.

I stepped in after him as holding the door for me wasn't really an option on this staircase. The inside looked nicer than the out as it was stylishly decorated in a college kid kind of way. He had a roommate but he informed me that his roommate goes home on the weekends and wouldn't be back until Monday. That suited me just fine because I felt a little strange being in this young man's apartment without answering anybody's questions about how I got there.

He wasn't lying about the tea, he did have tea imported from many different countries and the first cup was fantastic. I sat in the chair in the kitchen and he stood by the sink so he was looking down at me. The place was mostly decorated with works of art that he said were either his or ones that his friends had given him. Some were very good, not that I know much about art, but I liked what I saw. Most were almost a violent use of contrasting colours.

I sat and drank my tea and soon he offered me another cup and I accepted. The only thing was that he was acting a little differently than he usually did. He was complimenting me a lot and really just outwardly flirting with me. I tried to remain polite but I was getting a bit uncomfortable.

I wasn't the type to just cheat on my husband like that and surely not with him. It's not that he wasn't attractive, because he was, it just felt so frivolous. He wasn't exactly the type of man I could have seen myself with and that's not because of the colour of his skin it was out positions in life. A professional in her late 30's shouldn't be messing around with gymnastics instructors in their early or mid 20's. What was I thinking!?

As these thoughts raced through my head I still hadn't gotten up to leave. He hadn't stopped talking either, he was now telling me that this certain type of tea helped with his libido. I don't know if what he was talking about was true but it kept the conversation on sex. I had been around long enough to know when a conversation about sex focused on me and this one I was certainly the object of this libido.

As I processed this information my mind finally settled on one end result: escape. I had to get out of there before I did something I was going to regret and I got already feel my body arguing the point with my brain. I was sitting there in my small little black panties, my yoga pants and my jeans and I was getting wet. Now I really had to get out of there, with that I stood up and excused myself hoping he hadn't yet smelt blood. I got up and went to put my cup in the sink and as I did I felt hand on my hips. They were Mark's hands and they were positioned right on my hips sort of holding me in place.

It was that moment I felt all the morality leave my body and I proceeded to bend over. I bent over presenting myself to my soon to be lover. He didn't waste anytime and I felt my face against the counter he pulled my jeans and my yoga pants down in almost one motion. I was so exposed to him with just my sexy panties between him and my sex.

OMG, I was wearing sexy panties! Could anything be more embarrassing in this situation? I could almost feel his cocky smile pierce through my soul.

"Nice sexy panties girl, looks like you came prepared, and honey you have a nice ass." he said in a lusty almost drone.

At least somebody had noticed them I thought to myself in one of the more compromising positions I had ever been in. While I enjoyed his compliment of sorts I heard him taking off his pants. I knew I was about to get fucked and I knew I was going to let it happen. Everything I thought I knew about myself was being stripped away on the counter of this young man's kitchen. I could tell he was naked but I didn't look back I just tensed my body and tried to prepare for the inevitable.

Then my panties came down and joined my two pairs of pants around my ankles. He wasn't just going to fuck me, he was going to fuck me like a common whore. Before I could protest that actuality I felt his dick pushing at my entrance. I didn't see it but it felt like the rumours were true as his ebony invader began to work between my white walls. Then with a grunt he was in and the screwing had started.

He didn't waste much time with the pleasantries of letting me get used to his cock instead if felt like he wanted to attack me with it; hurt me with it. Each thrust was hard and deliberate and sometimes they would lift me off my feet as I struggled to stay on my toes to angle myself right for him. I was moaning, shaking and as ashamed as I was to admit it I was loving it.

Through 15 years of marriage I had almost forgotten what it was like to just get fucked. With my husband it had gotten to the point of negotiating sex and coming to an agreement. This was nothing like that, this felt like he was taking everything and using me the way he wanted to.

No, this wasn't romantic if anything it was the opposite of romantic. There was no candle light, no satin sheets, no wine, no roses and no candy. There was just pure sexual energy pushing into me withdrawing and pushing again. It was taking my body to the limits of what I could handle and there was no apology. I felt my leg shake all the way up to my inner-thigh and I knew that I was having an orgasm. I have only had them from intercourse a few times in my life so this wasn't something I was ready for my body started to spasm and I came extremely hard.

My only words were said in almost disbelieve, "You're fucking me, you're fucking me, you're fucking me." I repeated as he did just that.

He responded with vulgar words of his own, "Yeah I'm fucking your white pussy and you love it!" and "take this up your married snatch!"

He was in fact calling attention to the thing that was like an elephant in my head, I had never done it with a black guy before. For some reason I didn't expect it to be the same but I didn't expect it to be like this either. This was so animalistic, I don't know if that's why they call it jungle love, but I felt like an animal at that point. Every movement was so intense and the sex was very rough. He hadn't treated me like a lady at all, my pants and panties were bunched around my ankles and my pink hooded sweater was still on my back. He was interested in one thing and one thing only: my pussy.

He was completely naked and still thrusting away and his stamina surprised me. He seemed able to just keep going. I was really starting to feel his size as pulses of pain shot from inside my pussy to my brain. I didn't feel like I was in a position to tell him to slow down and I really didn't get the impression that he would heed my suggestion. The slapping noise of his legs against my ass was get getting louder as the sweat from our bodies built between us.

He was shouting at me in what can only be described as an angry tone with most of his comments being about my skin colour.

"You fucking white bitch!" he hissed

Until the thrusting stopped and he grabbed the top of my shoulders and pushed down so there was no getting away and started to cum inside of me. He howled as he shot his sperm into my pussy while telling me to, "take it white bitch" over and over.

After that we were both panting and I was trying to gather myself; whatever self there was left to gather. I reached for the napkins to try to stop the flow of cum so it didn't get all over my clothes. I turned around and he was sitting on the chair now, he was completely nude and his dick was hanging obscenely on the chair. I held the napkin in place and made my way to the washroom with my pants still around my ankles. I did my best to clean everything out and for the first time in a while I took some solace in my age as I knew it wouldn't be easy for me to become pregnant; nevertheless the thought did scare me.

I washed up the best that I could and tried to compose myself, when I faced him I still wanted to have a shred of my dignity left. When I got to the kitchen he was still naked and drinking tea, he was very comfortable with his nudity and for the first time I noticed just what a good body he has. He looked like he stepped out of a statue or something with no muscle that was missing.

We didn't talk as I entered the kitchen, instead he came over and kissed me passionately and deliberately. I was lost in ecstasy as this naked man kissed me deeply and held up my back so I didn't fall through the floor. I was lost in his kiss and we intertwined and felt like we would never break. The entire time in the washroom I was thinking how I would get out the door and never return and find a way to pick myself up from my fall.

Instead the only words that could escape my lips were, "will I see you next Sunday?"

"Skip the gym next week and just come here." were his words and I intended to obey.

I was very emotional when I got to my car. I was overcome with emotion in most every way. When I shut the door and was alone in my car the only way I knew how to let it out was to cry. I wasn't sad but I was still crying as I sat unable to start the ignition. When I finally got control of myself I began saying to myself over and over that I was actually having an affair and I knew that I felt powerless to stop it. There was no real future with Mark, I didn't even give that a thought the only future we would have would be physical interludes. I had become that type of woman and I was going to make the most out of the path I had chosen.

As I pulled the car out of the parking spot it was clear that I was going to have to back out the narrow alley that led to the spot. I did my best to drive in reverse but maybe my mind was elsewhere and maybe I'm just not that great of a driver but I heard a loud scrape. I knew that I had hit the wall and as I got out to access the damage I knew that there wasn't going to be any hiding it. That's when the thought crossed my mind and the double meaning was not lost on me, "how was I going to tell my husband?" I figured the damaged car would be easier to explain than his fallen wife so I decided that maybe in the grand scheme of things scratching the car wasn't that bad. Still I knew I was going to be yelled at for something and that much I knew I deserved.


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furlovingchloefurlovingchloe2 months ago

Is this too wordy or a good female perspective ? Well anyway thanks for writing x

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Well I liked it. Returning from a business meeting one afternoon, the weather turned, 95 jammed up, I called my husband to tell him it was very slow going. He suggested finding a hotel and see how the roads were in the morning, a short time later I pulled into a Hyatt Place near Fredricksburg, VA for the night. I met another fellow traveler waiting to check in, a slightly older black man, a short while later we shared a couple of glasses of wine in their little lounge and then went up to my room to fuck, he was rough, had a big cock and pretty much did what he wanted and left, I never did find my panties. First time I cheated after 21 years of marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

bull shit

hihohihihohiabout 2 years ago

i cant find similar stories like yours Michie.

I really hope that u will post again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I miss your stories.

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