An Affectionate Friendship Ch. 04


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We went back to bed, and just cuddled for the rest of the afternoon, watching the raindrops form on the window. Neither of us said a word... for hours... we just enjoyed the wet afternoon, holding on to each other, Spooning, and just listening to music in the background, listening to the rain, listening to each other breathing, and feeling the warmth of our bodies pressed together. We had just a lazy rainy day! After some time we were hungry, and we made sandwiches boiled up some soup, and just laughed, talked, drank wine, giggled, teased each other, called each other little sluts... just girly stuff.

Alex and I were dressed again, and sitting on the couch with a glass of chardonnay just talking and listening to some smooth jazz, with the sound of the rain on the roof in the background, with occasional booming thunder rattling the windows. During a lull in the conversation, Alex, with a thoughtful look, turned to me and asked,

"Kelly, what do you think of Laurie Peters?"

"Um, you mean Laurie from college? Sure, she is pretty and petite, I have always thought of her as a delicate little flower. Why do you ask?"

"Well, you know she was a sprinter on the track team with me, and we became good acquaintances. She called me unexpectedly this week, and wants to get together. She moved here six months ago, and works as a merchandising manager for a boutique downtown. I mentioned you to her, and she said, 'Oh yes, Kelly. Well maybe the three of us can get together for lunch, Alex, Let me know.' So, would you like to get together with her?"

"Yes. Why don't you arrange something soon, dear? Do you think that she, um, likes girls?" I asked Alex.

"I don't have a read on that. If you are thinking about making us a threesome, or a foursome with TJ, I don't know. I would be all for it... she is a real cutie. I remember in the locker room after a meet, she put a hand on my shoulder, and as she reached across me to get a towel, she brushed her breasts against me. I wondered about it at the time, but with so many boobs, cunts, and asses in close proximity, it might have been accidental."

"Since you two are so close, you should meet her for dinner, evenings can easily turn romantic, and you can more easily feel her out... figuratively speaking. Maybe start with a kiss goodnight or some innocent sexy play, or something." I suggested to her.

"Okay honey, we will see!"

Part Two - TJ:

The day after Alexis and I got back together on that rainy Saturday afternoon, I called TJ. For the first time, I was nervous talking to him.

"Um, hello TJ, uh, how are you?"

God! That was so beyond lame. Why do I always revert to acting like a twelve-year old girl with TJ?

"Hello sweets, I am happy you called, I was thinking of calling you again later. I am fine. You know, little girl, you and I have some things to discuss, but over the phone is a bad idea. How about meeting me for dinner at that little Italian place we like. You know the one. If you are free, let's do it tonight... eight o'clock."

"Okay TJ see you there, Bye."

"Goodbye sweets!"

Now I was now even more nervous as I had to decide what to wear, and what to say. Thankfully, with such an articulate and intelligent man, if I am stuck TJ will guide us into a comfortable conversation. I looked through my wardrobe pulling out skirts, dresses, blouses, and sweaters trying to decide on something to wear tonight. Luckily, I had plenty of time. I must have tried a dozen combinations, and in the end decided on a plaid pleated knee-length skirt, like schoolgirls wear. My cream-colored blouse looked the best with it. Since the skirt was mostly red, I picked out a complimentary red button up sweater. I guess the only thing missing was a pair of saddle shoes, but found a pretty pair of lace-up flats to wear with it, and knee-high cotton stocking which worked well with the skirt.

I settled for a rather innocent, schoolgirl look so TJ would feel he had to be gentle with me. Plus, I really looked cute in this outfit, and who knows, it might turn him on. To top it off, I wore a red ribbon in my hair. I decided on a simple silver chain, with a plain small silver cross. Sister Mary Mathew, my sixth grade teacher would be proud of me (giggle). I liked the look; it is atypical of my normal dress, so the change was good. At about seven-thirty, I was ready. I opted for white French-cut panties, and matching bra. I looked in the mirror, straightened my hair ribbon, put on the sweater, but wore it open. All I needed what a notebook and a few textbooks to complete the picture! (kidding!)

When I arrived at the restaurant parking lot, I saw TJ's red Grand Cherokee in the lot already. As it entered the restaurant, TJ was waiting for me. He gave me a chaste hug, and he was aiming for a kiss on my lips, but I turned my head, and he kissed me on the cheek. He looked me over and smiled,

"Are we going back to high school sweets?" without smiling, I just said,

"Let's find a table TJ, we have some things to talk over." He smiled without replying.

TJ whispered to the greeter, and she escorted us to a nice table in a quiet corner where we could talk. I ordered something simple, so it would be easier for us to eat and talk; I went with penne with a tomato-basil sauce. TJ had a tuna filet with asparagus spears and rice. He ordered a bottle of their house Chianti, which would work with the meals. He asked to have to wine bought first to have some lubrication for our talk. He poured us both a glass of the wine, and said,

"I love the outfit, and understand the psychology behind it. Kelly honey, why don't you start? Tell me what's on your mind, sweets." He had an attentive and earnest demeanor, which helped to relax me. I had absolutely no idea what to say.

"TJ, w-when you and Alexis were at my place a week or so ago, I awoke with a sore butt, and a headache. I went into the bathroom to get some pain medicine. Then I heard you and Alexis having sex in my guest bedroom. I was transfixed, TJ... I couldn't move, but I watched you and Alex for quite a while. My grief and heartache got to be too much, and I locked the doors into my bedroom, and cried myself to sleep again into my pillows." TJ took it all in, thought for a few seconds and replied,

"Alex told me later that she couldn't sleep, and was looking for some company, so she came into the guest bedroom, since it was your house, and I was still mostly asleep, I thought it was you. I even called her sweets... called you sweets really. So I..." I interrupted TJ,

"That's the same story Alexis told me, nearly word-for-word. You guys really got your stories straight." I was purposefully making it tough on him, but he interjected,

"Kelly, please. Let me continue. I pulled Alex into the bed, and before I was fully awake, I realized it was she and not you, but after a certain point, it becomes very hard for a man to stop. You were the one who introduced Alex to me, and regardless of your feelings later, you put us together last month. I am sorry about how this played out, and just hope that the two of us can work through it. We have a long history together Kelly, and I see it as an affectionate friendship... uh, relationship. Let's work through this."

"You do realize what a lame and self-serving story it is that you and Alex came up with, don't you TJ?"

I had already made my peace with Alexis, but just wanted to put TJ on the defensive a little longer.

"Yes, of course, I understand how this might sound, and yes, it sounds completely self-serving. But, it also has the virtue of being the truth Kelly. Alex got out of the bedroom when we realized your state. You would not talk to us. Alex was a mess. She was horrified that, with her without meaning to, she had damaged her most important friendship. I think she was crying as hard as you were that night. I got dressed, sat her down at the kitchen table, and made a cup of coffee for us to help calm her down. I made enough for you, if you should come out to talk to us."

"Do you lover her TJ?"

"In a way, yes. I have to honest and say that I like making love to Alexis... I like fucking her, if you want it clearer. Just as I like making love to a few women; I have dated over the years, and still do, occasionally. But, I do not have the deep and abiding, forever kind of love for her that I have for you. It might be hard for you to understand the heart of a man. My friendship with your dad... with Will... brought me in contact with his twelve-year-old daughter. I saw a sweet and gentle, but willful little girl in those soft brown eyes of yours, honey. I loved you like a father loves his daughter, a pure and platonic love."

He took a sip of his wine and continued,

"I guess I will always think of you as a little girl... someone to look after and to protect, but as you know, over the last year or so since you turned twenty-two, that relationship became more romantic. In fact, you were the one who changed it. So the way things stand right now, sweets, you are the love of my life... I will always love you. There isn't anything you can do that I can think of, to ever lose my love for you. I do not think of Alexis that way, as sweet and beautiful as she is. She is yours to love, and I hope you realize that Kelly honey."

I am such a pushover, I was going to be so tough, and make it tough on TJ with my innocent schoolgirl look. I could feel myself just starting to tear up. To brush them back, I decided to push on for all the answers I wanted.

"Well, what was with the hard spanking? I know I look like a schoolgirl tonight, but I didn't last week. I am an adult woman TJ!"

"Honey, I have been concerned with your welfare and safety for more than a decade. When Jake called me and told me you were in the club, I was a little mad that you didn't take my word about that place. But, when I saw that big gorilla with his hand at your throat, Kelly, it scared me to death. That's why I hit him so hard... I probably broke his jaw. Then I saw you in that outfit, no panties, and no bra waiting for some stranger to slip his dick into you, I decided that you needed an old-fashioned lesson to make the point. It made me heartsick that I hurt you so bad, but knew it would all heal."

Man, this guy is slick isn't he? As I did with Alexis, I put my hand on his, and just lightly massaged the back of his strong hand with my fingers as I responded.

"I love you TJ. I love you as a friend who understands me, and about a year or so ago, I realized that I loved you as a woman loves a lover. I wanted you TJ. Hell, I even had a schoolgirl crush on you before then, but saw you as a protector, and a good friend to Daddy."

Now I was really tearing up, but continued as I was able,

"I want us to be what we were TJ. I have made my peace with Alexis, and as things are now, I have no problem sharing you with her. But, only when the three of us are together... I made her promise that TJ! She told me that she will let you make love to her whenever you would like, when the three of us are together. She is not in love with you... not the way I am. She told me that too!"

"That is fine Kelly, as long as you are comfortable with Alexis making love to me it is okay with me, but I will stop as soon as you are no longer comfortable with it. You know Kelly; I think we have a deal here. What do you think?"

My eyes were filling up with tears, and TJ handed me his handkerchief. I waited to get the catch out of my voice, and simply said,

"Yes TJ, we do."

He filled our glasses to about one-third full, raised his, and I clinked my glass against his, and we drained them. I was ready to resolve things with TJ before I even walked into the restaurant, but wanted to make my point the hard way... making TJ spell everything out. He did an admirable job! I took a deep breath in, and let it out, still a little halting as one does after crying. I said,

"Well, I'm ready to go if you are. Thanks for dinner, TJ."

He paid the bill, left a tip, and walked me back to my car. I parked in a quiet dark part of the lot away from other cars. As we walked, I looked back to see TJ looking at my ass. I turned back and just smiled to myself. Mostly, I think girls can feel a man's eyes on her ass! As we neared the spot where I parked my car, TJ said with a smile,

"Pardon me, little girl, are you sure you are twenty three?"

I giggled, and replied, "Yes TJ, I'm twenty three... and a half!"

"That's such a nice age honey... so... legal!"

Instead of opening my door, he pushed me up against my car. We were on the side of the car away from the restaurant, and quite private. He kissed me as he brought his hand up to my breasts, gently massaging them. We kissed for a while, as he unbuttoned the front of my blouse. This gave him better access to my breasts, particularly with my bra pushed up out of the way. He whispered in my ear,

"Do you really need those heavy uncomfortable panties on, little girl?"

I have him my naughtiest little schoolgirl look, reached under my dress, and slipped my panties down and off my legs, and stuffed them in his shirt pocket.

"You're right sir, that's more comfortable."

"How old are you again?" He asked facetiously. I responded with rivulets of giggles,

"I'm Twenty-three and a half. Are you thinking of taking advantage of a little schoolgirl, sir?"

"You bet, honey!"

With that, he he unzipped is pants, reached under my skirt from behind, and lifted me up holding onto my buttocks and pushed me up against my car as I wrapped my legs around him. I started getting wet when I saw him looking at my ass on the way to the car, so I was ready for whatever he had in mind. His hands felt wonderful on my naked ass, as he slid a very hard cock up into my pussy. I threw my arm around his neck, with one cradling the back of his head. He kissed me hard as he smoothly thrust himself in and out of my pussy. With all of the emotions of this evening, it didn't take long for me to get very close but it did eventually take about eight to ten minutes. I could tell that he was getting close also, but he was disciplined enough to prolong it to allow me to get there. I could hear a couple of people laughing and talking as they went to their cars in this parking lot, but were far enough away that they didn't notice TJ fucking my brains out with my ass up against the cold metal of my car door.

I started to moan in short breaths, which came faster and faster until I shuddered uncontrollably into a strong orgasm. TJ was not too far behind me, and since I came, he stroked harder and deeper to finish. After half a dozen or so long hard thrusts pinning me harder to the car door, he stiffened, and shuddered in several convulsions. I could feel him come deep within me, and the thought of his juices inside me gave me a shiver as well. TJ is a strong man, with strong appetites, and before he softened, he pulled out of me, turned my around and bent me over the hood on my car. I had no idea what he was up to until I felt his cock at the opening of my little asshole, and starting to work its way slowly into me.

"Oh TJ honey, that feels sooo good. I want you inside my ass!"

After my experience with Alexis taking my cherry with my vibrators last week, I was quickly becoming a real ass whore! I spread my legs a little more and pushed my ass back into TJ to make it easier for him to get himself into my ass. He worked it in a little at a time, just the tip, then more as I became more comfortable with it. Finally, he worked it in all the way. It hurt a little at first, but I knew it would get better. The soft flesh invading my ass was much more arousing than my hard and cold vibrator, even with the vibrating action.

He was now thrusting it in and out with smooth hard strokes. I was delirious with sexual arousal, and moaning loudly. Anyone near enough would know exactly what was happening, and there were people in to parking lot. Part of me wanted someone to notice... to see my ass, and to see me getting fucked in public. I even fantasized about another participant coming along and joining in... a threesome or even a foursome. I threat of discovery was making me jittery with the excitement. Was I becoming a closet exhibitionist? Maybe.

I was leaking severely from my just fucked pussy, with my juices, and TJ's load. Bent over like this my breasts were rubbing on the cold metal of the hood until TJ took them in his hands, and massaged them roughly, and pinching my engorged nipples. His strong hands felt so wonderful on my sensitive breasts and nipples... so warm! TJ stiffened and holding his cock up my ass as far as it would reach, I felt him come inside me. I was having several separate orgasmic convulsions as he fucked my ass, and the feeling of his come spurting into my insides, caused me to shudder into another stronger orgasm.

I wanted to scream loudly so someone would notice, and come over to see me with a cock in my and look at my naked ass. But, I am mostly a moaner, and not a screamer. When he finally pulled out of me, I was a wreck. Fucked and leaking from both holes, and having come a half a dozen times. TJ lifted me up from the hood, and backed me up again into the car door. He pushed my skirt up to my waist, lowered himself to his knees, and pushed his face into my crotch. He lapped up all of our combined juices, thrusting his tongue into my pussy. I felt so exposed, and the evening air was cooling rapidly. I could feel the Goosebumps forming on my butt and legs, and I started to shiver from the cold. TJ gave me a very salty tasting kiss, with my juice and his semen on his lips and tongue. I licked as much of it as I could from his lips.

He pulled me away from the car to allow my skirt to fall back into place, and just wrapped his strong arms around me. Dressed as I was, I really felt safe, like a little schoolgirl. TJ whispered,

"Are you okay, honey?"

"Yes TJ, I'm wonderful! Um, TJ, w-would your like to meet me back at my place?" I asked a little nervously.

"I would love to honey. I can leave a message for the office that I am working from home tomorrow, and we will make a day of it. We need some time together, just the two of us. We'll sleep late, I'll take your out for breakfast, and then maybe we'll do a little shopping. I'll spring for a couple of dresses or whatever you would like at the best shops, sweetheart. But, you have to model them for me! Maybe later we can catch a movie and feed each other popcorn. Who knows what might happen in a dark corner of the back row?"

"Oh, that sounds wonderful, honey. I love you so much, TJ!"

"I love you too my sweet Kelly, truly and deeply." He took me in his arms and kissed me as sweetly and passionately as ever, I could imagine!

TJ did come back to my townhouse. He made coffee as I changed into a tight black silk nightie, which only went down to mid-thighs... and no panties. My nipples were poking into the material very nicely... I even gave them both an extra pinch and two to make sure. I was hoping that TJ would make love to me again, wearing it. After a cup of perfectly brewed dark roast coffee, TJ and I made love three times before morning, the silky material of my short nightgown added greatly to the excitement. I was so deliriously in love, as I settled up against his body, spooning with his arms around me. We did not just have sex tonight... we made LOVE! I was one satisfied and secure little schoolgirl that night!

End, Chapter Four

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maddictmaddictalmost 9 years ago
Better than three.

She did need a spanking, veiwed by Alex.

I think TJ comes out nicely in all of this.

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