An Aggressive Learning Strategy


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"Let me show you, then!" He lay her down on her back and spread her legs wide, leaving her utterly exposed and shivering with excitement and anticipation. She might not know exactly what was to happen, but she was absolutely sure it would be spectacularly nice.

"As your appointed Guru, my job is to teach. Your job, Madam, is to lie back and enjoy yourself and learn... and to let me know if you have any questions, ideas, anything you would especially like to explore. Quiet now. Breathe deep. Relax and enjoy, okay!?"

For the next ten minutes he covered her entire body with kisses, front, back, top, bottom, but still just teasing - mostly he avoided the obvious spots, concentrated on the arcane, the loci less traveled. She squirmed mightily when he flipped her onto her stomach and ran his tongue lovingly over her hypersensitive secret places. He then rolled her onto her back again, circling her mons and inner thighs with his mouth and tongue, getting closer and closer as she held her breath, waiting.

He ended the tease spectacularly, flipped her legs up, opened her like a book, dropped to his knees and elbows between her legs: such a delightful landscape, from both parties' viewpoints. Just the slightest trace of wispy black pubic hair; even dry it was nearly invisible against the melanin-laden background, not dense enough yet to blur outlines and details.

"Lovely!" he murmured, spreading the inner lips with his fingertips: she was so wet they stuck together, resisted, then parted with the softest, sexiest little squishing sound. "Let's try a bunch of things. Starting with THIS!"

His mouth settled over the tiny nubbin of her clit and nursed on her entire vulva. She was breathlessly ready, and the first long slow washing of tongue on clit triggered a violent orgasm. As she flailed noisily about, head snapping left and right, back arched upwards and toes gripped into fists, Jeff pressed forward with his index finger to explore her pussy. Despite the gaping, welcoming entrance, at first the contractions would allow only the tip of his finger to enter. Gentle pressure, combined with her pulsations and heavings, swiftly remedied that, and the finger entered slowly, into an odd mix of resistance and eager acceptance.

He continued exploring: as his mouth worked her clit, her orgasm never ceased entirely, but cycled up to the heights and back down repeatedly. Her vagina relaxed and opened until it seemed to actively suck his delicately-stroking finger deeper - eventually, the fingertip touched the dimple in her cervix.

He realized that she was far beyond merely snug, and that any explorations with his cock would require patience and care, letting her accommodate at her own speed.

He did his own aggressive learning and pressed the fingertip against what should be her G-spot: was it functional?

Her reaction said, emphatically, "YES!" She gasped loudly, arched up against him, and came again, even harder. In the midst of her paroxysms, he pressed a free fingertip against her anus: it opened with unexpected enthusiasm, quite differently from her pussy, and let his finger slide fully inside on first pressure. She gasped again from the wriggles he provided from inside her body. He considered her bodily reactions and mental state, ever so gently added another to her bottom. She made it abundantly clear that this was more than simply 'acceptable', heaving up against his gentle pressure and panting with pleasure.

Zo quickly became too sensitive to benefit from more clit play, so he changed, left his fingers embedded, slipped his mouth northwards until he was nursing again and she was gasping nonstop whilst slowly writhing her entire body against him, seeking maximum contact. Her nipples were a trigger - nibbling on them caused her to flip from merely an ongoing rolling mini-climax into a profound whole-body orgasm.

He paused: she continued to shake. He lifted his mouth from her nipples, left only his deep-set fingers touching her, and still she continued. Finally he slipped the fingers out, slid up to lie beside her and clasped her to him solidly. It took an entire minute for the shaking to subside.

When finally she was still, he kissed her, whispered "Wow! Now, Lady Zo, THAT was something special. I've never seen anything like it in my entire life. You are a teenage sex-machine! Is that normal for you, to come like that?"

She shook her head against his neck. No, she told him, it most certainly was NOT. When she played with herself (which was often) it was usually very easy to come - she insisted in a little aside that she liked the word 'come' much better than 'have an orgasm' or 'climax' - but she had never experienced anything like this. It was absolutely wonderful and very scary because of its intensity, but that scariness, she warned him with a little giggle, would not prevent her from demanding that they try again, and soon!

She lay there in his arms listening to him breathe, feeling his heartbeat. Finally she took a huge draught of air, sighed it out, and said "Wow!"

He grinned: "My Lady liked that? Everything so far is satisfactory?"

She turned in his arms to face him, grabbed his ears, pressed her face to his: "Oh, yes SIR!" She raped his mouth with her lips and tongue. Then a moment later it was "What'll we do next? There must be more, we haven't even used your cock yet! In fact, we haven't even done my experiment of me making you come!"

Her brief slip back into using spoken contractions told him he'd done quite well by her - even better than he'd thought. He repositioned his hand, wiggled his fingers once again into both pussy and bottom.

She felt for his hand with her own, studied the situation, looked at him in surprise, and fell once more into formal Data-speak. "I did not expect you to be so interested in my ass... or, as you call it and as I prefer, my bottom. Much better term than rectum and anus and buttocks - prettier! Nor did I expect it to feel so nice to have your fingers inside me in both those places. I expected of course some attention to my vagina, at least from your cock, from Mister JT, but this is all simply too, too wonderful. You are a good teacher, you have lots of good ideas! Maybe your having many years of experience is a good thing?"

Then, after a moment's silence, when he seemed about to speak, she went on: "NO! I do not want to know about your earlier experiences, at least not right now."

"Very well" said Jeff. "But now I have a question for you." She knew what was coming, another lesson, and tried to get her brain back in gear. "Did I seem to enjoy myself?" he asked.

Yes, she had to admit that so far as she had been able to tell - given that she hadn't paid it THAT much attention, she had been busy elsewhere - he certainly had.

"Did you do anything actively to promote that enjoyment?" She had been ordered to just lie there and enjoy herself, and had done so quite nicely: she answered truthfully "Not really, not that I know of."

He nodded: "Yet I enjoyed myself, correct?"

Another nod.

"And what is the lesson here?"

She figured it out easily and managed to articulate it well - that one's own enjoyment has to begin with the giving of enjoyment to the other person, that it really truly is much more important to give than to receive. That one receives by giving, if all is well and balanced between the partners. Only when one's own needs stand first in line is there a problem.

The little lesson over, they lay together quietly for several minutes, hands roaming gently. Zo curled her fingers around his still-perfect hard-on, waggled it like a cantilevered baton. JT hadn't softened in the least - he could often stay fully hard and therefore functional for his partners' pleasure far beyond any capacity Jeff had in himself to come again - a trait that many women had found both pleasantly surprising and very useful.

Now she was feeling quite guilty - after all, she had led him on, practically attacked him in the shower, then dragged him to her bed with those promises of giving him pleasure, yet here they lay, with her so incredibly satisfied and him, well, she had done nothing for him at all!

She was being a lousy hostess, and a lousy lover, a VERY inauspicious way to start! But she could rectify that, just watch! "Jeff, I promised to give you ... to make you come. And I have not done so yet. I do believe it should be your turn now. Shall I? May I? Please?"

Yes indeed he would like that: he was most certainly ready! He lay down, warned her about the intensity of the responses she was about to evoke. She began with her hands... and on her own private initiative, quickly added lips and tongue. She found that liked the sensation of his cockhead on her palate. It fit perfectly, filling the cavity and drenching her mouth with velvety sensations. She was enthusiastic, and a very fast learner, a fine improviser.

Very shortly he was becoming short of breath, his legs had gone taut as bowstrings, his entire body now quivering mightily. And it was all HER FAULT, how wonderful was that!?

He warned her: "Even if it seems like I'm in pain, I won't be! But I'm going to be out of communication for a few seconds... don't stop, whatever you do, until I insist on it!"

She nodded, one hand on his balls, the other stroking rapidly, her eyes flickering between his twisted, mottled face and the cock in her hands. It only took a couple of minutes until he went into an almost frightening whole-body spasm, arching up off the mattress while great gouts of semen jetted forth: she could feel them against her fingertips while they were still internal, feel them leave his scrotum and shoot through the urethra beneath her encircling fingers, until they exploded onto his chest and belly: three, four, five, a pause, then two tiny aftershocks and their puny dribblets.

She stopped only when he demanded it, sat there vaguely triumphant, fascinated at what she had wrought - she'd reduced this huge powerful man to a delightfully gasping pink-flushed hulk, apparently incapable of either thought or motion.

Correctly equating his post-orgasm state to her own, she waited patiently until Jeff was breathing evenly again. When she was sure he could actually hear and understand once more, she said "WOW! So THAT is what a man's orgasm looks like! So powerful, so sudden - you looked like a man having a heart attack, at least how they show it on TV. Did I do things right?"

All Jeff could do was nod: yes, indeedy-do!

She muttered "Good!" and ran a finger through the semen puddles, drew glistening circles on his chest and belly, then brought the fingertip to her nose, sniffed, tasted. She shrugged: "It does not have any special smell or taste... maybe a little bit salty, but nothing truly peculiar. At my last sleepover three of the girls had a big argument about that. One said it tasted nice, sort of tingly. One other said it tasted horrible, and the third said it was different for different men. Which is it, do you know?"

Jeff smiled at her: "All three, probably, although the third girl's was the best opinion."

"All of them cannot be correct!" she protested.

He replied "Zo, you know that given the same taste, say a really sour strong lemonade, people will react very differently. If you hate lemons, you'll think it's awful. Ditto if you hate sour generally. But if you LIKE lemons the drink may be wonderful. And my ladies have told me many times that every man tastes different, and not only that but each is different on different occasions. Seems to depend at least partially on what he's been eating recently. Garlic is probably a bad idea, if that's true! It's no different with women, Zo - from my own experience, every woman's pussy tastes different, and every woman's pussy changes flavors between lovemaking sessions."

On the verge of jealousy, Zo muttered, "From your own EXTENSIVE experience! So I guess I better believe you, Oh Guru Mine! Anyhow, your semen is something very special. I like it because it comes from inside you, and it certainly is NOT objectionable. Not to me, anyhow." She leaned against him for a long kiss that smeared the fluid between their chests and bellies, then held up her damp finger again, lecture-style: "Baby seeds! Two hundred million sperms per orgasm, so say the books. That is about one thirtieth, three percent, of the world's human population! And all for nothing."

She addressed the smears and dribbles: "We are so very sorry, sperm cells! You must all have bad karma. Better luck in the next incarnation!" She hopped up, got a washcloth and wiped them both clean, folded it up. "My souvenir. It will go somewhere hidden, where my parents cannot find it, ever. Thankfully, they absolutely do not snoop into my room or my property."

A few kisses later, Zo made it clear she'd had enough of waiting for the main attraction. "Jeff, can we try putting your cock inside me now? I really, really want to. Perhaps you are hesitating because you think I am too small, too inexperienced - but if we are careful and go slowly I am sure that everything will work. After all, pussies are very elastic, and JT is designed to go in there! Please?"

Lying beside him she spread her legs wide, slid both hands to her mound. "If I hold myself open this way, will it help?" She tugged her outer lips as wide as she could manage. Then she held the pose.

Jeff said "You are simply beautiful! And of course, you're right - it's almost time - but not quite. We still have to prepare for the size difference, you know. Therefore, FIRST M'Lady, we must relax you completely by giving you a few more orgasms."

Before she could say anything, his face was in her crotch again, and she lost both the ability and urge to say "NO!"

He was as good as his word - in the next few minutes he drove her through a series of linked, powerful orgasms. After perhaps a half-dozen, she mustered her will-power, took him by the ears, and made him stop despite her growing addiction.

Looking straight into his face and putting on a formal voice, she told him "Doctor J, my Guru, you will please excuse the temerity of this young student, but it is my carefully considered opinion that we should now proceed immediately to attempt real fucking. In accordance with my parents' instructions about aggressive learning, I believe that I know what I most need at this very moment, and am determined to GET IT! We must proceed before you wear me out completely with the beautiful things your mouth is doing! My mind - the intellect - is ready, my emotional self is ready, and my body has certainly been ready I believe since its last incarnation ended... or perhaps it has been waiting forever for you to arrive. PLEASE! NOW!"

"Aggressive learning, indeed!" Jeff thought to himself. Wunderbar! He sighed: they could try, but he was doubtful - the doubt was largely driving his putting off the attempt. He told her that SHE would have to be completely in charge, and sat her atop him, warned her to go as slowly as a glacier melting, to let her body accommodate him. As she arranged herself above him, he said "You are beautifully slippery, which is both unusual and very good. So- the only requirement is that you GO SLOW! And pay attention to the feelings - you only get one "first time" and I want you to remember it!"

Unusually for him in things sexual, he was also completely wrong about her physical capacity and capabilities. He made certain that it was she pushing down rather than he upwards, that it was an engulfment rather than a penetration. She followed directions perfectly, and over a couple of minutes her body received him in slow-motion with an elegance that made their joining both comfortable and profoundly beautiful. Shortly there was the softest tactile "plop" as her pelvic muscles finally got the proper signals, and the entire head of his cock slipped in.

The event generated a deep, throaty humming of pleasure in Zo. "SEE!?" she said to him in mild triumph: "I told you it was time, that I was ready, that it would FIT!"

He leaned her forward, put her hands on his chest, and said "You were most certainly correct! Now, ride me. Try things out. Have fun... I certainly will!"

The sensations flooding her brain were exquisite, intense, and much more about her flowing over and engulfing him than of him penetrating her.

Half-way down she stopped to tell him of the images of her body being made of chocolate and very slowly melting down on him in the hot sun.

He smiled, said softly "Chocolate - a personal favorite! Not nearly so yummy as YOU, however."

She giggled, writhed gently, studying how his hardon could stir her innards: "So, now that we have made this much progress, Guru, do you like being inside me? I certainly am finding great pleasure in all this! As I fully expected."

He reassured her, set his hands on her hips, made his cock jump within her. She caught his eyes solidly with hers again and settled rapidly the next inch: he bottomed out long before his full length was inside. When she couldn't accommodate any more, she reached down to feel the unfortunately exposed few inches of his erection. She bounced gently but gained nothing, then pouted: "Phooey! I hoped I could get you all inside... but I guess we should not be surprised. If I just sit here do you think my vagina will stretch enough to take you all in? Or do I have to grow more?"

Then, sliding up and down her new toy a few times, she giggled, tapped him on the chest: "I do not mean that! I have no intention of waiting for such a silly thing. Besides, Guru, I am certain that with continued practice we will be able to get JT fully inside - do you not agree? At any rate we should keep trying for a while. A long, LONG while!"

They fucked in slow motion for the longest time, until her body moved through its acclimation phase into being fully capable and eager. His thumb on her clit yielded repeated orgasms, to the point where eventually she called another halt due to lack of breath and muscles nearing cramp. Sweaty and shaking from the exertion, she sat atop him motionless for a minute, then sighed deeply and laid a fingertip on his nose. "My Guru, it appears to me that I am the one having almost all the fun here. I must reciprocate - you have had so far as I know exactly one orgasm so far today, and that was outside my body. Yet you have given me so MANY, first with your mouth and now from the inside as well. The situation is asymmetrical in the extreme and therefore entirely unfair. You are still hard inside me - shall we make an orgasm now for YOU? I would like that very much!"

Zo successfully put on a brave face, but inside, for all her enjoyment, she seethed with worries and unanswered questions. First and foremost, could she truly satisfy Jeff? After all, he was a vastly experienced man - who could know what he might expect or require from her?

What did "satisfying him" mean, anyhow, and how would she know if she succeeded? Surely 'success' and 'satisfaction' must mean more than the single orgasm she had given him so far?

Then there was the interesting problem of the intensity of the pleasure he was giving her - could he, she wondered, actually literally KILL her with pleasure? After all, his tongue between her legs had caused her to stop breathing, had it not?

Trivia loomed large: his crotch was shaved, MaMá's also. Perhaps he was actually finding those few Zo-hairs to be irritating, distasteful - the ones he must have encountered with his wonderful mouth? Perhaps she should whisk away all of her small crop of pussy-hairs?

And, too - maybe especially worrisome, would her damnably tiny, tiny undeveloped tits keep him fascinated?

And the "OhMiGawd" thought - if he was going to spend so much time licking between her legs (hooray for THAT idea!), exactly what should she do to be sure she smelled and tasted okay, clean? She absolutely could NOT ask MaMá! Could she perhaps just ask HIM?