An Angry Man


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"So you want me to go through an invasive procedure to help a daughter who may or may not be mine, and has been raised by another man. A man who was there for her first steps, her first words, her first lost tooth. Moments I missed because you couldn't figure out whose dick was in your cunt at what time? Have you told her about me? Would this little girl even be able to pick me out of a line-up? Even if I was the sperm donor you can't call me her father. That title belongs to the man who was there for her. By the way where is the little cuckold? I figured you guys must be in love as fast as you got married after stabbing me in the back, " I replied. I noticed she got a sad look on her face.

"Jeremy left us when he found out he wasn't her biological father. His parents bullied him into a test and it came back with no markers in common. It turns out he is sterile and probably has been all his life. I don't miss him one bit but it tears my heart out and pisses me off that he just left Laura sitting in a hospital bed crying and has never returned. You are right. He is the only father she has known, it hurt her so bad to be abandoned like that. So there is a measure of revenge for you. I am a divorced single mother living on welfare and trying to help a chronically ill child," she said.

"Look," she continued, "My life has gone to hell the last two years. Believe me when I say that any revenge you could wish upon me has come full circle. The only good thing that has happened to me since we broke up is Laura. If you want to know any more you will have to make an appointment to get tested. Here is the contact information along with a couple other pictures of Laura. Please Jules, get tested." she sobbed as she turned and ran back to her car.

Her departure was a bit delayed as it took three tries to get the engine to turn over. When she pulled out I saw drops of oil on my driveway. As I went to get the cat litter to soak it up I thought long and hard about her request. I'm an asshole and I'm not ashamed to admit it, but I'm not the type to let a kid possibly die if I can help it. Even if turns out she wasn't mine, no seven year old should be in her position. I was rather surprised how quickly I had decided to get tested. I went in and made the call.

It turned out that she was right. Laura was my biological child. The test also determined that I was a close enough match that they would risk the bone marrow procedure. I went and scheduled everything without telling Gwen. I had a PI our office used to run a background check on Gwen, Asshole, and assholes parents. Turns out everything she had told me seemed to be true. Asshole left her high and dry, even going so far as to get the marriage annulled. For the past two years Gwen had been scraping by on assistance and waitressing jobs. Apparently all her time was spent in hospitals. The medical costs were extensive even with Medicaid. All in all things were pretty grim for both her and Laura.

I decided to sell my bike collection to free up the cash needed for the medical bills along with the back child support I knew I was going to pay. It was funny, I had rebuffed all offers to sell my bikes but when I found out I had a daughter, the decision was simple. I went to the HR manager and surprised the hell out of her by taking 4 weeks off and asking to add my daughter to my insurance policy. I could tell she wanted the whole story but she was one of those bitches that would tell everyone in the world about everything that happened in her office. I was particularly quiet when dealing with her. I showed up at the hospital with a bunch of papers for Gwen to sign in one hand and the biggest teddy bear I could find in the other.

My heart almost broke when I saw the little figure with no hair and a bunch of tubes running in and out of her body. I had to choke back tears when she opened her eyes and smiled at me. I could feel my entire world shift at that point. I knew I would protect this little girl from anything or anyone who wanted to harm her. I ignored Gwen as she tried to hug me and went up to the hospital bed.

"Hey," was all I could come up with.

"Hello, I'm Laura, Mom tells me you are my real daddy," she replied.

"Yeah, turns out I might be able to help you get better. Umm I brought you a bear," I said.

Her eyes got real big and she reached out a far as she could for it. Her big smile got even bigger. She took it from me and gave it a great big hug.

"Thank you so much, what's his name?" she asked.

It was a frickin' stuffed animal, why did it need a name?

"Well they said that you would know what it is when you picked him up," was my clever response.

"It's Charley," she said definitivey.

"Hello Charley, thank you for coming to keep me company," she addressed the bear.

"Thank you for bringing Charley to me, Julian," she said to me.

I was gonna lose it right there. If you were to put me in the position that little girl was in I would have been howling in anger and despair. Instead she was THANKFUL for a dumb stuffed toy? I turned my head a bit and caught a glimpse of Gwen. There was a look of fierce pride for her daughter. My estimation of Gwen, the Mother, went up greatly. To keep shit together like she has and still have raised this little angel was amazing. She was still a shitty wife.

Laura had drifted back to sleep but she was holding onto that teddy bear as tight as she could. This transplant shit had better work. I knew if it was in my power to make anything happen I would. I nodded to Gwen and we went down to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee. I slid the papers to her.

"Here is the paperwork to get her added to my insurance. I will have a fifteen hundred dollar deductible and then everything is paid for. Thankfully they haven't rescinded the existing conditions rider to the health care system yet so she will be okay. I have also gone and had them start sending me the bills for her health care. I should be able to get everything paid off within a couple months," I told her. I wasn't about to tell her that I had fifty grand from my bike sales sitting around waiting to be spent. It was amazing to see the tension drain from her body. For a brief moment she looked like the woman I remembered. I hadn't realized how much weight she was carrying.

"Thank you Julian, for everything. I know you have every right to hate me but thank you for doing it for her." she replied with her eyes full of tears.

"It's what I would have done if I had known, Gwen. I had our company P.I. do a background check on you and the Asshole. By all accounts you have been an outstanding mother. I will be punishing the Asshole soon enough for neglecting my daughter. But don't think that I have forgotten how you decided to throw away our marriage for a little bit of fun. Don't for a minute think I won't hold you responsible for my missing her first words, her first steps, or her first bike ride. You might be a great mother but you were a really shitty wife." I told her.

She had dropped her head down and I could hear the sniffles. Years ago those would have broken my heart but now they had no effect on me. I slid another packet of papers across to her.

"This is a preliminary custody agreement," I said causing her head to snap up. "I am not going to take her away from you, but I want to be part of her life. I am proposing getting her every weekend and one month during the summer with alternating holidays. Pretty standard stuff. Look it over and we can discuss any changes. I am going to need copies of her birth certificate and what not. Do you happen to have them on you?"

She looked at me, seeming to search my face for something but I don't know what. Then she cast her eyes down.

"I will have to get them for you. My car died on me so I took the bus here this morning. I will bring them with me tomorrow." she said softly.

My stomach rumbled. It was time for lunch and I needed those documents soon.

"Let's go get something to eat that isn't hospital food while she is sleeping and we can pick up what we need afterwards," I suggested.

She nodded and wiped her eyes. Great, I was going to spend my lunch with a crying woman. How did I get myself into this mess?


Lunch was interesting to say the least. For twenty minutes we sat looking at each other, the silence only broken by us telling the waitress our order. For so long I wanted to rip into this woman and my mind pulled out every nasty thing I could think of to throw at her, but I couldn't do it. I took a deep breath and analyzed why. It came down to the fact that I was going to have to deal with this woman for the foreseeable future along with the realization that she was beaten. Outside of her relationship with her daughter she had nothing. She made her choices and was living with the consequences. My sense of justice, as warped as it may be, was satisfied. I still didn't trust her, or particularly like her, at this point but I wasn't going to hate her anymore.

"I'm not going to hit you," I said as the thought popped into my head.

She flinched and gave me a funny look.

"When you first approached me you said I could take a few swings at you, I am not going to do that. In fact, I'm going to try very hard to drop my animosity and anger toward you. We have a daughter and I'm not going to poison her life like my parents poisoned mine. You'll probably never be my favorite person, but I'd rather let go of my anger and make sure that our daughter has a loving and stable home," I explained further.

Some of the tension eased out of her.

"I know you wouldn't hit me Julian, although I feel I deserve it. I just want you to know..." she started.

"STOP!" I said a bit too loudly. "I don't want to hear your apology. Nothing you can say will make what you did and how you did it okay. The most basic truth of the matter is you didn't want to be married to me and you wanted to fuck around like you were single. You could have told me you wanted a divorce, but instead you went behind my back and fucked your little boytoy then came home and acted like nothing was wrong. It wasn't a mistake, it was a calculated action. You are not the victim and you will receive no sympathy from me for how your life turned out. If we didn't have a daughter together I would never have wanted to see you again. But we DO have a child and I am going to make damn sure that she has the best life I can give her. That includes a mother and a father. So let's eat and talk about how we are going to make that little girl's life better."

She looked down at her burger and then back up at me. For the next twenty minutes we had a great conversation about Laura and how we were going to attack the cancer. It was actually relatively pleasant.


The area where they lived was rough to say the least. I knew they lived in government assisted housing but I didn't realize how bad things were in that part of town. I parked my truck and let Gwen hop out to go get the stuff. There were three guys hanging by the entrance to her apartment building all with their pants down around their knees. I was staying by my truck in this neighborhood. She was gone for about 15 minutes when she came out and walked past the gangbangers. That was such a dumb look. I got out of my truck when they went to surround her.

"Hey Chicana, you too pretty to be livin all alone around here. You need a man to take of you don't you?" the idiot sad as he walked into her space.

My heart was racing as I pulled my gun from it's waistband holster. My .357 had been replaced by a Glock 19. I know a lot of people feel that a .40 cal is the superior cartridge but I do a lot of shooting and the 9mm rounds are cheap. Let's face it I was never gonna get in a gunfight anyways. At least that's what I thought until a few minutes ago. Now I wasn't so sure.

"She already has a man looking out for her. So why don't you move out of the way before I drop you all like a bad habit?" My voice may have been a bit shaky but my gun held steady on the leader.

The kid turned around and Gwen made a break for the truck. He went to reach into his waistband but thought better of it when he saw I had him dead to rights. I noticed the two behind him were were scared but the leader himself just stared at me with cold eyes.

"If you reach for that piece I WILL put you down. And it will just be a scared white boy defending his friend against all the 'spics that are coming up here and taking our jobs. They will probably give me a medal for shooting you three. So let's just calm down and let me and the wife get to the truck and get out of here. Then you can go back to killing each other for whatever reason you want." I said as I started moving backwards while hold the gun steady on the bad guy.

I managed to get back in and get seated all the while holding him in place with my gun. I turned on the key and shifted into drive before I broke eye contact. I gunned it and heard three loud POP's before I managed to turn a corner and get going. I ran the next two lights and got on the freeway as fast as I could. After about fifteen minutes I figured no one was following me and slowed down. My heart was racing. Gwen was sobbing in the passenger seat next to me.

"You are NOT bringing my daughter back to that shit hole," I growled "What do you have in that apartment that you need to get?"

"Just our clothes and some dishes and stuff," she replied as she got control of her emotions. "A lot of our stuff is still in the storage unit but I am probably going to lose that here in the next month."

"I will buy you new clothes and I will get her new toys," I said, "We'll get your stuff out of storage and you'll move into my place for now. I have a four bedroom house with two bathrooms. You will take one, Laura will take the other. You will be handling the cooking and cleaning until you can find a job to get back on your feet. You won't bring any boyfriends to the house and I won't bring any girlfriends. I'm gone about once a month checking on various plants and whatnot. My house is not gonna be your fuck palace, get a room or bang at his place. I am dead serious on this. If I find out you are bringing guys over to the house I'll toss your ass out and go for full custody of Laura."

She looked at me and then at the floor.

"I'm not seeing anyone Jules, I haven't had the time or desire for the past three years. I don't see that changing anytime soon. So don't worry about that. And thank you. I know you want me around you like you want a hole in the head but it will be nice to have a safe place to go to." she said quietly.

"You should thank Carlos," I responded.

Carlos was my best friend growing up. We made an odd pair with me being a low rent, white trash nobody and him being an adopted Hispanic rich boy with two geriatric white parents. We did everything together until he got sick when he was 16. Then I would visit him at the hospital every chance I could and watch him waste away as the cancer ate him from the inside out. He died two days before his 18th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson would pass on three years later. There wasn't a day that went by where I didn't envy my friend for the love and support he had from his two parents. I wanted to give my daughter that. It was too late for me to become a normal, well adjusted adult. If I could give that feeling of love and support to my daughter, then I could suck it up and live with the bitch wife for a little bit.

We got her stuff out of storage and had her set up in the spare bedroom within the next couple days. I might have gone a little overboard with the decoration for Laura's room but, hey, she was my only daughter. Within the next few days I prepared myself for the procedure. I don't like hospitals and I am sure that the nurses that were assigned to me were deliberately using the most blunt needles they could find but I made it through. All total it took a week. Little Laura rallied for a month then it was found out that it didn't take. So I was out for another week as they tried again. Again it didn't take although there was enough positive response that the doctors were willing to try a third time. Finally it took. Four months after the last treatment I welcomed Laura to her new home.

This is where I tell the story of how Gwen and I fell back in love. Nope. Didn't happen. I know it is probably weird but I thought of Gwen as two seperate people. There was the mother, a Gwen who could be be be warm, loving, supportive, and patient. That was the Gwen that took care not only of Laura but also of me. Laura had missed so much time from school that we decided to home school her for a bit to get her up to speed. Gwen kicked ass at all that as she started teaching Laura and still kept the house clean and dinner on the table. Then there was Gwen the wife. I could never forget how badly she hurt me. Gwen the wfe was the one who cheated on me and kept the fact that I had a daughter from me. Every time I started thinking that maybe Gwen was okay, the anger would return.

It sucked because I could tell Gwen felt bad about how things turned out, but I was in no mood to hear anything that hinted of an apology. After using all my sick time, I returned to work. My first day back about killed me as I missed my daughter so much. As I walked out the door I was suddenly very angry and jealous that Gwen would get to spend time with our daughter and I would have to go to work. The anger built every time I left I used that to get particularly ruthless when it came to cutting expenses at my next project. The boss would have been happy with a 7-12 percent reduction of expenses. I was able to push things to a projected 16 percent reduction by cutting employee benefits and laying off some of the higher seniority people. I didn't just cut hourly guys though. The plant was top heavy with managers and by the time I was done three were handed their walking papers. I could tell that the plant manager was glad to see me go.

I didn't get a flight out of the town I was in until the next day so I went to the two star airport hotel where I was staying and hung out at the bar downstairs. I never stayed at fancy places when I traveled. It looked bad enough, me coming in and canning people to cut overhead. Imagine how it would look if I was staying at the swankiest hotel while doing it.

As I sit there and drank my overpriced, water downed glass of scotch I saw an attractive brunette walk in. I had danced this dance before and I knew she probably struck out at a couple of clubs up town. She was probably trolling down here trying to salvage the night. Thankfully I was horny and had enough money to cover her price for the night.

We made small talk and danced around the subject of pricing. I took her up to my room after leaving my wallet and valuables with the front desk clerk. The room had a safe but all it took was for her to have a gun or a knife and I would be opening the safe and giving her what she wanted. She was professional enough to text her time and location to someone, whether it was a friend or a pimp.

We got in and I set 400 dollars on the nightstand. He looked at me funny, all our conversation had thrown the number 300 around.

"It's been almost 6 months so I would hope you would be willing to spend a little extra time talking to me tonight," I said with grin.

In response she slid her dress down and revealed a black lace bra and panty set. I smiled and reached for her as she dropped to her knees and fished out my cock. She gave a couple tugs and then started licking it like a lollipop. When she started to head bob I tapped her on the top of the head she pulled her mouth off and kept jacking me off. I quickly painted her face and tits with the biggest load of cum I had spent in a long time. She smiled and wiped herself off. There was a bit of a frown as she saw how much come I had gotten on her bra but she quickly covered it up and stripped naked. My staff was still throbbing so without much more foreplay she grabbed a rubber and slid it on me. Then she lowered herself onto my cock and we started the old in and out. Her tit bounced nicely and she was professional enough to keep her pussy muscles locked tight on my cock. I think she might have had an orasm about five minutes before I was shooting another load into the condom.