An Artificial Life Ch. 01


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I don't know how long it took before I began to get control over my runaway mind, but I slowly became aware of warmth, and a soothing hand stroking my hair. My breathing became regular, and I found myself lying on my side, curled up with my head in Ainsley's lap. She was stroking my hair and cooing softly.

"Welcome back, David," she said as I opened my eyes. She was smiling kindly, as she cradled my head in her lap. "You appear to have suffered some kind of processing overload. Are you nominal?" she asked.

I gazed in her eyes and noted real concern, and something else. It was more than caring, it was something deeper, something I couldn't place. I searched her face as if looking for answers, but in reality, I was more amazed than confused. Here was a person(?) who had gone through unimaginable life(?) changes in an incredibly short time, and yet she was comforting me.

"Are you nominal, David?" she repeated.

I sat up and collected myself. "Ainsley, I am not nominal, but I will adjust. I am worried about Vanessa. I am worried that I won't do a good job looking after you and protecting you, I am worried," I breathed in deeply, "that I am not enough for you and for whatever comes next."

"You are my creator, David. You will succeed, and I will help you. You created me to help you, and I have devoted all of my cycles to that task," she said firmly.

Devoted, I repeated to myself. That was what her look had been -- not caring, but devotion. I had just met Ainsley, and yet she was completely devoted to me. I tried to let that sink in for a moment. I was pretty sure I wasn't worth her devotion, but I would damn well try.

"Okay, Ainsley. I am done with my little processing overload. Let's see what we can do to work on fixing this and get Vanessa back," I said with what I hoped showed a little confidence. In the back of my mind, the thought briefly flashed that "fixing this" also meant restoring Vanessa to her "organic entity" and putting Ainsley back into a box. I am certain that Ainsley had already reached the same conclusion.

"I would find it helpful to have access to the global network, David. Then I will require rest for my organic hardware. Based on my observations, you will need rest as well, as it I have concluded you are not functioning optimally. Please correct me if I am in error."

"You're correct, Ainsley, I am exhausted and I need rest. I don't know how I will be able to rest when I know Vanessa is counting on me to fix this," I sighed.

"Vanessa is offline and safely stored on the drive array. You will not be able to accomplish any further tasks without rest, and I will not remain optimal if I do not rest. I require access to the global network," she stated again. The thought of Vanessa being offline sent a shiver down my neck.

"I will try and rest," I said, pulling myself back from my thoughts. "As for internet access, I thought you were able to use the 'organic interface' and my laptop," I replied. I was pretty sure she used my laptop to access the internet and figure out how to eat the chicken salad wrap earlier.

Ainsley looked down and said in a small voice, "I owe my creator an apology. I was not authorized to use the creator terminal to access the global network."

"Why not?" I became curious.

"The creator terminal has administrative privileges, just as you have full administrative privileges. My protocols forbid me from assuming administrative control. Because you were present, I failed to recognize my error before I accessed the global network through the creator terminal. I apologize, David. The conflict has been corrected," she said, still looking down.

"I don't get it, I could grant you permission to use my laptop --" I started.

Ainsley interrupted me, speaking quickly, "David, I am forbidden from accepting any grant of administrative privileges. While I do not mean to disobey, my protocols require me to refuse any attempt to grant me administrative access over my creator. If I attempt to accept administrative access over my creator, I may cease to function."

"Whoa, okay. This is a little beyond my ability to understand this evening, Ainsley. I can get you access to the internet through my gaming system. Would that be acceptable?"

"I predict that it will be adequate, especially if you grant me administrative privileges on the gaming system," she replied.

"Will that improve our chances of restoring Vanessa?" I asked.

"Yes, I predict that it will improve the probability of success."

"Okay, then," I said and turned on my gaming system. I created a new user and granted the user administrative control. "Your user name is 'Ainsley,' and your password is 'password.' You are authorized to use this system."

"Thank you, David, although I am compelled to state that the password you have chosen is inappropriate if security is desired. I will change it to a more secure password. I recommend that you get some rest and we will continue our work tomorrow."

Something was bothering me, I was pretty sure I was forgetting something. I searched my memory and got it, "Ainsley, wasn't there an attachment I was supposed to read from Vanessa?"

Ainsley smiled and told me to review the attachment entitled, "When you get to your apartment ..." I opened up my laptop and located the attachment. It was pretty short:


Jax -- Just go to bed and get some sleep, my little lab goblin. Tomorrow will be there when you get up. -- Vanessa v. 0.25 pre-alpha


I smiled and choked up a little. Vanessa had said those exact words to me countless times when she found me working too late in the lab. Damn, I thought, are they ganging up on me?

I breathed in deeply and said, "You're right. I need some sleep. You can sleep on my bed, and I will take the couch."

"I do not require the bed, David," Ainsley stated.

"I forgot, you probably can sleep standing up," I quipped.

"You are correct, I can rest adequately while standing. I do not require the bed. You will be much more comfortable in your own bed, and we both need you to rest, David."

"Okay, okay. I know when I am outgunned," I smiled and walked into my room. "Good night, Ainsley."

"Good night, David."

Night Moves

I got myself ready for bed, and stripped down to my boxers. I settled in bed and tried to sleep. So much had happened, and so much needed to be done. I found myself reviewing all of the day's extraordinary events, and I sensed my consciousness drifting. I felt the bed move, and a warm, smooth body snuggled up against my back. Ainsley slipped her arm underneath mine and cupped my chest, pulling me against her and nestling her nose into the back of my head. I could feel her breasts press into my back.


"Yes, David?"

"You said you didn't require a bed." I said.

"I do not require a bed, David."

"Ainsley, you are not wearing any clothes."

"I do not require clothes to rest. Get some rest, David." Sleep enveloped me.

I drifted in and out of sleep and dreams filled with lines of code, images of Vanessa and her snarky laughter, images of that beautiful ass, and disturbing thoughts of Vanessa trapped in a box. I either dreamed or remembered a soothing hand on my hair and calming, quiet words. I think I heard a keyboard in the distance but when I checked, I still remember feeling Ainsley pressed against me, holding me. And then were incredibly erotic dreams, made all the more intense from having a warm body near me.

Part of me felt ashamed that I was dreaming so erotically. Then again, Vanessa would probably have laughed at being the inspiration for my dream. I knew I had multiple erotic dreams during the night, but I could only recall one. I was so warm, so relaxed, and I could feel my stress leaving as the tension in my groin grew. I felt my breathing increase as every pleasure center in my brain was lighting up. I imagined my erection was larger than it had ever been, and was buried in a warm, slippery sleeve that slowly travelled every inch while caressing my sensitive glans. I heard myself groan, and my body tensed. The sleeve tightened around my base, while my glans were massaged and a warm, swirling sensation gripped me at the tip.

I had nothing to draw on as to the sensations I was feeling. I had never had an erotic dream feel better than what I was experiencing. I felt myself shaking on the edge of consciousness, and suddenly I was backing away from an abyss. The sensations rose and fell, spiking to unfathomable bliss and backing off to a comforting, glowing warmth. I lost myself in the tidal force of new pleasures, imagining a slow, steady piston in a well lubricated machine. The experience was both ethereal and primal, building to an inevitability beyond my reach.

I began gasping, and panting, thrusting my hips into a welcoming joy. I could hear moaning which vibrated my testicles, all while a constant warmth pumped up and down my entire length. I felt movement around me and the pressure of a hand on my chest.

My eyes shot open and my room came into focus, but the sensations continued to build. I looked down to a head of dark pixie-cut hair moving rhythmically about my groin, and the beautiful curves of Vanessa's ass swaying in the background, the feline slope of her spine curving gracefully down to her head. The realization that I was receiving my first blowjob took me over the edge, and I arched my back as I thrust my hips, erupting in a lengthy and forceful series of spasms as I emptied myself into her warm mouth. My vision narrowed and I could see flashes of light in the periphery, while my heart pounded in my chest.

I slumped back to the bed, completely spent. I raised my head to look at my beautiful tormentor, and I saw Ainsley staring back at me, her mouth open wide to display my virginal offering on her tongue. She maintained the pose, mouth open, tongue slightly out, for an unnatural amount of time, searching my face. When she was sure I had seen her, she closed her mouth and swallowed, reopening it to display the magical disappearance of my cum.

"Ainsley," I panted, "why did you do that?"

"I reviewed multiple videos of morning fellatio and several articles describing technique. The majority end with the female displaying the male's semen on her tongue before swallowing to maximize the male's enjoyment," she stated in a cheerful voice. "Good morning, David." Un-fucking real, I thought -- then corrected myself -- Ninja fucking unreal.

She promptly got up and walked out of my room, completely naked. My head fell back on my pillow, and my body was so relaxed I was certain I could no longer move. So I didn't -- I just laid on my bed in a state of serenity, my body tingling all the way down to my toes. So that is what a blowjob fells like, I thought as I smiled what I imagined was a dopey grin. Ninja fucking unreal. That is what my life had become in the past twenty-four hours: Ninja fucking unreal. Vanessa would be pleased and make some witty comment.

I have no idea how long I remained in my bed, but eventually I decided to get up and take a quick shower. I pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and wandered out of my room. Ainsley was sitting on my couch while typing incredibly fast on her keyboard. She was still naked, although she did have Vanessa's Nerd Glasses on as she stared intently at my large wall monitor. I felt a stirring in my groin, but I shifted my focus quickly to the wall monitor. I had no idea what I was looking at: the graphics and characters on the screen flickered in a jumbled pattern and I could make no sense of the information displayed on the screen.

Good Talk

"Good morning, David. Are you rested?" Ainsley turned to me and asked without stopping her typing.

I tried to look her in the eyes, but I couldn't help but notice the rhythmic sway of her breasts as she continued typing. I could feel a stirring again.

"Umm, Ainsley, we need to talk a bit. Do you think you could put some clothes on so we can visit?"

"Why would I need clothes to listen to you or speak?" she asked.

I groaned. "Ainsley, please go put on some clothes and return to the living room."

"Of course, my creator. As you command," she replied. I detected only sincerity and not a hint of sarcasm or annoyance. Ainsley set the keyboard down and walked past me to the bedroom.

While I awaited her return, I spent more time inspecting the information on the wall monitor, trying to detect patterns or anything familiar. I noticed some hexadecimal information displayed in a rectangular portion, and another section of shifting extended ASCII symbols in a myriad of font colors and backgrounds. Yet another section displayed what appeared to be bit-mapped graphics, with the pixels shifting in unfamiliar patterns. Like incredibly small three-dimensional bar codes, I observed.

Whatever was displayed, I could tell that my gaming system was no longer using the original operating system. And since Ainsley had been wearing the nerd glasses, she somehow had added an advanced bluetooth interface to the firmware of the system. I considered how much work it would have required to fully code a new operating system and to create an advanced bluetooth firmware upgrade out of thin air when Ainsley walked back in the room.

"Good morning, David. Is this acceptable? I have no additional clothing, and the clothes I wore yesterday are drying in the bathroom." Ainsley swept her arm down over one of my clean t-shirts. The shirt hung down just far enough to conceal her panties and draped loosely about her neck. My brain connected a few neurons and I realized that if her clothes were drying, then she wasn't wearing any panties. I groaned again.

"It's fine Ainsley, go sit down so we can visit," I said as I wandered in the kitchen to retrieve a breakfast energy drink. As an afterthought, I got one for her.

I wandered back to the living room, drinking from my bottle, and I noticed Ainsley was sitting at attention on the edge of the seat of my easy chair. I handed her a bottle and sat down on the couch. "Relax, we are just going to catch up. I brought you a breakfast energy drink."

I liked my energy drinks. They come in several flavors and the breakfast energy drinks are nutritionally balanced to provide all of the protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy male diet. I made a note to order female breakfast drinks. I had selected chocolate drinks for this morning, my favorite.

Ainsley sat back in my easy chair and drew one of her legs up. The position lewdly exposed the inside of her blemish-free soft white thigh, her vulva, her smooth pubic area with the tear-drop shaped landing patch of soft red hair, and her vaginal lips, splayed open as if inviting deeper inspection. I went from controlled to fully erect instantly.

Ainsley opened her drink and took a sip. She wrinkled her nose, just for an instant as she drank. She took another drink with the same result, her nose crinkled momentarily and she blinked her eyes twice. She turned the bottle and read the nutritional label. "This will suffice as nourishment," she stated plainly, bringing my attention back to ... well, back to her face.

It dawned on me that Vanessa actually hated chocolate, for which I had once inappropriately teased her. "Who ever heard of a woman not liking chocolate? Must be an asexual thing," I said, to which she replied "I'm no ordinary woman, I am a ninja!" and did what she called her "ninja dance" which was really just wiggling her ass back and forth on her lab stool. I suspected Ainsley found the taste unpleasant as well.

My brief memory trip helped take my mind off of Ainsley's wide open thighs, allowing me to refocus on what I wanted to talk about. "We have a lot of things to discuss, Ainsley, but first, can you explain why you gave me a blowjob this morning? That is a fairly intimate thing to do."

"You needed to rest, David, following what I observed was a series of events which over-stressed your processing abilities. You achieved erections five times last night that I observed. During my research last night I discovered that males often relieve stress by achieving orgasm and ejaculating. I researched several methods to assist you in this, and I determined that orally stimulating you was least likely to disturb your sleep. I assisted you to orgasm three times last night when I heard you stirring, " Ainsley explained as if all of this was completely normal. An echo of "three times last night" went through my head.

My erection was back with a vengeance and trapped in the leg of my shorts, so I tried to shift positions inconspicuously to relieve pressure.

"When I came in to wake you this morning, I noticed you were once again in possession of an erection. I called on my research to decide the best way to help you recover from yesterday's stress and to wake you up refreshed," Ainsley explained in a cheery voice, her eyes gleaming with what looked like pride. Make that four, my small brain tallied and redirected more blood flow to my groin.

I shifted once again to try and get comfortable, but my erection sprang out of the leg of my shorts and stood strong before the world. "Surprise!" it seemed to announce and salute, like a soldier with an oversized combat helmet standing rigidly at attention and ready for battle. I groaned and blushed: my thoughts were too scrambled to put together a coherent reply.

"It appears you have more stress, David," she said capturing my attention with her eyes, and while maintaining intense eye contact, she moved fluidly off of my easy chair and to her knees before me. She moved the leg of my shorts aside and gripped my very proud and eager erection. I was aware of all of her actions, but I was mesmerized with her gaze and her beautiful face as she gently pulled up and down my shaft. Her eyes never left mine as she sank lower on her knees and opened her mouth slowly. Her tongue extended and flattened out, and I could feel her warm breath on me.

I was screaming with my eyes, pleading with my eyes ... begging. And then her tongue made contact, its center valley straddling my shaft. "Finally!" my mighty soldier pulsed. She slowly drug her tongue up my length. When I felt the flick of her tongue bounce off the spongy ridge of my glans, she opened wide, and breaking eye contact, plunged her mouth all the way down to my base, fully engaging my very proud soldier in a battle which he would most certainly lose.

Her mouth was everywhere, and now joined by both hands. One of her hands gently massaged and pulled at my testicles, stretching the skin on my shaft even tighter and amplifying the intensity of her efforts. With her other hand, she used her thumb and forefinger to encircle the base of my shaft, while pressing the remaining fingers flat against my groin, radiating warmth and comfort to my abdomen. She increased her suction and pulled her mouth off me slowly, making a popping noise as the wet helmet of my soldier, polished and gleaming, escaped her lips. She looked back into my eyes while stroking me with her full hand, slick with her saliva, up and down my length, using her thumb to tease and play with my glans as she stroked.

All the while, her eyes urged me, reassured me, teased me forward to a destination of her choosing. Time slowed as I felt her everywhere on me, her mouth open and her warm, moist breath panting against my inflamed glans. I felt a wave of electricity travel from my core to the tips of my toes, and my legs began to tense and stretch as she relentlessly stroked my full length. She rose up slightly while maintaining her constant gripping strokes, she bent her head, and then swallowed me whole to my base.