An Avenger's Transformation

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Sexual Espionage backfires on the Black Widow.
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This story takes place after the events of Thor: The Dark World



Watching the endless mill of washed out tourists from the veranda of the cheap cafe, Natasha Romanoff couldn't help but feel... inconspicuous. Lisbon was an old world tourist town, struggling to stay relevant in modern times; and yet she was here. This kind of mission, observation, analysis and eventual take down had little to do with stealth and a lot to do with subtlety. And while the redhead wanted to put on her suit, scan for radiation and abseil into a better viewing position, ultimately sitting outside and watching the entrance worked just as well. No big entrance, no real subterfuge, not even a disguise. The redhead sighed: this mission was boring.

Watching the block from across the street, Natasha sipped her cappuccino; it could be worse, a lot worse. In her time as an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D the redhead had been required to do everything from the morally grey to the undeniably black. This mission was simple, child's play even; locate the source of the bizarre events happening in this area, capture and question. So why was she uneasy?

Somewhere in the Portuguese city there was an unregistered gifted... possibly even a vigilante. Strange sightings, abnormal lights, a reduction in local crime; it all suggested the same conclusion. And, right in the middle of a busy tourist settlement.

Her current target's routine was at least easy to follow. The perfect mark: and that was why she had chosen her. Something about the woman's movements were just too... convenient, yet precise. Considering this notion, the redhead's brow creased momentarily, before the agent shook her head. Finishing her coffee, Natasha chuckled to herself lightly: so she was seeing conspiracy in her own covert operation: Maybe it was time for a real vacation. Replacing the cup the agent refocused, returning full attention to the apartment entrance: Time to engage the target.

Suddenly the yellow door shifted and Natasha leant forward expectantly, eyes glued on her suspect. Stepping into the street, the woman emerged, studying the surroundings with what appeared to be a bored sense of detachment. Tall, statuesque, almost imposing, the woman seemed... dislocated. Beginning to move forward, she slipped into the crowded street, gliding through the throng of tourists that surged through the popular shopping district.

Smiling determinedly, Natasha dropped some cash onto the table and made to leave the cafe. Never taking her vivacious green eyes off her target, the redhead frowned as a body suddenly blocked her view.

Reading the brand name emblazoned across an ample female chest, Natasha was momentarily distracted before looking up. Seeing whom had arrived she groaned frustratedly:

"Seriously? I'm mid mission!"

Dropping into the chair opposite Agent Bobbi Morse smirked, mock sympathy scrawled across her striking features:

"This takes precedence; the situation is time sensitive."

Natasha glowered: "I was about to make contact!"

Looking over the intruder's shoulder, Natasha attempted to relocate her target, eyes now darting between irrelevant faces. Sliding backward, the redhead sighed, considering this latest development:

"Must be urgent if they sent me the 'MockingBird'. What's my window?"

Lifting an attaché case onto the table, the dark blonde smiled, glad to find the other agent in an agreeable mood:

"72hrs to get to London and make your transformation before meeting the mark. This should have everything you need."

"Transformation?" Natasha responded doubtfully, "Who's the mark?"

Bobbi relaxed into her chair, leaning against the wicker, allowing sunshine to spill over her beautiful face: Unlike the Black Widow, the blonde knew how to enjoy an assignment. Typically American Natasha cursed internally.

"No names in public, but this is big Nat, as in: the first covert incursion onto hostile alien soil S.H.I.E.L.D has ever attempted!" The blonde's voice hitched slightly, concealed nerves momentarily emerging:

"Uh-hmm, hence the need for an Agent with your... skill set. I'll explain everything on the ride over to London."

Natasha opened the case and quickly looked over the dossier, raising an eyebrow:

"And how am I supposed to turn a civilian in this short a window?"

Bobbi snickered:

"You know how Romanoff: Martinelli Protocol."

Natasha's eyes widened minutely.

"Agent Hill told you about..."

The dark blonde nodded self-assuredly, cutting Natasha off:

"Come on Romanoff, you think Hill only groomed you for sexual manipulation and espionage?? I used to be her favourite for this type of assignment. If you know what I mean..."

The redhead blinked, her face a little flushed. "There were others?"

Bobbi nodded, green eyes observing her friend's reaction. Natasha shook her head; somehow there were always more secrets.

Acting defensively, Natasha responded: "then why can't you take this mission?"

"Come on, look at the girl's height!" Bobbi exclaimed, "And you know I'm married!" The dark blonde waved her ring hand at the redhead.

"Doesn't sound so much fun..." Natasha replied dryly.

Bobbi leant forward, smirking brazenly:

"I had my fun. Besides, I've never really been the submissive type."

Agent Morse sat back and smiled distractedly, as if remembering her time with their superior.

Natasha ignored the barb, scrutinising the document; reading closely before addressing the other woman:

"This hasn't been approved by the Council?"

Bobbi's dark green eyes narrowed and her face soured. Natash blinked; there was a shadow of her superior's edge in the blonde's stare:

"You know the council never reacts quickly enough." Bobbi flipped long blonde hair over a leather-clad shoulder:

"And this hot piece of ass has aspirations."

"You want Maria's job?" Natasha asked scornfully.

"Are you kidding? I want Fury's," Bobbi bit back.

"And you think giving the Council a look at planet of the Gods will win you that?"

"Are you kidding?? I'm moving up in the world," Bobbi replied a little smugly: "Not all of us can be Avengers."

"You do realise that if this backfires there will be real fallout?" the redhead countered.

Bobbi smiled:

"If you're as good as I was that won't be a problem."

"We don't control all the variables Bob," Natasha said carefully; "these mission parameters involve sending a probe to an advanced alien world via off the books tactics without the consent of any national or international policy."

Bobbi grinned: "That's why we're doing it; intelligence plain and simple. A spy who won't even know she's a spy? The council will love that."

Natasha sighed; Bobbi was the ultimate career girl, always going to a little further. Why did this seem a step too far? The Agent eyed their surroundings suspiciously:

"If something goes wrong you're responsible for both of these missions."

Bobbi raised an eyebrow: "Both missions?"

The redhead gave the Mockingbird a withering look: "Well obviously you're taking over here till I get back."


"You want to tell Agent Hill that you aborted her opp for one of your own?"

Bobbi open and closed her mouth slowly, for once no smug words coming out.

"Keep an eye on the target, use my safe house. I'll do the rest."

Bobbi nodded, her sly smile returning:

"Fair enough, report back to me when its done."

Natasha scowled: "I don't report to you."

The blonde shook her head: "Sorry Nat but you do now. Don't worry, its not all bad. I'm not as mean as Maria. Not unless you want me to be..."

The Mockingbird flirted gently, laughing as she stood up from the table:

"Don't worry, this hot piece of ass is a much fairer boss. So enjoy yourself in London."

The blonde turned and strutted casually away.

Natasha cursed inwardly, unconsciously eying the accentuated curve of the female agent's behind as the tall blonde sauntered away. Agent Morse was playing a dangerous game: So much for the simple mission.

Standing above, the statuesque brunette also watched as the blonde sauntered away. Replacing her sunglasses, the woman stepped back from the rooftop.



Waking up with a start, Jane Foster stumbled out of bed just as the rapping on the front door started once more.

Stretching, the lithe young brunette attempted to straighten herself out, alarmed to find she had slept in her clothes yet again. Smoothing out the creases in her tight, white tanktop, Jane quickly pulled on a slightly ruffled shirt.

Jane felt positively light and fresh, in-spite of her recent experiences.

Shaking out her messy hair, the girl wandered over to the apartment door, stepping over the equipment and schematics she had scattered there the night before: The rods had been effective in measuring and controlling the convergence, but they needed some work. Provided Eric didn't get himself locked up again Jane was confident they could actually reverse engineer the whole event. The paper alone could be worth a Nobel Prize!

The door rattled yet again.

"Alright, I'm here now!" The brunette grumbled, quickly unlatching the entranceway.

Bursting through the door, Darcy Lewis shrewdly surveyed her surroundings, calm green eyes casting around the apartment from behind her glasses:

"Nice to see you've tidied up the place..." the brunette said ironically:

"Looks like a nerdy scientist's been having too much fun in here."

Jane looked around: so the apartment was a bombsite? It was still better than her trailer back in New Mexico.

"So, tell me about space!?" Darcy asked excitedly: "you see any proper aliens this time?"

Jane shrugged, "Space is good."

Darcy stepped further into the apartment, shrugging of her coat and beanie as she went:

"Come on Jane! Details, details details!! I never got to really see anything... And for some reason I'm not even invited to this Royal Gala thing, so you've got to be my spy!"

Jane bit her tongue; like she wasn't nervous enough about this party already without her intern asking for every minute detail. Thor's home world was... Well it was imposing. All giant gold buildings and warriors. Jane was very proud of her understanding of the universe; sure, it hadn't make her a lot of friends in High School but she could find 90% of constellations without a chart, list the known properties of Dark Matter or Black Holes and essentially explain the birth, life and death of stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae and other objects in the universe. But that didn't impress the Gods themselves...

Darcy eyed the flustered brunette from behind her glasses: Perfect.

"I'm guessing you're stressing out huh?" The intern asked chirpily:

"Which is weird coz you didn't blink during the whole; parallel worlds colliding over London thing..."

Jane smiled weakly: the girl had always been good at putting things in perspective.

Darcy strolled over to the couch, only to find it piled high with pizza boxes.

"Nice fort," the brunette joked, "bet your mom will love the changes you've made in here..."

Jane scowled: yet another thing to worry about.

Seeing the other girl's glower, Darcy quickly changed tack:

"Well let's go get you packed for the ball then!"

Watching the brunette dart across to her bedroom, the young scientist sighed as she dutifully followed the girl in.

Jane entered to find the intern buried in her messy closet, head disappearing among her hanging clothes.

"Some of these are nice.." The brunette stated distractedly: "ooohh shoes with heels!"

The intern dropped to her knees, bending over to reach the gold mine buried at the back of the closet.

"Yeah, pretty sure those are mom's too..."

Jane bit her lip, still watching the intern rummage through her stuff: God why couldn't she have an ass like that? The scientist tilted her head, observing as the hyper brunette wiggled her short, red tartan skirt stretched taut over that full rear: For a girl that never exercised, Darcy had an amazing butt.

"So what happened to your intern?" Jane asked, tearing her gaze away and clearing her throat sharply:

"Figured you two would be making lots of intern babies by now."

Straightening her glasses Darcy crinkled her nose as she reached for a different heel:

"Who? Ohhh, right... guess I ditched him."

Jane shook her head in amazement, leaning against a chest of draws. Darcy had always been flighty and tended to get involved with all the wrong guys. However, while none ever lasted very long, this was a whole new record.

Pulling her head out of the closet, Darcy shifted on the floor, looking up at the other girl as she responded:

"What about you and Thor?? Ready to start things up again???"

Jane bit her lip anxiously:


Darcy raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"I-I just, I'm still angry! He was gone for a year, no explanation... And he's a God! How am I supposed to reconcile that?!"

Watching the the other girl become agitated, Darcy quickly stood up:

"Woah woah woah... Calm down Miss science thang! You're so... Thinky." Darcy nodded insistently, apparently happy with her latest conclusion:

"I know you can think your way out of this with all your... thinking, but you need to be more impulsive."

"And I suppose you know how to act around royalty..." Jane said defensively.

"Nope!" Darcy said again, still grinning: "But that's not your problem."

"Then what?!" Jane asked exasperatedly, placing her hands on lithe hips.

"You're worried about the after party make-up sex!" The brunette asserted excitedly.

"What?!" Jane asked, dumbfounded.

"Just saying... This is the third date right?..." Darcy implied, pointing down the way at her crotch, grinning as she spoke:

"I'd be worried by that almighty hammer of his ..."

Jane blinked hard, considering this:

"Well, I mean... Now I am!!"

Darcy smirked:

"Knew it."

Jane covered her anxious face with her hands:

"Oh my Gooddd! I dunno how to do this stuff!"

"It's been a while hasn't it??" Darcy asked, prying the other girl's hands away from her pretty face and placing them back down at her sides.

"Well, yeah.." Jane responded sheepishly.

"That's okay! You just need some warming up." Darcy said matter of factly.

Jane shook her head, chuckling dryly: "Yeah, right!"

The brunette leant in, rubbing the other girl's arms comfortingly before deciding a hug was more appropriate. Pressing against Jane, the scientist couldn't help but feel the intern's impressive breasts slide over her own. The embrace went on a surprisingly long time.

"I love it when you get all flustered..." Darcy snickered.

Pulling away and studying the young woman's anxious face, the brunette seemed to make up her mind.

Jane took a deep breath, attempting to steady herself in front of the intern as she asked a question:

"How do you stay so relaxed Darcy?"

The other girl smirked. Twisting them around, the brunette thrust the smaller girl against the nearest wall, before leaning in:

"I don't think so much."

Darcy captured her friend's surprised lips in an intense kiss, feeling the scientist go predictably rigid in her arms.

Deepening their embrace, the brunette didn't let up, forcing a bare thigh between the other girl's legs while cupping Jane's cheek.

Jane spluttered, eyes wide and surprised. She was a scientist, prone to excess observation and analyse and even she had no idea how this had happened. Pulling away, Jane attempted to extricate herself from their sudden state change:

"Darcy! What are you-mmmgh, mmmh! Mmm..."

Never dissuaded, Darcy simply re-initiated the kiss this time making sure the smooch lasted even longer.

Eyelids fluttering, Jane attempted to think rationally: in-spite of her misgivings this made scientific sense. While Darcy was certainly crossing some personal and professional lines, this would help improve her confidence. And that mouth of hers, usually so annoying and off base was now somehow... right! Full, plump lips sealed against her own in a smoldering, surprisingly sensual make-out session.

Pulling away, Darcy smiled, watching the surprised scientist recover her breath.

"See? Isn't that way better than thinking??

Jane nodded breathlessly, eying the other girl's pouting, dark red lips: God she could kiss. Her mouth tingled, her nipples ached. It had been so long: Jane had to get this out of her system.

Grabbing the other girl's head, Jane twisted them around till Darcy's butt hit the wall.

"Be impulsive right?" Jane stuttered, asking for approval.

Nodding, the intern grinned naughtily, waiting for the brunette to take the bait.

"Atnd his won't affect our professional relationship?" Jane asked uncertainly.

Darcy snickered:

"Professional relationship? I'm a political science graduate working for an astrophysicist for next to no pay and two days ago we fought off an alien invasion!"

Jane nodded quickly, this time initiating things herself; her eyes holding her counterparts right up until their lips met once more. The young scientist's kiss was more chaste, but somehow needier than before, and soon their lips were smearing together joyfully.

Jane knew this was inappropriate, that she should be guilty for betraying Thor. But he abandoned her, twice! If anything she was getting even. So she could relax, this was justified. Just a one-time thing.

Soon grabbing the back of her boss' head, Darcy ran her hands through long straight locks. Moving her mouth across the other girl's cheek, she allowed the astrophysicist some much-needed air.

Kissing her face and neck, Darcy's hands then moved down the brunette's back, speaking between kisses as she massaged a taught spine:

"Come on Jane- Mmm, loosen up-pppgh! Okayyy??... Loosy Goosy..."

Jane nodded, feeling probing hands massaging up and down her back, before quickly tugging the shirt off her shoulders. Slipping down her spine, the brunette's hands then gave her ass a rather presumptuous squeeze.

Jane gasped, eyes rolling as her intern's bare thigh rose up against her core, gently massaging her desire into a frenzy. Barely able to comprehend the brunette's skilled assault, Jane could onto gyrate in time with the girl's insistent thrusts before Darcy began to push her backward.

Toppling, Jane hit the bed awkwardly: landing on her own crumpled sheets. Rising up on her elbows, the brunette watched as the intern tugged her top quickly over her head.

Throwing the garment aside, Darcy observed the brunette's awed expression as her full breasts bounced into position, aided only by a bright green bra. Grinning, the intern sprang forward.

Unfastening the scientist's tight jeans, Darcy tugged down the zipper, quickly loosening the tough blue fabric. Slipping her pants down over long smooth legs, the brunette stepped back impatiently: pulling so hard Jane almost came off the bed. Laughing, the intern watched as the Astrophysicist disentangled herself, rolling the garment over her ankles as she spoke anxiously:

"Are we really doing this?!"

Descending on top of her, Jane could only gasp before her face was buried between the other girl's extraordinary globes. Rather than feeling suffocated, Jane pressed her skin against frilly lace, enjoying the warm pillowy embrace.

"I figure..." Darcy began, lifting the scientist's hands and guiding Jane's palms around her boobs, "maybe this is a good time to ask for a raise?"

"U huh..." Jane muttered, ignoring the brunette in favour of probing the girl's phenomenal rack: fingers gently squeezing succulent flesh, her thumb tangling in an increasingly loose bra strap.

"Nothing major... Say 10%?" Darcy hinted, eying the girl beneath her hopefully.

"Right..." Jane said, still absorbed by the magnificent orbs suspended in front of her face.