An Avenger's Venom

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Natasha is possessed by an alien arousal.
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This story is part 17 of the 'An Avenger's...' series but it can be enjoyed as a standalone. The events take place in a Post-Snap world featuring characters from across the MCU.


Alone in the shadowy darkness of the Avengers Compound Natasha Romanoff slouched behind a desk; assembling herself a drab peanut butter sandwich as the hologram relayed nothing but bad news:

"It's been 67 days since the snap. I've been out to the rim of the galaxy and everywhere it's the same-"

Pausing the blue flickering image of Carol Danvers managed to sustain her composure in spite of the dire circumstances:

"-Its more than confirmed; Thanos wiped out 50% of all living creatures."

Nodding again the Black Widow said nothing, the platinum blonde cutting the bread in half before finally taking a bite out of her measly meal.

Concerned for her stoic colleague Carol attempted to rouse the Avenger:

"Status update?"

Finally raising her gaze Natasha's eyes shimmered, muttering back at the hologram before her through a mouthful of sandwich:

"Well my girlfriend turned to dust. But otherwise? Super."

Seeing the fragile woman blink back tears Carol wished she could be more supportive. As a seemingly immortal cosmic warrior however the Captain found it hard to relate to humanity. And holograms couldn't exactly hug.

"I know things are tough Nat, that you miss her... but stay strong okay? I'll be on Earth again soon."

Nodding numbly Natasha took another large bite of her unappealing sandwich. The hyper-fit Avenger wouldn't usually settle for such a tragic meal; determined to be combat ready for the next crisis. But such diligence seemed meaningless now; After all her avoiding carbs hadn't exactly saved the Universe.

"I've got a mission for you."

Desperate for a distraction from her deepening depression Natasha straightened-up, finally making eye-contact with the hologram:

"What is it?"

"Rumours of a rogue alien species currently on Earth."


"San Francisco."


Waiting on the steps of the Superior Court of Justice Natasha leant against a massive pillar; turning away from the bright Californian sunlight as she surveilled the men and women passing by.

Keen eyes scrutinising the entranceway Natasha attempted to ignore the messy street beyond, discarded cars and trash crowding the dusty sidewalk; sad reminders of a pre-snap world.

Double doors swinging open Natasha watched as a gaggle of workers escaped the courthouse, spotting a woman that matched the description of her target; business casual blonde, middle-parting, black polo neck and a tight tartan skirt.

"Anne Weying?"


Distracted by her heavy workload the woman turned as Natasha slunk out from behind a pillar:

"You're prosecuting the Life Foundation?"

"That's me."

Smiling Natasha extended her hand. Careful to put her target at ease the blonde swallowed her compromised emotions, electing to speak in her trademark sensuous drawl:

"I'm Natasha Romanoff. You must be a hell of a lawyer Ms. Weying?"

Shifting a briefcase under her arm Anne accepted the compliment, shaking Natasha's hand as she replied:

"Well, when a insane billionaire blows up a rocket above a major populus the indictment kinda writes itself."

Nodding Natasha followed the attractive woman as she brusquely descended the courthouse steps:

"I'd like to ask you about that; I have some questions regarding the incident."

"The Avengers really want to take on more alien monsters after everything that happened in Wakanda?" Anne shook her head:

"You guys didn't exactly save the day last time..."

A pang of guilt rising up in her belly Natasha resisted a harsh comeback, retaining her professional demeanour:

"We'd like to get a handle on any more upcoming threats."

Reaching her car Anne dropped the briefcase, responding sarcastically as she rummaging for her keys:

"Well I just got out of court after a 6 hour hearing so I'm not looking to talk any more today!"

Sensing the lawyer's weariness Natasha changed tact, falling back on seductive habits as she perch on the car's bonnet:

"Well then why don't I take you out for dinner and we talk off the record?? After a couple of drinks who knows?? You might just blow off some steam."

Considering this latest offer Anne turned back to the infamous Avenger. Stepping up close to the curvaceous blonde her lawyer instincts kicked in. Getting in Natasha's face Anne stared her down with those dark brown eyes. The blonde responding accusingly:

"You look a little tired Natasha Romanoff? Lost a few hours of sleep recently??"

Holding firm Natasha smiled back flirtatiously:

"I'd be prepared to lose a few more with you?"


Falling backwards onto the bed the two women writhed together, colliding against the sheets seconds after entering the hotel room; mouths sealing against one another as they kissed furiously.

Laid out underneath the aroused lawyer Natasha was surprised by her intensity; pinned to the mattress by the civilian. Of course she had known there was no love lost between them; Anne had made it clear she felt the Avengers were hacks so she had been surprised when their night ended in sex.

Having had a little too much to drink however Natasha couldn't exactly remember what she had said to get Anne into the sack, the voracious blonde too busy tearing off her shirt for Natasha to even ask.

Chest released into the cool evening air within seconds Natasha had latched onto the lawyer's pointed buds, plump lips sealing around a nipple as her tongue lathered Anne's flesh with glorious attention. Giggling the blonde ran her hands through Natasha's short platinum bob, encouraging the Avenger to suck on her other tit before finally thrusting her back down onto the bed.

Natasha needed this; call it a rebound or it condolence sex, hell Natasha didn't care. For months she had had to push through her grief, the great loss they had all collectively experienced. She couldn't get her loved ones back: But Natasha could still experience pleasure.

Tearing her lips away from Natasha's own the Avenger moaned as the other woman came up for air, Anne still perched above; straddling the other blonde as she ran her hands over her curves, groping toned flesh:

"Mmm, you have a great body... you're perfect!"

Deftly unfastening the clasp at the side of her hip Anne lowered the zipper of her tight tartan skirt, unwrapping the garment to reveal her underwear before sliding back down into Natasha's lap.

Leaning forward Anne pressed the length of her body against her willing counterpart. Flesh melding together Natasha moaned as the blonde's modest breasts pressed against her own. Natasha was happy to allow the other woman control, lower lips brushing together as they made intimate contact, ground down beneath the aggressive woman.

Hungrily kissing her once more their open-mouthed embrace was almost bruising; Anne's tongue rolling into Natasha's gullet and swiping across the Avenger's perfect teeth. Penetrating deep Natasha's eyes widened as it somehow slipped down her throat; as if tasting her insides. How did Anne have such an insanely long tongue?!

A little intimidated Natasha twisted against the bed as Anne tickled her tonsils, that serpent-like tongue twisting deeper until it cut off the Avenger's airway. Taken by surprise Natasha was powerless to resist; energy zapped by the all-consuming kiss. As seconds turned into minutes the Spy struggled, writhing in the small blonde's grip.

Finally pulling away the lawyer's insanely long tongue rolled back into her mouth as that strange, almost alien confidence turned to genuine concern for the panting Avenger:

"Are you okay?!"

"Wow!" Natasha choked hoarsely, wiping her sore lips as she recovered her breath:

"You don't mess around!"

"Sorry!" Anne squeaked apologetically: "I got a little carried away there."

Realising she had underestimated her opponent Natasha smiled up at the other woman:

"Don't worry; I like it rough."

Holding the blonde's gaze Anne's dark eyes turned cold once more. Of course the woman that had failed to save the universe want to be punished:

"Well in that case..."

Sliding down the aroused Avenger Anne kissed Natasha's firm belly over and over, her mouth descending to her navel. Tugging away luxurious lingerie the lawyer grinned, finding a neat red landing strip; the only proof of the Black Widow's famous fiery hair. More aroused than ever Anne proceeded to dip her head between raised thighs:


Gasping Natasha's husky voice waivered; the Avenger shocked by the seemingly meek lawyer's assertiveness; usually she had to seduce her targets but this woman was doing all the work!

Shuddering as Anne flicked skillfully at her clit, Natasha soon found she was seconds away from an explosion; pure heat burning through her core.

Anne's slithering tongue slicing up and down between her pussy lips Natasha flexed against the mattress, wide-eyed as the lawyer devoured her centre, bringing the Avenger to the cusp of orgasm in seconds with her impressively dextrous instrument; tongue swiping over her wet and swollen labia.

Her head bobbing upward however Natasha moaned, grasping the blonde's cheeks:

"Don't stop now!"

Sucking Natasha's thumb into her mouth Anne grinned naughtily down at the desperate blonde:

"Turn over..."

Not needing to be told twice Natasha rolled onto her belly, rising up onto her haunches with some encouragement from the frisky lawyer.

Staring down at the Black Widow's gaping asshole Anne blinked in disbelief; this woman had been around the block! Blushing like crazy, Natasha was glad that she didn't have to face the lawyer observing her obscenely stretched-out butt. Anne just smirked, Natasha Romanoff really was an anal slut; ironically making her a perfect host.

Kissing down her spine Natasha held still, waiting with baited breath as the blonde's hair slipped over the arch of her back; Anne descending once more. Feeling those lips press against her cheek, Natasha winced as she bit into her flesh.

Grinning Anne slipped between the round mounds of the Avenger's ass.

Flinching Natasha's eyes widened as the blonde's tongue immediately delved into her well-used hole, Anne's strong muscle lolling into her soft insides like a knife through butter. Surprised by the well-kept lawyer's lewd actions, Natasha acquiesced gladly, gasping as the blonde sucked on her crinkly red ring.

Prepping her behind, Anne soon peeled away to place something new at Natasha's entrance. Again surprised by the blonde's forwardness, Natasha wondered where the lawyer had even found herself a dildo:

"Uhhh... what is that??"

Ignoring her question, Natasha crouched on her hands and knees as the weird phallic limb probed the rim of her anus with its squidgy head; black knot squelching against her soft white skin. Feeling intermittent organ pressed intro her loose orifice, Natasha nevertheless gave the strange cock access; desperate to feel whole again after everything she had lost.

Soon the creature was able to push its way into her anal tunnel, Anne not resting until her twisting hips pressed against the blonde's bulbous behind, forming a tight seal between the two women. Groaning Natasha leant on her elbows to open herself up, pressing against the mattress. Penetrating deeper again Natasha was shocked by the conservative woman and her never-ending tool.

Natasha felt her face become feverishly warm as this strange phallus twisted into her rear as if somehow alive; swirling deeper than any dildo had done before. And yet Anne's hips remained still! Expanding into her guts the Avenger began to feel full; her breaths became irregular.

Realising this endless tentacle was pulsating inside her Natasha froze, eyes springing open as it slowly contracted before expanding once more. The pressure bloating her bowels, her beautiful face became slack as it finally dawned on the shocked Spy:

Natasha hadn't found the alien; the alien had found her. Her sphincter muscles weak and unyielding after years of anal pounding, Natasha could do nothing but take in this insane sensation as her body was literally invaded.

That was when Natasha felt something between her legs that sent a tingling sensation throughout her entire body; a thought flashing through Natasha's guilty mind; What if she allowed herself to climax and gave in to this strange possession? Powerless to resist he hand found in her hot nethers Natasha groaned; the Avenger's arousal getting the better of her once more.

There was no reason to play around; her body was more than ready. Pulling out her fingers, glistening with fresh juices, Natasha moved her hand up to her clit and began stroking her entire sex with her palm. In seconds she was panting. The muscles around her anal tunnel relaxing, Natasha allowed the creature to burrow further; the Avenger's taught abdomen swelling as she gave in to physical onslaught:

"You want me?" Natasha spat madly: "Then have me! I want this!! Destroy MEEEEE!!"

Natasha welcomed the punishment, screaming vitriol until she was all out of air. Without the support of her legs the blonde collapsed forward onto the bed, something squelching between her cheeks and disappearing as her thighs closed tightly around her hand; a huge orgasm ripping into the Avenger.

Mouth opening a deep growling voice escaped Natasha's perfect lips; her eyes flashing pure white:


Overcome from within Natasha blacked out.


Lost in a nightmare the Black Widow saw Wakandan rainforest twist all around her as she ran.

Sprinting between foreign soldiers the Avenger rushed to meet her fallen lover; the girl collapsing as Natasha arrived.

All around them men and women faded into the mist.


Screaming she tried to grasp the brunette: forced to watch as Wanda turned to dust in her hands.


Waking with a start Natasha groaned; bright Californian sunlight blaring across her vision.

Covered in sweat, the platinum blonde swept back her messy locks, thick strands plastered to her sticky forehead.

Taking in her surroundings the Avenger scowled, spotting Anne as the other woman zipped her tight tartan skirt.

Attempting to sit-up Natasha spasmed, feeling something twist around inside her, black goo now coating her innards. Falling back against the ruined sheets the blonde clutched her bloated belly; the trim Avenger for once feeling properly full.

"Urgh... What did you do to me?!"

Tugging on her boots Anne shook her head sadly, turning her gaze to the other woman:

"I'm sorry. I didn't want this I swear, it was the symbiote."

"The what??"

Walking alongside the bed Anne perched on the mattress beside her incapacitated one night stand, stroking the Avenger's platinum hair:

"What's inside you; it's a symbiotic creature from the Life Foundation. I got it from a deranged ex-boyfriend. He's dust now... the point is I had it so long I lost all control. But you still have time."

Staring angrily up at the sympathetic lawyer Natasha scowled:

"Why me?"

"I figured an Avenger could handle this way better. And passing it on through sex is less painful... You certainly didn't seem to mind."

Reaching over Anne massaged Natasha's swollen belly. Moaning Natasha felt a ravenous hunger deep within her, alarming new thoughts crowding her confused mind:

"So what do I do now?!"

"Use your connections. Or find a new host; preferably someone you don't like."

Natasha shook her head in disgust; hardly a heroic idea even in this dystopian post-snap world.

"And if I don't?"

"It will eat you from the inside out and not in the good way. But if you do enough to keep it satiated that probably won't happen."

"How do I do that?"

"Well... it likes blondes. And food. Just be careful, this one is different: It releases a powerful pheromone through sweat. Anyone who comes into contact with you will get turned on." Glancing down at Natasha's curvaceous body Anne swallowed:

"At least... more than they would normally."

"Sounds fun..." Natasha grumbled sarcastically, finally finding the strength to lean up on her elbows.

Anne shook her head:

"Be careful; it can attract unwanted attention."

Kissing Natasha on the forehead the lawyer rose up from the bed and crossed to the hotel room door, twisting to look back at the Avenger one last time:

"Good luck."


Stumbling down the steep San Franciscan Avenue Natasha twitched, eyes darting back and forth like a wild animal as she stuffed candy into her face; attempting to ignore the rough new voice hissing inside her head:


"We'll see about that..." Natasha muttered under her breath.

For the first week after Anne's insane reveal the Avenger had refused to leave her hotel room, ordering in mountains of food to satiate the creature within whilst attempting to research her predicament on the internet. Struggling to control her parasite however Natasha was forced to come to grips with some sensational new urges; masturbating almost constantly.

Realising that her libido had increased Natasha had been tempted to find another stranger; the beautiful Avenger never exactly struggled to find willing partners. But she was nervous about this creature's appetites, so instead Natasha had taken to relentless fingering; watching endless porn and cumming repeatedly throughout the day just to keep the symbiote in check. But how long could she keep this up??

Unfortunately for Natasha the World wasn't exactly looking to help Aliens or the Avengers that had failed to protect it from Aliens; so she had to keep a low profile. What Natasha really needed was a cosmic expert, someone powerful enough to defeat the parasite that had taken over her life: Captain Marvel. Given that Carol had yet to return to Earth however Natasha was forced to bide her time.

Natasha had only left the relative comfort of her latest hotel room when the concierge had refused to grant her any further service after a disturbing incident in the hotel restaurant involving its lobster tank. Natasha didn't blame them; she was just sooo hungry!

After weeks in this cycle of masturbation and food however the beautiful Avenger was now in a hell of a state: permanently greasy and sweating, her usually pristine clothes were rumpled and stained. Feeling bloated and gross, Natasha had been dismayed to find her jeans no longer fit her; the fashion-conscious woman forced into a pair of unflattering sweatpants to contain her increasingly fat behind.

Staring at women as she shuffled past, Natasha felt like a crack-addict fighting withdrawal:



Snapping back at the voice in her head, the erstwhile Avenger suppressed her hormones, tearing her eyes downward as she stumbled through a thick crowd. Feeling a errant hand brush against her hip however the distracted Spy's training immediately kicked in:

Grasping a slender arm out from under her jacket Natasha twisted around; slamming the pickpocket against the nearest wall:

"Owww!! Okay jeez I'm sorry alright?!"

Pressed up against the small woman Natasha felt her increased libido flare; her pert little ass brushing up against Natasha's swollen belly. Staring at the bright pink flowers adorning the girl's loose pants Natasha tore her eyes upward only to become fixated on the blonde's beautiful bushy hair as she spun around; the girl's huge blue eyes turning from anger to recognition:

"Black Widow??"

Shaking her head Natasha backed away:

"Whatever kid. Don't steal."

Retreating into the nearest dinner Natasha quickly distracted herself by ordering as much as she could from the menu before taking a seat.

Halfway through a plate of fries however Natasha frowned as she was once again disturbed: