An Average Guy Ch. 02

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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 08/23/2011
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Thanks to everyone who read part one and liked it, and if you haven't read it you might want to now.

This story will kind of make sense without Ch.1 but it is advisable to read it.

Thanks for sticking with me during the wait.


I grabbed a soda from the fridge and pulled the tab. I'd have preferred a beer, but since I was going home, I had none in.

It was Christmas again, so I had time off. There was a light snow falling, but nothing serious enough to delay an airplane.

"You packed?" A silky voice washed over me.

I turned around to see a gorgeous blond in nothing but panties and one of my baggy shirts.

"Luckily, yes, because our flights in two hours and you're just up." I replied. I wasn't irritated in the slightest, but I was slightly worried. I knew how long Alice could spend in the morning, just on doing her makeup.

"Yeah, well, you wore me out last night." She smiled.

"You're so cheesy." I replied.

But I didn't care. She was beautiful, and I spent most of my time admiring, even when she came out with very cheesy lines.

She simply shrugged and left the room. I'm not made of stone, and I had a throbbing erection just from seeing Alice, and on any other day I would have followed her. However, today I decided that we didn't have the time.

To my surprise, she appeared ten minutes later, dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a pink blouse. But still she looked amazing. That's the thing with Alice, she could wear a $4000 dress or a $20 pair of jeans and still look amazing. Luckily for my bank balance, she preferred the jeans.

But even looking at her couldn't take away all of the anxiety today. I was worried because we'd have to tell our parents about our relationship. And that isn't all.

Alice is my sister. And she's also two months pregnant with my child.


The flight was delayed an hour because there was a problem with the plane or something. I took this as an omen that things were not likely to go well. Unfortunately, I didn't have a choice. It's not like we could both vanish somewhere together, it would kill our folks. And I suppose they had been enthusing over grand kids for a while. I didn't think, somehow, that this was what they had in mind.

You see, Alice and I had always had a special bond whilst we were growing up. It was never sexual until last Christmas. Nothing more that brotherly- love before, but after, there was every kind of love. And now she was pregnant. I was aware of the inherent dangers of this pregnancy, but I was prepared to take the risk. I couldn't deny the woman I loved the chance at being a mother. I had been against children between us for a while, but I relented eventually. My sister had always, secretly, been a mothering type of person.


We eventually landed in San Francisco and took a cab home. My mom had called me when we were still in Forks, telling me that her and dad couldn't pick us up from the airport. Something about commitments or something.


We decided to go grab something to eat while we were waiting, so we made pasta. It would save mom cooking, and Alice makes a mean pasta sauce. As soon as she suggested it, it was decided.

So that killed an hour or so, as we relaxed in the comfort of being home.


When I finished my plate of pasta, I felt the craving for a cigarette. I got up from the couch and deposited my bowl on the side.

My mom had told me as soon as she found out my smoking habit that I had to go outside for a smoke.

So I went and stood in the driveway, and smoked my Marlboro Red.

I had just stubbed it out when my Mom and Dad pulled up next to me in Dad's truck.

My Mom hit the ground running and pulled me into a massive bear hug.

"My baby!" She shrieked, clutching me tightly.

"Hey Mom, you're looking well." I smiled tightly. I knew she wouldn't be quite so happy when she found out about my sister being pregnant.

My Mom let go, looked me up and down and bounced into the house to see Alice.

I followed, with my Dad at my heels.

"Next time, don't leave it so long." He murmured softly.

"Yeah, I'm real sorry about that." I replied, just as softly.

He said nothing more and lead the way into the lounge.


Christmas passed in a whirlwind of last-minute shopping and kissing at opportune moments for me and Alice. I had intended to take her to dinner, or the movies, but in all honesty our Mom and Dad wouldn't leave us alone. I would have found this a little odd, had I been paying attention. All was explained when we were all winding down at around quarter to midnight on Christmas Day.

Everyone had left for home, and it was just us sat in the lounge.

"So." Bob rumbled.

I looked at him whilst nursing a beer.

I took a drink from the bottle and waited. Dad started all his lectures with "so".

He looked accusingly at Alice.

"No alcohol, you're eating more, and your body is changing. Just when in hell were you going to tell us?" He asked, his voice low, but even.

I looked sharply up at him.

My Mom sat nervously, wringing her hands together.

Dad sat, leaning forward, his hands on his knees, gazing intently at Alice.

"I... I was going to tell you. I just didn't want to tell you on Christmas. I thought it would ruin everything." Alice stuttered.

"Honey, ruin everything? I... we're delighted for you sweetheart!" Mom cried.

"Who's the father?" Dad asked sharply.

"Dad... just leave it." I replied for Alice.

"Shut the hell up!" Dad yelled.

I stood up quickly.

"Sit down." He spat at me. "I repeat my question, who's the father?"

"It's... it's Mike." Alice answered nervously.

Both of our parents were incredulous. I could hear the gears whirring in Dad's brain, and I could hear my Mom's sharp intake of breath.


Dad was the first to react. He stood up quickly and strode to where I was sat, grabbing me by the collar and slamming me into the wall.

"You sick motherfucker! She's your half fucking sister!" Dad screamed at me.

He slammed his fist into my stomach, doubling me over. I retched violently.

He rammed his elbow into the nape of my neck and sent me crashing to the floor.

I looked up, just as a steel-toed boot hammered into my rib-cage, then into my face. I felt the bone in my nose break, and I tried to crawl away.

I looked up and noticed my Mom and Alice had left the room. Despite the intense, blinding pain I was in, I managed to spit out "So, she's now my half sister? Funny, when times are good she's my full sister. Nice one Dad!"

"I'm not your fucking father, no son of mine would have sex with his sister!" He screamed.

Next thing I knew, he had his hands wrapped around my throat and he was picking me up.

He dragged me through the kitchen and opened the kitchen door, exposing the driveway and deep blanket of snow. He threw me bodily through the door, into the snow, smacking my head on the cold metal fender of his truck.

That's where I promptly passed out.


I awoke to the morning light, and a red stain where I'd been. Glancing at my watch, I saw that it was 5:30 A.M.

The motherfucker's had left me out here for 5 damn hours.

I looked at my blue fingers and knew it was time to get to the emergency room. I knew I could die from blood loss, or cold. Take your pick. I knew if I didn't get there soon I was fucked.


Fuck it, I thought, as I smashed the window to the garage. A paramedic would never get out here, so it was up to me.

I can't remember getting to the Emergency Room. I had always known how to hotwire a car, since I had my first car with no real ignition, but I also knew Bob kept a spare set of keys in the garage, and it was easier not to damage the truck.

Next thing I can remember was me telling a doctor how I'd been in a bar fight and passed out in the snow. I'd awoken and drove here in my truck, I told him.

He told me I was damn lucky to be alive, let alone walking and talking, as he admitted me.


I was there for four days, due to the serious nature of my injuries. Broken nose, bruised ribs and a core temperature of 86 degrees.

They wrapped me up in the biggest load of blankets I'd ever seen in my life, and fed me a ton of hot fluids.


The days passed unremarkably to be honest. My dad didn't press charges for me taking the truck, because miraculously I'd managed to not damage it in any way.


They discharged me, and I took a cab home. I knew I wouldn't be welcome, but I knew I had to get my stuff. I was just going to fly home. Fuck trying to repair things. After what my Dad had done, I was beyond caring.

My ribs were seriously hurting, and I grimaced thinking I'd just have to get over it. I wasn't sure what to do about working though. I could take some time off, or I could just carry on through the pain. I just didn't know.


The house looked forbidding and cold when the cab rolled up outside it.

I paid the driver and walked up the driveway. By a stroke of luck Dad wasn't here; I noticed his truck was absent.

I tried the door handle, but it was locked. I looked for the flowerpot we had a spare key under, but they'd moved it.

I looked for somewhere they'd hide a key, and I struck lucky on the first attempt; under the doormat.


I let myself into the kitchen, hoping Alice would be in the house. I looked around, and noticed how silent the house was. Normally the T.V would at least be on, or the Radio. Not today. It was as if I was walking into an abandoned house.

As I walked into the lounge, I could see the blood from my beating. I wondered why they hadn't cleaned it up. But with Alice missing, I suppose I didn't really care.

I walked up the stairs one at a time, wincing at the pain in my ribs, and entered my bedroom. There was a letter on the pillow.


We love you. We always have, and always will. Unfortunately, we cannot allow you to continue in your actions towards your sister. They are unacceptable, and because of this we have left for a while, until the baby is born. The baby will be put up for adoption and then everything can return to normal. Without you. I'm sorry, but I don't feel we can ever get past this. As much as it breaks my heart to say this, we don't want to see you again. Your sister is safe with us. You always were a problem child, trying to get your sister in trouble for everything. Well, no more. We are selling the house and will never return here. Do not try to find us.

Your mother; Jennifer.

Inside the envelope were the keys to my Pontiac and a key to the garage.


I returned downstairs ten minutes later with all my photographs and my desktop PC. It hurt like fuck when I picked the PC up, but I wasn't leaving it here.

I picked up my cell and turned it on.

0 Missed calls.

0 Messages.



I decided to drive home, for fear of losing my car too.

Although the 15 hour drive sucked ass, it gave me time to plan what came next.


I pulled out my cell as I hit the highway. Time to call Alice.

I scrolled down my contact list and found Alice.

I hit the call button and held the phone to my ear.

I got her answering machine.

"Hey, this is Alice Fort. I can't get to the phone right now, leave a message."

That was it.

Next I tried calling Evelyn. Maybe she'd know where they went.

"Hello?" Evelyn answered.

"Hey, Evelyn, it's Mike." I told her.

"Oh. What the hell do you want?" Evelyn snapped.

"Excuse me?" I was shocked.

"I heard what you did, you disgusting boy."


"Yeah, well that's why I'm calling. You know where Mom and Dad went?" I asked.

"Goodbye Mike. Don't call this number ever again." Evelyn hung up.

"Fucking bitch!" I yelled.

If Evelyn was this upset, I had no hope with anyone else.

I called Lewis.

"Hey bro." He answered.

"Hey. I'm trying to track Alice down. She's vanished."

"Yeah, they took off last night. I don't know where they went, they wouldn't say."

"Bastards!" I shouted.

"Sorry bro. Listen, I gotta go. I'm in work at the moment. Call me back later tonight, yeah?"

"Sure. Bye Lew." I ended the call and put my foot down.

The speedometer hit 90 and I kept it level. I just hoped I wouldn't meet a state trooper out here.


I got to Forks around 3AM the next morning. I had driven all night, and to say I was tired is an understatement.

I parked the car and collapsed into bed.


I threw myself back into my work, and pretty soon I had more than I could handle. I was having to hire guys from other people, and it was costing me a fortune. So I branched out and offered two of these guys jobs with me, for more pay. They accepted and I was technically a company, rather than a man with a truck.

M Fort; maintenance contractors.

Simple and to the point.


In three more months I had 5 more guys working for me, and I had earned a serious amount of money.

So I decided to move into a townhouse on the outskirts of town.

The one I bought had a two car garage and was a simple two floor house. The kind I had envisioned Alice and I, plus maybe more, living in.

I was set up there and I decided to go shopping for some furniture. I went on my latest acquisition; a green Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14. I had bought it with good reason. It was insane.

I was still struggling to get Alice off my mind. It was getting easier, but it wasn't easy at all.


Two years had now passed, and I couldn't understand why she hadn't tried to find me. I was at a total loss to understand it.

I couldn't find her, no matter how hard I tried.


I was feeling homesick. I hadn't seen a familiar face from my childhood in two and a half years.

I decided I'd go back to California to see Lewis. I had been speaking to him almost weekly since I left last, and I decided it'd help me get rid of the stress of running my own company.

I flew down to California, screw driving.

The company would be safe while I was gone, so I had no worries on that front.


I arrived and got in the first cab I saw. I hadn't told Lewis I was coming down. There was no point. He said I was welcome any time.

The cab pulled up outside his house, and the first thing I noticed was the red truck parked in front of the house. I figured Lewis had upgraded.


I knocked on the door and waited.

Ten seconds later it was thrown open.

"What you doing here?" Lewis asked.

"Happy to see you too." I replied.

"Come in." Lewis seemed on edge about something. "Kitchen, we'll just chill for a bit."

As I walked over the threshold, I heard a familiar laugh echo from the lounge.

And I smelled the cinnamon.

Alice was here.

I practically ran to the lounge.

Alice was sat on a sofa, next to a guy I didn't know.

I took in her dyed red hair, her perfect blue eyes, her perfect lips, her perfect figure.

She looked up and saw me, and the look of shock, then horror on her face will haunt me forever.

Then I noticed the wedding ring.


Note: While this story is shorter than Chapter 1, I hope you understand why.

Chapter 3 is coming soon!

Thanks for reading, and as always, your comments are appreciated.

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thedayafterthedayafterover 4 years ago
Doesn't make sense

Alice is an adult and, apparently a qualified lawyer, how is it her parents can treat her like a child and drag her off. This part of the story really doesn't make any sense.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

She goes from "I can't live without you" to "I'm married to someone else lol"

OlebillOlebillalmost 7 years ago

Why fuck up a good relationship

GriffyD_BoyGriffyD_Boyalmost 9 years ago

The step-dad just went from good guy to asshole in my book. I understand getting mad at the situation, but what you wrote was completely over the top. Leaving his step-son in the snow unconscious to freeze to death is attempted murder in my eyes. The fact that his mother seemed to do nothing to help her son speaks volumes of how much she did actually love him.

ramonbrookramonbrookover 9 years ago

How does she go from being a smart woman who is in love with her brother to a mindless idiot who sides with her parents!

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