An End To Loneliness


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I wasn't even aware of coming to any conscious decision until I felt my feet making contact with the pebbled driveway. A myriad of thoughts were flashing through my mind. Was I hoping that something happen? Had I made much more of our previous encounter than I had any right to be making? What if Jerry were only here to collect his payment so that he could be on his way?

I entered the house and called out softly. There was no response. I walked through the living room and into the kitchen, but there was still no sign of him. I turned and headed up the stairs to the second floor – again calling out his name. Everything was quiet. I looked from room to room and finally came to the door of the master bedroom.

This was a room that he might remember very well. I opened the door and entered. What was I expecting to see? Was I expecting to see him standing there with a big bouquet of flowers? Was I expecting to see him lying in the bed – already naked and just waiting for me?

In any event, it was neither. Jerry was no place to be found. I felt something in my heart. Whether it was relief or disappointment, I couldn't really tell. It may have been a good mixture of both, I suppose. I walked across the room and looked out the back window,

There, he stood. He was carrying some kind of clipboard and was making notations on it as he inspected various parts of the back yard. The sun shimmered off of his sandy colored hair and I could feel my body beginning to respond once again.

As he wrote, I again noticed the tattoos that had intrigued me so much since our last meeting. I must admit that he really did appear as if he was taking his job seriously. I had no idea of what he was doing, but he certainly looked very professional as he bent to examine the ground more closely and then record the results.

Maybe I had been correct – maybe he was only here to collect his money and be on his way. Had I spent the past three days fussing and worrying over nothing? I had almost convinced myself that this was the case. However, I could still remember the sound in his voice as he had been teasing me over the phone at school. That had definitely not been the kind of voice that one uses just to play, was it?

I went back down stairs and slid the glass side door open. Jerry turned as I stepped out into the brilliant sunlight. A big smile came to his face and I felt as if I were going to melt. I came crashing back to reality in the next instant when I heard him say, "Ah, Miss Perkins. I'm glad you could come."

Is that what he called me? That was what the children in school called me. That is how a life insurance salesman would address me, not a man with whom I had been naked. My mind was twisting every which way.

He came across the freshly laid sod and held his hand out to me. Still confused over what exactly our situation was, I reached out and placed my hand in his.

"I got here a little early and ran the dye through the septic system already," he said – all business again, "let me show you what we're doing."

He led me around to various points in the yard and told me how the dye would come to the surface if there were any problems with the new leach field. I nodded at all of the appropriate times. The truth was that I was having a certain amount of trouble following what he was saying because I was thinking about how nice it was to be holding hands like this.

"Well, I guess everything looks like it's working okay," I said, "I have a check for you in my purse inside."

We made our way back into the house and I went off in search of where I had left my purse. My brain had been so addled when I arrived that I couldn't remember where I had dropped it. I found it in the living room and I dug the check from Uncle Pete out.

Jerry was leaning against the doorway as I approached him with the check. "I think this is what you have been waiting for," I said as I extended it to him.

He took the check from my hand and studied it for a moment. "No," he replied, "this is not what I was waiting for at all."

I was confused. "Is something the matter with the amount?" I asked.

"No," he answered, "What I mean is, this is what I have been waiting for."

In my mind it seemed as if the moment passed in slow motion. I could see his hands extending forward to grasp my shoulders. I felt him pulling my body towards his and his lips coming down to mine. It seemed so slow that I could have stopped it at any time, but instead I melted against his strong, young body and returned his kiss with a passion that would have surprised me just a few months ago.

Oh, God! How I loved that moment! All of the uncertainty and confusion of the past week slipped away in an instant. It was time to stop thinking and just trust my body's instincts to seek out what it was that I really needed and craved to be happy. I had learned in the past six weeks that I didn't have to settle for loneliness – that it truly was so much nicer to let somebody into my life.

I couldn't help but let a small moan escape against his insistent lips. My arms snaked up between us to wrap around Jerry's neck as his hands slid lower to pull my body even closer to his. I could instantly feel his arousal pressing against me and I felt a sense of pride that this young man would feel such stirrings of lust for me even though I was so much older than him.

I didn't have much time to concentrate on the sensation of his bulge pressing into me because our lips each parted and our tongues were busy dancing and sliding along each others. All of those feels of loneliness and longing that I had been trying to quell inside me came pouring out as if some inner dam had broken.

After a few moments or a few days (my mind was in no shape to tell anymore) we broke our kiss. Jerry leaned his forehead against mine and we both panted hard in an attempt to catch our breaths. I looked up into his eyes as I heard Jerry say, "God! I've been wanting to do that since the last time we were together."

I could feel my legs turning to jelly at his words and couldn't have made my voice work if my life depended upon it. Instead, I guided his lips back down to mine and we kissed again. This time it was less feverish than the first had been. This kiss was filled with more than just pure animal lust. This time I opened my heart and dared to show him just how much this moment meant to me as I gave my soul to another human being.

It may have started out less fevered, but it didn't remain that way for too long. I felt his one hand creep under the back of my blouse while his other slid down to my bottom and he pulled me tighter against him. I certainly made no move to stop him. I was only too eager to once again feel the evidence of his arousal pressing against me and I willing snuggled my hips closer to him.

I remembered how, during our first encounter, Jerry had scooped me up into his arms and carried me to the bedroom. This time I wanted it to be different. As our kiss broke, I took his hand, turned, and led him towards the stairs and the master bedroom. The first time I had been caught up in the moment. This time I wanted him to know that this was something that I really wanted for myself.

What a glorious feeling that was as I led my young lover up those stairs. Outside I could hear birds chirping and the sounds of someone mowing their lawn. I had a fleeting thought of my colleagues at work going through the motions of their normal days. It was a very normal day in all respects. Yet, here I was – Sandra Perkins, about to get naked with this incredible young man. About to feel him penetrate me and make love to me until I screamed in ecstasy. My legs seemed to be made of rubber, but I had no thought of putting a stop to this for even one moment. I wanted this with my whole heart and soul.

Neither of us spoke during that journey to the bedroom. All I was aware of was the pressure of his big hand in mine and the sound of the blood pounding in my ears. I had to consciously fight the powerful urge to break into a run, so eager was I for what was about to come.

As we walked into the familiar old bedroom, Jerry stopped and pulled me back into his arms. I had a brief thought that I really should pull the curtains closed first, but some new part of me decided to leave them be. I suddenly didn't care about the rest of the world. In this moment, we were the only two people in all of existence.

I eagerly stepped into his arms and we were instantly locked in a passionate embrace. Our lips opened immediately and the sound of my soft moan was captured against his strong, insistent tongue. Our hands began clutching and exploring – seeking to once again familiarize themselves with each others bodies.

I kicked my shoes away as I felt Jerry's hands move to the zipper of my skirt. With one quick tug I could feel the material part. If there had been any last vestige of doubt in my mind, it vanished as my skirt slid to the floor. I felt his big hands grasp my panty covered bottom as he roughly pulled me against him.

For my part, my hands were not exactly idle either. My fingers flew to undo the buttons of his shirt. So overpowering was my urge to feel his skin that I am surprised that I didn't just rip the buttons off completely. When the shirt was unbuttoned, I eagerly pushed the garment from his shoulders and my hands were finally free to explore his tattooed flesh once more. My fingers once again were free to roam over the ridges of his muscular shoulders and chest. God! It felt so good to be touching his youthful flesh. How could I have denied myself this pleasure for so long?

Our kiss broke and I leaned the side of my face against his warm chest. Jerry dug his fingers into the waistband of my panties and quickly slid them down over my hips, leaving my sex completely open to him. He eagerly took advantage of the situation by reaching between my legs from behind and finding my all too moist opening.

I moan deeply against his chest and twisted my head around to hungrily kiss his exposed flesh. I was only vaguely aware of the artwork of his tattoos beneath my lips as I licked and nipped my way across his chest. I would have liked to take my time in reexploring my young lover except that Jerry's fingers were quickly driving me towards the brink of an orgasm.

Through a quickly clouding mind, I reached my hand down between our bodies and grasped his manhood through the material of his pants. I could hear Jerry groan as my palm flattened against the prominent bulge. Thus distracted, his fingers slowed their steady assault and I felt myself edge back from the pinnacle that I thought was a certainty only moments before.

Our last time together, Jerry had been the one very much in control. He had been the one making love to me. This time I wanted to be able to show him that I also was willing to bestow pleasure on him. I brought my other hand down and went to work on loosening his belt. Another low moan escaping his lips and his hands slowing their activities even further let me know that he was only too eager to let me be the aggressor for the moment.

With one last kiss on his chest, I began to slowly sink to my knees before my young lover. My hands worked to unbutton his pants and slide the zipper down. Jerry was busy slipping his sneakers off of his feet as I grasped the material and drew his pants and boxers down over his hips.

His erection sprang out before me and I feasted my eyes upon it as it bobbed only inches from my face. The sight of his tattooed stomach and thighs made it seem as if were a live animal. I breathed in his masculine scent and reached with both of my hands to capture the iron-like shaft.

I lifted his staff and brought my lips to the tender underside – savoring my first taste. I couldn't say that I was any type of expert in the art of giving oral sex, but I had thought many times about our last time and how Jerry had stopped me from pleasuring him all of the way. Deep inside I had regretted him stopping me and this time I was determined that he allow me to finish.

I wasted little time in opening my lips and guiding the head into my warm, wet mouth. Jerry groaned loudly as his hands moved to my head. I also moaned around the thick invader that filled my mouth. I was not experienced enough to be able to take too much of him, but I did my best with my hands and tongue to give as much pleasure as I could. Jerry must have liked whatever it was that I was doing, because I could feel his hips begin to thrust forward and his grip on my head tightened.

I continued sliding my mouth wetly over the swollen head while my hands and tongue worked on him. I had never had a man climax in my mouth before. This might have made me a bit nervous at some other time, but today there was nothing in the world that I wanted more.

Jerry gripped my shoulders and called out my name weakly. I knew that he was trying to warn me that he was close and I was touched by his concern for me. My only response was to quicken the movements of my hand on his shaft. There were no further warnings from him. I was only aware of his muscles tightening and the sound of him calling out, "I'm cumming!"

As he let loose a deep growl, I could feel his shaft pulsing an instant before his seed erupted from the tip of his shaft. There is nothing in life that adequately prepares any woman for this moment. I knew what to expect, but I was unprepared for the quantity of his initial discharge.

I tried to swallow as fast as I could and a shiver ran through me as his seed went down my throat. I kept my mouth attached to the end of his staff as he spurted over and over. I gagged and swallowed in an attempt to keep up with Jerry's climax. Slowly, I felt his fingers loosen in my hair and he stopped thrusting. I looked up to see his big brown eyes looking down at me as I continued to suck on the end of his manhood. I swallowed the last of his discharge. The taste was quite foreign to me, but not entirely unpleasant.

I tried to nonchalantly wipe my mouth with the back of my hand as Jerry gripped my shoulders and guided me back to my feet.

"Sandra, that was incredible!" Jerry managed and he surprised me by kissing me deeply once again. I wouldn't have expected a man to want to do that after a woman had performed such an activity.

I had thought that I might see a softening of his features or a more relaxed look on his face after his climax. However, the expression that I beheld was one of smoldering lust. It was a look that only fueled my own out of control desire. God – I wanted to do things with this young man that I had never done before!

I rubbed my body roughly up against his hard chest. My sensitive nipples ached to be released from the confines of the blouse and bra that still remained in place. I welcomed the feel of Jerry's hands sliding beneath my top from behind. I had a moment where I almost wished that he would just tear the garment from my body and take me right there.

Instead, I raised my arms over my head and he quickly slipped my blouse off. I couldn't wait! My hands beat his to the clasp of my bra – so anxious was I to give my naked body to him. The feel of my breasts finally mashing against his warm skin was almost enough to make me lose consciousness. My breathing was so hard at this point that I must have sounded like I was possessed by some sort of demon. I was no longer some conservative school teacher. I was a woman who wanted to be fucked.

There – I said it! I have never been the sort of woman who used crude language, but then again, I don't believe I had ever felt as I did at that moment. I wasn't interested in what anybody would have thought of me, nor was I interested in making slow, tender love. I wanted this young man to take me – to feed the fire that was threatening to consume me!

Maybe I had been the first to be the aggressor, but my reign was short lived. Jerry's strong hands on my shoulders spun me around and he pushed me forward onto the bed. I tried to twist about – knowing that this was most definitely not my best side. However, my young lover pounced upon me immediately. I shrieked playfully as I tried my best to squirm out from beneath him, but I was no match for his size and strength.

Jerry easily held me in place with his hands at my hips. He began spreading kisses all over my lower back and bottom. I was surprised to find that this actually felt pretty good! I ceased my struggles and let him have his way. His big, strong hands massaged my bottom as my eyes closed and I luxuriated in this new activity. I may have had kind of a cute bottom at one point in my youth, but at forty-three years of age it was not an area that I was most proud of anymore.

If Jerry had any objections to the way that was proportioned, he sure didn't let on. He kissed his way down to the back of my thighs. This had now moved from feeling amusingly erotic to incredibly hot. He used his hands to spread my legs wider beneath him and attacked the back of my thighs with his energetic tongue. A couple of times he dipped his head and came dangerously close to my steaming sex, but he avoided any direct contact in that area. His teasing was driving me absolutely wild!

My hands were gripping handfuls of the comforter as I moaned over and over. Suddenly, without any warning, he quickly stood and flipped me over onto my back. I gazed up at him through slitted lids as he stood over me. Normally, my reaction would have been to cover myself up with my hands. This time, however, I simply laid sprawled before him and let his eyes drink their fill.

I could see his nostrils flaring slightly and the rapid rise and fall of his chest. His erection had returned to full force as he looked down at me like some ancient fertility god come to life. Finally, he placed his palms together, slid them between my knees, and pushed my legs wide open. I barely had time to gasp in a breath of air before his face came forward and his mouth attached itself to my inner thigh.

Instinctively, I rolled with him onto my side and tried to use my other leg to pull his mouth to my core. Jerry reacted quickly and used his superior strength to push me down flat on my back once again. This time his mouth found the target that I had been hoping for. At the first touch of his lips to my clitoris, I arched my back and came right up off of the mattress. I let out a loud cry and my mind felt as if it had exploded with all of the sensations bombarding it at once. His teasing and my own deep desires conspired to turn me into a powder keg and he had just touched it off!

Jerry tried to slow down the action by turning his head and began kissing my other inner thigh. The wild animal that had taken control of my body would have none of that, though. I quickly reached down and forcefully moved his head back to my sex. Thankfully, he didn't resist. His face pressed into my softness and I felt his tongue penetrate me fully.

He growled deeply as he feasted upon my flesh. I don't know how he managed to stay in contact with me at all because I was squirming and writhing beneath him like someone who had been strapped into an electric chair at full juice. However, his strong fingers dug into the soft flesh of my hips and he held me steady enough.

Suddenly, his grip on my hips loosened and he reached up my body to take hold of my heaving breasts. My hands flew to cover his as he pulled and twisted my long, sensitive nipples. It was too much for me. As much as I would have wished this assault to last all day, I felt my body rushing towards an enormous orgasm.

Jerry must have sensed it as well. He shifted his tongue to my swollen clitoris and he viciously attacked it. My legs clamped tightly around his head and I screamed as my climax overtook me. At the age of forty-three I was having the biggest orgasm of my life! Wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. I screamed and I cried as I thrashed about on that old family bed. I wasn't sure if I would ever return to earth again...and I didn't care!