An Erotic Christmas Carol


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Victory fled from her eyes as pleasure flooded her body from her center. Eben was not being careful or giving, he was there to learn the flavor of her need, but the results were the same. She had thought he belonged to her, only and forever, all of her life too. She gasped and reached down to run her fingers through his hair. The older Eben watched her face as lust continued to overpower the younger version of him.

He remembered.

"Eben!" she nearly screamed as she went over the climax of pleasure. Her toes flexed attempting to make themselves fists; her hands tried to get a grip on the carpet; her thigh muscles began to vibrate as she reached the apex of sensation. She bit her lips to stop from screaming, but her eyes rolled back as she could not control the mindless chanting of her lover's name.

She had just begun to come down again when the younger Eben knelt between her legs using his to keep them spread. He was taking off clothing as fast as he could. She had not completely drifted down when he was naked with a rampant erection pointing towards her. He reached down to grip her below one knee. He pushed her leg up and reached with his other hand to get a grip on his dick. He placed himself at the entrance to her pussy. She gasped as the hard warmth bumped her clitoris; it stopped her downward movement away from pleasure. She opened her eyes to look at him; her hands moved to grab his hips to pull him into her. It was unnecessary, a small adjustment had put his dickhead in a position to open her pussy lips with the tip. Her hands touched his hips but the forward movement into her had already begun. She dug her nails in as he moved inexorably forward. It was an unstoppable thrust to sink him completely inside her.

Her cry of pain jolted both the younger and older Eben. The older came out of his trance as guilt assaulted his lust, but the younger man did not understand. His eyes looked lost as he looked down. He needed completion; of the act, of every fantasy he would not admit to, of love he did not have the words to speak of. The guilt was enough to buy her a small reprieve so her body could accept him. She did not need much; his need was something she believed was hers to satisfy. She moved her legs higher as the pain and discomfort became secondary to what had always come first in her life, Eben.

She dug her nails into his hips and began to slowly gyrate her hips, much sooner than the older Eben remembered. The younger version thought it was a small eternity where every part of his body wanted to pull out and thrust back in, but he had to wait for her.

The younger Eben pulled out slowly and thrust back inside. He had wanted it to last to give her pleasure beyond what any man ever could. She had different plans as her nails spurred him. He could have held against that but she helped by moving her hips the two inches that she could move them trying to ride him from beneath. Eben's head moved back as he pistoned both of them towards climax.

There was plenty of volume as she screamed his name when she felt the thickening that came before his orgasm. He leaned down to kiss her, to take her screams inside him as he exploded inside of her. He ground his hips releasing into her body as her arms came around him to pull him tighter against her.

The older Eben saw what his younger self missed. It was not his body that caused her shudders during her first orgasm with her life's penis inside of her. It was the thought that she was his, that it was Eben's cum wetting the walls of her pussy; her body had nothing to do with her orgasm.

Her love sparked it.

The Spirit came to stand in front of the older Eben blocking his view.

Eben stood up and let the Spirit take him by the hand. He refused to look back at the couple intertwined as sleep overcame them. The Spirit turned him toward the door.

Eben felt them shift as they touched the door.

He walked into the Christmas office party at his real first job. It had been a good experience. He met one of the firm's best clients Jason Marle, but somehow did not think that would be what he was here to see.

He saw her.


Blonde hair streamed down her back as her blue eyes searched the people for the only face that she would recognize. He had met her in their first year at law school. He had been purpose, but she was passion. She defended every one of her beliefs with the full voice of her heart, which he could not match with cold logic. They started as friends, but the guilt over his Christmas Eve with Brenda hounded him into Sylvia's open arms.

He had thought he was doing the right thing by staying away from Brenda. The truth was that he had run, and in doing so had hurt two women.

"We don't have to be here," he told the Christmas Spirit.

"Yes, we do, Eben."

"Fuck!" Eben said knowing what was coming.

Sylvia finally found another young version of Eben in a corner talking to Jason. The two men were engrossed in conversation. The older Eben could not remember exactly what they spoke of; considering what resulted he should have.

Sylvia walked towards them. The older Eben followed as if he could stop what was about to happen. He watched as she politely said hello to Jason but motioned for Eben to talk with her in the conference room. The older Eben was already moving in that direction.

He was inside the room when the younger version of him slammed the door closed.

"Sylvia, what are you doing? I needed to talk to that man."

"Why? Is he going to fund your first grab at a million dollars?" she yelled at him.

Both Ebens turned to look outside, but no one heard her.

"Goddamnit, don't yell! You know I hate that."

"So what? Am I supposed to accept that you don't have time for anything but work anymore? That you fucking treat me like a sex-stop on the way to your success."

"You know it's not like that, Sylvia," he said losing some of his temper.

"I know it's not like that, Eben. But that's how you make me feel."

"If you know it's not like that, then what is this about?"

The older Eben winced at the stupidity of that remark.

Sylvia froze looking at him. The older Eben could see the pain in her eyes. The younger man refused to.

"Why did you cancel our Christmas visit to your house?" she asked simply.

The older Eben nodded, this had been the one thing she could not understand. Their breakup had been completely his fault, but the last straw was not something he could have ever avoided giving her.

"I need to work on the 26th," the younger Eben said simply. The older man watched as Sylvia searched for an opening that was not there in the younger man's face. His face shutout all emotion; he stared back at her with eyes that said nothing.

That gave nothing.

"You know it's over, right?" she said as tears streamed out of her eyes.

The face still gave her nothing.

She nodded, squared her shoulders and walked out of the room proudly. The older Eben watched her smiling that she had not left defeated even though he knew, as he had known then, that she loved him. The lovers knew the relationship was collapsing; the younger Eben could not give enough. Neither the older or younger version blamed her for leaving.

Eben admitted to himself that he had loved Sylvia, but somewhere deep inside of the younger man believed that there was someone else meant for him. He had been cold to Sylvia, but a part of him understood now that as much as he loved her, he would always loved Brenda more. His foster sister was someone he could not let go of. Breaking it off with Sylvia was a step towards claiming what had always been his.

The younger Eben stared out the window for a few minutes. There was a knock on the door. Both Ebens turned to the door. Jason Marle stuck his head and smiled.

"Woman problems, son?"

The younger Eben smirked confirmation.

"Well, here's as good a solution as I know," Jacob said lifting up a bottle of Jack Daniels.

The younger Eben smiled and nodded, walking towards his future.

"That's the end of my painful Christmas pasts. We can go home now."

"No," the Spirit said.

Eben nodded angrily, steeling himself for what was coming.

The Spirit took his hand and walked him to the door. Eben felt himself shutting down inside. This part he did not need to remember, every part of it burned in his soul.

They walked through the door, and onto the porch of his foster parents' home again. It was the Christmas day after Sylvia left him, he had returned home to claim Brenda.

They were waited; Eben saw the police cars in front of the house that he had not noticed at the time of the scene. He turned to look up the street as the taxicab made the turn. It stopped in front of the home. Eben stepped out of the cab, paid, and started up to the door. He had not noticed the officers and none tried to stop him. The older Eben saw it in their eyes; they knew who he was but did not want to be the one that told him the bad news. The older version remembered that he had been thinking joining Marle's firm in the New Year. He rang the doorbell; he had keys but did not use them anymore out of respect for his parents.

The door opened and a tall black policeman stood stared at him. Eben took a step back to look darkly at the uniformed cop. Brenda came to the door.

"Eben!" she cried before jumping into his surprised arms. They had not touched since the Christmas Eve that consummated their lives. She sobbed uncontrollably. She was gasping words between sobs but both Ebens only heard the important ones.

"Mom... Dad... dead!"

The older Eben shut his eyes in pain, as Brenda fainted; the assault of emotions was too much for her. The younger Eben fell onto the porch; his eyes empty again. The child inside resurged as a remembered pain was echoed in his new life.

"We leave, now!" Eben said to the Spirit.

He turned to confront the nymph. There was no need to hear again about the home invasion that left his foster mother and father dead. There was no need to see the relief in his eyes and the litany of "Thank You, God!" that poured out of him because Brenda had not been home.

He looked around wildly but was back inside his bedroom. He turned back to look at the younger Eben and Brenda, but all he could see was the other half of his bedroom.

He looked around the room.


He reached up to wipe the tears that bled out of his eyes as the loss of his second mother and father came back. He betrayed them with his relief that Brenda had not been there. He had not mourned, as he should have, he only thought that Brenda had not died.

He had punished himself for that betrayal. He buried his feelings for Brenda, denied every one of her advances. He did it because the day her parents died his first thought had been to thank God for not taking Brenda too.

He turned and lay down on the bed.

Stave 3 -- Lost Women

The light woke Eben. It was pouring in from around the frame of his bedroom door. He thought about staying in bed for a second.

"Eben!!! GET IN HERE!!" an exuberant male voice shouted from the other side of the door precluding any further thoughts of not heading in that direction.

Eben stood up angrily, stomped to the door, and threw it open.

The tableau nailed his feet to the ground. The light was coming from a massive Christmas tree with candles festooned on every branch. There was a bright torch beside a throne-like chair. Stacks of gifts spread out from the tree in an ocean of wrapping paper washing, over every piece of his furniture.

He looked at the chair to see a giant of a man sitting with three sprite-like women kneeling around him. They were attacking a horse-sized cock that looked monstrous even on man his size. The sprites were wrestling the massive dick from each other for an opportunity to lick it. One won out for a second and managed to get the head in her mouth. Eben moved unconsciously into the room to get a better view as she tried to impale her head on the hard cock. It should have been impossible, but she managed to stretch her mouth open enough to happily suckle the head.

Eben looked at the women again. They were perfectly formed albeit three foot-tall human females with curves proportional to their height. The size of the man they were attending to made them look even smaller. The giant reached down to caress a well-developed breast. One of the women climbed onto him to capture his lips in a hungry kiss. The giant's hand moved down to cup her tight ass.

It left two women at his dick; they decided to share their mammoth toy instead of fighting over it. One began a vigorous licking of the man's ball-sac as the other treated his penis to the same. They switched locations, but the one at his ball-sac took a testicle completely into her mouth while the other did the same to the bulbous head of the man's dick.

The third woman tired of kissing. She put one foot on the head of the women sucking the dick and pushed her off unceremoniously. She did the same to the other woman. She straddled the sitting man, reached between them to place the tip of the massive cock at her pussy lips.

"Yeah... right!" Eben said as he compared the size of the woman, and the man's cock. The woman's pussy was tiny, and Eben was sure she would be split in twain if she insisted on her course of action.

She was determined!

She hyperventilated and pressed inexorably downward. Her pussy lips spread obscenely as she dropped her head back and gasped in a wild mixture of pain and pleasure. She held each millimeter she gained for a length of time before impaling her pussy another millimeter onto the man's dick.

"HOLY SHIT!" Eben exclaimed as she accepted more and more of the man's penis inside herself.

Each tiny bit gained heightened her pleasure. She finally hit bottom with less than half of the man's penis inside her and orgasmed more powerfully than any woman Eben had ever seen. Her body trembled uncontrollably as the man reached down to hold her weight up so she would not collapse; if she did her weight would drive him farther in than she could possibly take. She regained control and began a slow trip up at the apex of which she hesitated before fucking him back inside of her. The pace that her pussy allowed her to move increased with the wetness caused by her orgasm, but it would have driven a normal man crazy in its slowness. The giant seemed unconcerned; pleasured by it, but nowhere near being driven insane by her slow travel up and down the most sensitive part of his dick.

The action had a noticeable effect on Eben and the other two women. One stood up and moved determinedly toward Eben. He backed up trying to escape her intent but hit solid wall behind him. The third woman climbed the throne and dropped her pussy onto the man's bearded face.

The woman tackled Eben low, dropping him alongside the wall. She sat on his thighs and loosened the robe around his waist. She smiled gleefully at the erect penis. There was no foreplay, no hesitation. She looked him in the eyes, and crawled into position. She moved to where her pussy was just beyond the head of his penis. She dropped her hips onto his stomach and slid backward. The angle was wrong for penetration, but she was obviously driven. She moved down until his penis stood up against her pussy. She took a playful bite at his nipples looking up at him.

She smiled sex.

She moved towards him, his dick sliding lower and lower. She gasped as the alignment became perfect for her intent. She hitched her hips to capture the tip of his dick inside her pussy lips. She smiled sex at him again as he pushed up with his hips attempting to lodge the head of his penis inside her. Eben was nowhere near the size of the horse-cocked giant, but he was not lacking in that department either. The woman was tiny though, and Eben barely managed any headway.

She stopped smiling as her body frustrated the couple's efforts to join. She snuck a hand between their bodies, wrapped her fingers around the top of Eben's dick, and pushed down on him.

The word tight did not begin to describe the sensation of a three-foot woman, who probably did not weigh seventy pounds, wrapping her pussy around Eben's dick.

Like the one with the giant, this woman felt great pleasure as she slowly worked her pussy down Eben's cock. Eben was not small and when he felt himself bottom out in the woman there were still a couple of inches outside of her. She sat up, and Eben brought his hands to her ass to hold her up. She rotated her hips in a grinding motion that rubbed the head of his dick on the walls of the deepest part of her body. She leaned forward to increase the amount of contact between her clit and him.

She began to grind again.

Eben lifted his hips and dropped them fast. Her weight drove her forcefully onto his cock. She grunted as the sudden drop lifted her higher on the trip to orgasm. The position left Eben with a great deal of sexual control since her grinding stimulated him but did not force his climb to orgasm.

He had not counted on her need for more stimulation when her orgasm hit. As pleasure took over her body, her pussy flexed uncontrollably around Eben's intruder. She wanted to stay in the middle of orgasm, wanted that one step higher in pleasure. She did everything she could to reach it. She moved up and down his penis while squeezing as tight she could. He grabbed her hips trying to stop her but the extra girth his dick gained as he approached his orgasm drove her that half-step higher, but still she needed more. She pumped harder, until he joined her motion with the force of his own. He came and she reached that next level at the same time.

"Fuck!" he shouted as he felt a wave of dizziness hit him as she screamed out her powerful release. She continued to stimulate his dick while smaller waves of pleasure crashed into her. Finally, as Eben thought he might have to forcibly remove her from his dick to survive, she collapsed on his chest breathing heavily. He looked up at the ceiling trying to regain control of his own breathing.

He did not know how long the whole thing lasted.

"How you doing there, Eben?" the giant asked as he came to stand at Eben's head. He had put on a Christmas-green robe with fur trimming.

"Oh, it's pretty good," Eben answered trying to get out from underneath the woman. The man knelt down and spanked her buttocks firmly. She snapped up and looked at the giant with playful anger, seemingly prepared for another go-around. The giant laughed heartily as he shared a distracting kiss with her. Eben stood up and tied his robe shut.

The giant stood up.

"Thanks, Eben. I can handle one, maybe two of them, but not three. I ain't got THAT much dick."

The giant laughed at his own joke for a full minute. Eben nodded his head, pretty sure one of these three women was more than he could handle.

Eben stuck his hand out to be shaken.

"The Spirit of Christmas Present?" he asked.

The giant wrapped his massive hand around Eben's, "Yep, that's me. Got a present for me?"

The giant nearly collapsed in laughter again. Eben could not help smiling. The man had life and the joy of it pouring out of him infectiously.

"Well, I guess you know the story, right? The 'shithead that wasted his life, woeth with me' ghost, past, present, and then hoodoo-voodoo future."

Eben nodded.

"Well, come on, let's go. I'm the nice one."

He moved towards the window but stopped to speak again.

"I'm not heart wrenching the way the others try to be. Overdramatic twits if you ask me. Me and my sprites, we'd turn a man around in no time flat if we were in charge of this whole fiasco."

Eben thought about the people he knew.

"There's no Tiny Tim in my life so how are you going to get the whole sympathy thing going?" he asked.