An Improbable Series of Quickies Ch. 05

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The Air Stewardess.
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Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 01/20/2023
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The other stories I have written in the Group Sex category have taken weeks even months to craft. This series came about out of a desire to produce a work quickly. There are (hopefully) going to be nine chapters in this 'Quickie' series, if they were included in a single work it would make the most implausible reading. I'm hoping that by splitting it over nine separate short stories it will be more fun and only improbable.

Constructive feedback and comments are always most welcome.



In the cab, on my way back to the hotel I tried to grasp the reality of what had happened to me over the last 24 hours. Not so long ago Rachel was the only person on my mind. I was desperate to see her again, I needed to see her again. But now... Aimee, oh my god, Aimee! I was awash with emotion. The fact that I had just secured the best and most lucrative deal of my career was totally immaterial.

Rachel, Elaine, Felicity and now Aimee! It was astonishing! One thing was for sure though, when I get back, I'm taking a career change. I don't know what, where or how, but I want to carry on feeling like I do now.

In what seemed like minutes, I was back at the hotel and the sound of jet engines was filling the air. I didn't want to go home.

Alcohol was back on the menu now though. I headed to the bar and ordered myself a large whisky. On my travels I have always enjoyed people watching and I settled into my pastime quickly. I enjoy watching the interactions between people. Hotel bars are particularly fertile ground. There are normal everyday people on holiday, business people, people who are meeting illicitly, they're the easiest to spot!

Today there were the usual suspects. A group of businessmen were in the corner being rather too loud. Judging by the ridiculous behavior of a few of them I'd say some cocaine was in play. I watched a young couple with two small children, building up to an argument which would undoubtedly play out when the children finally crashed and were put to bed.

One small group caught my eye. Three couples possibly all in their mid thirties. They looked like they were all friends, but one of the men was giving off all kinds of signals to one of the women who didn't seem to be his partner. The others seemed to be oblivious to what was happening, but as an outsider looking in, it seemed obvious that they were flirting.

The businessmen were getting louder. So annoying.

It was still early, but my sleep deprivation was kicking in big time. I knew that I could hold out a few more hours, but then I'd have to give in. I ordered another whisky and then decided to head off to one of the restaurants to get something to eat.

I ordered Lasagna and a bottle of Chablis, accounts can question the cost of the wine if they like, I don't care. I really should have taken lunch at The Waterside Inn! There was a young couple sitting near to me, obviously very much in love. It's odd how that spectacle can be so nauseating to watch. The wine was having a soothing effect on me and I truly felt at peace. Half way though my meal and close to the bottom of the bottle of wine, the group of friends came into the restaurant minus the two who had been flirting. The flirtatious male came trotting in a few minutes later and made apologies for being late. A few minutes later the flirtatious woman walking in trying way to hard to be casual. She was flushed, her hair was dishevelled and when she sat down she struggled to make eye contact with her partner. Can none of them see this?!

I finished my meal and set off to my room. The elevator took a while to arrive, but in my present frame of mind I really didn't care. Eventually the doors opened and I stepped in. Just as they were about to close I heard a voice shout outside to hold the door. I jabbed the door open button just as a young woman shot in.

She stuck her head out of the elevator and waved to unseen companions, "I'm going to have a quick shower I'll be down in 15... maybe 20, bye." She span round to look at me, "Thank you for holding... ohh!"

I pressed the door close button, "Hello Beth. What a pleasant surprise."

Her lower jaw was hanging open but she recovered her composure quickly, "Oh, hello, gosh, fancy meeting you here."

"Well, it's convenient for the airport."

She smiled, a look that positively suited her, "Hence cabin crew use it too."

"Which floor would you like?"

"Eight please."

"Me too, have you had a nice day?"

"Yes, thank you. Mostly been lounging in Hyde Park, it's been a lovely day. You?"

"Work, but it went very well so no complaints for missing the good weather."

"I thought you might have seen that lady that you, err, you know?"

"No, but we will meet again, I'm sure, she was a lot of fun."

Beth grinned, "I bet she was!"

"May I ask a personal question?"

She looked wary, "Well, I don't know. It depends on the question." The elevator door opened and we stepped out.

"You said on the plane that you felt jealous. What exactly did you mean?"

As we walked down the corridor I could feel the tension rising between us. I hoped things weren't about to turn sour. "Well, you seemed to be having so much fun and when I found out that you didn't even know each other... I just felt jealous."

"Jealous of what though?"

She shrugged, "I don't know, the joy it had brought you... Just the fact that you did it... I don't know."

I'd clocked that she wasn't wearing a ring, "Do you have a partner?"

She sighed, "No. This kind of job isn't particularly well suited to long term relationships. Previous boyfriends got jealous or cheated on me."

We had reached my room and I flicked my key card, the lock clicked open. "Well Beth, I think that life is what you make it and believe me that's a lesson that I've only just learnt for myself."

She looked at me enquiringly, "What do you mean?" Just then we heard the elevator door start to open and the chatter of two women drifted down the corridor, "Oh heck, that's Babs and Tink, if they see me with you, they'll...oh heck!"

I briefly marveled at the inventiveness of the nicknames, "Quick inside!" I pushed the door open and she almost fell inside, just in time as her companions turned the corner and came into view. I closed the door behind me. "They'll be gone in a moment."

Beth giggled, "Sorry about that. I suppose I shouldn't care what they think."

"Sometimes it's hard not to be affected by what other people think."

She stared at me pensively, "So, what did you mean about... you know... life is what you make it?"

"Well, there is no easy answer to that, no quick fix. Take me for example, I believed that I had it made. I had a great job, traveled the world and was married to a wonderful woman that I truly loved. Trouble is that the great job stopped me from seeing what I had in my marriage, which has now ended. I'd rather have kept my wife than the job, but I thought I was doing the right thing."

I could see Beth struggling to interpret my words in her own life, "I suppose it's the old saying 'You don't know what you have until you lose it.'"

"What are you most scared of losing Beth?"

She thought long and hard, "My parents for sure... and... I don't know... my youth?" She looked into my eyes, "I feel like time is running away with me, each year passes slowly, but then you look back and five more have slipped through your fingers." She sighed.

"Do you enjoy your job?"

She laughed, a dry mirthless laugh, "No! The travel is nice sometimes, but it's always the same wherever you go and some of the passengers are so rude. We get treated like shit sometimes."

"What would you rather be?"

"Oh I don't know, a Supermodel, a film star." She shrugged.

"I'm not sure any of those things would bring you happiness, although you could be unhappy in much nicer places!"

She laughed, a happier laugh this time, "Right here, right now, I'd just like to be that lady you met on the plane. She looked so bloody happy!" My head swam a little bit as I imagined what she had just said. "Thing is, I do like the airlines, but I think I'd rather be at the front. I'd love to be a pilot, god that would be so good."

"Why don't you then?"

She looked at me like I'd suggested she run naked through the hotel foyer. "Well, there is the small problem of finances and qualifications. It's way out of my reach. My parents bought me a flying lesson experience for my birthday last year it was so cool." Her eyes sparkled as she spoke. "The instructor said I was a natural, just being kind I guess." She looked sad. "Just a dream, that's all."

"What would it mean to you if you could be a pilot?" I studied her face as she replied.

"I've not let myself think about it because it's so far out of reach, but... I think it would mean the world to me." She looked into my eyes and I could see hope.

I had the most wonderful feeling of joy filling my soul, "Would you be willing to go to another country if it meant it was possible?"

She shrugged, "I don't know, why?"

"I've always said that it's not what you know, but who you know that counts in life, which is why you should be kind to everyone. You never know when you might need them."

She looked confused, "I'm not following you."

"I have a friend in Arizona, he runs a sight seeing company flying helicopters and fixed wing light aircraft. He always hoped that his daughter would join the company as a pilot, but her heart was never in it. I helped her get a job in the company I work for and she's doing very well. I think you would be just what Bill needs right now."

She looked at me aghast, "But, but, how would that work?"

"Let's ask him." I pulled my phone out of my jacket and a few moments later he picked up. "Hey Bill... yeah great thanks, really great in fact... the UK... superb bud, never better. Listen, I know that you always hoped Annabelle would become a pilot for you... yes... absolutely... is that something you still want... excellent... well I've got a young lady here called Beth, she's cabin crew at the moment but she wants to fly.... yep... exactly... she needs a mentor and I believe that that's you my friend... indeed... you'll need to sort that out with her... I will personally vouch for her... fantastic! I'll put her on and you can arrange a time to talk things through OK? Excellent, I've got such a good feeling about her Bill... OK, yes... I'll see you soon I hope... OK...hang on."

I held my phone out to Beth, "It's my opinion that when opportunities arise you should grasp them, don't let fear hold you back. Bill wants to arrange a time for you both to discuss this properly, the choice is yours."

She looked at my outstretched hand and then slowly took the phone from me, "Hello?... Yes, that's right... oh you have no idea!... Oh my god yes!... Really?... I would... yes I would... I promise... you won't be disappointed... absolutely... anything and everything, I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty... OK... can we later today, maybe in 2 hours or so?... Oh god thank you, thank you.... Paul? OK, thank you."

She handed the phone back to me, "Hey... Yes... trust me Bill, she's something special, I can feel it.... yes, she'll have a lot to sort out.... if you could do that I'd be very grateful... OK buddy... fantastic, hope you guys can work it out.... Thanks Buddy." I put the phone back in my jacket, "That wasn't so hard was it?"

She looked completely aghast, "What just happened?"

"Well, my friend Bill, just agreed to be your mentor and teach you to fly, if that's what you want?" She laughed in a demented kind of way, "You'll need to get a Green Card if things work out, but Bill can help with that."

"I... I... don't know what to say, thank you!" She stepped forward and hugged me, "Thank you, thank you so much!"

"It's not a given yet, you will have a lot to think about. When you talk to Bill be honest with him. He is a straight talking kind of guy and he appreciates honesty and hard work. If it all works out he'll take care of you, I guarantee it."

She pulled back and looked into my eyes, "Why did you do that for me?"

"Because it was in my power to do it and I felt it could make a real difference to your life, a change for the better."

"You have no idea!" Just then she got a text, "They want to know where I am," she tapped away for a few moments, "Oh my god, my head is all over the place I need to have a shower and get changed."

"My thoughts exactly, it's been a long day." I shrugged off my jacket and draped it over the back of a nearby chair.

I turned to say goodbye, Beth was watching me intently and without saying a word she walked over to the desk and dumped her bag, she slipped off her sandals and then pulled her T-shirt off over her head. I watched mesmerized as she slipped her shorts down and turned to face me. She reached behind her back and her bra fell away shortly followed by her panties. "I'm afraid you are doomed to have another quickie, hope that's OK?" She walked slowly into the bathroom and I heard the shower cubicle door open and the water start to flow.

As fast as I could I discarded my clothes and went into the bathroom. She was a picture of beauty, smoothing her long dark hair back under the flow of water, she looked at me and held a hand out. I took it and stepped into the cubicle. There was even less room in the shower than in the airplane toilet, but it was easy enough to stay close and run our hands over each other. As we caressed each other's back my growing erection pressed against her stomach. She took me in her hands and gently stroked me. I pulled away as far as I dared to give her more room to move and took the opportunity to massage and soap her breasts.

I bent down and sucked a nipple into my mouth, her grip on my penis tightened and she groaned softly. "Your cock feels so hard, do you want me?"

I released her nipple and stared into her eyes, "Yes, I want you. Very much."

She stepped out of the shower and grabbed a bath robe hanging on the door, "I want you too."

She disappeared from view and I followed as quickly as I dared, my wet feet slipping on the tiled floor. In the bedroom she was bent over the bed laying down the bath robe, her upturned bottom was a vision to behold. She turned to look at me, "Lie down here."

I lay down on the bath robe and she crawled up my body kissing my cock on her journey up, she stopped briefly to rub her pussy against my shaft, then she continued up until she was straddling my face. "I want you to lick me." She lowered herself down onto my mouth. I looked up into her eyes and slowly licked up the length of her pussy, she sighed softly, "Yes, like that, lick me." I flicked her clit with my tongue then sucked it between my lips. "Mmmm, that feels good," she reached back and gripped my cock, "you feel very hard," she stroked my cock gently eliciting moans from me that vibrated her clit, "Oh yes, mmm, when you... ahhh... have made me cum, I'm... ohh... going to fuck you... yes!" Her free hand pulled my face into her crotch and I licked and sucked on her clit for all I was worth. "Oh fuck, yes, keep doing that, don't... oh... don't stop... yes, yes... like that... oh fuck, I'm... oh god... fuck!!!!" Her thighs gripped my head and her body shook from the convulsions. I released her clit from my mouth and she started to relax. "Oh god, that was so good." She moved down my body and deftly guided my cock into her soaked pussy. "Fuck yes, does my pussy feel good?"

The feeling of her soaked pussy gliding up and down on my cock was intense, "Holy shit, yes, your pussy feels... incredible."

She smiled, "That's good... your cock feels... incredible too. I'm going to, mmm, going to cum again... soon," I caressed her breasts and squeezed her nipples gently, "oh god, yes, pinch my nipples... mmm... harder, yes oh god yes... keep doing that... fuck... yes, yes, it's coming, it's... oh god, oh god, ahhh!"

She buried my cock deep in her pussy as her orgasm washed over her, Breathing hard she slowly sat upright and opened her eyes. "I so want to stay here with you, but I can't. Promise me that we can meet again, promise me."

"I promise." God this young woman is so... exhilarating!

She pulled off my cock and crawled down the bed. She took me in her hands and started to lick her honey off my cock and balls, "Your cock is delicious," she stroked me slowly, "It felt so good inside me," she slipped the head of my cock into her mouth and slowly bobbed her head up and down, it felt sensational. Releasing my cock from her mouth she started to rub me faster, "Next time I see you I'm going to fuck you for hours, no more quickies for you, you're going to do exactly what I say and fuck my brains out, got it?"

I tried to answer, "Yes, I... oh fuck... I'm," she sucked me into her mouth and squeezed my balls, "oh fuck... I'm... ahhhh!"

My cock pulsed in her hands and when she had it all she swallowed, "God you taste good! She kissed the tip of my penis and licked off the last drops of my semen.

Her phone rang, "Bollocks! Got to go." She jumped up and I watched her get dressed.

Before long she was dressed and standing in front of me, "Beth, promise me, that you will embrace this opportunity."

She smiled, "I promise. Thank you... for everything." She kissed me and then I felt her pressing something into my hand, "I'd like you to have these... to keep with... well you know, hers." She kissed me again, "Thank you." Then she was gone.


To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Looking forward to meeting Annabell.

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