An Unexpected Reunion Ch. 02


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My mouth is practically salivating at the sight of her, my eyes travel back up to her face and she has one of her perfect eyebrows raised as she watches me ogling her. "Do you want to come in Lexie? Or are you just going to stand on my doorstep and check me out all night?"

Shit, I can feel the blush spread quickly over my cheeks as I brush past her as I step inside as she shuts the door she turns to me and smiles cheekily. Speak Lexie, say something. Anything.

"I didn't know what you were cooking so I brought a bottle of red and a bottle of white." I thrust the bottles in my hand at her before shrugging out of my coat. Smooth.

"You didn't have to bring anything. But thanks." She steps forward and brushes her lips against mine before leading me through her spacious house to the kitchen. "Sit." She points to one of the stools pushed against the island in the center of the room and turns to the fridge "do you want a glass of wine?"

"Please. Something smells great Cal. I never had you down as someone who could cook?"

She hands me a glass of wine before leaning against the counter with her own, her eyes linger on my face and she smiles warmly "I've never had the chance to show off yet another of my impressive skills."

"Ah, always so modest." I chide as I bring the wine glass to my lips and take a long drink. The wine is crisp and chilled to perfection.

"You know me, you'd be lying if you said you don't find my ego sexy." She winks at me and I can feel myself almost explode there and then. Holy shit. How can she have such a profound effect on me?

"I never said I didn't. As a matter of fact it's just one of the many things I find sexy about you." I lick my lips deliberately, feeling a little burst of pride when I see her breath come in quickly before she regains composure and props her chin up in her hand and looks at me closely, a small smile tugging at the corner of her perfect lips.

"Care to share my love?" My heart literally skips a beat when I hear those words leave her lips. 'My love' it thrills me in a way I never thought was possible.

"Well, I would but it's not like your ego needs any more stroking really is it?"

In six long strides she rounds to counter until she's stood in front of me, her hands cup my cheeks and she stares down at me. Her eyes full of love and lust and wanting, it calls to me on a level I've not felt in a long time. I've been keeping her at arms-length for the last couple of months, wanting to take things slow. But when she looks at me this way it makes me want to throw caution to the wind and beg her to take me to bed.

"I want you." Those three words and the way she's looking at me sends my mouth dry as I look up at her. Desire rears its head in me in a way I haven't felt since I was eighteen and I'm done fighting it.

"Then have me..." my voice is barely a whisper as I reply to her, my hands grip her forearms. I hear a low moan vibrate through her throat as she bends and catches my lips in hers. She holds my face to hers as her lips take control of my mouth, commanding it. I willingly surrender to the feeling of her mouth on mine, her tongue travels along my bottom lip and I moan against her mouth before she silences it when she moves her tongue into my mouth and runs it along the length of my own.

Her hands move from my face and take mine in hers as she breaks away from my mouth, her eyes are burning into mine. The usual piercing blue darkened as she gazes down at me, silently she pulls me to my feet and begins leading me through the house and up to her room at a quick pace. Presumably to get me to bed before I change my mind, that isn't going to happen and to prove that to her I begin unbuttoning my shirt and drop it unceremoniously to the floor on her landing.

She turns and looks at me her mouth slightly slack as her eyes travel greedily across my half naked torso. I chew my lip and take a step towards her, my hand moving to the clasp at the back of my bra and unfasten it quickly before shrugging out of it and letting that join my shirt on the floor. I step past her and into the bedroom, my trembling fingers pop the button on my jeans and push the zipper down before pushing them past my hips and stepping out of them when they reach the floor.

"Holy shit." I can hear Callie behind me and as I turn to face her I have to stifle a giggle as all her resolve vanishes and she's pulling her clothes off frantically. In a blink she's naked and standing shyly in front of me, there's a few steps separating us and we just stand there watching each other carefully.

The atmosphere surrounding us is charged and palpable, I can almost taste it. I feel my arousal soaking my underwear, she's barely touched me and I'm already strung out and aching for her to touch me.

Almost as if she can read my mind she closes the gap between us and pulls my lips to hers, letting her fingers knot in my hair as she holds me close. My hands cup her perfect arse, I let my fingers dig into the soft flesh and I feel her sigh against my mouth as I pull her hips up and against mine. One of her hands leaves my hair and makes a slow trail down my cheek, my neck and over my chest before grasping my breast almost shyly. This doesn't feel right, she's too tense in my arms. I push myself closer to her so our bodies are pressed hard against each other.

I pull back from her and look at her, trying to catch her eyes with mine "look at me Callie."

Her eyes fall down to mine and her eyebrows are pulled over her eyes in a tight line "I've been thinking about this for so long... I don't think I've ever been this nervous about sex before." She tries to laugh it off but it doesn't wash with me, I can see through her cocky façade. I trail my fingers across her jaw and down her throat before pulling away and lying on the bed. Propping myself on my elbows I look at her and motion with my finger for her to come to me.

She parts my thighs and lies between them, gazing down at me she smiles warmly "don't overthink it Cal, I want this. I want you. So, are you going to make love to me like I know you want to? Or are you going to keep acting like the virgin I know you're not?"

She laughs throatily at me and kisses my neck softly, moving her mouth up until it rests against my ear "I think I'll take the former" her teeth close over the lobe and I shiver against the touch. I sigh and let my body surrender to the feeling of her body pressed against mine, relishing the weight of it, the way it fits against mine so perfectly. Her mouth moves back down my neck and across my shoulder, I feel her tongue trace my collar bone as she continues her slow journey south.

When she eventually reaches my breasts I'm panting like I've just ran a marathon, my entire body is on sensory overload but I still want more. She plants soft kisses over the skin, trailing her mouth across them until she eventually takes one of my nipples in her mouth. Her tongue traces over the stiffening peak slowly causing me to cry out, my fingers tangle in her hair and I push her face into my breast hard. Encouraging her to suck harder, bite more.

I can feel her fingers push against my pussy through my panties, running up and down as the trace my folds through the soft material. I hear a moan escape my lips and my hips begin moving in time with her hands. My hands reach down and I dig my nails into her shoulder as I begin to feel her pull away the thin material of my underwear down and away from my body. I vaguely feel her throw them to the side of the room before her mouth starts kissing down my stomach until she reaches my hips, where she lets her down travel across my mound before settling between my legs and parting my folds with the soft flat of her tongue.

"Holy fuck." Is all I can get out before her tongue begins ravishing me, mixing up the speed and pressure as she really begins to lose herself to driving me to the precipice.

Her tongue brushes over an all too familiar sensitive spot on the left side of my clit and I cry out loudly, it's been so long since anyone paid this much attention to the special spot Callie found when we first got together. In fact she's the only person that knows about it.

"Right there. Shit Cal." My fingers knot in her hair as I hold her in place, she doesn't stop, she doesn't slow down. My hips buck off the bed when I feel her slide two fingers into me and begin pumping in and out furiously. I can feel the imminent orgasm begin to build in me furiously, I tighten my grip in her hair and grind my hips against her mouth.

"Come for me Lex..." and as if on command I detonate around her noisily, my eyes screw shut tightly and I feel like I'm floating. I can feel her move up my body and plant light kisses around my lips but I'm not there. I'm on cloud fucking nine right now, sex with Torie had been good. But sex with Callie had always been fantastic and it seems that time hasn't changed that.

Eventually I let my eyes open and see her looking down at me, a sense of wonder fills her eyes and she has a sly smile playing on her lips. "What are you grinning about?"

She shrugs and kisses my lips lightly "the fact that I can still make you come like that. Apparently I haven't lost my touch."

"Apparently not..." Before she can come out with whatever smart arse response I know she has on the tip of her tongue I pull her mouth back to mine and kiss her furiously, in one quick movement I flip her off and over so that I'm straddling her hips and I have her hands pinned to her sides against the bed and I raise an eyebrow. "Have I ever told you that you talk too much?"

I can see the heat rise in Callie's cheeks but she's looking up at me with a smug smile and it makes me giggle "you might have once or twice, but what are you going to do about it?"

I can hear the challenge in her voice behind the breathlessness of her voice and I smirk down at her, leaning down I nip at her neck and smile against her skin when I hear her draw her breath in through her teeth. Shifting slightly so her legs are parted and one of my thighs is settled between them, I move my mouth up to her lips and kiss her chastely before running my mouth along her jaw.

I push my thigh against her and when it makes contact with her center I can feel her wetness against my skin. The sensation spurs me into action, I've been thinking about this woman for almost a decade, wanting to be like this with her again. To taste her, to touch her and right now I don't want slow and steady. I want her fast and furiously.

Spreading her thighs wide I dip my head and take her in my mouth quickly, running my tongue up and down her wet folds, the taste of her is intoxicating. Without thinking I plunge two fingers inside her hard and she cries out loudly.

"Fuck, Lex. What ever happened to foreplay?" I don't answer, I just double my efforts. My tongue attacking her clit like a woman possessed. I can feel her fingers knot in my hair as she holds my mouth in place, her hips push her further against my mouth.

My hand moves in her fast, curling up and stroking the sensitive bundle of nerves on the walls of her tight channel.

I don't know how long I stay like that for but I can feel, taste and hear her first orgasm. Feel her try and pull me away before I slap her hands and slow down the movement of my mouth against her, relishing the way she feels below me.

My tongue moves in slow circles around her clit, changing between probing and running the flat of my tongue against her, each change in movement makes her flinch and writhe below me. When my tongue runs over her quickly and flicks back down her hips buck hard and her fists tighten in my hair "that, keep doing that." Her voice is hoarse and needy and I smile into her but do as she asks and continue with the rhythm I'd built.

All to quickly I feel the rush of another orgasm and she pulls me off of her and kisses me hard, her chest rises and falls furiously underneath me. Her arms wrap around me and she pulls me close to her, and in that moment. I've never felt so safe or wanted and there's nowhere else I'd rather be.

Eventually she lets me go and roll to the side of her and we just lie there, side by side facing each other. Our arms draped around each other, her fingers run through my hair as she watches me with a small smile on her lips and the most intense look in her beautiful blue eyes.

"Lexie?" Her voice is soft as it breaks through the contented silence we'd fallen into. My fingers are running up and down the curve in her waist, feeling the softness of her skin beneath them.

"Mmm?" My eyes don't leave hers as she looks at me.

"What are we doing?"

"What do you mean?" She literally rolls her eyes at me as though it should be an obvious question.

"I mean, what are we doing? What is this? Us..."

I shrug, the smile still not falling from my lips as my fingers continue their slow movements across her skin. "What do you want it to be Cal?"

She falls quiet for a moment as the look on her face intensifies, my world stops when she whispers one simple word. "Everything." She pauses for a moment as she's trying to find the words to say to me "I want this to be everything, the last couple of months I've spent with you... it's the happiest I've been. Well for a long time. Before you start freaking out this isn't a marriage proposal, but I need some definition as to where this is going... I'll never want anyone else but you."

I smile widely at her and cup her face in my hand "Clarissa Jenkins are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

She rolls her eyes and stay quiet for a moment, an almost somber expression falls on her face and I'm about to speak when she moves quickly and pins me beneath her. A huge shit eating grin on her face as she begins laughing loudly.

"I might be Alexa Osbourne. What do you say?"

I purse my lips and look thoughtfully at her for a moment, gasping slightly when I feel her hips rock against my groin causing a fresh spike of pleasure to resonate through me. "I guess I could get down with that."

She smiles at me, her eyes burning with so many raw emotions as her lips capture mine again fearlessly. When she pulls away she leaves me breathless and needy "good, because there's something else I want to get down with." Her hand moves to between my legs and I sigh against the touch. The world around us falls away as we lose ourselves to each other again.

May 2014 -- Callie

It's a gorgeous Saturday morning and for the first time in about five weeks I'm not stuck in the office or in my study at home, walking down the street with two coffee cups in my hand I'm making my way to Lexie's flat. I ended up staying at the office late last night so she ended up staying at hers. Even though she sleeps at mine most nights of the week I still can't seem to convince her that it'd just make more sense to just move in. I have no mortgage and it'd make more sense than her paying rent on the shoe box she currently resides in part time.

Taking the stairs up to her place two at a time I'm about to knock on the door when I can hear raised voices on the inside, I try and listen. To see if I can recognise who it is when I hear a loud smack and the sounds of furniture crashing. The coffee falls out of my hands and I fly through the door, adrenaline is surging through my body as I take in the scene in front of me.

Lexie's cowered on the floor with someone standing over her, I can't see the strangers face but whoever it is has blonde hair and their hands are balled into fists at the sides.

"Lexie!" I call out loudly before launching myself into the woman standing above her, together we fall on the floor in a pile and my fist makes contact with the persons face before I get a good look at her. It's Torie.

"Callie, stop." I can hear Lexie shouting in the background but I can't compute what it is she's saying to me. I have a hand against Torie's throat and I'm glaring down at her, my hand isn't tight but it's holding firm enough to keep her in place.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Torie makes an attempt to throw me off of her but it makes no difference. I hold her firm and speak again, my voice holding a surprisingly cool and calm edge despite the fact I'm on the edge of losing control and kicking the shit out of this woman "I asked you a question. What are you doing here?"

"Callie..." I turn and look at Lexie who has a hand on my shoulder and is pleading at me with her eyes. I reluctantly stand and pull Torie up buy the collar of her shirt and slam her hard against the wall.

"Speak or I swear to god Victoria..."

"I came by to see Lex, I'd just found out you two were together. I was mad..." She stammers it out nervously, her eyes wide in fear.

"So you thought you'd hit her?"

"I got mad..."

I scoff and punch her in the stomach, she doubles over but before she can move more I slam her back up against the wall "see, this is how this is going to work my dear... you're going to leave. You're going to delete Alexa's number. And I promise you this..." I lean forward so my lips are close to her ear "if you so much as come within 100 meters of her. I'll make you wish you'd never been born. Are we understood?"

I let her go and she turns to the door, pausing to look back at me she spits on the floor by my feet "you must think you're hot shit."

"I don't think anything, now fuck off." I already have my arms wrapped around Lexie who's face is buried in my neck. I don't hear a response, I just hear the door to the flat slam shut. Cupping Lexie's face in my hands I lift her face so I can look at her, her eyes are red rimmed from the tears that have spilled over and she has an angry red mark on her cheek. I let my lips lower to her face and I pepper her soft skin with gentle kisses.

"I've never seen you that angry before." Her voice is a low whisper as she gazes up at me, her hands on my hips. Leaning my forehead against hers I let my eyes close, inhaling deeply, loving the way her smell intoxicates me.

"I didn't mean to scare you, but seeing her like that with you." My eyes open and burn into hers "I could've killed her Lex. I'll never let anyone hurt you. Do you get that?" She nods slowly, her eyes not leaving mine.

She reaches up on her tip toes and kisses my lips gently, her hands tangle in my hair as she brings my mouth harder against hers. My hands travel down her back pulling her close to me as our mouths move together languidly. Her tongue probes past my lips and I can hear myself moan into her mouth.

I cup her arse in my hands an lift her up, her mouth doesn't leave mine as her legs wrap around my waist and I carry her back towards the sofa. We fall down against the plush cushions together, I'm between her thighs. My hands are pushing her shirt up over her head, kissing each inch of skin as I expose it. Lexie's hands are fumbling at the buttons at the front of my shirt before she gives in and just pulls them apart aggressively. I'm shocked for a moment as I look down at the front of my shirt and back up to face her, she's smiling sheepishly at me. Her face flushed and I can't help but laugh a little "you ripped my shirt?"

"Sorry..." My mouth moves down and I kiss her greedily for a moment.

"Don't be, it was hot." Pushing the material away from my shoulder I recapture her lips with mine hotly. Kissing Lexie is like nothing I've ever felt before, each time our lips meet my heart races and I feel it deep in my loins.

My mouth reluctantly strayed from her lips to kiss along her jaw line and down her neck, nipping and sucking as it goes. I can feel her pulse race beneath my tongue as I trail it down the length of her throat.

She has preempted my next move and already has her bra off and is throwing it on the floor next to us. My eyes greedily take in the half naked woman beneath me and I let my fingers trail down her front slowly, until they're interrupted by the material of her jeans. "You are so beautiful Lex..." My mouth quickly follows the trail my fingers made, stopping to take each of her breasts in my mouth, I'm encouraged by the sweet sounds that are escaping her lips. My tongue flicks over her nipples and I feel them stiffen under my touch.