An Unexplored Wilderness Ch. 09


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Dr. Catton looked at them and finally nodded. "Okay. See if you can handle it as a team."

"Yes, ma'am."

As they left the tent, Adam whispered to Dylan. "What's your plan?"

"Oh, I'm not sure yet, haven't thought that far ahead. All I know is that there is a lot of tension and I don't want the expedition to get paralyzed by in-fighting, nor do I want Dr. Catton involved. I think we're better if we can keep moving forward. And no matter what happens, I don't want anyone to have to leave."

"Hummm, tell me what you need me to do," Adam said with a smile. They stopped a little ways out of the dining area where the rest of the women were waiting.

"How about this? I'll be the prosecutor, you be the judge. I'll lay it on heavy with the 'you did harm to this team stuff.' Then...I don't know, have them kiss and make up?"

Adam snorted. "Seems kinda weak."

"Go further? Like in front of everyone?"

"I don't know. Hey, we're going to need the other girls to buy in, let's ask them."


They guys returned to the rest of the group and huddled them up. After filling them in on what Dr. Catton had said, they began forming a way to fix the problem. They soon arrived at a plan to bring Ashley and Anis in front of the group, hear their sides of the story, and then mete out appropriate punishment. The guys looked at the girls expectantly.

"So what should the punishment be?" A silence filled the air, as the team looked at each other.

"I think they should get spanked," Macey finally said. Adam raised an eyebrow.

"I agree," added Heather.

"Me too." They all looked around the group, with several nods.

"I don't know, I mean, I'm not sure Anis deserved a spanking," Kayla said. "But...I guess if everyone says so, let's do it. Bare bottoms?"

The group nodded, and it was unanimous. The guys looked at each other, surprised at the proposal. Unbeknownst to them, the women had all done their own calculus and concluded that if these two girls were on the outs, their own odds improved.

"Who administers the spanks?" Dylan asked.

"We all do, one after the other."

"How? Do we...uh...?"

"We use our hands..." said Heather,

"No!" Macey interrupted. "No hand spanks. We'll use that leather padding thing from the lab. It's like a strap."

"I know exactly what you are talking about," Adam nodded.

"So, like, she can lay over our knees?"

"No, too intimate."

"Some sort of punishment bench?"

"Too much like a sex thing."

"Like, just have them bend over and hold their ankles.

"Hmm." Kayla said. "And then each one of us gets a turn to spank her with the strap thing, then the other many?"

"Ten each?"

"No way, that's like eighty," Adam protested.

"So? They deserve it."

"No. How about three each?" Adam said firmly.

"Yes," Dylan agreed. "Three each. So, like, Sarah, you go get Anis. Samantha, you go get Ashley. Do not engage them in conversation, just bring them to the clearing by the boulder. Macey, get the strap."

The women nodded and headed off, and the rest of the group headed to the clearing, with Kayla and Lisa helping Heather. The guys watched them depart, then turned to each other.

"These girls are vicious!" Adam gaped.

"Eighty spanks! Holy shit, they'd have no ass left!"

"We got to keep them in line. Can't have them hitting them too hard. Jeez!"


The men joined the group at the clearing. Macey returned with the strap, about 18 inches long, three inches wide, and a half inch thick. Adam nodded in approval and handed it to Dylan, who also nodded and tucked it into the waistband at the back of his shorts. The group formed a loose circle, and soon the two miscreants were brought in. They stood at the center of the circle, facing the guys.

"Ladies," Dylan started, "your behavior this evening was totally unacceptable. We approached Dr. Catton after you left to get her permission to convene this," he motioned to the group circle, "a court of your peers. You have an option: submit to the ruling of this court and have a path back to acceptance, or take Dr. Catton's punishment, with no recourse."

Anis glanced at Ashley, then nodded. "I will accept this court's judgment."

"I will accept this court's judgment."

"Very well. On your knees." The two girls looked at each other, then back at their peers, standing silently around them. After a brief hesitation, they both knelt on the ground. "I will lay out the charges: you two engaged in highly unprofessional behavior, culminating in a shoving match. We are all on the same team here, and your action not only discredits you, but also damages this team. It is vital that we, as teammates, can all rely on each other. If, in fact, you lack the maturity to behave professionally with each other, and all of us, we will agree with Dr. Catton and have you sent home."

Anis blanched at the threat, and Ashley looked like she was going to cry.

"I'm sorry, I..."

Adam cut her off with a sharp hand motion. He then nodded to Dylan to continue.

"We have discussed your case. We are ready to hear your side of the story. Anis?"

"I say it was her," Anis said.

"Well I say you started it."

"And, ladies, we are here to finish it." Dylan snapped. "But I am disappointed that your first instinct is to dodge responsibility for your actions. Ashley, what do you have to say for yourself?"

"'m sorry for acting how I did. I just wanted you to notice me, and I felt like...I had to get in front of Anis to be seen. I'm sorry. I now see that you and Adam both have the right to decide on your own."

"Thank you, Ashley. Anis?"

"I'm sorry for how I acted. It's just that Ashley is so pretty, I felt I had to be pushy to get to your side."

"Thank you. Stay in place, we will discuss your punishment as a team."

Adam led the group to a small huddle out of earshot of the kneeling girls. He went over the punishment that they had agreed on, three spanks each, and implored the girls not to get too rough. Dylan reinforced the guidance, and they all agreed. They formed back up in front of the Anis and Ashley.

"We have decided on your punishment," Adam intoned. "Each of you will receive three spanks on your bare bottom from this strap from each of us. Then you will apologize for your behavior. Please stand. Macey, Sarah, please get them in position."

Anis and Ashley looked at each other in shock as they stood, but the entire group was aligned against them. Macey and Sarah both pulled the girl's shorts down to expose their bare bottoms. Macey took Ashley and bent her over, so that she was holding her ankles. Sarah guided Anis into the same position.

Adam stepped forward, holding the strap in his hand. "This is going to hurt, but it's for the good of the team," he said sternly before bringing the strap down hard on Ashley's left buttock.

Ashley let out a cry of pain and surprise, but she remained in position as he turned to Anis. Anis received the same punishment, and he returned to Ashley. The girls yelped in pain, but he continued, making sure each spank landed squarely on their buttocks. Although he was intentionally taking it easy, hoping to set an example to the others, tears streaming down their faces as each strike landed on her bare flesh. After he had delivered his three swats, he handed the strap to Dylan.

The girls' bottoms quickly turned red under the assault of the straps, and their cries of pain filled the clearing. But the group was committed to teaching them a lesson, and they continued with the punishment. Dylan had to step in a few times to get the girls to ease up on the spanks. Finally, each girl had received their full three spanks from every member of the group.

"Stand up. It's over." Adam's voice was gentler now, as he looked at the sobbing girls. "We hope you understand why we had to do this. We want everyone to be able to trust and rely on one another."

Anis and Ashley stood up, sobbing, their shorts still around their ankles. Adam embraced Anis, and Dylan took Ashley in his arms. The crying girls blubbered their apologies to the group, promising never to do anything like that again. The group stood in silence for a few moments, punctuated only by the sobs of the girls, then Adam spoke up again.

"Ladies, why don't you all head back to your tents. We have a big day tomorrow and we need to be rested."

The women nodded and headed out, while Dylan and Adam stayed with the two crying girls. As they hugged each other tightly, the girls whispered "I'm sorry." over and over again. Adam and Dylan held them, stroking their backs, telling them how good they were for taking their punishments. Finally they calmed down. The guys bent down and helped them pull up their shorts.

"Thank you," Anis whispered through sniffles, wincing as her shorts slid over her butt.

"We're sorry it had to come to this," Adam replied, his voice still stern but comforting. "But it was necessary. We hope you can move forward and be a better team player."

They walked the girls back to their tents, hand in hand, in silence. Anis and Ashley went straight to bed, their bottoms hot throbbing. As Anis lay there, trying to get comfortable, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. She had been given a second chance, and she was determined to make the most of it. She also felt something else, a different kind of burning in her loins.

As she hugged her pillow, she couldn't help but think about Adam, about how strong and commanding he was during the punishment. She couldn't help but feel a sense of arousal as she imagined being spanked again by him. The thought of being bent over, his strong hands delivering the punishing spanks to her bare behind.

The pain was still fresh, but it was mixed with a strange kind of pleasure, one that she couldn't quite explain. She had never been spanked before, but now that she had experienced it, she found herself wanting more. The thought of being naughty, then being punished by the men made her heart race and her body tingle.

Anis tried to stay still, so as not to wake Heather, but it was difficult. She knew that she could no longer try to boss around the other girls, she would have to just be herself and hope that it was enough for Adam or Dylan to notice her and find her attractive. She resolved to be the best team mate she could be, and never give them a reason to doubt her again.


Adam and Dylan paused in the forest after dropping off the two girls.

"Fuck, that was hot."

"Yeah. Who you thinking?"

"Kayla. You?"

"I'm going to visit Macey."


They bumped fists and went their separate ways. Dylan found Macey's tent and tapped on it.

"Hey Macey," he said, crouching down.

"Hey, come in," She replied and unzipped the tent door.

Dylan paused for a second, then smiled and he slipped in, sitting between Macey and Lisa.

"You were great tonight," Lisa whispered, pushing his shoulder lightly to get him to recline.

"It's kinda warm in here," Macey smiled, and pulled off his shirt to cool him down.

Dylan smiled back at her and relaxed on his back. Macey and Lisa both leaned over him, running their fingers over his chest.

"Mmmm," he sighed, enjoying the sensations. "So what were you girls talking about?"

"Anis and Ashley," Lisa replied.

"Yeah, that was hot," Macey moaned, kissing the nape of his neck.

Dylan grinned and reached out, running his hands through Macey's hair. Lisa pushed herself up on his shoulder, then straddled his waist. She bent down and kissed him. She then sat up and pulled off her night shirt, revealing her breasts.

"Fuck yeah, it is hot in here."

Macey sat up and pulled off her top, exposing her half-naked body. Dylan groaned and reached up, cupping her breast with one hand, then Lisa's with the other. She moaned softly as he caressed them gently. He leaned up and kissed her, then Macey. Lisa shuffled over to straddle his right leg and Macey sat down on his left leg, running her fingers through his hair, kissing his neck, the top of his chest, still feeling the heat of his skin.

Dylan sighed and reached up, running his hands down Lisa's back, then Macey's back, then down to cup their asses. He caressed each ass, then slid his hand under their sleeping shorts, squeezing and appreciating their curves as they took turns kissing him. Macey reached down and took Lisa's hand and placed it on Dylan's crotch. Lisa rubbed his crotch as she kissed him. Macey's hand slid up and unbuttoned Dylan's shorts, then the two girls combined to pull them down to free his cock.

"Fuck I need this," she moaned, pushing Lisa's hand away and taking him in her mouth. Dylan sighed in pleasure and laid back, letting the girls work.

"My turn," Lisa said, pushing Macey, but she didn't want to give up his cock.

"Ladies, play nice," Dylan ordered, looking down.

Macey reluctantly pulled off his dick with an audible pop and Lisa took over. Macey looked right into Dylan's eyes, still stroking his dick with her hand while Lisa sucked him.

"Tell us what to do," she said huskily.

"Mirror each other," Dylan replied, looking down at the two eager women.

Macey smiled at him, then moved down further so she could look up at him better, then pushed Lisa to do the same. They both looked up at Dylan.

"Mirror me," Macey said, and slowly licked up his shaft. Lisa nodded and licked the other side of his cock. Macey swirled her tongue around his cockhead.Lisa was impressed with Macey's techniques and slowly mimicked her as she sucked him. Macey smiled at the feeling of both wielding and being wielded.

"Now, alternate," Dylan told them.

Lisa and Macey both took in Dylan's cock and thrust it in and out of their mouths, sucking hard and working together to make Dylan feel as good as possible. He groaned in pleasure, his mind hazy with arousal, his senses filled by the girls, their soft, warm bodies, their mouths on his cock, the smell of their lust and his arousal.

"Get naked," he groaned. In a flash both girls had kicked off their shorts. "Lisa, get on me. Macey come here," he said as he pulled her up.

Lisa wasted no time, throwing her leg over his waist and lining his cock up with her pussy. She slid down and they both moaned. Dylan pulled Macey over and kissed her as Lisa started riding him.

"Fuuuck, yes!" Lisa moaned.

Dylan grabbed her tits as she worked, his other hand reaching down between Macey's thighs. Both girls moved their hips, riding Dylan.

He groaned into Macey's kiss, sharing these two women felt amazing. "Switch," he grunted.

With a pout, Lisa pulled herself off of him, his wet cock standing proud. Macey moved to take her position, but he stopped them.

"Clean it off first." The two girls looked at each other for a moment, then Macey leaned down to take his cock into her mouth. "Fuck yeah," Dylan groaned, and pulled Lisa into a kiss. His hand then found her pussy and he hooked two fingers into her.

Macey sucked him clean, then lowered herself onto him. Lisa kissed his ear and neck, her hand reached down to touch where his cock was entering Macey, caressing her pussy, making her moan. 

"Dylan, Fuck me," Macey moaned, riding his cock hard, lost in ecstacy.

"Yeah, come on, harder," Lisa said, watching her friend. Dylan reached up and squeezed her tits while kissing Lisa, his tongue pushing into her mouth as Macey rode him hard, taking all of his cock.

"Fuck, I'm gonna come," Macey moaned as Dylan's cock slammed into her. "Yes, yes," she moaned as she came.

Lisa watched, mesmerized,as Macey's body reacted to Dylan's fucking. "Fuck, fuck, fuck yes," Macey moaned.

"That's right, come on my cock," Dylan groaned in reply.

"Fuck, you're making Lisa so wet," he said softly, as Macey slumped forward. He pushed her off and rolled over to Lisa. She laid back and spread her legs, inviting him in. He rose up over her and positioned himself. Lisa moaned, bending her knees back and opening her legs further. Dylan slid into her and she let out a long groan.

"Lisa, you're so tight," he said, pushing into her.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," she moaned, then looked at Macey.

"Fuuuck, oh fuck, oh fuck yes," Macey moaned, hand between her thighs, rubbing herself to another climax.

"That's it, touch yourself," Dylan told her. He thrust deep into Lisa and started fucking her with hard strokes.

"Come here, kiss me," Lisa cried, reaching out to Macey. She moved into position and kissed Lisa, the two girls sharing their passion. Dylan broke their kiss by fucking Lisa harder, his hips slamming into her, his cock sliding in and out. He belatedly realized how much noise she was making and clamped his hand over her mouth to stifle her moans. Lisa reached out and pulled Macey down to where Dylan was fucking her.

"Holy shit, I'm gonna come!" Dylan moaned.

"Fuck, come in her mouth," Lisa moaned back. Macey lowered her head into position. Dylan pulled out of Lisa's pussy and buried himself into Macey's mouth just as he started to cum. Macey sucked his cock as he filled her mouth with his seed, Lisa's other hand reaching down to finish herself. Finally spent, Dylan slumped to his side.

Macey sat up, her lips clamped shut. She watched as Lisa dissolved into an orgasm, then leaned down to dribble her mouthful of cum into Lisa's mouth. She then leaned down and kissed Lisa while Lisa did the same, swapping Dylan's seed between them until there was none left.

"Fuck, you girls are amazing," he signed. "I'm going to need a moment."

Macey reached out and pulled his exhausted body over Lisa's so that he was between them. The two girls nestled in his arms, all three of them sated.

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Peter_ClevelandPeter_Cleveland7 months ago

The chapter's two threesome scenes were amazingly erotic. Very well done there!

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