An Unhappy Reunion Pt. 02


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Nell looks angry, "I need to talk to Daisy about her massages."

After the shower she goes back to her room, I dress in mine and wait for the group. They show up all packed, luggage is all in my room. We have a nice breakfast again, send bellboys up for the luggage, pay, and off we go. Once in the car I fill the girls in on some developments.

My voice is serious, "I called my buddies this morning to get updates. Granny's burned to the ground last night." I hear a collective gasp and crying by Daisy. "The two sons were filmed at Daisy's B&B. They had two tanks of gasoline in hand and were starting to dump it on the building. My guys interrupted them and took them into custody. Bill is mad and looking for Sean. Because Bill is part owner, the state police are investigating and have a CSI unit there and at Daisy's. My guys are on their way to mom's place."

The car is almost silent.

I add, "I think it best that I go alone. We don't know where Sean is or what he might do."

Daisy is firm, "No, I want to see the bitch one last time."

The others agree. They want to tell her to her face they are out of there. This is a bad idea. We pull up to mom's place and she is on the porch again. She is smiling. We all get out of the car. I'm walking past the wheel of the Suburban. Before I can say anything, I hear a rifle shot. I feel tremendous pain in my chest. I hear two more shots. OH MY GOD, my sisters. I can't see them. I can't see anything; my field of vision is narrowing. The pain is very intense. The other shots were different. That means the girls are ok. Only Sean and I will die. They will be ok, they get all my money. I can live with that. I don't feel the pain as much anymore. Not the worst way to die.

Daisy's point of view:


I rush to Dave; I can save him. I MUST save him. Nell, Kara, and Lisa have the same idea.

I see mom pulling up a shotgun. Instinctively I knew that was going to fail. Dad said it was broken for years. It was. The shells blew up in all directions, sending mom backwards against the door of the house. She has blood on her chest. I run to her, put my hand on a hole, and apply pressure. She doesn't look good.

I see four men running from the field towards us quickly. They have rifles in hand. Two come up to mom and two go to Dave.

Jay asks one of the guys working on mom, "How is she?"

Jack answers, "She got hit by the shell. She is losing blood and needs help quick. How is Dave."

Jay answers, "Nothing we can do for him."

I scream at Jay, "You need to save him. We can't lose him." I am pounding on his chest. I am screaming. I am crying hard. I am hysterical. Yes, I fully admit I am hysterical.

He smiles at me, "Do you see any blood?" What the hell did he just ask me? "He was wearing his flap jacket under his shirt. He has a few broken ribs, it hurts like hell. He passed out from the pain. The best thing we can do for him is leave him be. Your mom will be sore, she needs surgery, but she will survive. I am sorry to say that the same is not true for Sean.

"Where he was using a small shell, we use large ones that are very lethal. He took two shots from us. We didn't know he was out there until he took his shot. Then we took him out before he got you all. He was trying to reload his bolt action. Like a rookie, he popped his head up."

I hug Jay. It's all I can do. We all had to stay at the house while the state police question us. Bill sent Wendy to the hospital so there would be a friendly face there when Dave woke up. They kept us for several hours as we wrote our story and retold it several times. Finally, Jay had enough, made a phone call, then told the police they can talk to our lawyer from now on. They let us go. Jack drove us all in the Suburban to the hospital.

Chapter 12 -- Alive and All Is Not Well

Dave's point of view:

My eyes open and Wendy of all people is at my side. I guess I didn't die. Boy, do I feel wonderful. Way too good. I must be on some pain killer. I don't give a crap, Wendy is here! Wooo hooo! Look at them tits! I try to reach for them but moving hurts, I guess watching is OK as well.

My mind is clearing a bit now. I can focus. I look around, none of my sisters are here. Oh fuck, Sean got them as well. I start to cry. Grief is taking over.

Wendy senses my issue, "Your sisters and your friends are fine. None of them were hurt. They are giving the police their statements." Cool, that makes sense, I calm down. "Sean was killed, and your mother was injured and brought in with you. She will be OK. Your sisters will be here soon."

I can only whisper, "I have a special project for you. Will you help me? It's going to take a lot of time and I don't want anyone to know it's me. You up for a challenge?"

Wendy looks concerned, "Is it something I can handle?"

I smile at her, "I'm opening a line of credit with the bank. I want you to hire local people, emphasize family, and rebuild Granny's as quickly as you can. In my phone is a number for Terry's Restaurant. Call it, ask for Terry and explain what happened. I want him to order everything for the kitchen. He owns the restaurant. He just needs the dimensions. Nobody. Not Bill, not Jane, not my sisters, only you will know. Can you do that for me?" She started to reach for me to hug me. "Please no, I hurt awful." She stopped. "Will you do this for me? For the town?"

Wendy has tears running down her face, "Why can't I tell anyone?"

I smile at her cuteness, "My family hates me. If they know it's my money, they won't take the work. They need it. I see how bad it is here. It will be a good infusion of cash into the economy. Trust me on this. Besides, this town needs an excellent restaurant."

Wendy says, "I will do it. How do I explain the money?"

I think quick, "A college friend of Bill's. People will believe that. As you need money, text me. If I see it run low, I will add some more. If Jane stays with me I want it to be because she wants to and not because she has no other choice."

Wendy feels the need to kiss me. That's the exact moment my sisters arrive. Wendy looks like a mess. I take a nap, organizing a rebuild is arduous work. I will let her explain why she is kissing me to my sisters.


I wake up a few hours later. Wendy, the four J's (my buddies), and Daisy are there. Nell is with mom. She is doing better, and Nell wanted to make clear how they feel and their extreme disappointment in her actions.

I ask Jim, "I take it your father knows all?"

Jim snickers like only he can, "I find it funny that he asks me about you before he asks about me." He smiles. "Yes, we had a long talk. He's happy you'll live. He expects you to work from home for two months till you fully recover."

My voice breaks as I talk to them, "I can't thank you guys enough for your time and saving my life. I will never forget this."

Jack is the wise guy of the group, "To be honest, you saved us first and you didn't allow us to get injured. You were a crazy SOB that single handedly started a small war in a town leading the way with a two-handed machine gun in hand, a gun ship overhead, and two snipers. By the time you got to us half the US Army was behind you. All we did today was hide in the safety of the bushes and took one shot. That wasn't quite the same, so don't go getting sappy on us."

I tell them, "You are dismissed, go home to your families. I would salute you, but it hurts too damn much to move."

Jim says, "The plane is on the way for you guys, return the cars please. I am sticking around here just in case they need me. Dad insisted."

I suggest, "Jim, can you take Wendy to the airport to pick up Jane?"

He looks at me in disbelief, "I never said she was on the plane! You're going to ruin the surprise."

I laugh at him, "You don't know Jane. There is no way she wasn't coming back. I am here. I get myself shot. Her family business burns to the ground. Sean is dead. His sons are in jail for arson and attempted murder, and mom is in the hospital and may face charges. Good luck keeping that woman at home. Who is coming with her?"

Jim shakes his head, "No wonder you're better than me, no detail gets past you. Frank is coming. If nothing else, he can help salvage things and help at Daisy's. I tried to tell him you aren't driving anywhere but he is insistent. Dad has two helicopters coming for us when we leave. He doesn't want you bouncing around in a car for two hours. I agree with him on this, please don't fight us."

I reply, "I won't. I never win a fight with him anyways. Even when I'm right."

Sheriff Bill walks into my room as we are preparing to leave.

Bill says with a tear in his eye, "Thanks Dave. This town owes you a big favor. We have enough goods on Fran and her two idiot sons to lock them away forever. We won't press any charges against your mom, she's going to have some soul-searching to do. I know you and Wendy have been talking, if Daisy needs someone to run her B&B while she's with you in NYC I know Wendy wants to do it."

I say back to Bill, "I'm glad I helped you clean this town up. My sisters and I are leaving for a while, but we'll be back some day. It was great seeing you."


A day later, a helicopter picks us up, flies us to the airport, we fly home in the company jet, and that is where I start my eight weeks of recovery. A hospital bed and a nurse are in my room. Her main job is to keep me in bed and keep me clean.

Chapter 13 -- Stranger Danger

Six weeks in to my recovery and each of the sisters has a school picked out and soon will be attending classes. Frank and JoAnn are out assisting my sisters. JoAnn and Jane have become good friends. Jane is staying in NY for now, I put her up in a nice hotel. I got Nell an apartment, but we still see her often for dinner. I am now eating dinner with my family. It was a major step. The nurse is gone. All five women love the city. They know about drugs in the drinks and to never be alone. Frank will pick them up 24x7, no questions asked. Jane only goes with me or JoAnn and so far, that means just JoAnn.

They each have their own bedroom. Jane hasn't moved in yet, but I expect she will want to soon. Right now, I sleep alone for my own safety, I don't need an elbow in the ribs. I need to discuss a new arrangement with my staff soon.


It is a rainy and a cool September evening when the door-bell rings. Nobody comes to my house. People know in this neighborhood, you're most likely to have a set of Dobermans sent after you. Everyone's head turns towards the door.

Frank was closest, so he answers the door and talks to the person for several minutes before he came to me.

Frank is very formal which alerts me, "Sir, you have a guest in the living room to see you. No weapons."

He piqued my interest; I get up and slowly walk to the living room. Nell is over for dinner, so Jane and all four sisters follow me into the living room. Collectively, we gasp.

I say to Frank, "Gather the staff. I want them here for this."

Mom looks wilted from the rain and chilled to the bone. She has a single suit case with her.

Immediately Kara and Lisa yell, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Mom doesn't flinch or respond she takes the abuse. She looks like a broken woman.

I yell, "JoAnn, please take my mother to a guest bedroom, draw her a hot bath and find her some warm clothes. See to it that she drinks some hot tea before returning to talk with us."

Before mom goes upstairs, she takes the large suitcase and places it on the coffee table. She folds it open and inside there are no clothes, only photo albums and a few trophies from our childhood.

She simply says, "These are yours." Then follows behind JoAnn.

For an hour we look through and laugh at all the old photos of when we were children. Mom was in very few, she took the pictures.

A little later mom came back down with JoAnn and looks much better, she has her color back. She sat alone in a chair away from everyone else, I assume she sensed the hostility in the room. It is real.

Mom starts, "I sat in that hospital bed. Cold. Alone. I knew that Nell, my only daughter who visited me, wished I was dead. I couldn't raise my hand, I was in cuffs, under arrest. I had my son shot and each of my daughters told me how wonderful Dave is, what great things you were doing for them, and that they were leaving me for a far better life. I sat and wondered; how did I get here?

Fran came to see me. She admitted to all she had done and how it backfired. She was going to have Dave killed. I get out and I go home to find the driveway fixed, a new roof on the house, and aluminum siding on the outside as well.

"What kind of person does that to their mother that helped try to kill him? A very kind one. I call Bill and tell him about Fran's comments. She was already in jail, now she'll be gone for a long time. Eventually I'll have to testify against her and her children. Granny's is rebuilding quickly but I noticed it's mostly our family doing the work. I don't believe Wendy's story about Bill's college friend."

Jane cuts in, "Dave, are you involved with that? Is that your money? Did you lie to me? To everyone?"

Oh crap. What the fuck do I do? What do I say? Jane is going to hate me when she finds out the truth. I bet I turned as white as a ghost; everyone looks at me like I have the plague.

Daisy spoke first, "Of course it was him. Did you really, not know? Come on Jane, you weren't born yesterday. Almost immediately they're rebuilding. Wendy is supervising and not Bill. Most of our family has work and not yours'. Fuck, even I recognized some of the email from a "Terry's" in New York.

"Ok, Dave tells everyone it's him. None of our family takes the jobs, none of them eat at your place, and you will think he is trying to buy your love. Yeah, that ends well. How could any of Bill's friends know about the restaurant so quickly? Which of Bill's rich friends did this? Terry is telling Wendy what to order and where to put it.

From what I know, all top of the line professional equipment was ordered. With that set up, you're more likely to leave him and return to run Granny's. You love being a chef."

Daisy is mad at her friend.

Mom breaks the tension, "Ok ... moving on. In a lonely house I had a lot of time to reflect and I got some counseling. There is a specialist and a support group here willing to work with my sexual issues. I must change. What I did to Kara and Lisa in unforgiveable for a mother. I would like to stay here if your offer still stands. Otherwise an apartment, half-way house, or if needed on the streets. Whatever it takes so I can try to be a small part of your lives if you let me.

"I am not here to tell you how to do things or run your lives. If anything, I could use those answers from all of you. I am here strictly as a woman that gave birth to you and wants to try and live a clean normal life. I want to try and really love you like a mom should. Make no mistakes about it, I have deep seeded issues from the abuse by my parents and grandparents. If the maid needs help or the kitchen or the sewing department, I am willing to help where I can."

Mom looks sheepish now, "I sold everything I owned to get here. I have no clothes or money. I brought all the photos and awards you earned as kids in the one bag."

She just stopped talking. She gave her speech and it is up to me now. My sisters will offer input, but the decision is up to me. Let's see what they have to say.

I surprise everyone by asking, "JoAnn, what do you think I should do?"

JoAnn is in shock, "Me? Why me? I'm not family?"

I reply, "That's exactly why I'm asking you. You are a wise woman. We have known the bad for too long and it might taint our opinion of her. So, I am asking you as a caring person, someone that doesn't have any direct experience with her, or tainted by her, what do you think?"

JoAnn took a moment to reply, "I think the first thing you need to answer is what is the status of the rest of your family? You have four women living under your roof and five that want to fuck you, where do you stand there?"

Mom didn't bat an eyelash, it was as if she expected that or she has accepted not having an opinion.

I think for a moment before saying anything, "I would hope that it's obvious to everyone how I feel about Jane. I have fallen for her hard. I see no chance of a recovery from the way I feel. Daisy's her best friend and I expect we'll stay close. Nell was the biggest surprise to me. She was part of the reason I ran away, I was in love with her back then. I still love her and am trying to help her be independent and strong. I can't resist her, and she has needs."

"Kara and Lisa are difficult. They spent so much intimate time together they are like twins, yet they seek to separate themselves and be their own person. They dress different, have different hair styles, have their own rooms, yet they're still best friends and I see little chance of that changing. They have special needs that take a forceful, loving, and 100% trusting man. You just can't put an add in the paper for a man to dominate them. I will spend the least of my time with them but when I do, it will be intense."

I feel sad now, I am a limiting factor in their lives.

Jane must have read my mind, "I don't see any way that he doesn't continue a relationship with all of us. He was away for 14 years, I can't ask him to turn his back on you now. That's why his mom needs to stay. She needs him too. I realize I am going to get far less of the man that I love more than my own life. Some women would be jealous. Some would hate the four of you. What Dave does to me, and the way he makes me feel, there isn't anything I would not do for him.

"So, if that means that I must share or loan him out, so be it. I am willingly signing up for this, just please forgive me if I am surly occasionally. I don't like sharing him, I want to hog him all to myself. You have a ... unique family and you sisters have suffered. I will not stop him from administering ... treatments as needed."

JoAnn now confidently says, "I think the boss has made her decision, she stays."

Lisa laughs a bit, "I had no idea you're so smart. By asking JoAnn, you avoid arguing, fighting, screaming, and makes us all happy with all the decisions made here. You all do realize he all but said he is marrying Jane, will be fucking the rest of us on a regular basis, and mom gets to stay here, right? He did all that with just a few words. That was truly an awesome display of skill and we just all agreed to it. Damn you are good Dave."

Everyone including mom have their jaws on the floor, I just smile. I lay down the law.

I look at mom, "JoAnn will take you shopping. I don't trust you around my sisters yet. I need progress reports from the therapist. All my staff is former military, you never need to worry about your safety around them. They are quite skilled in many areas. We had a part time maid, cook, and general help around the house, she retired. You get that job full time. Work with Frank on my scheduling. My time as you can see is in high demand, but that does not mean I will never do stuff with you. They aren't big on the opera, so I may drag you along.

"Jane likes to cook but with five to six extra mouths to feed, some help will probably be welcome although I am sure JoAnn can handle it, she can do anything. I think Jane is looking at getting into catering, so you may find hours helping there as well. Help where you can, just don't be pushy. If you go on a date, don't bring them home. Last thing, the staff are all ninjas, things will show up in your room overnight, or things get fixed, good luck catching them. I sleep light and never hear a peep."

I announce, "Two weeks from today I have a Doctor's appointment. Hopefully they will tell me I am fully healed. We are going to do something starting, ending, or including dinner at Terry's. I am looking for suggestions, talk amongst yourselves and surprise me. Jane gets me first."