An Unhappy Reunion Pt. 03


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I smiled as I said, "He needs to fear our brother a little bit."

Lisa uses her sexy voice, "We can take you places you never dreamed of ... if you're man enough."

John nervously asks, "What about Dave? How will he react to the two of you being around me?"

I excitedly answer, "I will guarantee he will not be a problem. As you saw, he has plenty of women in his life. Since he rescued us from our mother, he's supported us in meeting men. Where we work, there are many undesirable men. Frank and JoAnn watch the customers, and Bly has asked for assistance with ... aggressive customers. Frank is just as capable as JoAnn in suggesting certain actions are not in their best interests."

I surprise him with a playful kiss on the tip of his nose.

John is suspicious, "Yes. I know exactly how persuasive JoAnn is first-hand. She gave me a live demonstration."

Lisa is excited as she asks, "What was it like? We've never seen her in action. We know men that were scary before speaking with her and weren't after chatting with her or Frank. That's something that Kira, Bly, and I appreciate."

John is half laughing as he says, "I am a fit, healthy, and experienced killer that spent three tours in the "sandbox." Nothing scares me. I am quick and have killed several with my bare hands. JoAnn stopped my momentum, dislodged a nerve, and had me withering in agony in less than a second. A few things showed up last night while I was asleep. I swear she's a fucking ninja. That's one lady you don't want a demo from."

I explain, "Look. Dave will have no problem with us playing together. Mom broke us, and we don't understand love. We're in therapy, but I don't see it helping. We only know that we love Dave because he saved us from mom. Our family has no family love because mom and dad were so dysfunctional."

John is amazingly honest, "I came back a broken man that saw faces at night, hears attackers, wakes up to bombs, and can't sleep more than a few hours at a time. The state was my mom and dad. I'm angry with my life. I don't react well to mistreated women, yet I'm the worst offender if I drink. My clinical evaluation is that I'm fucked up and better off dead."

Lisa isn't amused with his analysis, "I think you might be a bit hard on yourself. Lack of sleep is a cause of many issues. We want to try an experiment if you're up to it."

John says slowly and cautiously, "What are you up to?"

I turn his head to me, "Really, John? We're twins. If she talked last, I'm talking next. Keep up, boy. We're going to fuck you until you're exhausted. Then we'll suck you dry. Then we'll see how long you sleep."

John looks at Lisa, "Sleep? You might kill me. I haven't had sex since before I joined the army. The whores overseas were gross and full of diseases. You would not believe the pictures and videos the doctors showed us as we came into a base. I can't believe any sane guy would touch one of those whores. Sure, a real woman you met outside of a bar, they were ok, but all the rest were gross. I would LOVE to spend time with either of you."

Lisa laughs at him, "Oh, you poor boy. You understand so little. We're going to tag-team you. We do EVERYTHING together, including fucking guys."

As I stand up, so does Lisa. We both take a hand to lift him up.

As John gets up, he notes, "It's only 7:00. We have ..."

I cut him off mid-sentence, "Are you a thirty-second lover? If so, we can leave now."

John follows down the hallway, "I didn't say that. I just don't want to fall asleep before midnight."

Lisa laughs, "Oh, John, you're so funny. No way you fall asleep before midnight. OK, if we wear you out, we'll let you sleep. Don't count on that, though."

John has an evil grin on his face, "I think I'm beginning to see why Dave doesn't keep you two for himself."

I jump on his back, wrap my legs around his waist, and whisper in his ear, "He's too good of a man for us. We need discipline, yet we don't like extreme pain. It's a fine line with us. However, we will respond in ways you can't even dream of if you can find that line."

John stiffens, "John's ... played ... with you?"

Lisa and I sit on the bed with John between us and explain, "Mom was a total control freak and a royal cunt. It was all about pleasing herself. You can probably guess how that went over with guys. Dave comes along and says, hey, let's go shopping, buy everything nice, give us a ton of money, and let us live with him provided we go to college. We all practically raped him. I see your eyes go wide, yes, Daisy and Nell as well."

I add with an attitude, "Daisy snagged him his first night sleeping in her bed and breakfast. She's always had a thing for him. Nell is surprisingly shy and very wary of men ... other than Dave. Those two will never leave Dave; they love him too much. We need a different kind of love. We love Dave more than you can imagine, but he can't really give us what we want. He manufactures a persona to satisfy us, but it's not what he enjoys. He's just a nice guy."

Johns catches on, "You need more extreme, more intense, more imaginative, with a side of rough, without going psycho."

We both smile at him.

John continues, "You don't want a man to ask you what you want. You want a man that knows what you need. Unfortunately, that is a lot of shades of gray in between. I might need a few nights and some feedback to tune myself to your level of ... me. Because of that, I will occasionally go too far just to ensure I'm going far enough and see if your needs change over time. So don't freak out if I cross lines, but you absolutely need to provide me with feedback.

"Lisa, your safeword is ice cream. Kira, your safeword is red. Those are two that I've used before. If you hate them, we can change them later ... if you earn it."

With a loud commanding voice, John says, "Both of you, hands up against the wall and spread em. NOW!"

I jump with my hands against the wall, and my legs are spread wide. Lisa doesn't rush getting into position. I see her pulled back by her hair. I hear her hand on the bed, there is a short tussle, and Lisa screams right before I hear John spank her ass hard ten times. She sprints to the wall and is next to me with her pants and panties around her ankles. She looks at me with a grin on her face. We were right about John.

My t-shirt is lifted with a jerk. It goes up and over my head, forcing my arms off the wall for a moment. In a second, the same happens to Lisa. We both have a lovely lace bra on that supports our 34C boobs. We're rather proud of the fullness they still retain. At the same time, he uses a finger to undo the clasp. That's impressive. I laugh to myself; he's motivated.

My arms are grabbed and brought to my side, allowing my bra to fall. I put my hands back up on the wall. His rough, calloused hands come around my chest, grab my breasts a tad harder than I like, and squeeze them harshly.

As I squeak out in pain, he growls, "I didn't tell you to put your hands back on the wall bitch."

I pull my arms back. He squeezes harder.

I know John is grinning, "I didn't say to put them back up. Only do what I tell you."

He pushes one arm down with Lisa, causing half the bra to fall. The other half is still hanging on. He pulls the bra up her arm, pulling her arm away from the wall. She leaves it exactly where it was. Both bras are on the floor. John waits. He knows Lisa can't hold that pose too long. Two minutes and she's starting to sway. This won't last much longer.

John surprises me when he says, "Well done, Lisa."

He takes her arm, puts it at her side, spins her around, and pinches her nipples as he plants a firm kiss on her lips. She's whimpering from the pain but doesn't move. John is going to be fun.

We did keep John up until midnight. He fucked each of us hard and well. Surprisingly, he is slow to anger and hesitates to cause pain. As I analyze him, I think this is what we're looking for in a man. He's harsher than Dave yet still caring and protective. Oh yes, he is very protective. Something terrible happened to him a while ago. I can almost feel it rolling inside him; he's scared of it.


7:00 AM, the alarm goes off. I don't work early, and I can't reach that God damn alarm! I hear a smashing of plastic. Lisa turned it off. John is up and out of bed, naked, and then in the shower. How the fuck can he move so fast in the morning.

Lisa won't or can't get up. I'm curious. I strip my panties off and head into the shower. John isn't surprised to see me.

I inquire, "Sleep well last night?"

He picks me up, twirls me around, and then kisses me.

An excited John says, "Hell yes, I did. I hadn't slept that well since basic training when they wore our asses out."

I am testing John, "You still going to do therapy?"

John smiles at me, "With you two, I don't need therapy anymore."

I laugh at him, "Baby, I wasn't really asking you. We wore your ass out; that won't be an every night thing. It will be a never again thing if you don't continue your therapy. Understand now?"

John looks confused at me, "Hey, I thought I was in charge here."

Lisa picks that moment to join us, "Oh, come on, John, you're not that dumb. We may allow certain things and behavior, but never doubt who's really in charge. Comprendo?"

John looks at me specifically, "You're playing a dangerous game."

I look John square in the eyes, "We have been for years. You're the one who is new to this. We know exactly what we're doing and what we want. You have lots of freedom; that's what makes it fun. But you must understand that if you go too far, there will be consequences. You will always make better decisions with sleep and a clear head, which is why therapy will help. We won't force you, but we won't show up often if you don't. It's all your choice."

John smirks, "My choice? You give me the options, take away the ones you don't like, then add threats. The part that sucks is that I will play your game even though I know I can never win."

Lisa teases John, "Last night didn't feel like winning? We give you the options we want. Don't think that just because they're our options, you don't want the same ones, mister."

John exits the shower, "I need to get going for work. Lock up on your way out. If you get bored, we need food for making breakfast, lunches, and dinner. Eating out too much is going to make me fat. I need to stay in shape."

As John runs out the door, "I'm sorry, ladies, but I like the people I'm working for and what I do. I'm not going to fuck up this chance. I will be home around six, or text me with what you want."

He kisses each of us, then runs to the bus stop. Well. That was interesting.

I text John our address at work two hours later, "Stop by; we'll eat out and drive you home. Bly wants to meet you."


The store is busy today. It's a nice day, and all the crazies are out. At our store, we don't see a lot of ordinary men. Then tend to be hyper and aggressive or very quiet and soft-spoken. Those are the ones I like; they're a lot of fun. Right now, we have a couple of scary guys in the building. Bly has already called Frank. I don't trust John enough yet. He may not even come tonight. He's already fifteen minutes later than I expected.

Lisa and I are near the cash register where Bly is. She won't let us demo product with the two guys in the place. From what I know about them, I don't want to. This is one of the few times I listen remarkably well. Besides, Dave will yank us out of here if I don't, and we love this place.

The two men really are creeps. They bully the customers, and we're losing sales. I don't know what Bly saw, but she suddenly has more confidence.

Bly yells out to everyone, "HEY! Play nice, or you will be asked to leave. Craig, the meaner of the two, rushes to us, forcing us all to step back from the counter. This is starting to creep me out.

The man says with a high-pitched, pathetic voice, "I want a rope demo, but your two bitches won't do one with too many people here."

An emboldened Bly retorts, "With your behavior tonight, there is no chance of that happening."

John walks in at that moment and immediately notices our defensive stance and worried looks. He is amazingly good at grasping the situation and not calling our names. He's reading the situation. Slowly, he strolls up to the counter.

John announces, "I'm new to this area and need some supplies. I've heard that you do demos." With his voice trailing off suggestively."

The creep is annoyed by John; he looks at Bly, "He gets a demo and assistance, and I don't?"

John points at some rope in the case. I reach in, pull it out, and am handing it to John when the Creep tries to grab my arm with a lightning-quick reach. As he grabs my arm, John grabs his arm, which infuriates the man. John looks like he's folding laundry.

The creep bitches, "Get your hands off me!" as he tries to pull my and his hand back.

His hand moves an inch before bouncing back in place. I can see John's hand go white and then red grabbing the man's wrist. That's got to hurt the Creep.

I see the Creep's face blanch as I hear a creepy voice say, "Mr. Lawson, do you need another lesson in manners?"

The hair on the back of my neck is up on end. I'm scared, and my legs are shaking. Frank steps around the Creep, winks at me, and places his hand on the Creep's shoulder, causing him to flinch and pull harder to get away. John releases him. The other creepy guy is slowly sliding directly behind Frank. I'm too scared to say anything.

Frank is almost smiling. Does he know where he is?

Frank never saw the guy, but Frank barks out, "Mr. Kramer," as he closes in. "If you take another step closer to me, you will lose your right arm."

The man stops dead in his tracks. He suddenly freezes and stands stiff, like he's frozen.

I'm floored when Frank says, "It's OK, JoAnn; I knew he was there and was pulling out a knife."

The man's mouth falls open. How the fuck did he know.

Frank laughs at my apparent confusion, so Frank explains, "He's about as subtle as a sneezing elephant in a glass shop. Pulling the knife out made so much noise; you all should have heard it. Dude, buy decent weapons. What? Is that left over from High School?"

JoAnn is less friendly, "You two can buy online from now on. You'll never see us, but you will know we were there. Now get the fuck out of here."

The second guy asks, "Do you think you're good enough to make me?"

John laughs at the man, "Dude, I could hand you your ass, and she kicked mine. You have no chance. She's that good. However, you're one of those dumb mother fuckers. I encourage you to try it. If you win, you can do anything you want with her. However, when you don't win, you will need an ambulance."

The first creep closest to me asks me, "What are his odds of success?"

I take a moment before answering, "You think he's ever killed, anyone? He beats and intimidates women. From what I know, JoAnn was trained and possessed certain skills that made her especially lethal. I think he's lucky that he doesn't intimidate her, or he would be dead. She makes a mean omelet as well."

The second man closest to JoAnn makes a sudden move. She did something and then assisted him to the floor softly.

The first man says, "Dumb motherfucker."

JoAnn looks at him with fire and brimstone in her eyes.

In a stop motion, the man puts up his hands defensively, "NO! NO! NO! I was talking about him. The way Kira said that, I believed her. I'm on my way out. Have a nice day, everyone."

How did he know my name?

John let his arm go. John has a smirk on his face as he watches the man leave.

There is a moment of silence as the customers are too scared to talk. Frank and JoAnn watch everything like a hawk, expecting something else to happen.

John makes me smile, "I just wanted to get some lube and rope. Are people here always so cranky?"

Bly smiles at John, "You caught us on a bad day. The two were trying to show that they were the alpha male in the store, and we now know that, at best, each was number four. I knew Ben was coming because I forced him to call ahead. So, when Dirk showed up, I called for a peacekeeper."

John laughs good, "Peacekeeper? These two are assassins. I've seen enough. Ah-ha, you want to sleep good tonight; yes, they're peacekeepers. I feel much better about Kira and Lisa working here now. I thought they needed a new job. I'm not JoAnn or Frank, but I only live about five minutes away. Here's my phone number."

For the next two hours, Lisa and I tied up each other and played with a few pets that came into the store. Tonight was and will still be a ton of fun.

To be continued...

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HaphazardJokerHaphazardJoker3 months ago

Yea, John deserves nothing why is he getting 2 girls, just for having PTSD. Wqs quite the disappointment

Ravey19Ravey194 months ago

Some flaws as already mentioned but still worth reading

LacastrianLacastrian5 months ago

Where did this thing about Lisa and Kira being twins come from? In the first chapter it was said that Lisa was a year older than Kara

Sumnut96Sumnut968 months ago

LOVE this story! 5 stars for All . DMW aka

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19819 months ago

1 more thing as others has stated it did seem like Jane turned into a self ignorent and intilted bitch who will do anything to get what she wants again it's all about her and to hell with anyone else some say she got drunk and told indirectly he was fucking his sisters as well however I don't believe it was a accident I think she told them on purpose and then told them to use that against him to make him fall in line and she will keep using it against him while she fucks other guys and probably fuck them in front of him as I said he's a coward a fucking pathetic little cuck bitch he damn sure ain't no man

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