Androshorts: That Bloody Woman!


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They slipped forward, him still laying partially over her with his cock still embedded. They slept.

They woke a few hours into the night, with him spooning her, his new erection pushing between her thighs. She reached between her legs, got the angle right and pushed back with a deep sigh. She said the next morning that this was probably the nicest lovemaking she'd ever encountered and being so sleepy, warm, being cuddled and screwed by her lover was just perfect.

Her alarm went off at a bit before seven and she was up and into the shower. He woke, made coffee from the posh machine now they had mains power, and unmade the bed, opening the windows to let in the fresh air and let out the sexual fug from the night before. Thank God they had washed some sheets yesterday.

"Shower time," said Debs emerging in another of those sexy bikinis, "I'll get your breakfast while you're at it."

"What breakfast are we talking here?"

"What do you think Dave? After all that hard work of yours and seeing as I sleep so well, I can't do any less than eggs and bacon can I."

"Sold," he said and finished his coffee.

She picked up her phone and looked at it, something neither of them had done in the weeks they'd been at sea but he didn't think anything of it.

"And you need a shave," she said rubbing her chin, "No rush Dave," she said, "enjoy yourself in there. We're back to one every two days until we reach Kingston."

"OK," he said and did as ordered. After a few minutes he heard the radio come on and he was sure he could hear voices, perhaps John was back.

He emerged feeling clean and ready for anything the world could throw at him, this was improved by orange juice on the breakfast table and the smell of cooked bacon.

"Sit down Honey," she said, "Breakfast is just coming."

He sat, sipped his juice and closed his eyes, this was definitely the life.

"Here's your breakfast Daddy," said Kathy.

"Oh thanks Baby," he said, then realised that his daughter was stood by the table in a bikini much like Debs with the exception that her skin was pale English summer white. "KATHY!" he shouted in delight, "Baby, how did you get here!" he stood and hugged his daughter that he'd missed so much.

"Stuart at the office arranged it before you even left, Nanny drove me to Gatwick, I flew FIRST CLASS! FIRST CLASS DADDY!" she all but screamed, "I was put on a shuttle at Miami International at silly o'clock this morning and this lovely lady called Becky met me and brought me here." She sat down, next to her father, "Knackered to tell the truth!"

"I can imagine sugar," he said, "here, have my breakfast."

"There's plenty to go round Dave," said Debs putting another plate before his daughter, "there Kathy, told you he didn't have a clue didn't I?"

"Yeah," she grinned, "That's my Dad for you."

"Don't tell me, you're both going to gang up on me now aren't you?"

"What do you think," said Debs sitting down with her plate and the coffee jug.

They ate breakfast and at 'as soon as they felt like it' Dave cast off the lines, jumped back on board and Debs cruised the Montego Bay back out into the Caribbean for their short trip to Kingston, Jamaica. Debs plastered Kathy with sunscreen, and told her new friend about how long she should stay out until she had to cover up.

By mid-afternoon the teenager was starting to feel the effects of her flights and Debs showed her to her cabin and her bunk. She was asleep in moments.

"I'll wake her up in time for dinner," said Debs, "don't want the poor thing to suffer jetlag."

"Thanks Debs," said Dave pulling on the stainless steel ships wheel the crew had tightened during their stopover, "That was so lovely of you all."

"That's what Becky and I were off discussing last thing last night," she sat next to him with a Coke for him, "that's also why she loaned me her sexy lingerie seeing as we'll have another passenger with us for the next few nights. I wanted last night to be special."

"And it was," he said slipping an arm around her, "it was so lovely, but then you are lovely Debs..." he leaned forward and kissed her, "so lovely in fact I think..." she looked like she was holding her breath, "I think I'm in love with you."

She breathed out at last,

"That's just how it should be," said Debs.


"Of course; I'm a little disappointed that it's taken you this long to realise Dave, but you got there in the end."

"And you?"

"Yes," she said with a wicked grin in her eye.

"Yes what?"

"I love me too."

"You... what?"

"Oh for heaven's sake Dave," she moved closer to him, close enough to pinch a sip from his Coke can, "I've been in love with you for weeks! When we first met at the office and I shook your hand, I had just the biggest crush on you. You were so handsome! You were a strong guy with your own opinions and you weren't a soldier!" She shook his arm. "When Stuart said that I had to sail here with you, I didn't know whether to be overjoyed or terrified. So I may have come across as a bit resistant at first."

"Just a bit." He said.

"Well, that night that I had the bad dream and you sat up with me and talked me through it, then tucked me in and cuddled me, I got it so bad for you! I really had to force myself not to be to obvious. I didn't know what to do. Then when we had a kiss and a cuddle I was beside myself, then I had the nightmare about Harry and I just knew I had to get past it. The truth I'd been hiding from the world and from me for ten years; you cleverly dragged it out of me with that falling in the sea stunt." He laughed, "it wasn't funny!" she snapped bashing him.

"But it worked baby," he said.

"Yes indeed," she said slipping an arm through his. "You held my hand and gave me the confidence to at least start to come to terms with it;" she stopped and her face and her chest flushed red, "Shit but you made me horny. It was all I could do not to jump your bones that afternoon, if we hadn't been in so close to the sea lanes I would have dragged you to bed and had you."

He smiled,

"THAT'S the effect I have on women."

"Fuck off Dave," she said, "But that was the effect you had on me, but I wanted you but I wanted it to be perfect, our first time had to be as romantic as it was. That's the reason I waited until we made it to Key West, and fuck but you were worth the wait Dave!" Her eyes filled with tears, "I still have a way to go yet I'm sure but..." she had to look away from him, "but then you asked me to move in with you!" she shook him a bit in her excitement.

"You're so worth it Debs," he said kissing her.

"Oh get a rooooom you two," came a voice from the cabin, and a slightly bleary eyed Kathy appeared with a Coke and a glass.

"Sorry Sugar," said Dave, "We used to have one but some bloody kid turned up and ruined it."

"Oh, is that a way to treat you only daughter that's flown thousands of miles to help you sail across the Caribbean and help you get a suntan?"

Debs laughed still with an arm through his, smiling at the other girl in his life.

"Want a go at steering Darling?" said Debs, "you can't do any worse than your Daddy here."

"Oh, thanks for that vote of confidence," said Dave.

"Oh you know I don't mean in Davie?" she leant forward and kissed his cheek. In seconds Kathy was on the seat next to him and kissing the other cheek, both making loud slurpy noises as they did so.

"OKAY I surrender!"

"and about time too, here Kath," said Debs indicating where his daughter should sit, "Your turn."

"I'll go and cook tea I suppose?"

"I love it when a man knows his place..." Debs gave him a single glance looking down into her lap, where she liked him to be most of all.

They reached Kingston in very slow time, even hoisting the sails and letting Kathy get the feel of real sailing, and she took to it like a natural, within days having a tan almost as good as her Dad's.

The holiday was almost over and they had a few days to hang around on the boat in the Worldsail Marina. They visited 'Goldeneye' where Ian Fleming had created James Bond, ate lots of good food before flying home to the UK to be met by his parents with a car for all three of them and their luggage, extremely complimentary about Dave's weight loss and his fantastic tan.

"And guess what Nanny," said Kathy, "Dad and Debs are an item!"

His Mum reached across her granddaughter and took Debs hand,

"Oh how lovely!" she said, "Welcome to the family Darling, and thank you so much for looking after my boy for me."

"Oh, it was mutual looking after Mrs Ross, trust me."

"Call me Jean," said his Mum.

She moved in with him and Kathy, straight into his room and never slept anywhere else. Kathy talked proudly of 'Dad and Debs' and the ten thousand pounds they had raised for Cancer Research. The amount raised was more than that, but after a quiet word, Dave asked Stuart if half of it could be paid to the local women's refuge and the domestic abuse helpline they ran. Stuart was only too happy to do so.

She rang her father to tell him about the successful trip and that she was moving in with Dave and his daughter, and the Colonel was as she predicted, frosty and demanding to know how the hell he was going to run Har... their charity on his own.

"Pay someone," she said, "there are bound to be some yachties that would jump at the chance to get bed, board and pocket money to spend their days sailing around the coast and the Med, trust me."

"You know there's very little spare money Darling," he said turning on the slightly annoyed army officer voice.

Dave had set her up for this.

"Yeah, well I don't want to do it anymore Daddy, I want to be a teacher, like Mum."

"Weeeeeeell," he said, "All of those poor boys..."

"Why don't you ask Ellen to give up everything she worked for to help you Daddy;"

"She's very busy," he said.

"So am I but it seems that I can give up my dreams," he just went quiet at that, "My dreams not so important as hers obviously."

He kept up his barrage eventually telling her that he expected her to fulfil her commitment to the family charity and he wanted her at Poole Marina at 0800 on...

"Dad, I'm not coming, like I said, ask Ellen to take some years out of her busy life to fulfil her commitment to the family charity. Who knows she might like it and after all, Harry never raped her did he... goodnight Daddy." She put down the phone, completely forgetting to give him her new address, the reason for her call in the first place.

Debs signed up for her postgrad certificate in education and in no time flat was teaching geography at Kathy's school, Miss Conroy, the round the world yachtswoman with the medal who also happened to be Kathy Ross's Dad's girlfriend.

As she reached her thirty first birthday, she sat on the sofa hugging Kathy as they so often did and they systematically picked holes in Dave for his cooking skills and the quite splendid dinner he created for all three of them.

Once Kathy had retreated to her bed, Dave mentioned how well they got on,

"Oh she's an angel," said Debs, "I love her to bits."

"Would you like a child?" he said simply.

"But we already... Dave?"

"Would you like to have a baby with me?"

She turned in her seat,

"A..." she stammered, "A baby?" she squeaked her answer.

"Yeah," said Dave, "Trust me, it's just the best thing in the world. You'd be brilliant at it." She just sat there smiling at him, eventually nodding and hugging him. "S'pose we'd better get married then, you think?"

From the hallway, there was a screech,

"Oh come on Dad, no fucking way;" Debs looked round to see Kathy in her nightdress with a glass of water; she panicked, surely she... "No way are do you just say to my mate Debs 'S'pose we'd better get married," she ran in and sat next to Debs, "if you're going to propose then you do it properly, here," she stood and went to the large writing desk that stood in the bay window and withdrew a small red box, Kathy stood tall with hands on her hips looking more like her late mother than she would ever know, "Now propose properly!"

"You're right of course," said Dave taking the box from his daughter. He knelt before Debs, her eyes wide open, with a half smile on her lips, "My darling Debs, will you marry me and be the father of my children that won't pick on me?"

"Yes!" she screeched, "Yes!" he slipped the ring on her finger and they all hugged.

"About bloody time," said Kathy kissing and hugging her soon to be step-mum. "Night Debs," she said giving her another hug, "don't worry about all of that 'children that won't pick on me' shit, he doesn't really believe that's ever going to happen."

"Night Darling, and thanks for steering him in the right direction, he does try."

"Yeah, fortunately we're here to keep him on course."

They married later that summer, in a church with lots of family and friends with Kathy as bridesmaid and given away by her father, who was allowed to wear his uniform and his medals. He confessed he quite liked Dave, more so his spirited daughter that seemed to treat her new step-grandfather with the same amount of respect she showed for her Dad, she even dragged him up and made him dance.

They honeymooned in Key West with their friends John and Becky, even taking Kathy with them. Their yacht was next up from the Montego Bay and named 'Debandave' in honour of their trip. Becky took Kathy under her wing and they shopped and partied in Key West for a few days while the newly weds sailed away.

Mr and Mrs Ross got as far as some buoys on the other side of the bay and tied off to one. Only getting out of bed for food and drink.

When they got back to the UK two weeks later Debs didn't even bother with a pregnancy test. She went to her GP, got her prescription for folic acid and booked her three month scan. Their daughter Sally-Ann, was born six months after that.


Dear Reader,

I did lots of Wiki searches about sailing when Randi first suggested 'Siren's Song'.

You must forgive the holes in my story as I know NOTHING ABOUT SAILING. If there are misquotes or out and out sailing untruths, please 'will that suspension of disbelief' -- I write amateur fiction, I don't sail.

There are some dark matters in this story and I don't apologise for them, it's just how the story took me, honest -- but my heart goes out to the hundreds and thousands of victims of domestic abuse the world over, and my utmost respect goes to the volunteers and professionals that support them in whichever way they do, be it raising money through a bake sale to driving an escape car in the early hours of the morning, to bring those people out of the nightmare and into the light.


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DadieODadieO19 days ago

Dang pretty hood story. I always read a story as just that. If there are poetic license taken so be it its fiction. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Smoother sailing then the fierce storms I had imagined at sea rather than the emotional PTSD portrayed. Imaginative therapeutic voyage in a romantic odessey. Precocious fun daughter.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

People from Wales are the Welsh. Welsh Lancers. [No such unit, I don't believe, but NP with that, creative license, etc.}

The Welch are people who sell grape juice. 'Welch' Lancers is so egregiously silly, it's almost insulting to the Welsh.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Did you proofread this mess at all before submission?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

":Debs hardly spoke to him for the first day, and as they motored a long the channel westward waiting for the wind to pick up he guessed."

Come on, you can do better than this without breaking a sweat.

A seventh grader could easily find and fix the six or so obvious grammatical, punctuation, and style errors in this one sentence. These things matter; failing at them distracts inordinately from your otherwise very readable prose and interesting stories.

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