Angela and Vonda Ch. 05

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Angela sinks further under the control of her sadistic sister.
5.9k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/21/2010
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The girls, Vonda, Mary, and Angela, reached the boutique, got out of the car, and went inside. Vonda had several things she wanted to buy especially for Mary. She wanted Mary to have a new look. They searched up and down the aisles for things. She explained what she wanted in a succinct manner, "Mary you were hired as a maid, but owing to some changed circumstances I think we need to reevaluate your role. I'm sure Angela will agree we can't have you running around in the uniform of a domestic when your duties will have changed so significantly. For instance there will be times when you'll need to take Angela out, perhaps to go shopping or maybe to visit a doctor. We can't have you out and about in black dresses all the time. Angela now being more your ward than mistress you'll need to dress the part."

Mary answered, "I'm comfortable in the things I have."

Vonda responded, "I'm not. I want you to look smart and sharp all the time, not like some drudge. You represent the family. In fact, you're a part of the family now."

"Yes ma'am."

"Stop the yes ma'am. The only yes ma'am I want to hear had better come from her." She pointed to Angela; taking her right hand she lightly tickled the back of Angela's neck, "That right dear?"

Angela looked down and away, "Yes ma'am."

Vonda stood a little taller, "That's how I want it. Now let's buy Mary some new things." Collectively Vonda arranged the purchase of a dozen dresses, a dozen more skirt and blouse outfits, and numerous other items of apparel. When they were finished and had everything in bags she instructed Angela to make several trips from the store to the car until all the packages were safely locked away in the trunk. "OK girls let's go the deli and get something to eat."

They went to the same delicatessen where Angela had played the exhibitionist not so long before. They even sat at the same table, only on this occasion it was Vonda running the show, "Angela you sit over there by the window. Cross your legs nicely so everyone passing by can see your pretty panties." Angela, mortified, did as she was told. "There that's a good girl. Now keep your hands folded on the table."

When the waitress came Mary ordered a BLT on toast and some French fries. Vonda got a bowl of crab soup and a salad. Vonda ordered for Angela as well, "Angela darling I see they have a menu for children. Would you like a hot dog or would you prefer some chicken nuggets?"

Angela stiffened, "I want a BLT and fries like Mary."

"Don't be silly," Vonda replied. "You'll eat from the children's menu until I think you're mature enough to handle grown up food."

"OK. I'll, take the nuggets."

"You'll take the nuggets what?"

Angela knew what Vonda wanted and this time was determined not to give in to her, "I'll take the nuggets with an order of fries and some honey mustard."

Vonda knew what was up. Angela was betting nothing would happen out in public, "Darling. You're either going to answer me politely or I'm going to have to spank you right here in front of everyone." She smiled sweetly, "Now what will it be?"

"Spank me. I dare you."

Before the words were even completely out of Angela's mouth Vonda left her seat, grabbed Angela by the arm and threw her over her knee, "All right. We'll do it the hard way."

Angela was genuinely flummoxed, "You can't do this! I'm a grown woman! You're crazy!"

By then Vonda had already let go with her first slap across her left cheek.

"Ouch!" shouted Angela.

Vonda leveled a second, a third, and then a fourth slap across the woman's perfect cheeks.

Angela yelped and yelped again, "OK! OK! I'm sorry."

"You're what?"

"I'm sorry ma'am. May I please have some nuggets, fries, and honey mustard?"

By then a small crowd had gathered to see what the commotion was about. Most everyone knew Vonda, and by then, thanks to Angela's own misconduct earlier and thanks to the McCardle's wagging tongues, everyone knew there was something wrong with the new girl living with Brandon and Vonda.

Angela was stricken as she heard the hushed comments, "My Vonda has her hands full. I never would have believed it. How can Brandon put up with it?"

Vonda turned Angela back over and helped her back in her seat, "You hear everyone don't you?"

Angela nodded.

"They all think you're emotionally disturbed," Vonda rubbed it in. In a low threatening tone of voice, "There isn't a single person in this town who would raise a single finger to help you. Brandon and I own this town. The people living here all in one way or another are dependent on our good will. You knew that when you came here," She leaned even closer, "You're mine you little idiot. You'll do what I say, when I say it, or I'll ship you off to an asylum."

Angela tried to defend herself, "Brandon."

Vonda stopped her cold, "Brandon does what I say. He already thinks you're off your rocker," She smiled evilly, "you'll do everything you're told, understand?"

Angela looked at Mary for help.

Vonda took her hand and turned Angela's face back, "Mary works for me. She'll be good to you as long as I allow it. If Mary offers any opposition I'll have her fired and turn you over to Dorothy and Marge. They're drooling at the chance to take you over."

Mary reached across with her hand. She wanted to show Angela she cared, partly because she really did, partly because she wanted to keep her job, but mainly because she liked the idea of having her very own living doll, "Angela please hold it together. I'll never hurt you, and in time things will get back to normal. You'll see."

Vonda volunteered, "You better listen to Mary. She's got your best interests at heart."

Angela was sniffling from the spanking, and her eyes were still watering from fresh tears, "I understand." She looked at Vonda with genuine fear, "I promise. No more trouble."

That's a good girl. Now I see our food has arrived." The three ate in silence.

Long about mid-munch Vonda look over at Angela, "Will you stop smacking your lips."

"I beg your pardon."

"You're eating; you're smacking or doing something with your teeth or lips. I told you to stop."

"I don't know what you mean."

Vonda looked at Mary, "Don't you hear it?"

"Well maybe a little." was Mary's response.

"What do you mean a little? I can hear it like it was a steam shovel or something. When was the last time you had your teeth checked?"

Angela was a little befuddled, "Why just before Brandon and I got."

Vonda interrupted. She wouldn't let her say married, "We're having your teeth checked. I think there's an overbite there that will have to be fixed."

"I don't have an overbite. My teeth are perfect."

Vonda looked off in the distance, "I'm not so sure. I think we'll schedule an appointment for you with the dentist."

Angela blew it off, "Go ahead if you want. He won't find anything."

Nothing else was said. The three women got up and went back to the car. Vonda made a comment, "We have one more stop to make."

Angela asked, "Where's that?"

Vonda turned and glared at Angela, "Did I speak to you? I was speaking to Mary. You know little girls are to be seen and not heard. Do I make myself clear?"

Angela answered, "Yes ma'am."

Vonda looked back at Mary and smiled, "I made an appointment for Angela at the jewelers." She put the car in gear and off they sped.

They reached the jewelers in good time, and all three went in. Vonda commented, "I have something special in mind for you today Angela." She went to the main desk and asked to see the head jeweler.

He immediately appeared. Having made things for Vonda many time in the past he was well aware of the advantages that accrued to the jewelry shop that had her business, "I'm here for you," was what he said.

"Good. Here is the young woman I told you about. Have you got everything ready?"

"Yes ma'am. Would you all please step in the back? I think everything is in order."

They went all the way back to the very rear of the store to an area where customers almost never got to went. The jeweler opened a case and took out several large boxes, I believe we have everything right here." He opened the first box. Inside were several circular pieces of metal, all of varying sizes. He took a cloth ruler and wrapped it around Angela's left then her right wrist, "Yes perfect." He pulled forth two circular metal bands. Each was precisely an inch wide and an eighth of an inch in thickness. There was an almost invisible hinge at one end and an equally difficult to see locking hasp on the other. He placed each circular band around one of Angela's wrists and snapped each one shut, "There." Each circular band looked innocently like a simple gold bracelet when in fact each was a fully locked manacle. Each had two eyebolts one on either side opposing each other.

He took the measuring tool and wrapped it around Angela's neck. He smiled, "Ah yes." From the box he extracted another circular band, held it up, and then affixed it around the girl's neck. There was that same quiet magical little click that told everyone the collar was fully attached. It also had two small eyebolts one opposing the other, and like the wrist bands this piece was also one inch in width and one eighth of an inch thick. He looked at the disbelieving Angela, "Would the lady please sit down and raise her feet?"

Angela looked at Vonda and then Mary. She had the look of someone in shock. She sat down and raised her feet.

The jeweler measured each foot and snapped a similar ring around each ankle. Turning to Vonda he added, "I have here several lengths of gold chain. Some are six, some twelve, some eighteen, one thirty-six, and one six feet long. Each has its own small metal lock that automatically closes through the eyebolts locking everything shut. You may wish to lock her up or not in any fashion you choose." He handed Vonda the box, "Here also are two keys. Both have been programmed to unlock any of the devices here. Just in case, I have a third key I'll keep here. Should you need additional ones I can make them from the original?"

Vonda took the two keys, then handed one to Mary, "Excellent. I'm sure I'll be in need of your expertise again very soon. Smiling at Angela and Mary she said, "Come along ladies. It's time to go home."

As an afterthought, but actually a well planned decision, Vonda once again turned to Angela, "While you're here why don't you get completely undressed."

Angela looked up, "What?"

Vonda replied, "Yes, take off all you clothes.

Angela was stumped, "Right here? Right now?"

Vonda gave her an impatient stare, "Yes right now." Turning to the jeweler she asked, "You remember what else we talked about over the phone?"

He answered, "Yes ma'am."

Vonda looked back at Angela, "Get your clothes off. Looking at Mary, "You help her. The jeweler and I want to get Angela fully measured for other." She hesitated, "things I have in mind."

Angela was a little scared but too scared to ask, "What other things?"

Mary already had the top of her dress down around her waist. She whispered, "Be quiet or you'll get in trouble."

It took a couple minutes but Mary got Angela out of all her clothing. Her dress, shoes stocking, underwear were all neatly folded and paced on a chair. Standing completely naked between Vonda her sister-in-law, Mary her one time maid, and the jeweler she just met, she felt embarrassed and degraded. One used to be her equal but was now her despotic mistress. The other woman had been her servant, but was now her sometime friend, sometime governess, and occasional disciplinarian. The last person, the jeweler, was a complete stranger, at least nominally a servant, he was currently about to take a very personal and proprietary interest in her body.

It occurred to Angela she didn't like any of them. All three viewed her more as an object than as a person. Even at that moment they'd left the backroom door slightly ajar. Anyone with the least interest could peer in and see her in the altogether. Mary and Vonda in particular knew the door was cracked open but pretended not to notice. It was a game they were playing; a game designed to undermine her confidence. Just as bad, it was chilly in the room. They were all fully clothed. The man was even wearing a jacket, but she had nothing on. The sparse carpet was cold on her feet, and she had to huddle round shouldered just to keep in what little warmth she felt. She was very much the victim of their perversity. She didn't like it, but she had no control over it. They controlled her surroundings, and seemed to act like they owned her body.

Angela listened and kept her mouth shut while Mary got her to step out of her dress. Once Mary got Angela completely naked the Jeweler took out a cloth tape and started taking measurements. He measured her arms, her legs, her hips, her crease, the distance down from her navel under her pussy up her ass crack to the base of her spine. He measured her nipples, septum, and clitoris. He even asked her to bite on a ruler so he could measure the width of her mouth. At last he announced he was done.

Vonda exulted, "Excellent!"

The three left the back room, Vonda wearing a quiet smile, Mary happy but concealing it very well, Angela in a state of shock. Vonda piped up, "I could buy some little bells and attach them to your new jewelry."

Angela didn't say anything. She was afraid to.

"Just imagine you could jingle jangle around the whole house then. You'd like that wouldn't you." Angela pretended she didn't hear her sister-in-law. Vonda turned the radio up and they listened quietly to music all the way back.

After they got home Angela was sent back to her bedroom. Vonda said she had to stay there a few more days because of her little outburst at the deli, but they forgot about all the shackles.

While Angela was left alone in her bedroom Vonda made several more telephone calls. She'd talked to Mary about her concerns for Angela's health, and wanted to arrange several doctor's visits. She told Mary she'd set up the appointments, but it would be Mary's responsibility to take her. Mary understood and agreed.

Later Mary went upstairs to see Angela, "Vonda wants me to check my key and make sure it works on all you new apparel."

"You mean my new chains don't you?"

"Angela please."

"Don't Angela please me Mary; I think you're enjoying this as much as she is."

"How can you say that? I love you."

"Oh go on, check your key."

Mary gave the appearance of being sympathetic and understanding, but still added, "You know you're not supposed to talk to me that way."

Angela was a quick learner. She was getting a better understanding of the rules all the time. Mary liked her, but Mary liked her new status even more. She doubted if Mary would ever overtly call her down in front of her sadistic sister or actually be a tattle tale, but she sensed an increased readiness on Mary's part to allow suggestions of Angela's continued independence to seep into conversations. Then Mary could look on in wide eyed innocence while Vonda meted out some sort of new punishment.

Mary took out her key and undid all the manacles and put them in a drawer, "There we'll leave them in there until Vonda wants to see you. Is that all right?"

Angela felt uncomfortable about what she'd just said, "I sorry Mary. I only thought. Well it's hard and getting harder."

Mary was at her side instantly. She took her hand and brushed back her hair. She wiped the emerging tears from her eyes, "I know." She kissed her.

This time Angela returned the kiss. She needed something, someone, a person who wouldn't be mean to her. It looked like that person was Mary, "It gets so lonely up here, alone all day, awake and alone all night.

Mary wrapped Angela in her arms, "I know." She kept combing her fingers through the woman's hair. She lightly touched the back of her neck. She kissed her neck, "Let me take care of you. Let me be the one to love you."

Angela leaned into Mary's body. She felt her soft full breasts as they pressed against her cheek, "Oh Mary." She let Mary fondle her.

They lay down on the bed together, Angela in her cute little yellow empire waist dress with her skirt rising up showing her pretty panties, hair tied off in pig tails with delicious juvenile bangs in front, Mary in her womanly white blouse with the three buttons open and her smartly tailored black slacks. Anyone unfamiliar with the two would have guessed it was a young adolescent child with her mother. Mary had time so the two held each other and cuddled. Angela needed warmth, and Mary needed to share. Mary needed to be in control. They looked like a Norman Rockwell painting.

Downstairs Vonda had called a close personal friend, a doctor for whom many favors had been bestowed. It was time to collect. She wanted a good orthodontist to look at Angela's mouth. She wanted to get someone, an eye, ear, nose, and throat man to check her in those places, and Vonda was formulating a suspicion, and she meant formulate, that perhaps little Miss Angela had a polyp or growth of some sort in one of her breasts. Anything like that she presumed, would certainly require immediately treatment. Yes, she thought she'd see some changes regarding little Miss Angela, meaningful changes.

Angela was kept in her room for another three days. No one except Mary came to see her. Mary told her Brandon had called, and would be away for several more days. She had no idea exactly how long. Mary said Vonda had arranged an appointment with an orthodontist so he could check Angela's teeth.

Angela was in no fear of having any tooth problems, but a periodic check up was always a good idea, if for no other purpose than to spot check for cavities, and get a good cleaning. Angela was proud of her brilliantly white teeth, their perfect shape, and her wonderful smile.

Mary took Angela to the dentist. He was a kind older man, but when it was time to look in her mouth he had the gentleness of a bull dozer. He had large hands and fat fingers, and he seemed to want to get all ten fingers and as much palm in her mouth as possible. It was an uncomfortable experience.

After his initial examination he made a call to Vonda and reported his findings. To Angela's surprise he said she did have an odd overbite that could lead to problems later if they didn't handle it as soon as possible. His explanation sounded reasonable and thoughtful. He said it wasn't serious, but could lead to grinding at night among some other odd sounding things she didn't quite understand. He was the first person in weeks who had treated her anything like an adult. She was glad of it, and she had no problem signing the documentation allowing him to perform some minor dental procedures. In fact he explained they could do it right in his office that very afternoon.

He affixed some metal calipers to her jaws. He gave her a couple shots of Novocain, an injection he said would reduce any tension but would also make her a little drowsy, he go her to inhale some kind of mind enervating gas, and she was out like a light.

Angela had no idea how long she was under, but when she awakened she was being assisted back in the car. Mary explained the dentist had performed some procedures on her front teeth and on four of her molars. Temporary caps had been affixed to the molars, and she wasn't to try to talk for several hours. They had also placed a protective mask over her mouth to ward off the very real possibility of infection.

The doctor had prescribed antibiotics to further discourage possible such a possibility. Angela was to go home and go to bed. She wasn't to be allowed out of bed for two more days. The entire time Mary would feed her, and a mask would be kept over her mouth.

Angela rubbed her tongue around in her mouth and felt where the molars had been smoothed down. She'd had a cap put on another molar a few years ago and understood the procedures there. What she couldn't understand was the difference in feeling around her front teeth. Using her tongue it felt like they had been shaved down, made smaller. She attributed it to her chemically induced sense of ennui. She was certain once she was fully awake, and got a chance to look, she'd be satisfied.