Angela of the Morning

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Getting off with an unexpected visitor.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/01/2021
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I've enjoyed reading stories in the Toys & Masturbation category for years, but I've never written one until now. Thank you to my two beta readers who gave this story a quick proof-read before I submitted it. Hope you enjoy.

By two months into my first year of university I finally felt settled into a routine. I'd learned which buildings held my classes, and how late I could leave my dorm and still make it on time. I'd learned how little I could get away with studying and still pass my tests (it took far more effort than I'd like. if I'm being honest). I'd made some friends, gotten laid a couple of times, drank more than I should have. I was finally getting the hang of being a college student.

My roommate Josh and I had been randomly assigned to each other at the start of the year, and I hadn't met him before we were dumped into each other's lives during Orientation Week. I'd been nervous about it, but it had worked out okay so far. After two months I knew we were never going to be close friends, but he was quiet and respectful of my space and didn't snore, so I really couldn't be too bothered. When one of us needed to study, the other would be quiet or vacate the room. He generally went to bed around the same time I did every night. We didn't really talk to each other very often, but considering some of the roommate horror stories I'd heard from friends, it really could have been a lot worse.

It was early in November, and I woke around 9:30 AM with a raging case of morning wood. I smiled to myself as I realized it was Tuesday -- Josh had an early chemistry lab, and I had the room to myself until I left for my class at noon. As I lay there, my mind quickly waking up along with my body, I slid my hand into my boxers to feel my rock-solid erection. My alone time on Tuesday mornings had become my weekly stress-relieving jerk-off session, where I'd edge myself as long as I could manage before blowing off steam with an epic orgasm.

I looked over to Josh's bed to confirm I was alone, and with a start I realized there was someone there, lying facing away from me and clearly asleep. I was momentarily annoyed -- was Josh's lab cancelled? -- before I realized there was no way it was him. Josh was a ginger, but whoever was laying in his bed had long chestnut hair.

I was suddenly fully awake from realizing there was a stranger in my personal space. I propped myself up to get a better look -- his bed was only six feet away or so -- and I realized it was a girl lying there. She appeared to be alone in the bed. How is that possible? I asked myself. I noticed a strange pile of clothes near the door to the room -- a hot pink bra near the top of the pile confirmed that it clearly didn't belong to the room's normal occupants. A purse and women's flats lay on the shelf beside the door.

Suddenly the figure stirred, inhaling deeply, and rolling to face me. Startled, the girl registered my face, and sat up, holding the covers to her chest in surprise.

"Hi," I said cautiously.

The girl looked around the room in confusion, as though confirming she was the intruder in my room, and not the other way around.

"...Hi," she finally responded.

"You're with Josh, I presume."

The girl made a face. "Is he..." There was an awkward pause.

"He has a lab on Tuesday mornings," I volunteered.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry for intruding in your space unexpectedly. I'd really have preferred if he'd have gotten me up to get us both out of here, you know, before you woke up and put both of us in this awkward situation."

"Well, we both can be mad at him," I smiled. "I'm Jimmy."

"I can appreciate a grown man who goes by Jimmy," the girl smiled back. "I'm Angela."

I took a moment to admire Angela in the bed beside me. Even first thing in the morning, I thought she was very pretty, with soft, girl-next-door features. Her round face was covered in freckles and her messy bed hair still had a lustrous sheen to it in the diffuse morning light. I noticed she appeared to be similarly checking me out, and she looked away as I caught her sleepy dark eyes.

"Did you and Josh..." I asked, trailing off.

Angela turned red. "Did we hook up? You couldn't tell by the way I'm lying in this bed this morning?"

"I was pretty sure," I defended myself, "except that I'm surprised I didn't wake up. I'm not exactly a heavy sleeper."

"Well, in your defense, Josh didn't exactly do much to me that would have had me making noise," Angela spat, sounding suddenly annoyed.

"That good, huh?"

"Let's just say I'm not surprised you slept through it and leave it there. I don't want to talk shit about your roommate."

"But you still spent the night?"

"I live at Caulfield Hall, clear across campus. It was raining hard last night, and I don't have class on Tuesday mornings. I figured this would be easier and safer than walking home alone at 2 AM."

"Fair enough." I couldn't fault that decision.

"I can get out of your room and leave you in peace, Jimmy, I just need a favour."


"Can you hand me my clothes?" She blushed again, nodding towards the pile of clothes near the door.

My cock responded to the realization that Angela was laying naked a few feet away under the blankets of Josh's bed. My erection hadn't really gone away, but it was immediately raging again.


"Don't tell me you sleep naked with a male roommate nearby?" she asked.

"Not exactly, I've got boxers on." It was my turn to blush.

Angela looked confused for a moment, then suddenly the light bulb went off. "Have you got morning wood under those covers?" she asked point-blank.

I started frantically trying to come up with a response, before realizing the delay in responding had already answered her question. "Yup." I finally said, quietly.

"I don't mind a biological reaction you can't control if you don't." She batted her eyebrows at me. "Be a gentleman and fetch me my clothes?"

"You sure?"

She nodded shyly.

Whatever. I pulled the covers back and climbed out of bed, knowing I was pitching a massive tent in my boxers that was going to leave little to the imagination. I quickly went and grabbed Angela's pile and set it down on her bed while she stared at me, then hastily retreated back to the privacy of my bed. I was too embarrassed to look at her.

"Thank you, Jimmy," she said in a sing-song tone of voice. She made no move to start dressing.

A pregnant pause hung in the room.

"Do you need to take care of your little problem?" she finally asked quietly.

"After you leave, I probably will," I confirmed.

She nodded. "I know the feeling. I didn't get to cum last night. And I won't have the room to myself when I get back."

"Poor girl. I didn't cum last night either."

"You probably didn't expect to, though." Her body shifted under the covers. Is she? She can't be.

"Do you want to remedy that situation?" I asked hopefully. "There's loads of space over here."

Angela appeared to think about it for a moment. "I don't think I'm okay with sleeping with both halves of a pair of roommates within a span of eight hours," she finally giggled. "First year has been fun so far, but that might be a little sluttier than I'm comfortable with."

At least she wasn't offended by the suggestion. "Okay. I won't ask again, but I'm up for it if you change your mind."

She nodded.

"So how did you and Josh get together, anyway?"

Angela sighed. "I went to trivia night with a girlfriend at the undergrad pub and we got paired up with two guys on a team: Josh and his buddy. I forget the buddy's name. We had good chemistry, we spent the night flirting, and at the end of the evening, I had enough beer and hormones in me to say yes when he propositioned me."

"I'm sorry it was such a letdown."

"Not half as sorry as I am." She suddenly kicked her clothes to the floor through the blankets, laying down on her side and facing me. Her right leg pirouetted high under the covers, making a pyramid in the blankets. "How big is your dick, Jimmy?"

"I've never measured..."


I was taken aback. "What?"

"Every guy measures. How big is yours?"

"Um, 6 3/8"," I mumbled.

"That's about what I would have guessed," she responded lustily. "Bigger than average."

"How big are your tits?" I countered.

She shrugged. "See for yourself."

Angela pulled the blankets down just below her breasts. They were lovely, bigger than average, milky white with brown, almost orange-tinged nipples poking out. I noticed light stretch marks, but I didn't care. I was enjoying every moment of this wholly unexpected situation, and my cock jumped further as Angela's free hand caressed her boob. I didn't dare touch myself, but I wasn't sure how much longer I could resist.

"Those are absolutely spectacular."

She smirked, biting her bottom lip with satisfaction. "Thanks."

"Are you wet right now?" I asked.

She shifted for a moment under the blankets, then shyly showed me the index and middle fingers on her right hand. They were sticky and glistening with translucent moisture. She stared at them, transfixed, watching the fluid stringing between her fingertips as she moved them about, before putting her fingers in her mouth, licking them clean.

I reached back into my shorts. My cock had spurted precum everywhere from excitement, and I rubbed it all over the head before starting to slowly, gently stroke myself. I noticed Angela's right shoulder start repeatedly flexing across the room. Holy shit. This is happening.

"So, you say you were planning to jerk off this morning?" she asked.

"Yep," I confessed. "I've started looking forward to Tuesday mornings, because it's the only time of the week when Josh has a couple solid hours of class and I don't."

"Nothing beats having some privacy in these tiny rooms," Angela agreed. "If anything, Caulfield is even smaller than the rooms here in Draper Hall. Wednesday nights are my only guaranteed private me-time."

"Do you get on well with your roommate?"

"Sure, but Olu's pretty religious. She's not even really comfortable changing in front of me, so I can't imagine asking her if she'd mind if I flicked the bean in front of her." Angela laughed. "What do you do the rest of the week when you get horny?"

"I go without, jerk off in the shower, or try to hook up with someone," I responded. "Josh would leave if I brought a girl over."

"Same here, all of the above," Angela agreed. "That's probably a large part of why I went home with someone last night. It's been a while since last Wednesday night."

"And you didn't cum."

"And I didn't cum," Angela groaned, frustrated. "Yet."

"When was the last time you did?"

"Last Wednesday night, like I said. I haven't had another opportunity to get off since then, though it didn't really start getting to me until last night. I don't regret having a one-night stand with someone just because I was horny and didn't have any other outlet. I just wish it had gone better."

"You didn't get off after he went to sleep?"

"Nah. I had every intention to, as long as I was sure he and you were sleeping. But instead I passed out, had a bunch of sex dreams all night, and woke up on fucking fire. I didn't even have a wet dream in the night. It's like my body gets off on clam-jamming itself."

I laughed.

"What about you, have you gotten off since last Tuesday morning?"

"Once. Josh went out on Friday with friends."

"Lucky. Olu hardly ever leaves the room. She basically doesn't have a social life."

"Too bad you can't kick her out every once in a while. It's not socially acceptable to put a sock on the door to masturbate."

"I think it should be more acceptable," Angela giggled. "I wasn't prepared for how little alone time I was going to get in residence. We all have needs, and I'm not used to not being able to get off whenever I want."

"I feel you there. It's been a struggle at times." I paused, watching Angela's shoulder flexing for a moment, enjoying the look of pleasure on her face. "Ever do it at night while your roommate is asleep?"

Angela looked away, embarrassed.

"I'll take that as a yes." I smiled.

"Why, have you?" She was trying to turn the tables.


"I would literally die if Olu woke up and caught me..." she trailed off. "It's so hard to keep quiet. I'm an only child, and my bedroom was nowhere near my parents' room. I'm not used to having to hold it in. I can't help the fact that I naturally cum loud."

"At least girls can mostly hold still," I pointed out. "It's harder to be stealthy when you're stroking six inches."

Angela laughed. "And three-eighths. Ever do it anywhere else on campus?"

"Outside the dorm?"

She nodded.

"I did it in a private stall at the Macalester Library," I volunteered. "Those handicap single-stall bathrooms are great."

"I bet those bathrooms have witnessed so much illicit sex over the years," Angela agreed. "I've never done it there, but sitting on the toilet isn't particularly sexy for me. I have done it at the Mac Library, though."

"Where?" I was intrigued.

"Sitting in a study carrel late at night." Angela looked like she was trying to gauge my reaction, seeing if I'd be judgmental or not, so I decided to be encouraging.

"I'd high five you if I could reach your hand. How'd you manage that?"

"If I squeeze my legs together just right, I can climax from it," she said sheepishly. "It was late and there was no one around. It took a while, but I got myself there eventually."

"Anywhere else?"

"Masturbation, no, but I had sex in the football stadium on homecoming weekend." She swooned slightly at the memory. "I was so drunk. I did it with a guy in a janitor's closet. It was a mediocre drunken hookup, but the memory is fun to think about. You?"

"I hooked up with a girl in the arboretum. It's pretty quiet and forested in there. Wasn't hard to get away with."

"Don't they have cameras in there?"

I shrugged. "Then they have it on camera. Big deal. We didn't get caught."

"That's hot."

I could now hear wet squelching noises from Angela's bed, and from her movements under the covers I guessed her fingers were inside herself. I kept moving my gaze: first her flushed face, now wearing an intense look of concentration, then her breasts, lightly bouncing with her body's exertions, then the gentle movement of her hand under the blankets. Angela and I kept locking eyes on each other, and I was trying very hard not to get too aroused, too quickly. I didn't want the moment to end too soon, but having woken up horny, I was capable of getting to my orgasm very quickly if I allowed it to happen, and having a beautiful girl unexpectedly masturbating six feet away wasn't helping my efforts at pacing myself. I squeezed my cock slightly harder and felt the wet flesh gliding under my grip. It felt so damn good.

"Ever catch Josh doing it? Or has he caught you? Sex or jerking off." Angela's voice had a ragged, slightly out-of-breath edge to it.

"No, all of the above," I answered. "I don't want to say he hasn't gotten laid this year so far, but neither of us has brought a girl home in the middle of the night like this before. Usually we just text ahead, and we've been good about vacating for each other as needed, as long as it's not, like, 2 AM or something."

"It was nearly 2 AM last night."

"As far as jerking off goes, I'm sure he does it when I have class and he doesn't, but I can't say I've ever caught him."

"Would you do it together?" Angela suddenly sounded excited.

"Probably not."

She shook her head. "You boys are no fun."

"Why, what about you and Olu?"

"Olu hasn't gotten laid this year that I know about, and given what I know about her, I'm pretty sure she's a virgin. But considering that, she's been remarkably okay with me bringing boys back to the room, as long as I'm respectful about it. Not, you know, that there's been a lot of them."

"This is a judgment-free zone."

"I swear that I'm not as much of a slut as the present situation makes it seem," Angela insisted.

I laughed. "I promise I wouldn't care either way."

"If she's caught me touching myself, she hasn't let on," Angela continued. "I have caught her once, though. It was super hot."

"What happened?"

"It was late at night and I was half-asleep. I think she thought I was fully asleep. She was lying on her stomach under the covers, so I couldn't see anything. And she was really quiet, so you couldn't really hear anything. But the movement of her hips gave her away, and right when she came, she let out just enough of a moan that I knew it for sure." Angela sighed. Her arousal seemed to be increasing.

"Did it turn you on listening to her?"

"Mm-hmm. I'm not really into girls, and even if I was, she's not really my type. She's pretty, but I wouldn't hook up with her. But I've never seen another girl having an orgasm before, and watching her fucking herself made me really wet. I waited until she was asleep and then quietly got myself off. Fortunately, it didn't take her long to fall asleep. That post-orgasm exhaustion knocked her right out."

"That's hot."

"It really was," Angela agreed.

I decided at that moment to pull my boxers off. I quickly shimmied out of them under the covers then tossed them to the floor, making a point of showing off to Angela that I was nude under the covers. I dropped the blankets to my stomach, exposing my bare chest as she inhaled sharply.

"Damn, Jimmy. You're hot."

"So are you."

The pace of her hand picked up slightly, and the wet noises from her bed grew noticeably louder.

"Can I see you cum?" she asked suddenly. "I love watching guys spurt."

"Sure, as long as it's fair," I answered. "I'll lose the blankets if you do."

She nodded. "As long as we both stay in our own beds, I'm fine with that."


She sent her covers to the bottom of the bed with a mighty kick, then turned, grabbing Josh's pillow and propping herself up against the wall, facing me. For my part, I pulled my own blankets off, then, cock in hand, leaned onto my own wall. Angela spread her legs as we checked each other out.

Now that I could finally see all of her, I could see she was pleasantly chubby, with bigger boobs, wide hips and a curved stomach. She wasn't fat, but she wore a few extra pounds very well on a full figure that I found very attractive. Her freckles covered her entire body, and she had dark pubes that were trimmed around the bikini line but otherwise looked soft and downy. Her dark eyes were wild with desire, and she smiled when I caught her eye, a blindingly white smile with a tiny gap between her front teeth. I loved the dimples on her cheeks when she smiled, loved her freckles, loved her tits. I loved the way I could see moisture leaking from her otherwise hidden slit. And I loved the way she was looking at me, the way a hungry dog eyes a steak.

"God, you're beautiful."

"Thanks. Are you sure you're only 6 3/8"?" she asked ravenously. "I'd have believed you if you'd said more."

That never gets old, hearing that. "I haven't measured in a while, but yeah, I'm pretty sure." I took my hand off my cock, letting her drink in the sight of it.

"You're bigger than Josh."

"I wouldn't know."

"I would." She winked. "Do you want to see my pussy?"

"What kind of a question is that?"

She laughed, and slid two fingers down between her legs, spreading her labia open. I saw a prominent, bulging pink clitoral hood and tiny inner lips enveloping her vaginal opening, and I thought for a moment how wonderful it would be to be inside her right now. C'est la vie...

With that, the conversation mostly stopped, as we went from two people having just met and getting to know each other to two people trying really hard to have orgasms. Angela spread her legs wide and started fingering herself roughly, her middle and ring fingers giving herself the deep, hard fucking she'd apparently missed out on last night. I took my cock in hand and started stroking quickly, rubbing the palm of my hand over my head with precum as lube. I tried to take in as much of Angela as I could, watching the lust in her dark eyes, her tongue gently moistening and remoistening her lips, her nipples now stiff as erasers, the wetness around her opening and coating her inner thighs, the sounds of squelching mixed with her gentle moans, the faint but unmistakeable scent of vagina reaching my nostrils.