Angela, the Ingenue Pt. 01

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Angela goes to one of Kayleigh's infamous kissing parties.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/19/2022
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I wish to thank my editor, LegsFeetToes

Kayleigh's Kissing Party

It was exciting to be invited to one of Kayleigh's famous parties, and I told Sharon that. You had to be over eighteen to be invited to one of Kayleigh's parties, and I had just turned 18 last week!

"Do you know about the games?" Sharon had asked.

"No, what games?" I replied.

"The kissing games, of course," she replied. I had never been kissed at this point. It was our senior year in high school. I had never even gone out on a date. Sure, I went out with "the group," around seven to ten of us, depending on who showed up. We'd all go bowling, or go to a movie, or just go out for some fast food, and lots of talking and flirting, but nevertheless, I'd never even been kissed. I wanted to experience kissing. It was part of growing up!

There was one time, well, several times, when boys had groped me. When Aaron was helping me to bowl, he reached around and grabbed one of my boobs. I guess I was supposed to react, and say Stop it! or something, or push his hand away, but I didn't. I did nothing, and just smiled at him, thanking him for his help. Nothing was going to happen, after all. We were in a bowling alley, with all our friends around.

Another time, we were crammed, four of us, in the back of Mike's car. Me, Steve, Sharon, and Bill. Bill's hands were surreptitiously all over Sharon. It was surreptitious, but both Steve and I could see Bill's hands playing with her boobs, and unzipping her jeans. Steve waited too long, and then he began, very tentatively, to play with my boobs, analogous to what Bill had been doing with Sharon, before his hand had disappeared under her jeans.

I said nothing, did nothing, and just let Steve do as he wanted. He seemed surprised at my lack of a reaction, and just as his hand finally unzipped my jeans, we arrived at where we were going. Sharon and I both quickly zipped up, and it was all over.

Both Aaron and Steve had never tried to kiss me! They had to have known I would have let them. They never even tried to feel me up again. I truly do not understand it. I mean, it's not that I'm a prude. I actually wanted them to try again; I felt offended when they didn't. I wish I could understand this part of life a little better. Oh, well. Boys!

"Kissing games could be fun," I said. Sharon gave me a funny look. I had that queasy feeling in my tummy that I was missing something. I knew Sharon had a boyfriend, Bill, and doubtless she had done a lot more than just kissing. For some reason they had a big fight and a break-up. It could have been another girl, or another boy, or too much pressure on Sharon to put out, I just didn't know. I wasn't going to ask, and Sharon apparently wasn't going to offer.

The party was fun, and Kayleigh had obviously spiked the punch; she always does. I went outside to the terrace and shared a joint with a few girls, and soon I had that wonderful combination of being stoned and drunk at the same time. It made me ready for some action, should any be offered.

The game I was waiting for began. We all sat in the living room; I was between Steve and Aaron. Sharon was sitting on Bill's lap; I assumed their fight was over! Kayleigh chose a guy, and she obviously chose her boyfriend Diego, and then Diego chose Sharon of all people. Diego put his hands on Kayleigh's hips, and Sharon put her hands on Diego's hips, and they snake danced around the room and then out of it, somewhere private. A few minutes later they snake danced back into the living room, and Sharon chose (of course) her on-again boyfriend Bill.

They snake danced around a bit, then disappeared for a bit, then returned, and it was Bill's turn to choose a girl. He chose me, bless his soul! We snaked around, then went out, and it began. Kayleigh kissed Diego, then Diego turned around and kissed Sharon, then Sharon turned around and kissed Bill, and (I braced myself for my first kiss!) then Bill turned around and slapped my expectant face, and everyone laughed!

We all snaked back in and I had to choose a boy. I chose Jean-Pierre, one of the few Black guys to be invited to the party. (I confess; I'm a liberal and I didn't want Jean-Pierre to feel left out. I also thought it might be kinky to kiss a Black guy, especially since Jean-Pierre was as good-looking a guy as I had ever seen.) The same routine happened, but this time Bill really did give me my first kiss! I had been practicing, watching all sorts of kissing in the movies, so I knew what to do, but nothing prepared me for how wonderful my first kiss was!

I stood there, stunned, when the kiss ended, and Bill had to prompt me to turn around. I did, and I slapped Jean-Pierre, as I was supposed to do. Jean-Pierre was not expecting that, and he looked surprised, to say the least, but he's a sharp guy and he understood it was a game, and he laughed, along with everyone else.

Surprisingly, Jean-Pierre chose Jessica, one of the most uptight and racist girls who was invited to the party. Was he nuts? Well, not my problem, and when we got to the secret spot, I got to kiss Bill (God, can that man kiss!), turn around, and kiss Jean-Pierre! Now, my skin is whiter than snow, and Jean-Pierre is a beautiful shade of deep ebony, so it must have looked special when I gave Jean-Pierre an open mouth kiss and even managed to softly murmur mmm, as we kissed. Jean-Pierre truly knew how to kiss a girl; he put Bill to shame, and that's saying something!

Jean-Pierre slapped Jessica, and I could see the relief on her face at first, but it was short lived as she realized she would have to kiss Jean-Pierre in the next round. Jessica chose my original molester Aaron, and we snaked back to the secret spot, and the routine began anew but this time as Kayleigh kissed Diego, he removed her top. Whoops! Then he removed her bra, too!

Now we all got to see Kayleigh topless as Diego turned around and kissed Sharon, kissing her for quite a while! She was all flushed in the face from Diego's kissing, as she turned for Bill, and not to be outdone, he kissed her long and hard, and then rendered my best friend Sharon topless, too! Even more surprising, she didn't seem to mind. Diego had resumed kissing Kayleigh and was of course all over her naked boobs, with his hands and his mouth, as the kissing went down the snake chain.

I loved kissing Bill again, although I was nervous what would happen after Jean-Pierre and I kissed. I turned to kiss with Jean-Pierre, and his kiss made me wet, and therefore a bit hot and bothered. After the kiss, Jean-Pierre asked, in his sweet, seductive Haitian accent, "May I?"

I knew what Jean-Pierre meant, and I just looked at him, starry eyed, and said nothing. He tentatively began, and in my now classic fashion, I just passively let him render me topless! Holy cow! Not only had I now kissed two good-looking guys, but I was openly flaunting naked boobs at a party.

I should have been embarrassed. I should have been ashamed. I should have been outraged, and once I had let it happen, I should have covered up! However, Kayleigh and Sharon seemed happy, relaxed, and topless, and so, well, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, right? I wasn't especially proud of my boobs, but I wasn't ashamed of them either. I was a B cup, and my boobs were pert, and I had long nipples, which were now erect, revealing to Jean-Pierre and everyone else how sexually aroused I now was.

Everyone was wondering, I was sure, what would happen with Jean-Pierre and Jessica. Would Jessica let him kiss her? A deep ebony man kissing a racist white girl, and in public, to boot? I hadn't realized the complexities of racism, and a girl's fascination with the taboo. When Jean-Pierre turned around to kiss Jessica, after having enjoyed himself with me above the waist, she placed her arms around his neck and gave herself to him, full bore. Let me tell you: You've never seen a kiss like the kiss that little racist white girl gave to Jean-Pierre. I was surprised his pants didn't burst into flames, it was so hot!

Maybe it was his French accent? Hell, if I know!

I enjoyed seeing Jessica give Aaron one hell of a slap, once she had finished turning Jean-Pierre into a puddle of desperate hormones. Maybe I enjoyed Aaron getting slapped a bit too much. I had had a small crush on Aaron before he molested me just a little in the bowling alley, and now I hated him for never trying anything with me after that. I was equally pissed at Steve for the same reasons. Well, now I had Jean-Pierre, didn't I?

More importantly, though, I had to parade around in front of the rest of the shocked party in the living room topless, along with Kayleigh and Sharon. I was so embarrassed, but I found myself loving it! All the guys were staring at my boobs, trying, and often failing, to keep their mouths closed. It was actually kind of funny!

Aaron chose Samantha, and the snaking game continued. Bill went to town on Sharon when it was their turn, and Sharon did nothing to stop him. I even saw her surreptitiously grab at his thing. When Bill turned to me, he gave me a lecherous smile as he enjoyed my naked boobs staring at him, and --- to my surprise -- he caressed my left boob with his right hand as we kissed. This only further inflamed my arousal.

I turned to face Jean-Pierre, and maybe he saw something in my face, but he simply broke the snake line, took my hand and he led me behind a couch, which was a little space away from the wall. He told me to lie on my back in that small space. I did it, and he lay on top of me, and I heard the rest of them snake dance out of the room, returning to the rest of the party-goers in the living room.

When the snake dance re-entered the secret room, my yoga pants were off, and so were my panties. Yes, Jean-Pierre had me naked, and his fingers were busy in my pussy, doing magical things to me I never thought were possible to experience! I attribute my passivity in the face of these amazing molestations to being drunk and stoned, but deep down I know the truth. I wanted it, and I loved it.

When the snake dance once again left the room, Jean-Pierre removed his own clothes, taking a condom from his pants. If I hadn't known his intentions before, I surely had to know them now, as he slipped it on his cock. I said nothing. Jean-Pierre spread my legs, smiled at my terrified face, and he lay back down on top of me, his torso fitting perfectly between my legs.

We were both naked now, and he had an erection that was big, black, scary, and beautiful. He slowly moved up my body until his cock was in the right place. I tried to speak but no words came out.

"Ça va?" he said.

"Oui," I replied, the only word I had spoken since the snake dance began. Thank goodness for my high school French class.

Jean-Pierre slipped it inside me. Just like that, I was no longer a virgin! Boy-oh-boy-oh-boy was I no longer a virgin! Jean-Pierre's cock sunk all the way inside me, giving me a new feeling, something I had never even imagined before! We lay there like that, and then he began to move.

I knew enough, from reading about sex, to move with him. Encouraged by my apparent cooperation, Jean-Pierre really put it to me, and he covered my mouth with his hand to stifle my moans. I don't know if the snake dancers saw anything as they entered the room yet again, but there was a lot of whispering, so I figured they did. Sharon told me later that she had seen my bare legs, and Jean-Pierre's dark black bare legs on top of me, and a pile of our clothes, too. Our legs had been moving in -- shall we say -- a most suggestive way!

Realizing our not very well-kept secret was out, a wave of shame washed over me, and then it turned into arousal, even extreme arousal! Aaron, Steve, and all the other guys who never tried anything on with me now knew just what I was capable of! I was more scared of what the other girls might think. I knew I was behaving like a slut. Not just like a slut, but like a world-class slut!

Fortified by these thoughts of my degradation at the hands of Jean-Pierre and openly fucking at a kissing game party, I knew I was destined to climax. This realization helped me to relax, and just let my body respond freely to all the new sensations it was enjoying. Jean-Pierre picked up the speed, and I whispered to him "plus dur, plus vite!" Those were the only other words I had said, after my initial, and self-damning, 'oui.' For good measure, I whispered urgently "beaucoup plus vite!" French class was good for something, finally.

Encouraged by my whispered exhortations, Jean-Pierre went into high gear, and got serious with his fucking! Even though our mouths were silent, Jean-Pierre was fucking me so hard, and so fast, that our bodies were slamming the floor, and my legs were kicking beneath him.

The next time the snake dance entered the room, Aaron lost the ability to pretend, politely, that nothing was happening. He walked to the end of the couch, dragging Samantha by the hand with him, and they stood at the end of the couch, at our feet, staring dumbly at our furiously fucking bodies.

Realizing the jig was up, so to speak, I lost whatever self-control and innate modesty I had left, and began to moan loudly. It felt so good to let it all out, like that. I think a few minutes of my moans, plus my fingernails digging into Jean-Pierre's back, drove him over the edge and with a loud grunt, I felt his hard cock twitch inside me, over and over, and as he filled up his condom, his whole body stiffening as he squirted inside me. On his last squirt, I finally came too. It was amazing; I well near passed out, it was so intense!

Jean-Pierre got off me, but I had no muscle tone left after the first orgasm given to me by a man, and by far the best I had ever experienced (up to that point). Jean-Pierre rose, still naked, to a resounding round of applause. Okay, now I was humiliated! I slipped on my panties and leggings in lightning speed; my bra and tank top were someplace else, from back when I was in the snake dance.

As I stood, red in the face with embarrassment, another resounding burst of applause ensued. Instead of being shamed as a slut (that would come later), I was treated as a star, a hero of the party. A girl who took things to another level. Jean-Pierre disappeared from sight, and Aaron came up to me.

"May I have the honor of this dance?" he asked. I became aware of music coming from the main room, and he led me, still topless, to the dance floor. The rug had been rolled up. We danced, me doing my usual near-acrobatic moves, with my boobs jiggling all over the place. Aaron was clearly mesmerized by my boobs, and thrilled to be dancing with me, the girl who was the first to fuck at one of Kayleigh's legendary parties.

The next song was a slow dance. Aaron ripped off his polo, and lo and behold, the guy was ripped! He pulled me into him, and my hands quite naturally went around his neck, my boobs rubbing up against his hairy chest. In return, as my nipples got hard rubbing his chest, his hands caressed my bare back.

I noticed all the girls were now topless, even Mary Beth, which truly surprised me, as she was the most conservative, uptight girl this side of the Rocky Mountains, for sure. Well, no wonder: She must have had the best boobs at the party! A full C cup for sure, and no sag! Wow. Classy. It would be a crying shame to keep boobs like hers hidden, now, wouldn't it?

Aaron's hands went from caressing my back, while our chests rubbed, to sticking his hands underneath my leggings and yes, underneath my panties, too. At the same time, he rubbed his erection into my thigh, right through his jeans and my thin yoga pants. This was getting heavy, but after semi-publicly fucking with Jean-Pierre, nothing was fazing me. As usual, I did nothing in the way of protest or resistance. Even I was finding my behavior bizarre.

I tried to distract Aaron by kissing him, and en passant raising my kissing total to three guys (Bill, Jean-Pierre of course, and now Aaron), but my ploy only served to encourage him, and things were getting out of control. It hadn't occurred to me that my kissing ploy to stop him from undressing me was akin to trying to extinguish a fire by smothering it with gasoline.

My yoga pants were inching south, due to the pressure from Aaron's hands, as he caressed the crack of my ass. I knew by now the crack of my ass had to be visible to everyone. Things were getting out of control. Where was Jean-Pierre? He seemed to have vanished from sight, and I needed someone to rescue me from Aaron, since I myself seemed incapable of providing any kind of self-defense.

Good fortune, incarnated as Steve, came to my rescue. He asked Aaron if he could cut in and have the rest of this dance with me. Showing no class, Aaron began to argue with Steve, and for a moment relaxed his grip on me, and I used it to slip away, pulling up my yoga pants as I made my escape. I hustled over to Bill and Sharon, who were making out in a corner. Sharon was still dressed wearing her panties, but nothing else at this point, and Bill was getting ready to push off her panties, too!

Not wanting to interrupt them and perhaps earn Bill's everlasting wrath, I quickly scanned the room, and my eyes settled on Samantha, who had just slapped Miguel, and hard! I grabbed her and dragged her off to a quiet room. I was beginning to freak out at not only having made love with Jean-Pierre (who was still AWOL), which everyone now knew, and Aaron and Samantha had even seen us in the act.

"Samantha, please help me. I'm mortified by what I've done," I said.

"I should hope so. What happened? I never knew you were like that," Samantha replied.

"Neither did I, I assure you!" I said. "I was kind of in a daze, and just reacting."

"I like you, Angela, but I never thought you could be such a slut," she said.

"Neither did I! I'm as surprised as you," I said, despairing. I was close to tears, at this point. "I never should have chosen Jean-Pierre during the kissing game. He's not as timid as the others."

"You've got that right. He wasted no time dragging you behind that couch. You must have really kissed him!" Samantha said.

"Yeah, I guess I sure did, at that," I said, remembering how much I had enjoyed the kisses.

"Maybe it's the drugs," Samantha said. "The boys all spiked our punch with ecstasy, you know. That's probably why we're all topless. You just let it get to you pretty hard, I'd say."

"What??" I replied.

"Yeah. I'm so jealous. I'd love to have a guy fuck me like that. I'm still a virgin, you know," Samantha said.

"Aaron seems to be beyond horny; he was trying to finish undressing me right on the dance floor just now," I said.

"Angela, have you looked in the mirror, recently? You are sex on legs. I'm a little flat-chested thing with braces. Nobody's going want to fuck me," Samantha said.

I looked at Samantha. Her cute little tits were indeed small, and she did indeed wear braces, but she was a sweetheart of a girl and was ready and willing to fuck, and I was fairly sure that was enough for Aaron. Plus, if I gave him Samantha on a silver platter, he would stop trying to seduce me. I knew, with the ecstasy in my bloodstream, I was a sitting duck for anyone who made a sustained effort. Maybe I should just go home. Sharon and Bill were my ride, however. Shit.

"Sit tight, Samantha. I'll arrange things," I said.

Steve was my only hope. I found him, making out with Mary Beth, but making no progress with her below the waist. That was fast; he had only recently been arguing over me with Aaron!

"Steve, I need two favors, please," I said. Then to Mary Beth, "Sorry to interrupt." Mary Beth mouthed a silent thank you to me, and quickly made her escape.

"Sure, babe. Anything for you," Steve said, and I smiled.

When I explained about Samantha, Steve volunteered to take care of her himself. "Well, she's expecting Aaron," I gently offered. "And I need a ride home."