Angel's Feather

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Angel is the eye candy for the staff...
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I tried a new writing style for this, to see if it makes it easier for my ADHD. Another story I had to write from scratch, yippee! Yay I LOVE cloud for wiping my documents! Didn't intend on making this chapter this long, it's more of the prologue but the upcoming chapters will most likely be shorter.



Angel Ash, a dumb, clueless and big-titted woman who was easy to manipulate. Especially at her workplace where her colleagues were mostly men.

Angel was in a new type of situation every day where the men would take advantage of her huge busts, like getting her to bend over to grab something and peaking down the collar of her shirt or jumping to reach something to watch them bounce and jiggle.

"She's pale with big green doe eyes, she's incredibly short but it makes her tits look HUGE!" One of the colleagues was describing Angel's appearance to the new trainee, "Her hair is silky and curly black, if she takes it out of the ponytail it reaches her ass."

"Are you sure you should be talking about your co-worker that way? Especially a woman?" The trainee's eyebrow was raised.

"Tsk, who cares. Not like she can hear us."

This type of talk wasn't uncommon for the crew, although if their supervisor found it, it could mean trouble for all of them.

The sound of pattering could be heard coming in their direction, of course it was Angel. Her big breasts bounced as she practically skipped over to the two, stopping in front of the new employee. "Is this the trainee I'm going to be training today?"

"Yes Angel. This is Jace. Make sure you sure him *all* the ropes," The man snickered and patted Jace on the back, pushing him toward Angel.

Her plump pink lips formed a smile as she looked up at him. "Great! Let's get started with the ice cream and milkshakes!"

As she lead the trainee into the kitchen, the other man, Vance, was watching from a few feet away. He couldn't miss the way she made milk shakes.

"So you take a few scoops of the mix, then add some milk, and some ice cream," As she spoke, Jace nodded as he listened intently, trying not to be like the other men but he couldn't help but notice her gigantic breasts. They stuck out like white on black. "Then you put it in the shaker, since we dont have a blender, and use all your might to shake." Her hands gripped the cups together tightly and began to shake, hard.

The cooks and other staff peered over and watched her breasts bounce through her uniform top as she shook the milkshake, then poured it in a sundae glass and garnished with topping mix.

"There! Easy." Angel chuckled as she handed the milkshake to Jace, "This goes to the elderly couple at the bar counter."

After the elderly couple retrieved their shared milkshake, he returned to see Angel with another sundae glass. "Ice cream is pretty standard, but I'll show you how to make a hot fudge sundae," She put the glass underneath the soft server machine, hand on the lever. "You pull this down until it's almost all the way full, then add three pumps of hot fudge, whipped cream and a cherry. But be careful because when the machine stops, it tends to squirt ice cream mix all about."

Jace was confused about what she meant at first until he saw the ice cream mix splatter over her chest, his mind racing with dirty thoughts. Something like a woman's tits being covered in cum, but not just any cum, *his* cum. He shook his head hard as he knew he was turning into a sex craved maniac purely because of her big tits and innocence.

Angel used a napkin to wipe the remnants of the ice cream mix off, Jace feeling a bit better soon after. "This isn't for any customers but it sure is tasty-" She took a spoonful of the vanilla ice cream and shoved it in her mouth with a small squeal.

Jace was taking huge inhales, trying to remain composed as he tried not to get horny over his trainer. As she pulled out the whipped cream can and began making a neat pile on top of the ice cream, his mind wandered into lustful thoughts once again.

This time, he imagined Angel's nipples covered with only whipped cream and cherries, and beckoning Jace to lick it off. And he did, down until he got to her hardened nipples, licking and pinching each one with care.

"Jace? Jace!" Angel waved her hand in front of her day-dreaming trainee's face, "The boss is coming soon, you gotta make sure you tell him what I showed you, so you don't have to repeat it, mkay?"

"Oh, alright.." Jace rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish demeanor.

As Jace took his break for the day, he headed into the men's restroom and studied his body in the mirror. He wasn't muscular, he had some definition, but he was very tall and lanky despite the muscle definition. He wondered if Angel would even be into lanky dudes.

Jace was so caught up in checking himself in the mirror that he didn't even hear the knock at the door, nor did he hear it open. He was caught by Angel, who was holding a toilet scrubber and cleaning spray. His hand was holding up his shirt as he checked out his torso, his cheeks burning as he let go of his shirt and allowed it to fall back into place.

"Shit, sorry, I was um.. Too wrapped up in something to hear you."

Angel smiled and nodded. "It's alright, at least you weren't using the restroom."

Yeah, as if that made him checking out his body any better.

"Erm, fuck..." He sighed as he towered over Angel, who set her cleaning supplies on the restroom sink. "Can I ask you.. Something personal?"

Jace can't believe how bold he was being right now, but he heard she was naive and easy to manipulate, and he just couldn't get her breasts out of his mind. If he saw them once, even for a few seconds, he feels like he could get them off his mind.... Or so he thinks.

"Yeah, sure. What's going on?"

Jace sucked in a sharp breath and let it out with a long pause. "This may seem weird but, I have a favor to ask. And I don't want you to think I'm weird or any different because of this."

"Umm.. Okay... I'll try to help as best as I can." Her expression was extremely vulnerable and innocent, and it didn't help Jace's situation.

Jace knew he had to come up with an excuse, and quick, before he really looked like a creep. "So.. I have this friend, who happens to be a woman, who I happen to have feelings for..." He inhaled deeply, hands clasping together over his chest. "And I was thinking of getting her a nice bra to match her panties, since she was always complaining about non-matching underwear."

Angel kept the same expression, nodding softly, "I see, I can definitely relate to that." She chuckled.

"Right so.. I was wondering.. Um.. Would you mind.. Kind of.. Showing me your bra? You guys are roughly the same size and I thought if I looked at yours it-"

"Um, Jace..." Her cheeks were a dark crimson as she looked down at the ground helplessly.

"Sorry, was that too straight forward? I didn't mean to-"

She bit her lip and shook her head, "No... It's just.. I'm not wearing a bra right now.."

Jace felt his heart skip a beat as she said this, but ultimately decided to break the tension by being genuine. "Well, why not? I couldn't even tell."

"Because I... I never got my bra size correct. I had already gone through 20 different sizes this year alone so.."

Jace felt conflicted but then perked up as he got an idea. "Have you got measured?"

"No.. I'm not sure how."

Bless the gods, Jace used to work at a retail store and knew how bra measurements worked. "Well, I used to work in retail and know how the measurements work. There's a tape measure in the office, wait here and I'll go grab it."

"No- It's okay, I don't want to be a bother-"

"Nonsense, it's the least I can do since you're training me." He flashed her a quick smile before leaving the restroom briefly, only to return with a tape measure.

Angel kept her posture straight as she saw him straighten out the measuring tape, eyes on her chest.

"Please lift your shirt."

Angel's cheeks burned the deepest red they could, as her hands shakily reached for the bottom of her uniform top and slowly pulled it up, straining against the bottom of her breast as she used force to pull it up against her breasts, each one popping free and bounced as they escape the confines of the tight fabric.

Jace's jaw metaphorically hit the floor as he saw the huge, pale breasts. Instead of cute pink nipples like he had imagined, she had brown ones, with big areolas. But that was to be expected given their size, and despite them being brown, the hardened buds were a blushing red.

"Christ.." He breathlessly whispered but quickly gathered his composure again and focused back on the task at hand. Her hands kept hold of the shirt and kept it up, keeping her full chest exposed for him.

His hands pulled the measuring tape around her back then over her breasts, right below her nipple buds. He brought one of the ends to one of the numbers on the tape, squeezing her boobs together as he read the number out loud. "38 inches around..."

Angel whimpered softly and felt her body shiver from the contact of his hands and the measuring tape, squeezing her eyes shut.

"No need to feel shy.." He whispered, freeing her breasts from the tape. His eyes were glued to her nipples, and he couldn't look away, his mouth nearly drooling as he momentarily fantasized sucking on them like candy. "I'm going to get a cup size estimate now.. Excuse me."

His hands reached out and cupped her breasts gently, prompting a small yelp from her as she looked down at his broad hands that could barely grasp her huge tits. His hands began to grope them gently, pushing them upwards then to the sides, then together and repeat in circular motion.

"F-feels.. Weird.." Her voice was only above a hushed tone, and Angel couldn't hold back the cute little whiny moans she was letting out from Jace feeling her tits around.

He felt his cock strain against his uniform pants as it aches for release, but he didn't dare free himself, afraid of scaring her off. Jace felt a small damp spot where the tip of his cock sat in his underwear, knowing he'd have to jerk himself off after she left.

His hands continued to work a circular motion as Angel's head was turned away and her eyes tightly shut, eliciting small noises from her.

The next few moments felt like a dream, he couldn't believe one hand had left her breast to undo her pants and zipper, watching it drop and pool around her ankles. He didn't know why he did it, but she didn't seem to notice right away either.

What was all the more surprising was the fact that she wasn't wearing panties either. "So you had no bra to match, you went commando?"

Angel's eyes shot open and she looked down, realizing her pants were around her ankles. She felt embarrassed as he pointed it out, but even more shy when he stared directly at her cleanly shaven vagina.

"I gotta say Angel, I never thought an innocent girl like you would be this naughty..."

"No, you're wrong, I-"

"It's alright, sweetheart. You don't need to make excuses."

Angel whimpered again as he cut her sentence short, his hand working her left breast as his other hand gripped her right thigh, feeling it's thickness in his palm. He pulled her thigh to get a better look between her legs, she couldn't hold back her embarrassment anymore as she felt totally exposed and vulnerable.

The hand working her breast retreated to grip her other thigh, spreading them apart and feeling his breathing hitch as her full, pink pussy came into view.

"Heh.. Why've you been hiding such a delicious thing?"

Angel felt overwhelmed, nearly hearing her heartbeat in her ears as she felt Jace's hot breath hitting her exposed genitals.

As Jace's face moved closer, he heard footsteps approaching the bathroom, he sprang into action immediately and pulled Angel into the handicap stall, locking the stall door behind them. He put a hand over her mouth as his other hand worked on getting her clothes back on.

When the footsteps got closer and he heard the door open, he sat on the toilet and pulled the now fully dressed Angel into his lap, hand on her mouth and the other around her waist. "Shhh.." His lips were brushing her earlobe. She nodded quietly as her hands rested over his arm that was covering her mouth, both of them patiently waiting for the stranger to leave.

Jace saw this as a sign that he knew he was going too far with Angel, but he kind of felt irritated being interrupted when things were getting good.

When the stranger had left, Jace let her go and watched her straighten up and fix her uniform.

"Shit I'm... so fucking sorry Angel, I don't know what came over me," Jace's words came out faster than his thoughts, Angel smiling weakly as her hand rested on his shoulder.

"It's okay... Don't worry about it." She was truly a saint, Jace thought, that or she was really that easy to control.

Well, it didn't matter, because they both returned to their jobs only shortly after that incident, and they both silently agreed not to bring it up or talk about it with anyone else. No matter how bad Jace wanted to brag to the crew about seeing her naked body.

Throughout the day Jace witnessed the staff's manipulation tactics at work, having her make all the ice creams and milkshakes, asking her to do the dishes even though it soaked her top and clung to her breasts, showing the outlines of the crevice and her nipples, and other things just to watch her breasts jiggle a bit.

Jace could only think about what her body looked like though, something the other men would probably never see, unless they knew how easy to trick she really was.

The entire staff fell silent when the boss appeared. He was tall and quite fit under his uniform, with piercing blue eyes and an intimidating gaze that would make anyone buckle under. His hair was styled neatly like he was some CEO at a big company, that got under most of the employees skin the most.

"Angel, no one's giving you trouble right?" He spoke, his monotoned and deep voice made the entire staff shiver. The boss was basically her protector in a way, because he knew how his staff could act.

"No sir, they're all very nice to me." She smiled dumbly at him.

"Good, wouldn't want to have to take out some trash," As he nonchalantly said this, his slender hand was fiddling with a chef knife. It put the entire team on edge, and Jace noticed rather quickly as their gazes met the floor.

The boss's hand patted Angel's head as he returned to his office, Jace looking back at the man he was talking to earlier. "That's the boss?"

"Yep he's uh.. He can be a lot to take in." The man sighed as he felt his body relax when he disappeared from sight. "His name is Vance."

Later that night, after the entire staff had headed home, Vance would invite Angel back to his house after her shifts. Mainly to cook her a delicious, fancy dinner but also to do her daily "inspection".

After Angel would finish her dinner, he instructed her to strip down and bend forward. This was to ensure she wasn't covering for the staff members if they had done anything to her.

Even though they did this every night, she still felt shy and embarrassed every time, but she did as she was told and bent forward, her ass in his direction. He sat down, setting his glass of red wine on the table as both his hands came up to her cheeks and spread them softly.

"Mmf..." She tried to keep from whimpering again but couldn't hold back as she felt him inspecting her most sensitive areas.

His thumbs pressed against her lower lips and pulled them apart, watching her tight hole quiver upon being exposed.

Vance's hands removed themselves and she turned back around, straightening up. His hands grabbed her breasts roughly, squeezing as he massaged them.

"Hmm.. You really went commando to work today?"


"Pfft, I'm not scolding you, sugar." His hands released her tits and nodded, watching her get dressed after being basically man handled.

Angel, deep down, really wanted him to advance on her body further, despite her being inexperienced and vulnerable. She couldn't describe the feelings she had towards her boss, but she wanted to feel his hands make her body feel good, and she wanted to know what it was like to feel his fingers invade her entrance.

She was too shy and nervous to ask for any kind of request though, afraid he may reject her if she asked for it. So, she held her tongue and allowed him to toy with her body.

Angel didn't know what this feeling was, but she wanted to explore it so desperately...

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