Angel's Loophole

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A husband is confronted with his worst fear.
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As high school sweet hearts married at 18, my wife and I had never been with anyone sexually other than each other. This never seemed to bother her. And it surely didnt bother me as my wife was an absolute knockout at the time (still is to be fair). 5'6", 36C, Blonde hair, with larger than average blue eyes. 113lbs. any weight she did have was in her ass. She had a small, slightly upturned button nose that rested perfectly above her thick lips. She had soft pale skin and soft cheekbones. She would get a deep dimple on her left side when she smiled, which she did often. Her nickname at our school was Angel, as she was so bubbly that she almost seemed to glow. Well, that and another reason.

She was a good christian girl. She took her religion very, very seriously. She would commonly be called a churchfreak or bible thumper by the jealous girls in her class. She never watched porn or smoked and rarely drank. She wore a silver cross around her neck at all times, even in the shower. When i bought her Wedding Ring I was sure to have it match the silver cross, as I knew that it would never come off her neck for the rest of her life. She even made jokes about her attachment to it.

I am an average looking white male, 5'10, 170lbs, with a 6" dick hard. I've always been aware i am average at best. I've looked up averages, plus i've seen a lot of porn. I'm not small, but definitely not large enough to be free of insercurity. I also knew soon after we were married that I wanted her not to know so I didn't lose her. She was well out of my league. I trusted her. I did. But a mans insecurity is sometimes too much. I feared that if she found a bigger cock, especially if she *gulp* had sex with one, mine would never compare.

Pretty much every day I would constantly catch men glancing at her everywhere we went. Sometimes I swear i could hear what they were thinking. How did HE get HER? I'm not rich, nor skilled or anything. I really am just your average, mediocre as possible, man.

But, somehow for 7 years I was able to stay happy in my marriage without so even a peep or thought about either of us with someone else. That is until my wife met Rachel.

My wife worked as a salesperson for an international credit card company in a call center. And one day a new coworker Rachel was placed in the cubicle next to hers. Naturally conversation between the two happened and long story short my wife came home after two weeks acting strange.

I asked her what was wrong but she wouldn't say. Just kept saying she was fine but i knew something was up. I kept pestering until finally she said it.

"Fine! My coworker couldn't believe I've only ever been with ONE guy. At first it didnt bother me but after thinking about it she is kind of right. I'm 25 and i've only ever been with you"

"Well I've only ever been with you"

"I know" she continued "Thats why i think we should...and please dont hate me for saying this...each find one person to have sex with. Just once. Just to see"

And there it was. The question i had wanted to avoid for our entire relationship. But then again, she did say both of us. Even though my wife was beautiful of course i was curious to see what another woman was like.

"I don't know if that's a good idea" I stammered.

"Please honey. I love you. I won't leave you. I just simply don't think i can go my entire life without seeing what it is like to be with someone else." She said in the sweetest most convincing voice she could muster.


That's all i could say. OK. Her mind had been made up and i could tell.

"So how do we do this?" I asked nervously.

"I've actually already planned it out. We will both go out separately on the same night so it is fair. Then when we find someone we like we can bring them home at midnight. Then we will both have sex with our partners in our bed. That way we can still be together in the eyes of god."

"Wait. WHAT?" I exclaimed. I had never been so confused in my life. She wants WHAT?

"Well I read the bible very intensely to try and see if there was a way for us to have sex out of wedlock and it not be a sin, and I found this. 'A man nor a woman shall lie spearate with another outside thy marriage bed'."

She looked at me unable to hold back her smile. Her cheeks blushing, giving away how nervous she was. I could tell she was waiting for me to say she was right. "How long did she spend looking for this loophole?" I thought to myself. I didn't dare ask her.

"So don't you see?" She said impatiently.

Unfortunately I connected the dots immediately. She stared excited at me. Her oversized blue eyes sparkling at me like a puppy begging for table scraps. Or as if she won the lottery in bible verses. She really wanted this to happen, and she had put in work.

"That can't be right." I said.

"It's a technicality but it is there! As long as we are in the same bed together we can have sex with other people!" She said. Almost gushing with satisfaction of her accomplishment of research. She wasn't going to take no for an answer.

I mean she knows the bible better than I do. If that is what she read then she wasn't WRONG. The language did seem strangely specific. I was bested. She came to the fight with her guns loaded. She really was gonna have us make love with stranger in the same bed we slept in every night. I had run out of excuses. My wife is too hot for me to risky being controlling.

"Ok well...well when then?" I asked her almost shaking. At this point i had accepted the situation and just wanted to get it over with to relieve my nerves.

"Why not tonight?" She said.

Wait, it was a friday night i had almost forgotten. How long had she been planning this? When i first read her expression did she know that this night would end with her entangled with another man for the first time? Was there even a coworker named Rachel? What if she had been planning this for longer? My mind kept racing through every possible scenario.

My heart was racing. This was all happening so fast. Not even 15 minutes ago i had a perfect marriage with an innocent christian wife and now i was going to witness her be penetrated by another man that very evening. I felt dizzy.

"Well. I mean tonight is kinda soon don't you think?"

"I would really rather get this over with. I would be upset until it happened otherwise." She said, almost annoyed at this point. "I've already been obsessing about it."

Obsessing. What a strong word. My mind began to imagine what exactly she was obsessing about.

"All...Alright then. Tonight." I felt like I was going to pass out.

She squealed in delight and jumped into my arms. Kissing me on the cheek. Like she had just gotten a christmas present.

"Thank you so much baby. This will make our love so much stronger" For some reason i doubted her words. How could her getting dicked down in front of me, and me banging a chick in front of her, be good for us? But she had me backed into a corner, so I went along with it.

"Don't worry" She assured "After tonight is over you'll feel a lot better. Now go get read you need to get laid tonight.

Then she ran off into the bedroom. Within seconds she had pulled out a little black dress. I knew that dress. It was the one she would wear when we would go out on special occasions. Anniversarys. Valentine's Day. So essentially if she was wearing that dress i was getting laid that night. Because of this i became aroused any time i saw that dress. Just like Pavlov's Dogs and a bell.

She took about 45 minutes to get ready. I had taken about 5. Pulled out a button up shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Good to go. When she exited the bathroom i saw her. She was amazing. Her makeup was perfect. Not too much not too little, but purposely seductive. The eye liner was extra thick and her lashes thickened as well. Her big blue eyes popped in contrast to the eye makeup. I loved those eyes. I swore i could read her thoughts through those eyes. The dress fit perfectly and stuck to her every curve. Her silver necklace shined across the dark black. Literally anyone who saw her would be able to tell she was out to get laid that night, yet the cross kept the whole outfit somehow conservative and classy. I assumed she was going to bring home a gentleman tonight. "What if she brings home a gray haired dad type?" I thought to myself. "That would be weird i don't think i could watch that. Then i had just begun to wonder who else she could bring home, when she interrupted my thoughts.

"Should i wear my ring?" She asked.


"Should I wear my ring? Its up to you."

"Hmmm." I wasn't expecting that question. "I suppose yes." I told her. For some reason i thought just maybe this might deter any suitors. How foolish of me.

"OK then you have to wear yours as well." She demanded.

A fair trade. I agreed.

Then we left. She went south towards the downtown where all the college kids hung out. I instead chose to go to a little bar a few blocks up the street.

Now remember. I had not had to try and pick up a woman since i was 14 years old, and that happened because of game of spin the bottle in Jimmy Stevens basement. Not only did i have no idea what i was doing, I was completely oblivious to the fact that pretty much no woman is going to go for an average looking married guy with a big ring on his finger. Let alone come back to where your wife and another random stranger will also be having sex.

Needless to say as the night went on I never was able to find a woman to take home. Funny thing is i was so out of touch i really had believed i would be able to find someone.

I went home at about 1130, empty handed. I had a pretty good buzz since i had given up flirting by about 10. I then remembered what was still going to happen tonight. What I went out to do in the first place.

'Oh No' I thought. I was going to have to sit IN THE SAME BED and watch my wife make love to another man. "Surely she won't take it that literal" i thought for a second, but I knew how seriously she took her faith. She was already bending the rules, so she wasn't going to push it any further.

"Well, maybe she was unsuccessful too." I tried to reason with myself. Who was i kidding. At this point i had to turn my toughts to other problems. "Maybe he won't be bigger than me. Or at least not TOO big." I hoped desperately.

As i previously stated i watched a lot of porn. My wife had never seen a pornographic video in her life to my knowledge. She would have had no idea that my penis was average at best unless she brought home a much "Bigger Man" than I that very night. I mean this was the only time. There is a ton of different types of dicks out there and she can't see whoever she choses "thing" until he is in our bed.

I started to feel a little better. There was at least a pretty good chance that, at the worst, my wife would experience an inch or so more dick, based on the averages i had read. In the most likely scenario she ends up with a guy right around my size and she would probably even let me join in, since I didn't bring anyone home.

Midnight came. 12:00 AM exactly. They burst into the door laughing. She was always punctual.

I was waiting in the kitchen standing having another drink, just around the corner from the front door. When they came around the corner i saw something I hadn't even thought of.

She had brought home a 6'6", very muscular, very, very, black man. He had dreadlocks and tattoos on his face and neck. He talked with an inner city Detroit accent. This guy was as hood as you could possibly get. My little wife didnt even reach his shoulders. She was probably closer to his dick than his head. His pants sagged and he wore a basketball jersey and a could gold necklaces. His hand was placed on wife's ass, grasping firmly.

My heart sank. I didn't think she even realized what she had done. Or maybe she had. Either way she had just brought home the king of the dicks. If i had to try and place a bet on one person to have the biggest dick in a room of 10,000, I would choose him without having to see the other people. I had watched plenty of interracial porn. I had seen what a BBC could do to a petite white pussy. I thought about what it could do to my wife's tight pussy.

"Hi Honey." She said smiling at me. "How was your night?" She rested her head into his big black arm. She didn't care anymore how i saw her acting. She had her right arm wrapped around his big left bicep. She was visibly buzzed. She rarely drank. "This is my date."

"Sup man." He said to me with a smirk, letting me know he was here to fuck my wife.


I was stunned. I had no words. For what felt like an eternity we all just stood not saying anything.

"Where is your date?" My wife asked me.

I couldn't tell if she was being earnest or had known all along i would probably not bring home a woman.

"I decided against it" I lied. Maybe if i played the high horse she would back down too.

"Oh. Well...I already told him everything, and he knows he's only my second and...I mean...well..." She looked at me, looked up at him. Looked at me. Looked up at him.

"Let's go" she said as she gestured her head toward the bedroom.

It was happening. Past the point of no return. In just minutes i was going to witness my sweet innocent wife get demolished by this giant of a man. And i didn't even bother hoping maybe his cock wasn't that big. It was. Just look at him. The only question now was just how large.

We had no children and she never used toys. The largest thing that had ever been inside her was me. And even on my mediocre cock, her pussy squeezed so hard it felt like a vice grips.

I didn't even respond to her. I just started towards the bedroom. The 'marriage bed'. Her wonderful, god given loophole she just had to find.

They fell onto the bed, him on top of her kissing her neck. She was laughing, her cheeks red from the alcohol and excitement.

"Wait." She stopped him. "You have to be on the bed." she said towards me.

"Oh yeah." i acted as if i had forgetton, i surely hadn't. "So should i join in"

She just stared at me for a second.

"Well since this is the only time i can be with someone BESIDES you maybe you could just like, pretend not to be here?"

"But im on the bed. and its only a full."

"Well..." I could see her thinking. "Can you pretend to be my pillow?" She asked while trying to hold back a grin.

Of course.

"Yeah sure why not" I said exasperated.

Lets just do this.

She smiled and looked me right in the eyes with those big blues of hers and said, as authtentically as I've ever heard her say, "I love you" and then turned toward her black lover.

"I love you too" I replied. Little did i know thats was the last time I would be acknowledged for the next two hours. My wife meant what she said. She wanted to experience a completely new person without me at all. Except for the fact i was now lying, clothed at the head the bed, with her head resting on me, as her random fuck buddy made out with her.

For some reason i couldn't look away. I was so mixed emotionally. I was mortified, angry, hurt, disgusted, but more than anything else...extremely turned on. My cock was so hard if you had measured it i swear i would've topped out at a full extra inch.

I never knew that this would be good...for me... I had seen cuckold porn but it wasn't really for me. Plus i threw that word around on the internet as an insult to pussies. That wasn't me. WAS IT?

Turns out it defintely was. I watched him take off that little black dress to reveal no underwear (no surprise with that dress). She sat up and began taking of his shirt.

This guy was ripped. He had tattoos covering every inch of his already dark skin. If i would've seen this guy on the street i would've done everything i could not to make eye contact.

Then she went for his Zipper. Here it was, the moment of truth. I swear I heard a drum roll.

She reached into his underwear. I watched her as she slowly gripped his cock. Her eyes widened. Then she pulled it out.

WHAM! It smacked her in the face. This thing was, at a minimum, a foot long, and probably as thick as a beer can. There was no way my little wife could handle this massive black cock.

She gasped. I don't think she knew cocks this big existed. I couldn't see her eyes but i could tell she was looking up at him in awe.

"Wow" She said. "I've heard black guys were big but this this normal?" she asked him.

"Ha..I 'on know. But its me" he said in his low voice.

I have to clear one thing up. Before when i said i wouldn't be acknowledged for the next two hours, i meant by my wife. Her man was very aware of me.

He realized that i couldn't actually see her face, so he turned her sideways and pulled back her hair.

I had a view now. Just a couple feet away was my wifes pretty face, with a semi-hard huge black cock hanging across her chin.

My cock would've gotten harder if it could've but i was already at full mast. He looked at me and gave me a smirk. Then looked back down at her and picked up his cock in his right hand. Then he dropped his thick cock down square in the middle of her face. The tip hanging over her forehead by a good few inches.

"Lick." He told her.

I watched as she listened immediately. Her tongue shot out like a cannon and began circling the lower part of his shaft.


She dropped down. She put his smoothly shaven testicles on her tongue and began bouncing them. She got every single inch. It was clear she was lost in passion as she slurped all over his black balls.

She was being so obedient. I could tell that anything he wanted he could have tonight. She was going to give him anythin he wanted. Now i just had to sit back and see how much he took.

I watched, still lying at the head of the bed. I swear i forgot how to blink. I wanted to pull my cock out so bad but i didn't dare spoil this insanely unique and intimate moment I was having the privlege to witness.


She slid her tongue from the bottom of his sack all the way up nice and slow to the tip of his now fully erect cock. "Jesus how was this guy some how a grower too" I thought to myself.

Once she was at the apex she hovered for just a split second with the tip of her tongue on the tip of his cock, lining up her shot. Then she put it in her mouth with no hands, as they were busy firmly grasping his ass pulling him in closer.

She took it as far as she could. It wasn't very far. Barely got past the head before she gagged. She was used to mine.

"Here ill help." He said.

Without warning he quickly grabbed her head and shoved it onto his cock. And Somehow, probably just by surprise, managed to shove the entirety of his massive, thick black cock all the way in her mouth. All the way down to the base. She opened her eyes briefly in shock. They were full of tears. He held her briefly then let her go. She came off his cock breathing heavy and gasping for air. She looked up at him with one tear running down her face, carring her extra thick eyeliner with it. I expected her to be angry, as she wouldn't ever let me fuck her face when I would try. Her glossy eyes stared up at him like he was God himself.

In only that 10 seconds this man had given my wife an experience she never knew existed. As she looked up at him i could see in her eyes that she knew this man was about to fuck her like she had never, EVER, been fucked in her life. And if she stayed true to her word, would never be fucked again.

If only i could've known exactly what her thoughts were in those few moments. Just how much of this did she expect? Was she in over her head? She knew black guys were big but this guy was bigger than big and now come to find out, very experienced to boot. It was clear quickly not only did he own the tool but he was a master craftsmen. And he was about to drill my wife like a pornstar. I'd pay for those thoughts.