Angels of Christmas Ch. 01


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Marshall: "All of us here will be affected by whatever happens, whether or not Dr. Wellman stays or goes. And that's why I asked Commander Troy to be here, to help us figure out the ramifications of whatever we do."

"At this point, ma'am," said Harold Truelove, "how can Wellman not go? Even if the Ethics Board declines to find him guilty of anything... and I believe he will be unable to overcome the personal conduct allegations, if not the money laundering allegations... the man's reputation is ruined. Are we going to let him take the University and its reputation down with him?"

Todd Burke spoke up: "The allegations of laundering money from Henry Wargrave are being twisted as something criminal when it may not be. Just like Carmela tried to do to Aunt Laura... er, Dr. Fredricson." I was not fooled; Todd had used 'Aunt Laura' to make sure everyone understood that it was more than 'professional' for him; it was about family.

Todd went on: "I mean, come on, she gave people gynecological exams, and Carmela and the Media were trying to twist it into some sort of illegal enterprise. Mr. Wargrave's means of making his money may have been questionable, but that does not mean Dr. Wellman committed crimes by accepting Mr. Wargrave's donations to the School."

"Have you seen the FBI's report on that, Mr. Burke?" asked Truelove. Hmmm, trap question. Time to intervene.

"I have." I said authoritatively. "And I have the security clearance to have been able to. Todd also has a Top Secret clearance for his work, but those of you who do not have that clearance had better not have seen it. Lionel Carmela is under FBI investigation for allegedly obtaining and releasing those classified documents."

"I'm with you on that, Don, and you know that." said J.P. Goldman. "But Jan Camp is leading the 'prosecution', for lack of a better term, and she's saying she got the information from the Press. I hope the FBI nails Carmela to the wall, but that's not going to help Dr. Wellman regarding the actual information."

"And the Statute of Limitations has long run out on any crimes Dr. Wellman may have committed in obtaining that money for the School." Teresa added helpfully.

"When does the Statute of Limitations on reputation run out?" Truelove fired back. "This is no longer about any criminality on Wellman's part. It's about the damage he and his personal conduct are doing to the University's reputation."

"What personal conduct allegations are those, Mr. Truelove?" Laura said strongly. They stared at each other for a long moment, then Truelove glanced over at me.

"Better be sure, Mr. Truelove." I said.

"I can see that I'm wasting my time here." said Truelove, getting up. "I'll show myself out."

I had also risen to my feet. "Sit back down, Mr. Truelove." I ordered in my most commanding voice. When he turned and looked at me, totally shocked, I said "You are not going to disrespect the Governor-elect of the State by walking out on her now. And there is something far more important that you need to listen to."

"Please do stay, Harold." Mrs. Myrtle L. James said placatingly. Truelove grumbled, but sat back down.

I sat down, then said "And that far more important thing is what happens after Dr. Wellman is gone, whether by removal, resignation, or worse. What you all need to understand and understand very clearly is that the attacks on Dr. Wellman as well as multiple attacks upon my wife were by Dr. Lionel Carmela, and still are."

Your Iron Crowbar: "Carmela is a far-Left Socialist who has published papers advocating the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution and replacing our representative form of Government with a Totalitarian Socialist State. Dr. Wellman is an obstacle to his goals in transforming this University into a far-Left institution that suppresses Freedom of Thought and Speech, and replaces those with propaganda and control through the use of Government Guns."

Your Iron Crowbar: "I'm not defending Dr. Wellman, here. Quite frankly, after seeing his decline in health last Saturday night, it might save his life if he no longer has to endure the unendurable attacks by Carmela and his far-Left cronies Camp and Rivera. What I am saying is that you guys had better have an idea of what you're going to do once Dr. Wellman is gone, or this venerable Institution of Higher Learning will become a California cesspool of radical propaganda. And I'm willing to bet that none of you in here want to see what will happen if Carmela gets his way."

"And it's going to be a political football in the State Legislature this Winter." Sharon Marshall said. "Yes, I get to name the next University President, with the advice and consent of the Trustees, but the negotiations for the Budget, which will include monies for the University, are going to be brutal. And whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, you don't want to give either side something to weaponize against the other."

"All the more reason to get him out now, before the Legislative session begins." said Truelove.

"Dr. Wellman is not going to go quietly." said Laura. "It's like Nixon leaving Viet Nam; he wanted to leave, but he had to do it with honor. And he did get a peace deal done, though the Communists eventually invaded anyway."

Todd Burke spoke up: "What if we convince Dr. Wellman to announce his retirement at the end of the school year, after Spring semester. The Ethics Board accepts that and lets the charges drop, Governor Marshall names a new President after the Legislative session is over, and we move on."

"I'm all for that, but it'll never work." said J.P. Goldman. "Carmela is out for blood. He doesn't just want Wellman gone, he wants him humiliated, and the University shamed, so that he and his rabid Cancel Culture can shame everyone into accepting his demands of who to make the University President... maybe even himself!"

"Come on, J.P." said Truelove. "He's not that powerful."

"But the Press is, Mr. Truelove." I said. "And they are in lockstep with Carmela on this. The Press just loves to see good people in pain. They are just drooling at the thought of seeing Wellman go down in disgrace, with both his and the University's reputations in ruins. And if it helps Carmela radicalize the University, and turn it into the next Cal-Berkeley, that's just gravy for the Press."

"I'm not sure Wellman's reputation deserves to be saved." said Truelove. "And don't get me wrong; I'm very aware of what Carmela is and what his goals are. But he can be stopped. And I don't think the Press, especially the local Press, would go along with destroying the reputation of the University, that is the lifeblood of this County and therefore of them, as well."

"Mr. Truelove," I said, "when you leave here today, may I suggest you visit the Angels statue at Ward Harvester Park. It sits upon the spot where a reporter put my daughter in a warehouse full of explosives, because he wanted to see me in pain upon my daughter's death. And thank God for this Angel right here," I put my hand on Teresa's shoulder as I spoke, "or that reporter's attempt to murder my daughter might well have succeeded." (Author's note: 'Teresa's Christmas Finale'.)

J.P. Goldman said "And that reporter was aided and abetted by a Democrat Council Member. I'll add that filthy Democrats poisoned my water with ipecac, hospitalized me and damn near killed me." (Author's note: 'Casting Aspersions', Ch. 02.)

"What?" gasped Truelove. "Is that true?"

"Yes sir." said Teresa. "I was there. We investigated it."

"The bottom line, Mr. Truelove," I said, "is that Lionel Carmela will stop at nothing, nothing at all, to achieve his goals. And that is what you are truly up against. Carmela is not interested in compromise nor a peaceful solution. He wants to watch the world burn."

We all could see that Truelove was absolutely stunned by the information we'd just given him...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After the meeting, Lt. Governor Marshall and Mrs. James thanked everyone for coming and shook all their hands as the guests left. Only Teresa and I remained. Sharon Marshall had asked to speak with me, and I was Teresa's ride back to the Station, so she helped Mrs. James clean up.

"So," Sharon said, "you have a few names for me for SBI Director?"

"Just a few ideas I'll throw out." I replied. "First, Curly Goodwin ran for and won the Inspector General post up here partly because Horace S. Wellman didn't run. Horace Wellman is a good guy, a damn sight more honest than his brother Sidney, and I think he'd do a good job with the SBI."

"Not a bad idea." said Sharon. "But there's that name association with his brother that could cause issues. Don, I didn't say this during the meeting, but one reason I came up here was to see what the chances of saving Sidney Wellman are. And unless our agreed-upon plan works, there is no saving Sidney. And Horace is a good man, as you said, but he needs to lay low for a year, so that the mud doesn't splash on him."

I nodded, then said "I know Britt Maxwell doesn't want anything other than the job she has now, but Norm Chow is her Lieutenant, and deserves to be looked at for the Director post. My Internal Affairs Commander, Ted Orosco, is a former SBI Agent and a solid man... and no, I'm not trying to get rid of him. Gordon Grigsby of the IDE is also a good man."

I then said "And there is one other person. I don't know if he'll take the job, but I know he can do it, and do it with integrity. And that's FBI Special Agent in Charge Jack Muscone."

"His name has come to my attention, also." said Sharon. "I like all of your ideas, and will consider them. Of course, I'd rather have you than any of them. If I may ask a personal question, and solely for my own curiosity... why don't you consider jobs like the SBI Director? You could have been Police Chief here, and turned it down. You could have a brilliant future in State leadership, be it in politics or other things. I guess what I'm asking is... what's holding you to being the TCPD Police Commander?"

I smiled. "Who's got it better than me? Nooooo-body!" I replied. Sharon smiled politely and I went on: "Seriously... I get to be a Detective and investigate and solve crimes, I'm leading the greatest group of Police Officers to be found anywhere on earth, and there is no place like this Town & County. Bottom line, I'm happy where I am, and I'd be a fool to give this up."

Sharon Marshall said "That's all there is to be said, then. So, Commander, if you were me, who would you put into the University President's chair?"

"Oh, I have no idea, ma;'am." I said. "None at all, except Dr. Chase, maybe?"

Sharon Marshall said "I was considering Seth Warner. He's doing an excellent job with the Hospital. But he's still young, and hasn't really developed those 'connections' needed for the University President's job. Maybe in a couple of decades, when the job opens up again."

I said "I'd hate to lose him as Hospital Administrator, but yes, after some time and developing those relationships with the right people, which he's beginning to do now, he'd be excellent."

Sharon said "There is one other person I have in mind. Someone with the teaching ties and the personal ties with many of the University's Faculty, Staff, Boosters and Alumni. Someone with national and even international influence that few others have."

It hit me just a second before she said it: "Don, do you think your wife, Dr. Laura Fredricson, would accept my offer to become University President?"

To be continued.

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chytownchytown5 months ago

*****Good read. Thanks for sharing.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum7 months ago

Laura for President? Would mean great seats got Wildcat/Bulldog football game for IC andCindy and Todd 😃

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Never saw that coming, just thought Laura would have been out of consideration because of Carmela, ,but perhaps that a good enough reason to have her in order to rein in Carmala if he's still there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love these stories! I have read all of them (excepting the current story) and have really enjoyed them! Thank you to Wife Watchman.

gort69gort69over 2 years ago

Except for the insistence that "Climate Change" is a hoax, not badly written, but the series is moving very slowly and has become more preachy regarding views that don't always conform to physical evidence. Maybe if the author was a bit more even handed in his criticism of BOTH sides of the political spectrum instead of his rabid dislike for one group, the writing would be more palatable.

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