Angel's Story Ch. 02


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Angel still nodded, "Yes, Mistress Marna."

Marna walked over to Angel, "Don't answer me now. I want you to truly consider your decision. Sleep on it and mull it over.

"May I ask one more question Mistress Marna?" Angel said hesitantly. Mistress Marna gave a short nod of her head.

"If I was your sex slave, would I be allowed to orgasm?" Angel couldn't believe what she was asking. Would never in her life have dreamt of such a thing, but she was still trying to sort out everything she had experienced and gone through.

Marna kept looking at Angel and then a slight smile creased her lips. "I will depending on the situation. It will be my decision and my command only. Training is extensive; I leave no ground unexplored."

Mistress Marna crossed over to Angel and reached down to lightly stroke one of her nipples. Angel gasped at the sensation she felt and then blushed. "Ahh, I see you have never been with a woman before." Angel turned an even deeper shade of red.

"I think you really need to consider your situation and options. Like I said, sleep on it and tell me your decision in the morning. For now, this will be your room. I expect you to keep it clean and organized. Rest and I'll send some supper up to you later." At that Marna left and Angel sat staring at the empty doorway.


Lance and Drew observed the two men. While unconscious, their pubic areas had been shaved and each now wore a rubber penis prison. They hung suspended in an 'X' shape from the beams of the play room facing the large flat monitor on the wall. The rest of the wall was covered in mirrors.

Mistress Marna had given the orders during the ride back to the estate. They would be assisting in these two men's punishment. They had been warned last time when they damaged the slave that there would be consequences if it happened again.

Marna walk into the playroom and looked at the two men. She inspected the ropes. "Give them the injection." Marna stepped over to the intercom. "Andrew."

"Yes, Mistress Marna."

"Prepare a light supper for Angel. She's in the spare room and that will be her room. You have my permission to speak with her. Lance, Drew and I will be busy for a few hours and are not to be disturbed."

"Yes, Mistress Marna."

Drew went to the cabinet and took out two prepared needles. He injected each man then disposed of the needles. The first one to come around was Gary known as "Bar Guy" by Angel.

"What the fuck is going on?!" he screamed. He saw in the mirror that his friend was also tied the same way next to him.

Tom, better known as "Ice Eyes" came around and started blinking and swearing. "What the hell is going on here?!" he yelled. "Get me down and get me down now or I'll beat the shit out of you!"

Marna crossed over to stand in front of the men. "No, I don't think you're in position to give orders. Even if you were, I don't take orders. You were given a warning last time you were here and you disobeyed it."

Gary struggled in his ropes, "It's that bitch's word against ours. We didn't touch her! Get me the fuck down!"

Marna's expression grew cold, "Didn't touch her? Let's just see." She walked behind them, picked up a remote and switched the monitor on. There was Angel hanging and screaming while Gary and Tom pounded her cunt and ass.

The screaming was having an affect on Lance and he was trying to control it. Then it dawned on him why Mistress Marna had released their prisons. He watched and listened and his cock grew very hard wanting attention too.

Lance wasn't the only one having to deal with a hard on. Gary and Tom started getting excited as well from viewing the screen, except they had the prison to contend with. It wasn't long before each was struggling in their ropes because of the pain. Their cocks wanted to expand, but couldn't within the confines of their prison's.

Marna stopped the recording. She again walked in front of the men. "So, you didn't touch her. Would you care to resend that statement?"

"You fucking whore! Get this thing off me!" screamed Tom still struggling in his bonds.

"Mistress Marna, shall I get a gag?" inquired Lance. He was angry at the two men for degrading his Mistress.

"No. I want to see how well they like pain. They like to inflict it; it makes them feel superior and excited. I wonder if they will get as excited hearing each other scream." Marna smiled and gave a little laugh. "Let me have the crop."

Drew went to the counter and picked up her riding crop. He crossed behind the men. Marna went to Drew and took the crop. "You stand in front with the plastic bucket in case one of them gets sick." Drew did as he was instructed.

"Now you two animals, because I won't call you men, let's begin." Marna brought the crop up between Gary's legs hitting him dead center on his balls. There was a second of silence before he let out with a blood curdling scream. His face blanched white and he was gasping for air. He no longer had to worry about his cock having room to expand as it started to shrivel.

Marna walked around in front of Tom. "Still hard?" she grasped his cock and pulled hard. He winced and bit his lower lip. "Lance, bring the harness. I want to be able to see the affects."

Lance went to the cabinet and brought out a harness. He removed the prison and fitted a harness around Tom's cock and balls. Lance fit it as tight as he could around the man's cock. As the cock got wider, it would prevent the man from being able to cum.

Tom's cock stood at full attention finally being freed. Mistress Marna walked over to it and lightly tapped it with the riding crop. "Well, is that the best you can do?"

"You frigid bitch! screamed Tom. "If I was free, I'd show you exactly what I'd do with that crop!"

Mistress Marna kept tapping the top of his cock. "Shall I use it on you or would you prefer to listen to your friend scream?"

Tom knew that either way he was trapped. If he said himself, he had no doubts that she would inflict pain on him. If he said Gary, then he would have to listen to the screams from his friend. He refused to answer and just gave her a hate filled stare.

Mistress Marna laughed, "Very well." She crossed over to Gary. "Lance, fit a harness on him also. Leave some room for growth."

"Yes, Mistress Marna." Lance nodded.

Marna lifted Gary's chin with the crop. "Well now. Your friend has left the decision up to you. So, shall I use this on you or would you prefer to listen to your friend scream?"

Gary looked into her eyes. His betrayed no hatred toward her; only fear. "Please."

Marna smiled, "Please what?"

Gary lowered his eyes, "Please Mistress Marna, use it on him."

"You god damn asshole! You fucking bastard! How could you!" screamed Tom at the top of his lungs. "I'll get you for this. I swear if it takes me the rest of my life; I'll make you pay!"

Marna crossed back to Tom and smiled. "Life is full of choices," she said as she slowly dragged the crop down Tom's chest. She stopped and let it rest on top of his hard cock. She reached out and gently massaged his balls causing him to strain forward, but his cock touch nothing but air.

Tom started breathing a little faster. "What choice?" he said with a strained voice.

Marna stepped closer and her tongue started drawing little circles around his nipple. Tom's breathing picked up a beat. "You like that?" breathed Marna onto his nipple.

"Yes." Tom replied still straining. His cock was throbbing and wanted to cum.

Marna stepped away and smiled. "You must choose which nipple I will pleasure for you and which nipple receives punishment. If you do not choose, then there will only be pain and no pleasure."

Tom was trying to deal with the question. No; not really a question. He was in a haze of lust. His cock wanted attention and release. She would give him some pleasure which might make him cum, but he would have to have pain too. His mind was spiraling out of control. His lust won. "The left," he whispered.

Marna stared at him sternly. "What did you say?!" She inflicted cold anger in her voice.

Tom felt his world spinning and crashing in around him, "My left nipple Mistress Marna." His best friend, a kindred soul he thought, had given him up to this woman with the riding crop. He felt as if he was in some elaborate nightmare, 'Time to wake up Tom.'

"What about your left nipple?" queried Mistress Marna.

"Please, Mistress Marna, punish my left nipple," cried Tom.

Marna quickly slapped the crop down on Tom's left nipple. He screamed out in pain. She approached his right nipple and started flicking it with her tongue. Engulfing it with her mouth, she slowly started sucking on it.

The pain hit Tom like an electric current. His mind exploded and he saw lights dancing in front of his eyes. Then he felt a warm mouth on his right nipple; a soothing that made his hard cock ache and throb.

When Tom started to breathe hard again, Marna stepped away. He stared at her with a blank expression trying to comprehend what he was feeling. She knew that look.

"Now, you have a choice," said Mistress Marna.

Tom shook his head trying to comprehend what she was saying. "Choice?" he whispered confused.

"Yes," countered Marna. "I can administer pain to your right nipple or to the head of your cock. If it's the nipple, then I shall lick the slit of your cock. If it's the cock, then I will suck your nipple as before. Your choice," said Marna as she started tapping the top of his cock again.

Confusion danced over Tom's face; pain and lust. He was trying to separate them; trying to deal with his emotions that if he took pain, he could also have pleasure. If he didn't choose, then all he would have was pain. He was thinking about her sweet mouth on his cock. "Please, Mistress Marna, punish my right nipple." Tom couldn't believe he spoke the words.

Marna quickly struck Tom's right nipple and as before he screamed. She stepped forward and placed her mouth around the head of Tom's cock. Her tongue worked up and down the slit swirling and teasing. Again, when he started to breathe faster, she stopped and stepped back.

"No-o-o-o-o!!!" screamed Tom humping the air. He wanted to cum; needed to cum.

When Marna stepped back she looked at Gary. He was starring wide-eyed, mouth open and was developing an erection. She smiled.

"Here we are again at a choice," she started. She watched as Tom was shaking his head side-to-side in a 'No.' "Ahh, yes," she said as she slowly drifted the crop down one of Tom's hard nipples. Then she suddenly placed the crop between his legs and lightly stroked his balls.

"Your new choice is ....," she paused continuing to rub and stroke his balls with the riding crop. "... I can place clamps and weights on your nipples," Tom was still shaking his head in a vigorous 'No', "... or I can whip your cock and balls. If I whip your cock and balls, I will suck your nipples. If I apply clamps and weights, then I will suck your cock. Now choose."

Tom actually started crying and was still shaking his head 'No' not wanting to deal with the situation any longer.

Marna stared at him. "If you don't choose, then I will do all as your punishment."

Tom thought of Angel and how she had cried and beg him to make her cum. Now he understood. All he wanted was release; wanted to cum so bad that he would sell his soul to the devil.

"Please, Mistress Marna," Tom began with clarity and finality etched into his face, "Please clip and weight my nipples so that I may feel your mouth suck my cock." Tom hung his head. "I disobeyed you and I promise it shall never happen again. I am ready for any punishment you wish to give me; especially for calling you names."

Marna smiled blandly. She stepped forward and grabbed each nipple between a finger and thumb; pinched and pulled. Tom swung his head back and screamed. Lance was standing by and handed her a clamp with a line attached to it. She attached the clamp and Tom screamed again. She attached the second clamp; another scream. Lance put the lines through hooks in the ceiling while she walked over to the counter to get the weights.

Tom felt his nipples burning and throbbing with the clamps attached. He was just barely getting use to them when he felt a tug as Lance was threading the lines through hooks. Mistress Marna returned and attached the weights and let them drop with the lines. He screamed again as the pain shot through his nipples.

Marna smiled and she observed that Gary had a huge hard on and was breathing faster and straining. Everything she had done to Tom had excited him. "Lance. Bring the low stool and set it in front of him."

"Yes, Mistress Marna." Lance rushed to get the stool. He returned and set it in front of Tom's waving cock.

Marna sat on the stool with her legs spread open. Tom could see her pink slit and his heart started to pound faster. She reached out and placed a hand on each of Tom's hips. She caressed and stroked them. When he tried to hump forward, the weights started swinging slightly and he gave a little whimper from the pain.

Marna placed her mouth over the head of Tom's cock and swirled her tongue all around it; wetting it with salvia. She slowly sucked his cock in her mouth and stop about halfway. He started to hump in earnest wanting all of him in her. The weights started swinging and pulling on his nipples. For every thrust he felt her mouth slide a little further on his cock and intense pain in his nipples. All he could think about was her mouth and wanting to cum. His head was spinning, he felt so near to his orgasm, and then, everything stopped.

"No-o-o-o!!!" he screamed. He was so near. He needed to cum.

Marna stopped and got up. She stood in front of Tom. "I never said I would let you cum. I said I would suck your cock." She walked slowly in back of Tom and pressed her body up against his. She reached up at the clamps and quickly released them and the weights fell to the floor. Tom screamed as the blood flowed back into his nipples.

Marna slowly massaged his nipples as she pressed him from behind. His scream changed to a moan. He was hers. She knew this. "Tell me Tom, do you want to cum?"

Tom started shaking his head up-and-down, "Oh God Mistress Marna. I'll do anything to cum...anything you ask me."

"Would you fuck Gary's ass hard the way you did Angel's?" Marna asked as she stroked Tom's stomach.

"Yes, yes, Mistress Marna ... anything!"

Marna nodded at Lance and Drew and stepped back. Lance and Drew undid Tom's bonds and led him over behind Gary. Gary started struggling.

"Do you see how excited your friend became watching your punishment?" said Mistress Marna.

Tom could see Gary's erection reflected in the mirrors.

"I'm going to tie a rope around each of your wrists which will be around Gary's waist. You'll be able to grab his hips for support. I will leave the harness on for a while to maximize your pleasure and Gary's pain. I will then remove it so you may cum in Gary." As she was talking Lance and Drew had tied the rope.

Gary started screaming and begging his friend not to do it. All Tom could think of was revenge and fulfilling his need to cum.

Tom grabbed Gary by the hips, stepped forward and plunged his cock into Gary's ass. It felt so good to finally have some friction; to have something wrapped around his cock. Gary started screaming from the pain. Tom laughed as he felt himself getting harder from the scream. He pulled out and plunged again.

Again Gary screamed from the pain. Tom remembered Angel again and laughed, "Yes, little ass, scream. You know I like it when you scream!" Each lunge tore a scream from Gary. Tom plunged harder and harder. He wanted to cum. He had forgotten about the harness.

When Gary's screams started to subside, Marna reached under Tom and unclasped the harness and dropped it to the floor. She slowly massaged his balls as he kept plunging into Gary's ass. A red haze clouded his eyes and his mind was on autopilot. All he repeated in his mind was cum -- cum -- cum.

As Tom started to cum, a primal screamed escaped his lungs. He kept screaming and pumping even harder into Gary's ass as he shot load after load. Finally he stopped, heaving hard and holding onto Gary. He couldn't ever remember coming that hard in his life.

Tom felt his wrists being untied. He slowly eased his cock out of Gary's ass. He turned with his head down and saw Mistress Marna's feet. He knelt down and kissed both of her feet. "Thank you, Mistress Marna."

Marna put a hand on Tom's head, "Stand up." She smiled at Lance and Drew. "Take him to his cell."

"Tom," said Mistress Marna.

"Yes, Mistress Marna."

"Once in your cell you may clean yourself up, but you are not allowed to touch yourself sexually. That is my choice only." She leaned forward and gave him a deep probing kiss.

Tom smiled, "Yes, Mistress Marna."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Absolutely couldn't stop reading it!!!

Fantastic!! Kept me on the edge of my seat!! i loved it! And want the story to go on and on and on please write more!! please!!

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