Animal Attraction


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Suddenly I felt a heel for making her feel so bad. I said, "Ileana, this wasn't necessary. Look, I'm sorry."

Her eyes looked as if they were brimming with tears, but she smiled bravely, linked her arm through mine, and said huskily, "You've got nothing to be sorry for; I just hope you'll forgive me. Come on, let's go and have a good time." As we approached the venue I realised that we were surrounded by people wearing T-shirts bearing pictures of wolves, people wearing wolf masks, rubber we entered the building I saw the titles of the films we were going to watch. It was a triple bill under the general title 'Wolf' – the Lon Chaney Junior classic The Wolf Man; An American Werewolf In London; and Dog Soldiers, a very black comedy about a group of British squaddies being picked off one-by-one by werewolves in the remote Scottish highlands. It was a lot of hokum, but good fun and I started to relax. At some point Ileana slipped her surprisingly large hand into mine.

When the film finished we walked in silence across Waterloo Bridge to The Strand. I slipped my arm around Ileana's waist, and she enthusiastically responded, cuddling into my body and smiling at me. She seemed to be wearing a rich, musky perfume that I hadn't noticed before, and I found it quite alluring. She had booked at a classy steak restaurant for dinner. We ordered wine and a main course, then I said, "An afternoon of werewolves – interesting choice of entertainment."

She smiled self-consciously. "Yeah, sorry, it's a bit of a weakness of mine. I really identify with some of those characters." I thought it was an odd thing to say; I was just about to jokingly ask when she had last been attacked by a werewolf when the waitress arrived with the wine. Illy reached across the table and took my hand again. "Steve, I feel so terrible about the way I hurt you. I really want us to be friends again – special friends."

I smiled at her worried expression. "I thought we were. Did I mention how beautiful you look tonight? And yes, that chat-up line's worked for me dozens of times." She laughed as if it was the funniest joke she'd ever heard, trying to stay on my good side. I caught another whiff of her intoxicating perfume, making my head spin a bit. I asked her what it was.

She shrugged and glanced down at the table, "Oh it's just something I make myself; you know, mixing the right chemicals." Before I could carry the conversation any further, the food arrived.

I'd ordered sirloin steak, medium-well done, with a tasty pepper sauce. Illy had gone for steak tartare, and her eyes positively gleamed as the raw meat was laid before her. Between enjoying my own food I watched her in fascination. She didn't so much eat the dish as attack it, tearing it apart and savouring every mouthful. At one point she noticed me watching her, and grinned with an embarrassed look. "Sorry, I love this, and I am so hungry." Occasionally she ran the tip of her tongue around her lips, catching drops of escaping juice. She finished several minutes before me, hardly touching her vegetables, and sat back with a look of deep satisfaction. Again, her fragrance seemed to fill my head.

Over coffee, as we waited for the bill, Illy took my hand again, softly scratching the inside of my wrist with her fingernails, sending tingles shooting up my arm. With that, the wine and her incredible perfume I was starting to feel a bit light-headed. I murmured, "I really thought you weren't interested in me. You wouldn't believe how hard I tried to attract you."

She gave me a strange little smile. "I would actually. The very first time we were alone together, I had to fight every instinct in me not to throw you to the floor and rip your clothes off there and then. Truly Steve, I'm so attracted to you it scares me a bit." I stared at her in amazement. She smiled. "It's only because I'm, well, a bit closer to nature than a lot of girls that I was able to restrain myself." I didn't know what she meant by that, but I was liking what I was hearing too much to interrupt her to ask. She went on, "I managed to hold back, but I still ended up going home with damp knickers every day after I'd been alone with you."

Before I could react the bill arrived. The effect Ileana's words were having on me and my pheromones was evidenced by the way the waitress who brought it draped herself over me as she placed it on the table, one hand on my shoulder, her little finger 'innocently' stroking against my neck, and her breast pressing firmly against my arm. She suddenly jumped back with a little gasp. I glanced up and thought I saw, just for a split second, a weird look of unbelievable ferocity on Illy's face, but it disappeared before I could really be sure.

We had barely left the restaurant before Illy wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my face to hers. Her tongue thrust into my mouth, and we kissed for a full minute, our tongues circling each other. Her perfume was almost overwhelming me, and my cock felt so stiff I thought it might burst my fly. Reluctantly pulling away, and hailing a cab, I whispered, "Would you like me to see you home?"

Illy giggled and nuzzled my neck. She whispered back, "Of course. I think we might get arrested if I shag you here in the street."

We piled into the cab and immediately we started snogging again. In the close confines of the taxi her scent wrapped itself around me, almost physically, and the only thought in my head was how much I wanted to have wild sex with this woman. As she kissed me almost ferociously, her hand raking at my fly, a last shred of commonsense forced its way to the front of my brain and, glancing warningly in the direction of the driver, I murmured "Whoa, tiger."

For some reason she thought that comment was hilarious, and breathed into my ear, "Close, but no cupie doll." When the cab stopped in a quiet residential street in Hampstead Illy thrust a handful of notes into the driver's hand and pretty much dragged me up the stairs of a small terraced house to her flat. The second the door closed behind us she pressed me against it, kissing me hard and slipping a hand under my shirt, her fingers rolling my erect nipple. She broke away and, leading me into a small sitting room, gasped, "Thank fuck I'm home, I can finally relax. I honestly thought I was going to lose control before we got here."

I slipped off my shirt, then noticed she was sitting in a couch, suddenly looking bashful. She patted the seat next to her and I sat. She rested her head on my shoulder and began trailing her fingers through my hair, sending lightning bolts straight down to my eager cock. "Erm, Steve, we're here because I really fancy you, but also because I'm sure I can trust you. There's something I have to tell you. I should have told you earlier, really." I began to worry. Oh Christ, I thought, don't tell me she's a convincing male transvestite or something. She continued, "You've got to know that, well, I'm not really like other girls. Especially when I have sex."

Slightly perplexed, I joked, "What, you fart when you cum? You like to dress as Elvis when you screw? Whatever it is, I'm sure I can handle it." All I wanted at that moment, enveloped in the miasma of her smell, was to get into her bedroom, and into her.

She smiled weakly at my joke. "No, I, um, well, I turn into a bit of an animal, I suppose you could say."

I thought about the way she'd nearly ravished me in the taxi. "No, really? I'd never have guessed!"

She still looked uncomfortable. "You don't really understand, what I mean is...oh God, this is always so difficult..."

I kissed her to silence her. "Look, however crazy you get, it's fine with me. I love wild women. I'm desperate to shag you, and I don't give a shit if," I searched my mind for an image, and thought back to earlier in the day, "if you turn into a sodding werewolf or something, I still want to do this."

She gave me a very odd look and said, "Really?" Then she gave a big grin and kissed me on the cheek. "Well, what I'm going to do is go into the bedroom, and you come and join me in about two minutes, and we'll see what happens." With that she went to a connecting door, and blew me a kiss over her shoulder before disappearing.

In seconds I was stripped naked, and while waiting to join Illy I glanced at the large collection of books which were ranged on shelves on one wall. She really did have a lot of horror stuff, from classics like Edgar Allan Poe to schlock modern pulp paperbacks. She also had stuff on myths and legends, philosophy, psychology, and several large, antique-looking leather bound tomes written in what I took to be Romanian. I decided two minutes was up, and tapped on her bedroom door then stepped through. I stared at Ileana, standing before me, and gasped, "Fuck me!"

She chuckled, deep in her throat, and growled, "Yes please." She looked – different. Bloody hell, did she look different! She was naked apart from the bat pendant I'd bought her. Her head hair was altogether bigger and more luxuriant than before. Here eyebrow ridges seemed even more prominent; in fact the whole shape of her face seemed to have subtly changed, more angular and longer. Her shoulders, arms and legs were corded with muscle. Her hands and feet seemed to have grown in size, her finger and toenails more like claws now. Her pubic hair was amazing – it was a dark mass on her thighs, almost as far as her knees, surged between her legs, and extended up to her navel and beyond, all the way to her breasts – the lower pair!

I slumped back against the door in utter shock. Her rich, cloying scent was now so strong I could almost see it floating in the air. Despite the disbelieving confusion I was feeling, my cock was so stiff I thought it might rip the skin, and my guts were knotted with lust. Ileana stepped towards me and whispered, "Do you still want to do this?" Her voice was even deeper than before, but still undeniably female, with an undercurrent that sent a shiver down my spine – and straight into my straining dick. I began to wonder if I was hallucinating – maybe she'd slipped a tab of LSD into my wine or something. But I knew that wasn't it; the fascination with the Gothic, the films we'd watched earlier in the day – it all slotted into place. I realised why she'd given me a strange look when I joked about her turning in to a werewolf – she thought I'd actually guessed her little secret!

I gasped as she dragged a claw lightly along the underside of my painfully stiff knob, then her powerful arms crushed me to her and her lips mashed to mine. Her tongue thrust halfway down my throat – literally. I ran my tongue over her teeth and got another shock: they were no longer small and smooth, they were now big, pointed and felt very sharp. Hesitantly closing my arms around her I felt her spine as a prominent, rigid line, marked by thick downy fur running its length, from her hairline to her bum. To my surprise, I found it surprisingly erotic.

Illy pulled her lips from mine, and gazed into my eyes – hers were still that gorgeous ice blue. Trying to regain some sort of equilibrium, as if being snogged by a she-wolf was an everyday experience for me, I muttered, "My, granny, what a big tongue you have."

She threw her head back and gave a laugh that almost turned into a howl, then growled, "All the better to do this with." With that she dropped to her knees and I felt an incredible sensation as her mouth closed over my prick. That tongue was truly amazing – it was so long and muscular that it felt almost like a velvet-gloved hand wrapped around my cock as she sucked on me. I was slightly nervous as those sharp teeth pressed into my most delicate flesh, but she was careful not to bite down. I glanced down and noticed that she'd slipped one hand – paw? – between her legs. The other was cupped around one of my buttocks, her claws gently scratching the inner flesh close to my anus, to surprisingly arousing effect.

As Illy became more turned on she began to emit one long, continuous growl, apparently without the need to draw breath. I'd heard dogs do that and wondered how they managed it. The effect on me of that primeval sound, coming from a woman with my cock between her fangs, was quite incredible: the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, another tremor raced down my spine, yet at the same time I couldn't remember being quite so turned on in my entire life. I groaned with the pleasure of what Illy's tongue and lips were doing to me, and curled my hands in her hair. I gently stroked the inside of her ears – still basically human shaped, but more pointed than normal - with the tips of my index fingers. Then a mad thought occurred to me. Experimentally I scratched behind one of her ears, as I used to with my pet dog. Illy's growl increased in depth and intensity, and her tongue started moving even quicker on my cock, which I took as a sign that she liked that. I came suddenly, gasping with the strength of my release, feeling as if I was pumping gallons of jizz into her mouth. Barely pausing for breath, she scooped me into her arms, as if I was as light as a feather, and deposited me on the bed, throwing herself down next to me.

As I recovered my breath from my shattering orgasm I sucked Illy's upper boobs, and stroked the lower two with my hands, tweaking her long pink nipples. I was slowly adjusting to the incredible revelation of just who my new girlfriend was. She lay back gazing at me lovingly and gently stroking my hair. She half-whispered, "I'm so glad you feel comfortable with me. I was scared you'd run a mile when you found out, and I'd have to disappear – again. How did you guess?"

She was referring to my earlier werewolf joke. I chuckled and adopted a cod Hercule Poirot accent. "Ah ma cher, I just used ze little grey cells." A thought occurred to me – there had been a crescent moon when we got out of the cab. "Illy – I thought this only happened when there was a full moon."

She shook her head dreamily from side to side. "That's a bit of an old wife's tale. Anyway, we've evolved a lot over the centuries. There was a time when I'd have been covered from head to toe in fur, and my ancestors would have had eight of those." She flicked a finger in the direction of her boobs. "No, most of the time I can control it, no problem, but I usually let myself go at home in the evenings. I admit though, it is stronger when the moon's full. I have these foul tempers sometimes – the girls at work put it down to period pains." She leant up on her elbows, and kissed the top of my head. "I was worried that my musk was so strong in the restaurant – I thought I was going to lose control and break out in claws and fangs at any moment. That's the effect you have on me. I really hoped you wouldn't be turned off by the real me, because your musk's nearly as powerful as mine."

I was fascinated by all this. "So are both your parents..."

She chuckled. "No, only my dad. We can trace it in his line back to at least the 14th century. My mum's Romanian too, but she's not a lycanthrope, she just understands us from the folklore she grew up with...oh fuck, that's nice!" I had switched one of my hands down from Illy's tits to her pussy, and twirled a finger inside her while I sucked hard on a nipple. She felt on fire inside. Abandoning her boob, I dropped my head to her twat. I've gone down on hairy girls before, but Illy completely redefined the term. The back hair I'd felt and her pubic bush actually joined up between her legs. I licked the length of her slit, then pressed my face into her. She groaned, "Oh Jesus Steve, that's magic." Her claws pressed into the base of my skull, hard but not piercing my skin. The aroma of her sex was so strong that I felt faint, and thought for a moment that I might pass out. I stroked my thumbs along her thick, dark labia as I fucked her with two fingers, licking around them and jabbing her clit with tongue and fingers. At first she whimpered like a puppy, then that guttural growl started again, and I felt my cock racing to full stiffness. She began to squirm about beneath me, then she came all in a rush, bathing my face with her juice. At the moment of release she howled – literally. My heart leapt in my chest – Christ only knows what the neighbours thought! I rested my head on Illy's downy belly, and heard her whisper hoarsely, "Fuck, Steve, nobody's ever done that for me before."

My prick was screaming for attention. I drew myself up her body and my tool found its was into her slit. I supported my weight on my hands and gazed down at my lover as I fucked her, her eyes flaring and her long tongue licking wildly around her lips. She dug her claws into my bum and dictated the speed and length of my strokes Then she placed a hand behind me head and pulled me down onto her, pushing her tongue down my throat again as I massaged her tits and slammed my hips back and forth to shag her with all my strength. As she got close to her second orgasm she pulled out of the kiss and started to pant, her tongue lolling out, giggling between breaths. This time when she came, as her hips thrust upwards to meet me, I was ready for her, and stifled her howl with a deep kiss. She fell back into the bed, wrapped her legs around me and squeezed me with not-quite bone crushing force.

We lay drowsing, kissing and cuddling for a while after that, with me only occasionally wondering if I was just having some bizarre dream, and I was going to wake up alone in my own bed. After a while, Ileana started keening and stoking my cock. I was hard in moments, then she turned her back to me, and rested her weight on her knees and elbows. I moved in and brushed my cock against her bum, pale apart from the line of hair which ran down the middle, then gripped her hips and slowly entered her cunt, pausing every inch or so. She growled softly over her shoulder at me and pushed back harder onto me, and I began to pump her forcefully. With one hand I kneaded one of her lower tits, easily within reach, while with the other I stroked the back of her ear. Between growls and whimpers she gasped, "Fuck, fuck, oh God yes." As I got close to cumming I dropped my hand from her tit to her pussy and stroked her clit. Seconds later we achieved a mind-blowing mutual orgasm and both howled with pleasure, and sod the neighbours!

I'm a strictly one-woman man now; we've found a special bond between us that almost seems to go beyond ordinary love. The sex is exhausting, and utterly amazing – especially around the time of the full moon – and now I've got used to it I find her soft fur a real turn-on. I often gently scratch behind her ear on the tube journey home, which looks perfectly innocent, but which I know is getting her insides boiling and assuring me of a fantastic shag the moment she gets me home! Of course, even if I didn't adore her as much as I do, there is one other consideration – it isn't every girl who could rip your throat out with her bare teeth if you cheated on her!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
funny as the clap

a stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Nice . Quite funny also . Should make it a series .

MuskratSamMuskratSamalmost 14 years ago

I have only one small question - can werewolves _really_ have pussies?

Great story, plus I had to go check out a couple of DVDs from my library :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Animal attraction

Loved the story! Especially for once the woman in the story is the wolf. I find it hard sometimes trying to find them. Hope to see more from you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Masterful storytelling!

Really enjoyed it.

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