Anita Ch. 02


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"That was a turn around for him. Did he go soft?"

"Yes his cock did relax a bit. That is until a totally naked Guy, who has softly crept into the room, put his lips around the shaft. John went hard pretty quickly, with utterances such as 'that's more like it'. Gloria and I held each other on one side of the bed watching the proceedings and fingering each other without any urgency. Guy took it all in his mouth. John came. Guy swallowed and turned to us and winked."

"Oh my. You did a job on John."

"There's more. Guy then licked up and down John's body, nudged his legs up and licked his balls and asshole. We handed the KY over to him and he put a dab around the pucker and started fingering John's anus. John resisted at first but then relaxed as he said. 'Ok. If that's how you want it Annie'. Of course I replied, 'that's how its going to be. You saw it.' Thus imprinting the idea of the strap on. Guy, the professional worked John up into a full erection again massaging his prostate. He took two fingers and then three to the hole. John seemed amazingly compliant. Then he fucked John using a fully lubed thick condom. John went from passive to fully active moving his body in tune with Guy's. He came rope after rope over his own stomach as Guy came inside him. John was shouting 'Yes. Yes. Yes. How was that for you Annie?'"

"I sense a denouement coming."

"Gloria then stepped forward. She licked up John's jism and spoke to him softly.' How was that to start darling?' Then 'want some more?' She licked his nipples and then his limp cock again. Guy was at the bedroom door sporting a fresh erection. He just stood there as Gloria took off the hood blindfold. John saw the naked Gloria first and then me, equally nude. He glanced up and saw Guy. They made a brief eye contact as Guy melted away into the corridor and left. We both knelt either side of John's torso and leant over his chest in front of him and kissed. We disengaged and I kissed John working down from his lips and neck to his body to his cock and swirled it around in my mouth. It started to harden again."

"Didn't John ask about Guy?"

"No. We later learned he thought he was having a delusional moment."


"Yep. He had no clue. Gloria and I worked each other over for one orgasm each before we released poor John. Liberated from the restrains John got into the action and the threesome with all three working parts got going. I've leave you to work out the permutations, although John did flag and only his hands and tongue were any use to us."

"How long did that go on?"

"Not quite sure. What I'm not conveying is how I was fully immersed in the sensual pleasure. I had innumerable orgasms. Time had no meaning. We just kept going until we were exhausted. Gloria and I ended up asleep either side of a sleeping John, who rested on his back, our heads on his chest with his arms around us."

"That's rather sweet. Domestic."

"Was rather. We roused ourselves at about nine, drifted into the shower separately. No morning woody to take care of. John was done. Gloria emerged first and had bacon, eggs and toast with the coffee machine all primed for our arrival. We ate heartily."

"How were you dressed? Just in robes?"

"No we'd all pulled on casual clothes. I'd taken a bag with me. That's called experience." Annie grinned at Michael. "We did get to talk a bit about it. I asked if our threesome had met expectations. We received laudatory comments. John and Gloria started to talk about doing it again. Then John became pensive. He explained how he'd had a weird experience shortly after we'd taken his blindfold off. He'd seen a black man sporting an erection at the bedroom door, but after he'd blinked he was gone."

"Had he realized what might have happened?"

"No. He thought he was hallucinating. Gloria and I looked at each other and nodded. Gloria explained that the threesome was really a four-way deal, with an anonymous donor thrown in at no extra cost. Of course John was flabbergasted. I had real concerns he would get angry. But no, he took it all in good humor even when it dawned on him that his first anal experience was with Guy not my strap on. He even remarked that he noticed a difference the first and second times but thought it was just because it was second time and he was more used to the sensation. In response to a question from Gloria he admitted the first time felt better."

"He didn't mind being fucked up the ass by a guy, Guy? Amazing fellow. Although when you think about it we accept women on women, women getting it up the ass why not men doing the same? "

"I must admit I was a bit surprised when he mused about trying that again, but without the restraints and blindfold. So it all worked out OK. The conversation ended when Pat arrived with the kids. She was surprised to see me still at their house."

"Do you think you'll do it again?"

"Sure I wouldn't mind, but I think they'll go for someone closer their own age. Who knows, maybe just with Guy."

Annie finished the remainder of her drink in one gulp, shuddered and announced, "I must go now."

"Annie. Thank you so much for your friendship and understanding. You do not know how much I appreciate it. Give me a call when you have some free time. Now I have another story to write up."

"This time I want to see the draft. Promise?"


Annie left feeling good about herself and confident Michael was over his mini-crisis about their fuck.


"Michael how you doing?"

"Fine, thanks for asking. You got my story?"

"Yep. What took so long to write it? I thought your health had returned."

"It just would not come together. Is six weeks long for this sort of thing?"

"Yes. Six hours should do it. Anyway it's done. I sent it back an hour ago with some changes and additions. Take a look at it. By the way I added a coda."


"Sure is. I added an addition, if that makes sense. Read it and call me back. Love you." Annie hung up.


Five weeks after Annie participated in the threesome, Annie was shopping in the veggie aisle at the supermarket when she heard her name called. Annie was looking at cucumbers, to eat.

"Miss Wanteze!"

Annie had not been called that since she had retired. She recognized the voice immediately - Pat, Gloria's mother. As Annie glanced over her shoulder she could hardly miss her in a golden yellow cashmere vee-necked top that draped over her torso in a way that attracted attention. Her skin-tight jeans complemented the effect.

Annie ducked down the jam aisle and thought she had shaken off Pat. At the other end of the row Pat ambushed her.

"Annie." The mock surprise in Pat's voice rankled.

"Oh Pat. It's you. How are you?" Annie's surprise came across as what it was – insincere.

"Getting along. I'm so glad I saw you. I've been meaning to call you to thank you."

Annie was puzzled, "Thank me? For what?"

Pat ignored her question. "Do you have time for coffee?" She gave a broad smile with her head tilted slightly to one side. "Come on. Have a coffee with me." An order.

Annie had no appointments. She had planned to go home to finally clean the oven. She really didn't want to go for a coffee with this woman, yet as she saw the pleading in her eyes and registered the way Pat slumped from an upright dowager to a supplicant Annie caved in. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad, and anyway it would be better than the oven.

"Where'd you like to go?"

"The Starbucks next door. You know it?" Annie was familiar with the coffee shop next door to the supermarket.

Annie still had some food shopping to do, "I'll be about ten minutes of so to finish up here and load up the car. OK?"

"That's fine. I'm almost done. What do you like?"



"Actually I'd prefer an Earl Grey tea. Can you manage that?"

"I'll go ahead and get it. See you in ten." Pat turned her cart and bustled off towards the milk section.

Pat was seated at the back of Starbucks looking forward. The table was a bit separated from the rest. Annie had no problem finding her in her yellow outfit.

"I also got you a scone. There's butter on the side."

Annie and Pat made some small talk as they got comfortable with each other. Annie was quietly assessing Pat. Maybe she had misjudged her somewhat. Annie discovered she was fiercely protective of her daughter and that probably set up her haughty attitude. Previously she had only seen Pat with Gloria in tow.

Annie had not really looked at her when she met her at Gloria's. Pat belied her late forties age looking at least ten years younger. Annie could see where Gloria inherited her good looks and fine figure, and wondered how deep the genetic gifts went. The cashmere top looked so soft she had to suppress an urge to lean across the table to stroke it, and the body it contained, as one would an injured cat.

"You wanted to thank me, you said, Pat?"

"Absolutely. I owe you a debt of gratitude."

"For what?" Now Annie was genuinely puzzled.

"For Gloria, silly."

Annie still did not get it. "What about Gloria?"

"You must have spoken to her as I asked. Whatever you said changed her back to her old self. Better actually."

Annie suddenly realized what this was all about. She had no idea what to say to the woman who was the mother of a woman with whom she had kissed, finger fucked, worked with a dildo and participated in a threesome.

Annie stalled. "That's good. I'm so happy I could help."

"Yes. Thank you. But I have to know what you said to her. You see if the distancing happens again and you're not around I need a clue of what to do and say. You can see that can't you?"

Annie improvised. "Oh, she and John were having a small, using your word, distancing and she didn't know what to do. I just gave some advice. It was that easy."

"Well Gloria and John act like they were just married, all over again. You patched that up nicely. Looked like a minor miracle to me. I thought they were on the rocks. They have had me babysit the kids overnight three times since we met. Used to be once every three months. Suddenly they keep going out to diner parties with their friends at their houses or at home."

Annie felt a sharp pang of resentment. She'd not heard a word from them. "Oh. Really?"

"Are you OK Annie? You went pale and then flushed. Tell me truthfully what did you say to them. I really need to know. I'm happy for them, but something is a bit weird – they are too almost too lovey-dovey these days. Although it is also a blessing to see Gloria's sunny self return."

Annie noted a tinge of Pat's possessiveness and then suddenly felt angry. She decided she had been excluded. She reacted to her own proprietary sense. Annie had a sinking feeling of being totally cut out of Gloria's circle of friends. At least that is the way it seemed to her at that moment. She struck back without thinking.

"Pat. You want to know what I said to Gloria. I'll tell you. Chapter and verse."

Some of the other patrons drinking coffee looked up as Annie raised her voice. Annie could see them in the mirror on the back wall. She leant into Pat. Pat reflected her gesture and moved forward. They were now tête-à-tête, Annie continued in a quiet voice. "John wanted Gloria to agree to a threesome."

Annie continued at full flow. As she went on she became more and more detailed. Pats eyes grew wider and wider. As Annie was winding up her description of the events that took place at the threesome/foursome with Gloria and John and Guy when Pat smiled and started to giggle. The giggle became a full belly laugh that once more attracted the attention of the other coffee drinkers. This threw Annie off. She stopped, sat up, and frowned at Pat.

Pulling herself together and wiping her eyes Pat reached out for Annie's hand, "Please Annie don't frown at me. This is getting weirder by the minute. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, they say. You probably thought I'd be shocked, I bet. No. I cannot be hypocritical."

Pat nodded her head from side to side in amazement, thinking mainly of Gloria and her actions. She paused and took a sip of her nearly cold latte. Annie sat shell shocked with her eyebrows raised.

Pat felt a compulsion to explain. "At University I had a good girlfriend. Without dressing it up, we did threesomes on a regular basis. I loved sex. Still do. Then I met Bill. We married had kids and so on. Like many couples we had fantasies. These morphed into threesomes. Went on for a few years before we tired of the scene. He took up curling and lawn bowling and I played bridge. We celebrate together when we win these days. If you see what I mean. Sounds as though Gloria is a lot like me. Us. So there's nothing for me to worry about. Although Gloria seems a lot more creative than we ever were. Thank you Annie. I'd like to call you a friend."

Annie was astounded by Pat's confession. "I have to go now." Notwithstanding her worldliness and sophistication in sexual matters, she could think of nothing else to say and had no clue how to react to the revelations just shared by a woman she formally disliked who now saw her as a friend, complicated by the fact she was the mother of one of her former students. Annie left abruptly. "I have some frozen food I should get home."

In the evening of the following day Annie received a phone call from Pat.

"Hi Annie. Gloria gave me your phone number. You left so quickly I hope I did not upset you with my revelations. I just wanted to say again, thank you so much for yesterday. Strange as it may sound, I am relieved. I hope you understand. It was so good." Pat paused for a moment.

"You're welcome." Annie was unsure how to respond.

Pat blurted out, without preamble, "I won a bridge tournament earlier today. Bill and I would you like to come over for dinner on Thursday to help us celebrate. We don't see the kids on Thursdays or Friday mornings, only Friday evenings and at the weekends. Do come. Make it early, say, six. Pretty please."

In her stunned state Annie accepted.

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chytownchytownover 1 year ago

*****Entertaining follow-up. Thanks for sharing.

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