Anna and the Librarian


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Term was ending, and this was likely to be the last time we could meet, so I'd jumped at the opportunity when Natalia said she had something special planned. All week long I had longed for our time together, however brief it might have been. If it was to be the last time, I'd have at least four weeks to wait before I saw Natalia again, at least before I saw her in private.

That was one of the odd things. Until now I had never seen Natalia, at least not in the flesh. I'd caught teasing glimpses of enticement, and even felt her body close too, but never had I seen her naked. Oh, how I wished that could change. Was this her surprise? Was I about to see my lover stripped off in front of me? Was I about to repay the favour for all the times Natalia had taken me to heaven and back?

By the time I reached the library I was on edge with excitement. I didn't bother to ask. I went straight up to the second floor and started to search for my lover.

Just as every other time, Natalia was waiting for me.

Just as every other time, we slipped quickly out of sight, disappearing down the corridor like excited children, locking ourselves away in our little den of privacy.

I'd taken to wearing skirts when I met with Natalia, usually short, loose skirts. They were so much easier than jeans, even baggy jeans, when we needed to be quick. Today was no different, at least it started no different.

Once inside, Natalia locked the door, and our passions ran riot. I pulled myself into my lover, feeling those full breasts press firmly up against my smaller chest. Our embrace had the vigour of lovers who had never seen each other for months and were soon to be parted once more. We kissed. We held each other close.

I could feel Natalia's chest rise and fall as she breathed deeply.

I wanted more. I wanted to feel my lover. Slowly I brought my hand up and placed it against Natalia's breast. This time she didn't react immediately. We kissed, and as we did, I started to massage the soft mound inside Natalia's top. I couldn't be sure but was Natalia moaning softly into my mouth as we embraced.

I was about to move on, to reach down below and do to Natalia what she had done so expertly to me. I was nervous about doing it for the first time, but I so wanted to eat my lover out. I didn't get far though. No sooner had I made a move, than I felt Natalia's hand against mine, holding me there.

Natalia broke the kiss. Natalia broke our embrace, pushing me back a step. I stared back at Natalia, my gaze fixed on her face, my eyes pleading for this not to be the end. Surely, we still had time. I was about to protest the same when Natalia took me by surprise.

"Turn around," she whispered.

"Why?" I asked, wondering if I had done something wrong.

"Because..." Natalia continued to whisper. "Because... I have a surprise for you, my darling Anna."

"Trust me..." she continued. "I know you'll like it."

There was an air of disappointment in my mind as, reluctantly, I turned around. I had so hoped to show Natalia how much I loved her. I had so hoped to show this sexy librarian, that I knew how to please her, just like she pleased me.

Natalia pulled herself in close from behind. She ran her hand through my blonde locks, sweeping them away to one side, before nibbling at my ear and neck. I started to relax once more, but there was something strange. Had I imagined it? Was Natalia fumbling with something behind my back?

At first, I felt her large mounds pressing into me but... there it was again... Natalia was fumbling with something. Was it the buttons on her blouse? My heart skipped a beat as I wondered. Was she stripping off for me? Was she going to tell me to turn around, and was I about to land my eyes on her naked breasts? Oh yes, I could see them now, soft flesh, plump full mounds, just ready to be--

"Natalia!" I shrieked, the imagery in my mind taken away by a sudden darkness.

Yes, Natalia had been fumbling with something. It was soft, it was opaque, it was so warm, and it was now covering my eyes. I brought a hand up to remove what I could only imagine was a blindfold, but Natalia was too quick.

Then I wondered. Why was it so warm? Why did it have the faintest aroma of my lover? Why had Natalia been fumbling around her breasts before the room went dark? Had this been the surprise, a blindfold secretly concealed deep within my lover's bra, just waiting to be used on an unsuspecting young blonde? What sort of a surprise was that?

"Why, Natalia?" I asked. "What have you done, Natalia?"

"Shhh," Natalia whispered back. "Trust me," she repeated.

I could feel my lover standing just behind me. She had one arm around my waist and had pulled herself in close again. As she spoke, I felt the warmth of her breath against my neck. She kissed me softly, ever so softly, and I gasped. Was it the lack of sight? Was it the unexpectedness of the touch? Whatever it was, Natalia's soft caress against my bare neck sent shivers through me.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out, my darling little Anna," came the reply.

My heart was pounding harder than ever. I was breathing quickly. Yes, I wanted to know, but actually it was this element of so-called surprise which was getting me all excited. I'd never felt quite like this.

I was scared, but I was excited at the same time.

I wanted Natalia more than ever.

I wasn't in any position to call the shots though. If I thought about it, then maybe that was why I felt so excited, but at the time all I could think about was how vulnerable I felt. Yes, it was only a blindfold, but I felt so helpless.

"Aghh," I squealed as Natalia brought a hand round and grasped at my tiny breast through my top.

It hadn't been painful, just surprising.

"No bra?" Natalia whispered, repeating the same on the other side. "Anyone would think you wanted me to take hold of your wonderful tits and give them a firm squeeze."

One by one, Natalia brought her hand down on my tiny breasts and did just that. My tits were so small that she could take the fullness of my petite mounds in her hand, before unceremoniously clenching her fingers together. Each time I squealed. Each time I felt just a little more excited, a little more aroused.

"I bet those nipples of yours are so hard, so tender, so sensitive," Natalia teased. "Shall we see?"

She was right. They were hard already. I didn't need Natalia to check, but still, she did. I groaned as Natalia ran her long fingernails right across my firm nubs, the thrill of her touch shooting down through my breasts.

I didn't know how she did it, but...

I was hot.

I was excited.

I was desperate to be taken.

Still with one hand fondling my breasts, Natalia moved her other hand downwards. I jumped as I felt her touch against my bare skin, somewhere around mid-thigh. I shivered as slowly Natalia brought her hand up again, her fingers grazing the contours of my leg, all the way up inside my short skirt.

Without hesitation, I spread my legs, eager to feel my lover's touch against my sex. I gasped when Natalia's fingers first nudged into my panties. It was nothing more than the surprise of that touch, and soon replace by soft moans as she started to draw those firm circles over my hidden labia. I was relaxing again, my resolve disappearing, my mind simply focused on the pleasure between my legs, and the now soft massage against my tiny tits.

I couldn't see it. I couldn't see anything. If I could, I would have seen that Natalia had a smile on her face. Oh yes, she'd planned this moment. Natalia had a question of her own that she wanted to ask, but first she needed to know how it would be received. I didn't realise it at the time, but this was a bit of a test... of my resolve... of my reaction... of my acceptance.

I wasn't thinking about any of that. All I had on my mind was the wonderful feeling down between my legs. Natalia was rubbing at my sex, stoking those fires up once more, and I was doing nothing more than obediently letting her push me higher and higher, hoping my lover would once again send me crashing over the edge.

Nothing else mattered, other than the stimulation down below. I was focused in on those fingers, and those alone. It never registered that Natalia had brought her spare hand away from my breasts. I didn't even feel it as Natalia slowly inched up my skirt at the front, exposing my cute love-heart panties and the now puffy lips within.

All I cared about was the touch against my sex. Oh yes, that touch was something else. Without my sight, every sensation was heightened. I could feel the puffiness of arousal, my sex responding my lover's expert touch. I could feel the ache of desire, the smouldering fires inside, and the want for release. I could sense the dampness as love juices started to seep from within.

I could feel Natalia pulling her hand away.

I could feel...

"Owww!" I squealed as Natalia brought her hand firmly up against my now sensitive sex.

Once more, it wasn't that painful--okay, so it did smart a little, especially as she had somehow managed to bring her hand right up over my hidden clit--but my reaction was again borne out of surprise.

I was panting, trying to recompose myself, wondering what was coming next. What did was the firm sensual caress of fingers against my labia. By now my outer labia were following her touch, easing apart then coming together again as Natalia drew her firm circles. She would catch my soft inner folds. She would graze against my now hardening clit. I would moan. I would feel the fires burn brighter.

Then she did it again... another firm slap... another pained groan... another jolt of electricity shooting out through my clit. If I was damp to start with, by now, and with the physicality in my lover's touch, I was wet, and aching for to be taken.

"You like that, don't you Anna," Natalia whispered.

I couldn't respond. I didn't want to admit that she was turning me on from the way she was treating me. It was wrong, so wrong, but I was wet... so very wet.

"Oh, I know you like it," Natalia continued. "I can feel it on these little panties of yours."

It was true. There was more than a little damp patch on my panties. I could feel it, so no doubt Natalia could also. Sheepishly, I nodded my head. What had she done to me? I stood there, blindfolded, letting my lover tease and torment my sex, and the only thought in my mind was how soon she would make me cum.

"Would you like to cum," Natalia asked, as if reading my mind.

Once again, I nodded my head, thinking nothing of the question I had just been asked. There was so much meaning in those five words, meaning which for now passed me by. As I felt my fires rage, I thought nothing of the ask. Natalia was just being polite, wasn't she? The idea that the decision wasn't really mine to make, was something which didn't even cross my mind.

"Ask me then," Natalia continues, adding a little speed to her rubbing, then stopping as soon as I started to pant.

"Please," I asked. "Please, Natalia."

"Please what," Natalia added, easing my panties to one side and this time rubbing directly at my slick lips.

I gasped. I moaned. Once again though, Natalia left me panting.

"Please make me cum," I asked, the words coming out without embarrassment. My mind was consumed with the need for relief. If asking would get me that relief, then I was going to ask.

"Like this," Natalia added, sliding her hand back along the length of my slit, then plunging a single finger inside my pussy.

I gasped as I felt Natalia push inside. I moaned as she started to flex, the invading digit sliding slowly in and out of my sodden sex. It was only to the second knuckle but felt so good, so satisfying, so...

I hadn't realised just how close I was. I could feel my walls clamping down as Natalia picked up speed. I could feel the fires taking over. I could feel my legs starting to quiver as a sense of the inevitable clouded my mind. I could feel the firm grip of Natalia's free arm around my thin waist, holding me close as she continued to nudge me closer and closer to the edge.

I gasped.

I moaned.

I panted.

I longed for more.

Natalia gave me more. She worked that finger in and out of my pussy. She rubbed her palm over my sodden labia, pressing firmly against my clit. She nibbled down on my neck. She whispered softly in my ear.

"You can cum now," Natalia whispered her permission.

Oh god, did I cum. I stiffened, throwing my head back against Natalia's shoulder as I teetered on the edge. I bit my lip. I held my breath as best I could. It was no good.

Natalia was relentless, and there was nothing I could do.

With a scream, I crashed down the other side.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


My third year -- moments later, having cum like never before

How long had it been, and how had I gotten there? The room was still dark, and I was still breathing deeply. My mind was clouded from the throes of orgasm, euphoria still consuming my body. I realised I was sitting on Natalia's desk. Had she lifted me up there as I came down from my almighty high?

Then another feeling caught my attention. I could feel a chill between my legs. Was it the coolness of the tabletop, or was it the chill of wet panties against my sodden sex? I was still pondering the same when I felt Natalia gently remove the blindfold. I blinked as the brightness of what was really a dimly lit room hit me.

My sight was blurred to start with, but before long everything came into view again. The first I saw was Natalia. She was standing in front of me, her hands on my shoulders as I came down from my high. Natalia smiled at me, and I smiled back. In that moment I felt on top of the world. I didn't know how my lover had managed it, but she had taken me to a place I had never dreamed of.

I continued to stare at Natalia. She was so sexy. She was so... I didn't have the word to explain how I felt for this older librarian. Then I noticed it, something different, a look on her face which I had never seen before. There was an intensity in her eyes, a look of burning desire, a look of... I had to say passion... pure, dominant passion.

Until now I had asked the questions, and Natalia had simply helped me provide my own answers. This time though, the question came from Natalia.

"Anna," Natalia commented, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "There's something I need to tell you, then something I need to ask you."

I looked quizzically at the older woman. What had I done? Had I disappointed Natalia? Was this her way of saying it was over? I so hoped not, but once again I feared the worst. It was still my nature, to doubt myself, to expect disappointment. Natalia must have been able to see the same in my face, as her tone softened.

"I love you, Anna," she commented, crouching down so that her face was at the same level as mine. Natalia ran a soft hand across my cheek.

"I think you love me too, Anna," she continued.

I simply nodded, not sure where this was going.

"I told you though. Maybe I'm not the lover you think I am. That's what I needed you to know. What do you see, Anna? What do you see when you look at me? What did you feel just then?"

There was silence as I contemplated how to respond. What did I see? What did I feel? I took a deep breath and replied, all the time hoping I was saying what Natalia wanted to hear.

"I see... I feel..." I started, then paused. I took another deep breath then continued. "Beneath the dominance of your façade... I see... I feel... love... beauty... happiness... satisfaction... us..."

"I see that too, Anna. I see the way you feel, and the way you make me feel, but I need to tell you. What you see, is what you get. That is no façade. What you felt was more like the real me. I am dominant. I am intense. I am demanding, but I am also loving, rewarding, protective. I need you to know that, Anna. I need you to know who I am."

"I do, and I still want to be with you Natalia," I responded, taking hold of her hand. "I still love you, Natalia."

I didn't say it, but it was her dominance, her commanding presence which had attracted me to Natalia in the first place. I wanted, no it was more than wanting, I needed... to be led, to be controlled, to be driven to my satisfaction, and she had done just that.

My only disappointment was that the relationship was very much one way. Every time we met, I left with a smile on my face and another pleasurable memory, but I never got to share the same back. Natalia was always working, and our times were short. What I needed was something more. I wanted to please my lover just as much as she pleased me.

"I want to take you out of here, Anna," Natalia continued. "I want to take you somewhere special, somewhere where we can relax, where we can be honest to each other, where we can be true lovers. Is that what you want, Anna? Do you want to take the next step?"

I nodded my head, but once again Natalia wasn't listening to the immediate answer.

"I have an offer for you, but I want you to think it over. I want you to make the right choice for you, not because you think it will make me happy."

Once more I nodded, listening intently to what I was being told.

"The holidays are coming up soon, and I thought it would be great to have some private time together. I know a wonderful restaurant, out of town a little."

"I'd like that," I responded.

"There, you can give me your answer," Natalia continued.

"But I can give you my answer now," I challenged. "I'd love to join you."

I hadn't really thought about the holidays. Usually I would go home, but the idea of having time with Natalia, and private time at that, was too much to turn down. I knew that Jack and Abi would be gone, so there would be no prying eyes, no awkward questions.

"Thank you, Anna. I'll book a table, but it is another answer I want, and that is what I want you to think about. I was hoping, that after dinner you would come back to my place, stay the night. You know who I am, and I think we would be good together, but you need to decide if that is what you want."

"It is," I reconfirmed.

"I am serious, Anna. What we had here, in this room has been wonderful, but there is so much more I want to show you, even teach you."

There was a pause before Natalia continued.

"Oh, I nearly forgot. Here, Anna, this is for you."

I watched as Natalia pulled a small velvet box out from the desk drawer and handed it to me. I took the box and started to open it. This time it was Natalia who took hold of my hand.

"Later," Natalia said. "This is how you will give me your answer. Whatever you decide, I would love to have you for dinner, so that doesn't change. If you want to take it further as lovers, you will wear what is in the box. If you choose not to wear it, I will know you are looking for something different. There will be no hard feelings. I love you too much to have hard feelings, nor to take you somewhere you don't want to be. Do you understand, Anna?"

I nodded again. I smiled back at Natalia, clutching firmly at the box she had just given me. My heart was already set, but I would make sure not to give any answer until we went to dinner.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The present day -- my third year at university, somewhere at the start of the Easter holidays.

As I glanced in the mirror, I heard the car horn outside, and knew my lift was here. I shouldn't keep my lover waiting, but I wasn't quite ready yet.

I reached out for the box on top of my dressing table, opened it, and removed the black choker from inside. It was such a simple piece of jewellery; a single thin band of soft leather, with the daintiest of silver rings hanging down at the front.
