Anne's Temptation


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At the door she leaned against her husband as Erik opened the door, and they made their way inside. She went to the balcony to get some fresh air and Joshua brought her a glass of water.

"Maybe we should go to sleep," Joshua said, "we have an early day tomorrow."

"Yes, that's fine, Anne can sleep in my bed and you can have one all to yourself," Erik joked.

"You need to go out on the town and get yourself laid Erik, I'm old enough to be your - older sister!" Anne joked, and they all laughed.

"Oh, Erik is hitting on you huh?" Joshua said.

"Right in front of your eyes hubby," Anne smiled, "Oh my feet hurt, anybody want to give me a foot massage?"

"I'll give her a great foot massage Joshua," Erik said, an evil smile on his face.

"Be my guest," Joshua answered.

Anne looked at Joshua who nodded. She furrowed her eyebrows at him, but sat down on the bed, stretching out her legs in anticipation. Erik sat at the foot of the bed and held her feet, briefly giving each a rub down. She closed her eyes, enjoying his electric touch.

Again she glanced at her husband but he was on the balcony looking out over the ocean, not at her.

"He gives a nice foot massage Joshua," she said, loud enough for him to hear.

He turned giving her a funny look, "I can see that. Maybe you need a leg massage too," he answered, grinning.

Anne looked back at her husband, surprised, but Erik's hands were already going up her calf. She swallowed hard as his hands moved gently up and down her legs.

Joshua re-entered the room and Anne expected him to come over and put a stop to it, or at least take over for Erik, but instead he walked to the lightswitch turned them off except for the light in the entranceway by the door to the restroom. The room was now semi-dark. the atmosphere dangerous.

The combination of booze and her husband's obvious machinations were having an effect. Erik was SO good looking and his hands reminded her of what he had done to her earlier that day.

Joshua came over, and sat on the bed next to Erik, grabbing a leg. She looked warily at both of them. Anne didn't know why, but his actions scared her.

"Joshua," she said, "maybe we should go to bed now?"

"Not yet," he said, and he stroked her leg, past her knee, halfway up the inside of her leg.

Her voice quivered, "It's time for bed, this isn't right." It pained her to say the words.

"Soon enough," Joshua said, and Erik, emulating Joshua, also reached up, his long powerful hand also stroking the leg he held, but he didn't stop, he reached up completely under her dress, his fingers once again connecting with her groin.

Anne gasped and when she recovered, gave her husband a dirty look, as if to challenge him as to why he just let another man feel her up. He merely smiled, pulling her leg to the side, spreading her so they could both see up her skirt.

"Joshua," Anne whispered, closing her eyes as once again Erik reached up high enough to brush her pubic hair, "what are you doing?"

"Just relax," Joshua said. "We're just giving you a massage, nothing wrong with that."

Anne closed her eyes, and both men now reached up under her dress, stroking her strong, powerful legs, fingers massaging her buttocks. She weighed the possibilities, she could stop this now, tell them both in no uncertain terms to keep their hands to themselves, or she could let it happen. She was excited and terrified and wet with arousal.

The hands moved up and down, back and forth, she wondered what to say, if she should say anything at all.

"Are you sure Joshua?" was all that came out of her mouth.

"Sure about what?" he asked.

"This could be really, really stupid Joshua. Really stupid."

"It's not stupid," he said, and this time his hands lingered, probing the inside thigh by her groin.

Sure enough Erik's hand now also lingered, and she bit her lip, ready for more.

"Are you drunk Joshua? I'm so drunk," she mumbled.

"A little bit," he laughed softly.

She focused on the hands, throwing caution to the wind and whispered, "Erik?"

"Yes?" he answered.

"Take off my panties Erik."

Joshua let out a deep sigh and nodded as Erik leaned in, grabbing the sides of her panties. She raised her bottom off the bed and they slid off.

"This is your fault Joshua," she said, looking away from both of them, and repeated, "This is your fault."

"I know," Joshua said he leaned over, kissing Anne's neck as she turned from him.

This was the last chance, she thought, the last chance to put a stop to it. She could tell them it was a joke, tell them to turn off the lights, go to bed. Then she remembered how she had already sucked off Erik, and what she said to him.

"Erik," she called out.


"Erik, I want you to put it in me, put in in my pussy," she said.

The bed shifted, and Erik pulled down his pants, kicking them off. She turned and eyed Joshua, frowning at him, not so much because she didn't want it, but because she thought he deserved it. He didn't even look at her, but put a hand on her bare pussy, his fingers testing her.

Even in the low light she could see Erik's strong hard cock and reflexively she spread her legs, pulling her dress up around her stomach. Erik leaned over her, as if he was doing a pushup. She reached down and pulled her husband's hand away as Erik's big legs forced hers even further apart and she felt the head of his cock connect with her vaginal opening.

"Joshua, he's going to have sex with me. Sex. Oh fuck..," she moaned as he pressed into her. Incredibly wet and relaxed from the liquor, his thick head easily penetrated her.

That's when it hit her, she was having sex with the first man since she married her husband, and it was Erik, the guys she'd secretly crushed on ever since he showed up to her class, and it felt good, so good that she thought Joshua would be crushed if he knew how much she enjoyed it.

"Slow, slow," she whispered, enjoying the feel of his giant member, but fearful of him going too deep too quickly. Even the stretching felt wonderful as he filled her, and she arched her pelvis to meet his penetration as he rocked back and forth slowly. The sound of sex was squishy and loud. She realized she must have been sopping.

Anne moaned, glancing at Joshua, who had his own cock out, and she grabbed it, more out of politeness as she was in no mind to concentrate on jerking him off.

She looked up at Erik, the muscles and tendons effortlessly active as he thrust into her, and she raised her head up, to kiss him. He returned the kiss, his tongue sliding between her lips and she accepted him fully, briefly eyeing Joshua who made little noises, reminding Anne of a hurt animal and she felt satisfaction in his pained bleatings.

"It's all your fault," she whispered, "Erik, I wanted you for so long.." and her voice trailed off. Erik quickened the pace, thrusting furiously, but not with his entire cock as that would almost certainly be too painful and Anne was grateful. He continued this way, and Anne felt a rolling orgasm break through her, each wave causing her to buck, her legs suddenly going weak.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, yes, yes, yes," she squealed, giggling as she tried to say the words.

He paused, smiling , sliding his cock in to the hilt Anne gasped as it hit her cervix, the opening to her uterus. She wrapped her powerful legs around him, trying to pull him in further, and suddenly he delivered sharp quick thrusts and he grunted as he leaned into her, his weight enormous compared to her husband. He held himself and then pulled out.

Anne reached between her legs, globs of semen dripped from her unprotected pussy. Suddenly she felt a hot splash, and realized her husband who she'd forgotten about completely had jerked himself off, thoughtlessly spraying her face with his hot load. She ignored the slight, and when Erik leaned in to kiss her he felt the warmth on his cheek and rose up with a laugh.

"God damn," he said, reaching up and brushing it off his cheek, flicking it at Joshua.

Anne grinned, a thrill passing through her.

The fell asleep, Erik on his own bed as Joshua tried to spoon her. She put her hand between her legs, holding in Erik's sperm.


The next morning was complicated, everybody having a hangover and ignoring the events of the prior night. Their mood improved as they hit the waves, Joshua riding smoothly even though he hadn't gotten on a board in a few years, Anne and Erik paddling over the waves, chatting with each other about the ocean and her childhood in the Bay Area. They drove home, Joshua driving with the bikes strapped to a rack and the surfboards strapped to the roof, the car looking comical. At home Anne avoided Joshua, preferring to catch up on reading and web surfing.

The work week started anything but normally. Anne had anticipated meeting Erik Monday morning and for the first time she wished her husband wouldn't be there. It caused her pangs of guilt, but it was undeniable. She fantasized that she and Erik would spend the morning getting coffee or even just chatting on the bleachers like lovestruck teenagers. She thought of various scenarios where she could meet Erik after their session when her husband had left. Inevitably she'd admonish herself for these feelings.

Ironically this led to her being closer to Joshua. It helped her assuage the guilt by putting her arms around him as they walked or watched TV, holding his hand, and being more tender and loving.

Erik didn't seem to make a big deal out of the events of the weekend. Despite her secret desires to share her feelings with him, he made no effort to connect with her. She wanted to believe he was simply being level headed around her husband, but he was so smooth about it, she wondered if it was something else. Perhaps he wasn't as attracted to her as she thought. Perhaps she was a pump and dump one night stand, and this thought annoyed her and she pushed it out of her mind but the idea lingered.

Wednesday was more of the same. Friday was more eventful, Erik asked her if she was interested in cycling that weekend, but she was scheduled to go to a friend's baby shower on Saturday afternoon. This time Joshua didn't say a word, Anne turned Erik down flat, but she did leave open the possibility of doing something the following weekend. As she and Joshua drove home, Joshua asked her if she wanted her to go on her next ride with Erik and him, or just with Erik.

Anne told Joshua that of course she wanted him to go. When Joshua reiterated that it was okay with him if she went without him, she gave him a puzzled look. Joshua looked away, telling her it was just a thought, nothing to worry about. She didn't worry about it, but it piqued her interest and she asked him why. Joshua got upset and told her to forget he brought it up.

The next morning Anne awoke to an empty bed. She made her way downstairs and found coffee brewing.

She sat stirring the cup, and Joshua said, "I had the strangest dream last night."

"Really?" Anne thought absentmindedly.

"This is going to sound really crazy, but I had a dream about you and Erik."

"I don't know if that's so crazy," grinned Anne. A week had past and she was no longer so guilt ridden and in fact felt confident.

She took a sip and set the cup down.

"Yeah, see, that's the weird thing, in the dream it was like I saw you kissing him like in the hotel," said Joshua.

"Really?" Anne answered, her internal antenna now raised. She looked up up at Joshua who seemed to be studying her, his cup of coffee in his hand.

He broke the silence, "Did you like kissing him?"

Anne smirked at Joshua, playing it cool. "I enjoyed it."

"Good," said Joshua, "the dream, it kind of turned me on. I was a little disappointed when I woke up. I have all these feelings, it's a little complex. Do you mind if we talk about it?"

"Sure, no problem," Anne said, feeling glad they were finally addressing the elephant in the room. She put the cup down and picked up her spoon, stirring her coffee again.

"Okay," Joshua set his cup down and tapped the table. "It's kind of like this," he cleared his throat, "hmm-sorry, okay. Do you like Erik?" he stammered.

"Joshua, please!" Anne responded reflexively.

"No, no, just hear me out. I know how you are around him. I can see it. We've been married a long time, I know you."

"Sure, I like him," Anne said, and cleared her throat with a small grin. It felt good to admit that around her husband.

"See? That wasn't so bad," Joshua answered. "Okay, so hypothetically speaking, if you weren't married to me, you'd date him right?"

"Sure, of course," Anne said, seeing no harm in admitting it.

"What would you say if I told you I don't mind you doing things with him, like cycling, having lunch, whatever?"

"Do I need your permission?" Anne said as if insulted, but more as a defense mechanism. She understood his real point but couldn't believe it.

"To go out with another guy?" Joshua gave her a funny look, "Umm, yeah?"

"Wait, you want me to go out with him? Like date him?" Anne's nervous feeling in her stomach suddenly burned. She didn't know if she should be worried or overjoyed.

"That word seems so weird. I was thinking more like you could hang out with him," Joshua said.

Anne furrowed her brow, "Why?"

Joshua stood up and took her hand, "Can you come upstairs with me?"

Anne shrugged and followed him, nervously wondering where this was going.

Joshua turned to her as he reached the top of the landing, a grin on his face, "So if I said you could date him, would you?"

Anne stared at her husband, refusing to believe her luck, but what he proposed seemed fraught with problems. "Are you, umm, do you want a divorce or something, that's how we'd get divorced."

"No,God no, honey," Joshua said and he kissed her, "I was speaking hypothetically."

Anne paused, kissing him back when she realized he was kissing her with a passion she hadn't felt from him in years.

He pulled her hand toward the bedroom.

"You're going to think I'm crazy," he said, pushing her back onto the bed, "Let me try this again. I didn't meant to freak you out. My dream, I think it came from something I noticed last week, something that's been bugging me. Now hear me out."

Anne shrugged, "Okay?"

Joshua continued, "When I came into the hotel room, I noticed something. You had two beds right?"

"Sure," Anne said, but she her stomach got a sinking feeling. She'd missed something. He'd seen something.

Joshua crawled on top of her, straddling her. "I notice the one bed, it was all mussed up, like it had been used. The other bed was not used. The blankets were tight."

Anne swallowed hard. "You wonder if we slept in the same bed?"

"I know you slept in the same bed, or at least, occupied the same bed," Joshua leaned in grabbing her wrists, holding them to the mattress and leaned in and kissing Anne with more of the same passion.

Anne tensed up, unable to process what was happening. Part of her wanted to lie her way out of it. Part of her wanted to cry, to beg his forgiveness. She swallowed hard, was her entire marriage about to be blown up, thrown on a funeral pyre? If she told him the truth, the the blowjob, how he'd touched her, could he possibly be okay with it? He acted so giddy.

Joshua seemed oblivious to her internal struggle, kissing her repeated and tenderly on her forehead, her nose, and finally nuzzling her neck. He whispered, "Did you fool around with him?"

"A little bit, I made him stop!" Anne answered.

"God I love you so much," Joshua said, and he kissed her hard before sitting up to pull up Anne's shirt, exposing her breasts her nipples taut out of nervousness and fear. He leaned in and started kissing them, a man possessed. Anne was amazed.

"You like this don't you, talking about Erik and me?" Anne asked.

"Yes," Joshua answered.

Anne gulped, "Is it your fantasy? To cuckold you with Erik?"

"Yes!" Joshua said emphatically, almost hurting her as he playfully sucked a nipple between his lips.

"Really? Why?"

"I don't know. It just turns me on. I've been thinking about it all week," Joshua said and returned to suckling on her breasts. Anne contemplated her next move, but he had his own thoughts, and he moved down, kissing her stomach.

Encouraging him, Anne pushed Joshua's head further down, between her legs.

Joshua peeled off her stretchy running pants, thumbing her panties and pulling them down until she was naked from the waist down, her powerful thighs spread.

"I love how you smell," he said, diving between her legs, his lips kissing her thatch of public hair, then her thighs, all the while moving closer to her slit, the same slit Erik had owned when he fucked her. Anne ran her fingers through Joshua's hair, caressing him as his lips lightly kissed her vulva.

"Yes," Anne moaned, deciding to test him, "right there. Kiss me there, kiss me Erik."

Joshua paused, mumbling, "Oh my God," and his mouth started an oral assault on her pussy, his tongue slurping and sucking as he buried his face deep in his wife's sex.

Anne felt an orgasm beginning to build, "That's it Erik, like that."

She was breathing heavily when Joshua paused, frustrating her, and asked, "What did he do to you in the hotel?"

Anne paused, her voice almost trembled as she contemplated telling him but she couldn't do it and only managed to say, "What do you think?"

"Did he try to kiss you?"

Again Anne paused, grinning as she said, "Would you like that, if Erik tried to kiss me?"

"Yes, please, tell me."

"Eat my pussy Joshua, I mean Erik" Anne said, too aroused to laugh.

Joshua resumed his licking, Anne tensed, feeling the the orgasm again build, and again cried out, "Erik, please, lick me Erik. Lick me."

Joshua redoubled his efforts slurping and licking for a few minutes until Anne tensed, the vibration flowing through her body, her pussy wracked with spasms and she squeezed her powerful legs together against Joshua's head.

"Yes, yes, right there," and she squealed, high pitched and sharp, as she came from her husband's tongue. Her pelvis shook as the orgasm pulsed through her, the best she'd had with Joshua in years.

She settled down, eyes closed, amazed at her arousal from the taboo nature of their conversation.

"Come up here, let me help you out," she said, and she scooted back onto the bed, Joshua eagerly crawling up.

"Can I fuck you?" he asked.

"Sure," Anne said, and she spread her legs for him. He slid in easily as he crawled on top of her.

"This feels nice," she said, a pleasant beautiful feeling as he eased in and out of her..

Rocking back and forth Joshua asked, "Tell me. Did he kiss you? Did he try to kiss you?"

Anne swallowed hard, looking him in the eyes, "Umm, maybe."

"Did he? Tell me?" Joshua had a crazed grin on his face.

Anne knew what he wanted to hear and said it, "We kissed. On the beach and in the hotel room."

"Fuck, turn over, I want to fuck you from behind," Joshua said.

Anne turned over, burying her face in a pillow as she imagined Erik.

"You kissed him, what else did you do? Come on, tell me," he said aggressively.

Anne decided it was the perfect time for the truth. "I sucked his cock. It was so beautiful."

Joshua slammed suddenly tensed up, grunting, and pushed himself deep into her, going from slow strokes to pounding thrusts as he released inside her and then collapsed, kissing her neck from behind.

"Are you finished?" Anne asked, knowing the truth, but wanting to be sure he was satisfied.

"Yes," he said, pulling out, and she reached between her legs as the semen dribbled from between her lips.

As he laid beside her he asked, "Did you really do it? Did you suck his dick?"

Anne balked, "I like teasing you."

"You're driving me crazy!" Joshua said, kissing her again. He got up and practically skipped to the restroom to get a towel for her. When he returned, he asked her again as she put the towel between her legs. "Just tell me the truth."