Annie Babysits the Kids Ch. 04


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She heard herself mutter "No!" in the movie as he got up, only to have him take off her bustier, again watching herself arch her back to help him. She looked so willing as he stripped her lying there spread-eagled naked and begging to be fucked.

As if in a dream, Annie watched the biker slowly move between her legs...

"Yes, fuck me! PLEASE FUCK ME!" Annie heard her voice yell on the television.

The biker's hips moved between her legs as he started furiously pumping in and out of her. Annie saw her head moving back and forth and knew her body was exploding in orgasm. In horrid fascination she watched as her legs tried to wrap around the biker, being held back by the chains but her thighs visibly grasping him. Her high-heeled shoes dug into the bed for support as she thrust her hips to meet his every plunge into her.

Not able to take her eyes of the screen she watched as the biker suddenly grunted and collapsed on top of her, knowing he was cumming inside her. He quickly moved away only to be replaced by a skinny naked man.

Annie realized the camera was positioned perfectly to show her every move and face, yet not revealing anybody who would be with her.

Watching the screen—as if it was somebody else and not her—she saw this man begin to fervently fuck her as well. Her eyes did not blink as she watched in horror as other men's hands started rubbing her body, squeezing her tits, sliding up and down her legs, arms, and stomach--the Annie on the screen moaning and convulsing like a bitch in heat.

Another man moved onto the bed, his face again blocked off from the camera, as he slowly stuck his dick near her face. Annie watched in morbid fascination as she opened her mouth, the man plunging in and out of her eager mouth, finally cumming. Her mouth exploded like a volcano as a torrent of cum shot past her lips, slowly dribbling down her cheeks as she watched herself on screen trying to swallow as much as possible.

Almost in a dream state she watched as man after man fucked her mouth and cunt, several of them pulling out and ejaculating on her until her body was soaking wet from all the cum upon her.

She saw herself convulse onto the bed after the tenth man had entered her and heard somebody say she passed out. This was the part she never knew about as she watched the movie continue in fascinated horror.

Somebody unfastened the chains on the bed and she heard herself on the disk begging for more. How she was even aware of what was going on she didn't know, but watched in morbid fascination as they spread her out again as another man moved in between her legs. Even in her state of unconsciousness her body instinctively grasped the man, her now freed legs wrapping around him as he slammed into her repeatedly. She watched as her heels dug into the man's buttocks, pulling him as deep into her as she could.

Another man started ejaculating all over her face as she watched in horror as the men continuously used her. After a few more men had fucked her, her body grabbing each one as if awake, she continued to watch. Several men turned her over, somebody placing a pillow under her waist and causing her ass to stick in the air and Annie had a sickening feeling she knew what would happen next.

A man moved between her splayed legs as he pulled apart her ass cheeks. Hearing more than seeing the man spit on her, Annie's eyes remained transfixed on the screen as he arched his pelvis in the air and plunged down-- obviously straight into her virginal anal hole. The Annie on the screen grunted and moaned "Oh yes!" as the man plunged in and out of her ass for several minutes. Eventually she saw his ass stiffen and knew he was cumming inside her.

He moved away only to be replaced by another man.

Annie stared fixated to the screen again as man after man entered her asshole--twelve in all--each coming in her or over her back, covering her in cum from her hair down. Finally, the last man came and slowly backed away from her until she was alone on the bed, her body shimmering from all the cum on her.

The camera danced a bit and Annie realized somebody was moving it as it focused in on her round, glistening buttocks and spread legs. The camera zoomed in between her legs and she stared transfixed at the screen zoomed in on both her asshole and cunt gaping wide open, a steady stream of white fluid leaking from both orifices. The camera stayed focus on this for several minutes then slowly moved up body, drenched in cum, to her face. She had cum all over, her hair soaking wet from it, an unmistakable smile on her face as she laid there, almost the camera faded to black again.

Annie stared at the blank screen, her heart racing in fear. The confidence she had felt earlier was totally shattered. She realized this tape was more damaging than either of the two the boys had used before. This tape only showed one person's face--Annie's--as she fucked and sucked over a dozen men with obvious enjoyment.

Knowing she should be crying, what Annie felt was instead anger. How DARE they do this to her! She was going to stop the boys once and for all. She didn't know what to do about this tape, but she knew she must end this for good.

She was infuriated and needed time to think, and the perfect distraction would be the grocery store. Going downstairs she found the list from her mother, thankful for something to take her mind off the tape upstairs. Her mind clouded with anger, she headed out the door to go to the grocery store as her mind tried to unravel the new events.

Since Bob wasn't home she would have plenty of time and be back long before he came over. She was not in any rush though; he knew where they kept the spare key so he could make himself home if she wasn't back in time. She needed the time to think...

Getting into her car her nose smelled the faint scent of cum and sex and through the haze of anger realized she would have to wash the seats in her car before getting home. Her mind again flashed to the scenes on the tape as she pulled out of the driveway, trying to calm down enough to sort through her angered thoughts. Driving to the store she kept her windows open to air it out, thankful for the nice day.

Focusing her mind on grocery shopping, Annie's panic slowly dwindled. She knew she would have to play along with the boys' game for now, but they'd eventually make a mistake and she could get away. Her mind resolved with an undetermined plan, she finished shopping, the familiar duty putting her somewhat at ease.

As she packed the groceries into the car she once again noticed the strong musky odor of sex. Knowing there was a car wash company on the way home, she decided to stop there and get it cleaned. It would be expensive to have it fully detailed, but she couldn't keep that smell in the car—especially if Bob got in...

She pulled into the car wash and got out of the car, suddenly noticing all the men watching her as she went inside, her mind suddenly focused on their attention to her. Seeing her reflection in the glass door she smiled—she looked almost like the sexy farmer's daughter. Her shirt was unbuttoned and tied off at her waist showing her bare midriff and revealing quite a bit of cleavage. And her shorts...she didn't realize how short they really were but they almost looked like "Daisy Duke" shorts, noticing the bottom part of her ass cheeks trying to peek through. No wonder her mother had looked at her strangely she realized. Almost laughing at the new distraction, she smiled at how good she looked---all she needed was a straw hat she thought jokingly.

The guys were very polite to her as she asked to have her car washed and the insides thoroughly cleaned out. The man at the counter smiled slyly at her saying they would give her a good going over and she smiled back. There were some advantages to being attractive, her mind briefly straying to Bryan's comment on her deserving the men's abuse.

Trying to keep her mind off the mall incident, she sat down and crossed her legs, starting to read an old issue of Woman's Week. Out of the corner of her eye she could see all the guys at the car wash glancing at her at various times and grinned, knowing they all would be coming into the waiting room while her car was washed with various excuses to see her.

This was almost a familiar setting, although she had never dressed this scantily in public, she was used to men giving her a bit more attention due to her looks. Yes, was something she was familiar with and it put her mind a bit more at ease as she tried to forget her predicament...

"M'am?" a voice broke through her reading and she looked up, seeing a cute guy in front of her. "If you have a minute the boys had a few questions on how your car," asking her to follow him outside.

Her car was parked to the side, still wet from the car wash, all the doors opened and a crowd of guys with rags and various spray bottles in their hands. An extremely large number of guys were "working" on her car she realized as she came outside, the other cars parked with no attendants around them. She smiled knowing they were all there wanting to get a look at the hot girl who had brought her car in. She smiled, this was something she was almost used to and instead of being upset, felt almost empowered at their attention. Knowing there wasn't anything they could do, a part of her decided to give them the attention they wanted.

As she moved near she felt a steady mist of water from the cars being washed, the cool dampness almost welcomed on her skin from the heat of the day. The mist felt good on her as she moved towards the freshly washed car and crowd of men.

One of the guys said he wanted her to check her tires and asked her to move over to him, the other guys she noticed moving behind her. Smiling wickedly she bent down from the waist, pretending to inspect her tires, knowing she was giving the men behind her a good view of her ass peeking out from her short shorts.

She felt the all-familiar flush to her body and was thankful for the cool mist of the car wash blowing on her as she moved from tire to tire, taking her time, giving the guys a good eyeful.

Her heart was beating fast and she felt almost wicked the way she was teasing them, but couldn't help it. As she bent over the tire she felt a small tickle on her leg, seeing the mist of the water from the car wash causing the water to bead upon her legs. A small trickle of water was running down the inside of her thigh...almost causing her to gasp as it felt like a finger sliding down her leg.

The men had her inspect every part of the car and she smiled, knowing they didn't give a damn about her car; they were all focused upon her. She felt her hair damp on her head and noticed her clothes sticking to her—suddenly realizing there was a reason they had parked her car here. Her top was now wet from the mist of the car wash, clinging to her like a second skin. She glanced down seeing it was obvious she was braless, her nipples hard and sticking out from the cold water.

Instead of being upset, she almost laughed; it was quite ingenious and wondered if they had done this before. She stood up from the bumper—the last thing they had left to "show" her—and adjusted her top, causing the material to press further against her now almost bare tits.

The men told her she was welcomed to watch them clean the inside of her car to "make sure they got it right," and she grinned, knowing full well why they wanted her to stay. Instead of being upset she was excited and agreed, leaning against the car. She stretched her one leg out and bent the other to the tire as she stood there seductively.

What a sight she must be she thought: long legs, short jean cut-offs, and a now see-through blouse—showing off her tits and ass like a slut. Instead of being ashamed, she was reveling in the feelings she was having as they got a full show of her body.

At one point she bent through the car window talking to the guys cleaning inside, knowing full well they could see down her blouse not caring...actually wanting them to see her. She knew the guys behind her were also getting a good view of her ass.

Inside the car, one of the men commented on the odor from the leather seats and she grinned wickedly at him, knowing he knew full well what the odor was and not being ashamed at all at this point. She laughed and told them she spilt a cocktail and grinned wickedly at him, the guys in the car laughing at her playful twist on words knowing full well what she meant.

She continued her teasing until eventually the car was cleaned and there were no more excuses available. As she thanked the men around her, she turned to go pay for the service when the guy who came in to get her originally, the manager she knew now, told her there was no charge. She asked why and they gave her an excuse about her being the 500th customer of the week and got a free wash. She knew damn well why they were letting her have the wash for free after displaying herself to them and grinned.

She thanked them all telling them she wished she could show her appreciation in some way and the men all laughed saying it was their pleasure. Getting into the car one of them told her she should come by regularly to keep her car in shape. She grinned wickedly, knowing they only wanted to see her body again and an evil thought came to her as she told them, "Oh, I'll be back, I wouldn't mind 'cumming' here more often." A few of the men smiled as she stressed the word.

As she started the car the manager handed her a card, telling her she should register in their free drawing for a lifetime car wash. Looking down she saw a blank index card and smiled at him, asking innocently what he needed. Telling her they just needed her name and phone number she wrote "Annie" and her cell phone number. Before giving it back, another thought hit her and she put a heart over the "i" in her name, giving it little devil horns. Handing the card back she smiled, telling him she hoped she was lucky soon.

Laughing as she drove away, she realized there were some bonuses to showing herself off...she got a $50 car wash for no charge!

Keeping the windows opened to let the air dry her clothes, she took her time, thinking about what had happened, wondering what was going on. What the hell was she thinking she realized? She's trying to get out of a sexual predicament and what does she do—goes and displays her body before a group of strangers. She would never have exposed herself in such a way before, why did she do it now? And to make matters worse she enjoyed it and even egged them on.

Two weeks ago and her involvement with Brian and William she would not have done anything so promiscuous. She would not even have gone out in public dressed the way she was and yet there she was, teasing a bunch of strange men in such a fashion. Standing unabashedly in front of them pretty much topless she had just smiled at them. What was happening to her? Exposing her body in public like that?

Her mind even more distraught than when she left the house, Annie headed home only to find Bob's truck in the driveway.


I couldn't believe my luck finding Annie and her parents gone when I arrived at their house Sunday--the day after her trip to the mall. I was anxious to know what had happened the previous day, and ran up the stairs to read her diary as soon as I let myself in with the spare key. They never minded me coming in, which is why they had even let me know where the spare key was and I often let myself in while waiting for them to get home, so this was nothing unusual.

What was unusual was prying open my fiancée's diary...but I had to know what had happened yesterday!

I couldn't believe what I read. I have since described her visit to the mall in detail, but as I read her own words for the first time, I couldn't help but get excited. Pulling out my cock, I sat on her bed reading her diary, slowly stroking myself off.

I literally came when I read how she had sucked off my friends in the men's restroom. I had always bragged to them how well Annie sucked cock, and now they knew from first-hand experience. I was curious and even anxious to see how they acted at work tomorrow and resolved to purposely draw the conversation toward Annie and her luscious mouth. I was incredibly aroused thinking about the irony of them thinking they knew something I didn't about their encounter.

I should have been angry or upset, yet instead I was highly turned on. Call me sick or perverted, but I have always fantasized watching Annie with another man--actually, I should say men. Seeing her with William and Brian was a fantasy come true and as I read about her shopping trip, I couldn't help but get even more excited. My only jealousy was not being able to see her in action myself.

Reading about her little party, I again became hard as a rock. Though her description was sketchy due to her passing out literally from an orgasm, I could only imagine the sight of her before all those men.

As I sat on the bed, thinking about my fiancée-turned-slut and wishing I could have seen it, I noticed a card lying on the floor. Picking it up, it was addressed to Annie and curiosity getting the better of me, opened it and saw the little note the boys had left her. I didn't understand what it meant until I saw the DVD sticking out of Annie's computer.

Pushing it in and watching, I couldn't believe my eyes. There was Annie, just like her diary said, getting serviced by man after man. The sight was even more exhilarating than reading it in her diary and suddenly my cock started spurting in my hand. I shot a thick stream of cum on the keyboard and diary lying on the desk and panicked. How would I explain THAT to her?

I sat there wondering what to do until I noticed other stains on the pages. Looking closely at them the odor of sperm reached my nostrils and I realized they were from dried cum. Annie must have written in her diary right when she had gotten home, still covered by all the spunk of the other men. I relaxed, knowing she would not notice my contribution to the diary's use--as long as it dried in time. Not believe how lucky I was to have found the DVD, I watched the entire movie, cumming yet a third time that day.

Once I was finished cleaning it up, I put the diary back in her closet exactly as I found it and sat down. Knowing Annie would be home shortly; I turned on her dubbing software and burned a copy of the disk for myself—this would be something I HAD to have at home I realized. The copy was at 98% completion when I heard a car outside. Looking out the window, I saw Annie's car. The disk finished just in time as I put the original disk as I found it and grabbed my DVD.

I ran downstairs to sit on the couch waiting for her, stuffing the disk into my gym bag. Still excited from the video and diary, I greeted her at the door and gave her a big kiss. She looked incredible! She was wearing short jean cut-offs and a white blouse tied over her stomach. Even more surprising was the site of her nipples through her blouse and knew she was not wearing a bra, very unusual for her unless she had no other option. Moving my hands over her body, she suddenly pulled away.

"Not now Bob, I'm too sore." I saw the panic in her face as she realized what she had said.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"I mean...I mean...I went to aerobics yesterday and must have pulled a muscle. Yeah, I'm sure that's what happened. I'm just not in the mood right now, sorry." She looked at me with something close to anxiousness and I quietly accepted her excuse, knowing full well why she was "sore."

Feigning innocence I helped her unpack the groceries, constantly glancing at how sexy she looked in her clothes. She reminded me of Jessica Simpson in the Dukes of Hazard movie...only a brunette version, and found myself getting hard even after blowing my wad several times already.