Anniversary Ch. 04


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"Of course, Sir." I grinned as he grimaced at my use of the word 'Sir'.    

David dragged me into the back garden, there were a few others there huddled around a log fire. I was introduced as Karen's boyfriend. Janice and Alice were there, plus a couple from Karen's work team, some next-door neighbours who I recognised. It was all quite convivial, I actually got a big hug from Janice and Alice, I thought Janice was going to break my ribs. Whilst in the hug Janice said to me. "Karen tipped us off a couple of weeks ago about the two Karens, is it working?"  

"So far."  

They both smiled and Janice said, "Good."  

We set fireworks off, there weren't many, this was just a shallow excuse to get together for a drink and to play Karen's games. I think most people there knew what was happening. This time even me.  

After we burnt some sausages on the fire David dragged me inside. I suspected the future father-in-law chat. I wasn't wrong, and he wasn't very serious. He was playing the game to keep his daughter happy.  

David popped into the kitchen and came back clutching another bottle of 1698. He said to me, "Come and sit down, let's have a chat. I want to know what your intentions are towards my daughter." Then he realised what he'd said had put pressure on me and his face dropped. I knew what my intentions were to her, but I wasn't going to tell anybody. He was not as practised at playing the game as I was but I let him off the hook. I smiled at him and said. "Yes, let's."  

We went and sat down in the lounge in front of the fire. I didn't have time to pour the beer into my glass when there was a furry cat ball landed on my lap. They remembered me as well, they'd been kept indoors because of the fireworks. The girls had left the room probably to leave us alone.

So I leaned forward to David and in a quiet voice I said, "Sir, my intentions are mostly honourable." He smiled back.   

"Mostly honourable, I like that. We would be grateful if you keep your noise honourable, not too loud. The sound insulation in the van isn't that good." I didn't want to tell him I had a ball gag just for that reason, that could be a step too far. "And the names David not Sir." Sipping my beer and playing with the cat and he looked at me in a serious tone of voice, "so son really, is her game working. I'll keep it to myself whatever you say. Can you play her game?"  

"I can play it. It was hard work in the beginning working out which Karen I was talking to even though she gave me lots of signs. But I think old Karen is fading away and new Karen is taking over. I like the new Karen. She's a slightly tougher version of the old Karen." I felt he wanted to say something, or possibly ask a question. But he didn't.  

He leaned back in his chair, looked at me and told me that they had seen the change over the Halloween weekend, they had trick or treaters knocking on the door. Karen asked for a trick and of course they didn't have one. She then put on a stern voice and said to them, "You need to be prepared better next year." And then she gave them an apple. He told me that the word must have gotten round because they stopped having callers. He leaned forward, looked at me. "She really has toughened up, you know, she thinks more about what she's doing. She will never make that mistake again." He clapped me on the knee as he stood up, looking down at me and said. "Another 1698 I guess." I smiled and nodded at him.  

Karen and I carried on seeing each other or at least talking every day. We sort of hedged around future plans, I suggested a holiday together and asked her where she would like to go. She told me boating on the Norfolk Broads. I asked her who she was suggesting that for; me or herself. By keeping you happy I'm happy, anyway it's something we've never done before and I believe there are lots of ropes on boats.. I was going to ask her if she'd asked old Karen about it. I guessed that was where the idea came from, but I decided this was a good melding of the two Karens and one I could certainly live with.  

I had decided it was about time that I took charge for a change. Now it's time for me to dig back into the adventures of old Karen and myself. I made my plans and kept an eye on the weather. It was an early November Friday, it dawned bright and was one of those days that you get in winter in England that is out of character. As long as you stood in the sun you were perfectly warm, go in the shade and it was cold. There was no wind to cool things down.  

I'd done my reconnaissance. And checked the timetable. I phoned Karen, asking if she could get off early at 2:00 o'clock and I would pick her up. She told me she could mangle it if she worked her lunch. I told her I would pick her up outside her office.

She was there spot on time, she got in my SUV and I drove off got to a quiet country lane, I pulled over, I looked at her and said. "Do you trust me?"   

"Yes of course, why?"  

I handed her a pair of red leather gloves and a scarf. "Put the gloves on and then blindfold yourself."   

"What's happening?" she said looking at me quizzically.  

"You'll see." Or perhaps she won't, I wondered if she noticed it was the same scarf I used in those games all those years ago. She did as I asked and giggled at the same time, I think she knew where this was going but, in my mind, it's going to be oh so much more.  

I carried on driving hoping not to get seen by anybody. We reached the car park I had planned. It was mostly empty. I went round the car and opened the door for her, she slid out, I asked her to take her coat off, she did, I quickly spun her around, grabbed her hands and handcuffed her hands behind her back over the cuff of her gloves. I didn't want to leave marks on her wrists like I'd seen on Miriam. "Wow, really kinky."  

"Safety is to shake your head and hum God save the King got it?"  

"Yes, but w..." was as far as she got before I popped the ball gag into her mouth and tightened the strap behind her head.  

I leaned into her and whispered, "last time we did this it was slipknots so I could get you free easily there are no slipknots in handcuffs. And the keys are staying in the car. I felt her shudder. I placed her coat back over her shoulders hiding the handcuffs. I adjusted the blindfold so she could see underneath it. She could see downwards where she was walking; the last thing I needed was a broken ankle. I grabbed the bag out so SUV that I'd placed there earlier  

What I didn't tell her was I had taken the link out of the handcuffs and it was held by a bit of string she could snap if she tried. And, yes, I did have the keys in my pocket. We walked down the path I had chosen, I then took a detour off into the woods I found the spot I was aiming for that I had reconnoitred earlier.  

From my bag I took out a blanket and laid it on the floor. It was relatively warm in the sun but we weren't going to lay down. I got her to stand in the middle of it. I slipped the coat off her shoulders then I undid her blouse and her bra and slid them down to her wrists. I undid her skirt and let it fall to the floor, she was wearing stockings but no panties. I think she guessed something was going to happen after I picked her up. I had a rope which I tossed up over a bough of the tree. I quickly uncuffed her hands, removed her clothes and re-cuffed her hands in front of her. I got the rope and threaded it through the chain links of the handcuffs. I pulled on the rope until she was stretched. She was breathing heavily and she wasn't the only one. Looking at her naked and tied up I was having problems walking. From the bag I took a small round paper black disc and put it high on her chest just above her left breast. It would look like a beauty spot from a distance. I looked at my watch 3 minutes before the express train, if it was on time.   

I got on my knees and started attacking her clitoris with my tongue, she was already wet. I put two fingers into her very much like last time. I moved them rapidly in and out, I could hear breathing heavily around the gag and then I stopped and stood back just as the express train went thundering past. I bet she remembered the next train was a slow train. It may even stop, I carried on my administration's she was breathing and shuddering heavily. I didn't let her have an orgasm, I kept teasing her, bringing up to the edge and then pulling back. I heard the slow train coming. A quick glance at my watch it was a couple of minutes early, it was going to stop. It did. I went behind her, I managed to slip myself in, she spread her legs slightly and pushed back at me I started to fondle her breasts and play with her pussy. I whispered into her ear that cameras are better on the phones these days.   

The train stopped. Then we heard the shouting start. "Go on mate, fucking give her one." "Fuck her in the ass." "Wank those tits." I had no idea what that last one meant. It looked like it could be some sort of Rugby or Football club outing or something like that. They were hanging out of the windows and shouting. They all had their cameras out. I whispered into her ear you've got a fan club over there as the train started to pull away, I let her come. If she hadn't been tied to the tree she would've fallen over. I managed to redress her as much as I could while she's still attached to the tree when I released her handcuffs. I slipped her blouse and bra back on but didn't do them up, again I placed her coat around her shoulders. Gathering my toys we headed back to the car. I had to be careful she wasn't very stable on her feet; I almost carried all the way back to the car.  

I didn't want to be seen; the car park was still empty. Now for a change in the plan over what we did all those years ago. I opened the tailgate and sat her on the edge of the boot still blindfolded and gagged. I handcuffed her hands behind her back and rolled her into the load space and said to her. "Colour red?" She shook her head. "Amber." There was a hesitation but she shook her head. "Green." She nodded, I pulled the load cover across and closed the tailgate.  

I drove gently to the house. I'd prepped the house for this. I reversed the car up and as we got closer, I used the automatic opener to open the garage door, I reversed the car up so half of it was inside the garage. I went round and opened the tailgate. She had no idea where she was. I pulled her from the car and bent her forwards over the tailgate, with my feet I pushed her legs apart then my fingers started playing with the clitoris. She was breathing heavily again, I didn't wait this time. I inserted myself fully into her and it wasn't long before she and I were both coming. My first time today but not hers.  

I had to get my breath back. We weren't finished. I leaned forward and whispered into her ear.   "Now I'll take you home." With that I eased her back into the load space, grabbed another piece of rope tied it around her ankles and hogtied her. I got down close to her ear and said to her, "We're going to drive home now. I want you to start counting when the car starts moving and stop counting when the car stops. Remember the number."  

I drove out of the garage and closed it behind me. I drove down the end of the road and turned around and came back. I reversed up the drive. I went round to the back of the car and opened the tailgate. I took the blindfold off, the gag out and untied her legs. Her hands were still cuffed behind her back. I helped her to swing round and sit up; she needed a bit of help.  

"What did you get to?" I asked.   

"35." she said.   

I whispered to her. "How far do you think we can drive? It's 35 seconds."   

She looked at me. "Not far." I could see her shiver when she realised what had just happened.  

"So, I shagged you in the back of our car amongst all our neighbours and friends. I wonder if we were seen?" She shuddered, I think she may have come again. I still wasn't finished  

"Right let's get you indoors." She rattled the handcuffs at me. I took the keys out of my pocket and jungled them in front of her. "If you want them, you'll have to come and get them." With that I walked away and went in the front door, I did leave it open. Her blouse was open and her skirt was around her waist and she was handcuffed. At least it was fully dark by now. She ran the best she could, bursting through the door.  

Even with her hands handcuffed behind her she squashed me against the wall and kissed me hard, when she finished. She told me it was fucking amazing. We are going to have to do something like that again. I turned her round, took the handcuffs off her, slipping them in my pocket so she didn't see the string link. We both needed to sit down and drink something stronger than strong tea.  

There were reports in the paper on Tuesday of shenanigans in the woods. A tied-up lady having sex and something about a large beauty spot above her left breast. Good job Karen's beauty spot was in my bedside cabinet.  

We spent the weekend together, as we had pretty much most weekends. She let me know that her parents were planning a Christmas dinner and I was invited especially if I bought more presents like the last lot. Over the weekend I went online and ordered the same presents to save me rushing around trying to find them. We talked about Christmas presents for each other. We decided there was nothing we needed. Then we made the list of what we're going to get the cats, they we're going to get more than we were.  

By the time Christmas came around we were settled into a comfortable routine and I was considering asking her to move in with me in the New Year, that was the next step. And on Boxing Day Karen and I were sat quietly in David and Miriam's lounge whilst they were doing the washing up, well stacking the dishwasher. I asked if she'd like to move in with me. David and Miriam rushed into the room at the squeal of her voice. To find the two of us sat in one arm chair and she was smothering me with kisses. I took it that was a 'yes'. She looked up at them and said. "Mum, Dad you can have your caravan back now." They both smiled, I wasn't sure if it was because they were going to get the mobile kink bedroom back or Karen was moving back in with me.  

There was a large New Years party at one of Karen's cousins, we all went. It soon became common knowledge that she was moving back in with me.  

After she moved back in, things settled down to how they had been before Oliver turned up on the scene. In fact, thinking about it they were better, she was that just a little bit harder, but still the same loving Karen. At the New Years party Janice told me, without being prompted, that new Karen was not the soft pushover she had been, as a few people in the agency had found out.  

Towards the middle of February, I noticed she went quiet, then I started to worry again. I did ask her several times, she just pulled herself up, looked at me, stroked my face and said "There's nothing for you to worry about my love. Old Karen is long gone." Then she would kiss me and smile, but I detected a sadness in her smile.  

I asked Miriam and David; they had noticed it but couldn't put their finger on it either.  

I even phoned Janice, she confirmed there was nothing going on, but they had noticed that she was a little bit quiet. Something crossed my mind but it wasn't a leap year.  

The 28th of February fell on a Saturday, Karen was up early and told me she had arranged for the two of us to have lunch in a pub down by the river. It was chucking down the rain, it was cold and it was windy and it was wet. A typical February in England. I wasn't looking forward to it. Anyway, I did as I was told. We got there and we had a nice dinner. I wanted to stay in front of the roaring log fire, it was better than the one we had at home. But she insisted we went home. I had a feeling this was going to be the reveal of what was bothering her. And to be honest I was a little bit scared. We were walking back to the car when she took my hand and dragged me under a tree. It was still windy and blowing a bastard, but it had stopped raining. Suddenly she pushed me back against a tree and kissed me. She stood back and looked me in the face. "I love you so very much, I don't want to lose you. I hope I've proven to myself to you but I will not do anything like that again. But I can't wait any longer. I know it's not a leap year. But will you marry me? I want to be the best wife I can ever be for you." Bugger I was going to propose on her birthday in a months' time.  

There was only a simple answer. "Yes."  

"Oh, thank God, I was so worried you'd say 'no' that's what's bothered me the last few weeks." I didn't tell her I planned to propose on her birthday.  

I think we both floated back to the car. When we got there, she asked if I minded her telling Miriam and David the news. I was party to the conversation over the phone and then Miriam said something I thought was strange. "Have you set a date yet?"  

Bloody hell she's only just asked me.  

Karen looked at me "How about the 7th of April, Brian's birthday. Two celebrations in one."  

The crafty moo, that was about five months from our old wedding anniversary and it would be a double celebration. I laughed. "Sounds bloody good to me. you'd better start planning. That's not far away."  

I heard Miriam say. "It's OK, we're on it." Karen hung up.   

We were stopped at traffic lights, watching the windscreen wipers, when she took my hand, looked at me and said. "Don't be surprised if mum hasn't done half the planning already."  

And on the 7th of April we became Mr and Mrs Wallis again.  

The end.


Doctor Jane did get her paper written and it helped her towards her professorship. I did ask about the flowers, and I was right, she turned it round.' Do you think you picked them up subliminally on purpose? ' Is what she asked me. We did invite her and Roger to our wedding, it was sort of showing off. But also, how grateful we were to her. She did help both of us. Although Karen was heading the right way, I think the "let another man take control of your life," comment really sealed it, that would not happen again. Rumour has it that Oliver has moved further north, to Scotland. I think he got fed up having ' accidents' around Cheryl 's brother. If I ever meet the man I'll buy him a beer, bloody hell I'd buy him a barrel of beer. He's probably saved me from going to gaol.

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AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

Once a cheater always a cheater

LegacybadLegacybadabout 1 month ago

It started good, but then it got weird and confusing at times, everyone was confused, Karen Brian and I. It had its moments and a bit of good humor. But at times it was a bit tiresome 3.5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I would say she will make darn good and sure the next guy really is in trouble before going that far again.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Pretty good stories, over all. However, too long. All that new-Karen, old-Karen crap was boring as hell.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This series left me pretty ambivalent about it all. The first chapter was good, could be even a stand-alone story. The rest is just waffling and play pretend. Nurturing split personalities is unhealthy, and there is no psychologist who'd promote that. They'd be pushing for accepting and improving oneself instead. The whole separation and reconciliation feels contrived and after the first chapter I completely disconnected from the characters.

I wish I stopped reading after the second chapter but I caught myself into the usual "let's see where it's going it might be worth it" fallacy.

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